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The Weald /b/ Anonymous 08/14/2024 (Wed) 10:31:16 No. 309 [Reply]
A place to comfypost or a mini /b/; this thread is a /b/ with niche topics. Like a /b/ + /hisrol/ + /vr/. RP (or Roleplay) is encouraged at random like Oblivion NPCs. Randomposts & hitting up a conversation is also allowed here. /vr/ discussion of TES II: Daggerfall Unity or TES IV: Oblivion or Oldschool Runescape or Adventure Quest or The Sims 1 or RollerCoast Tycoon or Zoo Tycoon is permitted. Discussing Minecraft is allowed (but oldschool versions like early Alpha or Beta encouraged). Daggerfall Unity: https://github.com/Interkarma/daggerfall-unity/releases Guide: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall_Mod:Daggerfall_Unity/Installation Adventure Quest https://aq.battleon.com/game ... /v/ Traditional Roguelikes are allowed to be discussed. Traditional Roguelikes to play DCSS (Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup) https://crawl.develz.org/download.htm ADOM

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Anyone knowledgeable into gardening, specifically home made compost?
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>>742 I have no idea about gardening, ngl anon.

/8flags/ meta Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 20:48:50 No. 262 [Reply]
welcome to >>>/8flags/ this board is a hybrid of /ck/, /k/, /vr/, /an/, /mu/, /u/, /mlp/, /fast/
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it's 9/11
+2 brony threads today!

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Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 20:09:29 No. 715 [Reply]
new brony thread /mlp/
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>>756 Hey again.

Old Vidya Music /vr/ + /mu/ Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 19:47:44 No. 670 [Reply] [Last]
Retro /vr/ music
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yuri tavern Anonymous 08/16/2024 (Fri) 15:22:55 No. 461 [Reply]
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Equestria Girls Pics Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 19:42:37 No. 710 [Reply]
Post Equestria Girls /mlp/

🎤︎ Sonic Jam ♫ Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 04:56:07 No. 26 [Reply] [Last]
/fast/ + /mu/
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Doggo Girl Thread Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 02:07:56 No. 10 [Reply]
໒( ̿❍ ᴥ ̿❍)ʋ /an/ + /u/
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>>275 We are from >>>/ai/ this season's pretty cure is about girls LOVING their pets

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Dog Thread Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 14:33:22 No. 7 [Reply]
post doggos
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Koala Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 10:04:40 No. 39 [Reply]
> smallest brain relative to body size among mammals, dumb as shit > sleeps 20 hours a day, spends the rest eating > defence mechanism: eating so much toxic shit that other animals don't dare come close Is there a better animal?
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>>39 >squirts blood at you
Sea lion looks incredibly silly chasing penguins on land.
>spends its life just sticking out from the sand and swaying in the ocean current in sync with others in the colony >when scared it retreats into its hole and shoots out mucus block up the hole >Its biggest predator eats them by just burrowing under them then yanking them down into the sand from below

Girls und Panzer & Strike Witches Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 05:58:17 No. 183 [Reply]
/k/ + /mu/ + /u/
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>>190 That effin symbol just jogs my memory Be me after finishing highschool. Going to friend’s house, he teach me this side-scrolling MMO. Somehow got addicted. Also watch Strike Witch a month later. Looking for guild recruitment in that game (it has a physical bulletin board in-game which you need to go to park to access) by typing whatever game/anime I like. >find 501st, complete with that symbol >my other option was Touhou guild, with description “Lolicon inside. We also have pedo” Get confirmed, my progress help guild rank up to 3/4 (max 7 or 9 I don’t remember) 6 months later, somehow I bring my little brothers to play the game. Ask them to join our guild. Guild master offline for 2-3 weeks so can’t confirm (he also take long time to confirm me) . I decide to just make my own guild. Spend 3 weeks of college holiday (also big portion of college) playing the game 2 months later the game localizer announces they will close our server

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Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 12:18:04 No. 136 [Reply]
tell me about your favorite old games. 6th gen max. /vr/
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Two games everyone on /8flags/ should play: RollerCoaster Tycoon Zoo Tycoon (2001) Complete Collection
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Underrated gem. Lately I feel tempted to play more Croc Legend of the Gobbos.
I recommend Realms of the Haunting.

/mu/palooza: music general Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 07:03:29 No. 28 [Reply] [Last]
/mu/ dance party
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your daily /ck/ Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 00:54:19 No. 8 [Reply]
Share what you just cooked up and talk about food. Debate snacks. Share recipes, if you'd like. But most importantly, for daily /ck/, talk about what you just made to eat. /8flags/ edition
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baked a black forest cake it was very moist and absolutely covered it with ganache on top
>>8 Pic 2 looks vaguely like it could be a very early Ern drawing.
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These days I eat a lot oranges. Like to think they give me energy.

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 03:26:19 No. 79 [Reply]
Sonic the Hedgehog /fast/
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My favorite Sonic soy.

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Brony Town Colony Anonymous 08/11/2024 (Sun) 06:33:04 No. 225 [Reply] [Last]
8/mlp/ & mlpol.net
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I'll be watching Tenchi Muyo again in the cytube. https://cytu.be/r/bronytown

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