/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Baby 07/15/2022 (Fri) 04:25:17 No. 14314
WE’RE MAINSTREAM What colors will they add to the flag to represent us?? https://archive.ph/JjoAC
>>14446 lets be real here Lolly and Ellaraine only chat with white dudes theyre fine with black girls but if you’re a dude who isn’t a young white guy then you’re not fucking with them unless you pay up
>>14641 I'm a DL and wear frequently for mostly non-sexual enjoyment. However diapers are frequent features in my fantasies including the ones with children.
>>14414 >this is a flood pressing against a dam, one that cannot hold.. Heheh
>>14314 >cybersecurity analyst >has face photos on New York Post. I guess it’s 8D chess because once something is public knowledge, it can’t be used as blackmail.
>>14314 Based boomers making comments at the bottom telling them how abnormal it is and that this bitch needs to get help.
>>14671 >lolly only talks to white guys not true my friend not true
>>14582 >>I honest to god wonder if I have repressed memories because I ended up a pedo… (Silently backs off as far away as possible)
>>14800 Why? Theres nothing wrong in being pedo as long as you don't abuse anyone
>>14804 Stop trying to make pedos work
>>14800 I don't know if you noticed but there are quite a few of us here.
chemically castrate yourselves >>14815 >>14804 >>14800
>>14816 Honestly, what would be the point? Do you go around telling single straight guys to chemically castrate themselves just in case they get overwhelmed by lust and go out and rape a woman? If I get horny I just masturbate to lolis. If you've made it this far into the internet you should have noticed that guys who spend their time fapping to 2D anime girls don't tend to be all that sexually active in real life. Imagine telling the average daki-owning /a/non that they need to be castrated to protect the world's women from their ravenous sexual apatite. It's ridiculous.
>>14817 kys pedo trash
>>14804 I hope you get handcuff to a bed while the oven is on you sick fuck.
>>14817 shut up and go back to your homeless tent you sick fuck
What if we swatted Capcon and made them all go Mainstream like the swatting of furry convention.
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in toast resting times these days seem to be.... at least the based dept. tells the pedos to catch lead... gasoline sprinklers and phosphoric rounds...
>>14822 >>14840 >>14864 Wow such edgy
>>14865 Thanks I almost cut my dick off! At least try convey some sense of humor rather NPC posting "originality" in response to le edge post. Go outside touch grass, engage with regular people, find enjoyment in simple things, fuck go kidnap a senile woman and stage stopping traffic to help her cross the street... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money Cherry picked as fuck, but this should make any somewhat functional person vomit. Why is it that the same two non-tangential adjacent segments intersecting over this fetish logically argue from positions "its a you problem" "you're broken blah blah blah" "its childhood trauma" perspective wise this is from a position of 'you problem to fix' and seems to ignore massive societal upheavals in how our species conducts tribal cohabitation that now have an effect unknown of the human psyche which certain kelptocratic oligarchical structures argue to divert addressing the fact that we might be looking at this rock being Venus in a few thousand year. >You can fix climate change >its YOUR carbon footprint that will fix it >we ALL need to do thing but YOU do this thing Is it by design, nature, randomness, all combined, that these things operate in mannerisms that are are on a 1 to 1 likeness in argumentative techniques? All three have also have created some vira-logical capacity that projects a notion of evil? (side note: imagine we are living in 1912, 1830, etc all the same things that generally comprise a 'person' exist so all the evils and woes we have blasted into our screens are still as relevant today I'm not sure many of us would survive adolescents, myself included. Trauma hardened our species.) Anyways I ain't getting fucking paid to sit here and type this shit...... In closing >demonetize all the things around adolescent growth as this is a bad fucking idea, always was/always has been Cambridge Analytica has only thrown nuclear weapons into this dumpster fire. >Sorry existence is shit, none of us are special and the universe we all marveled at in the deep field scan gives zero fucks >ABDL isn't your personal life raft, especially as we watch you pull the same fucking shit every time. Tard raging over some tiny slight that "harms" your struggle, destroying a life raft that you were allowed into in the process..... >Seek professional medical help please >Anyone actually wanting to deal with phobophilic predilections, predispositions w/e. Find a medical treatment program that is actually trying to give a fuck about attempting to throw you a bone. None of what anyone says from your camp holds water. IF it were down to me, I'd be humane and use firing squads; likely, more consideration, respect than afforded to your "given rights" than you've ever given to anything being vacuous monsters only fueled by pleasure. Truly there are non so vile as the worst cases brought to light; truly terrifying chains of evidence.... (causes one to shudder knowing you never catch the really 'good' criminals, what truly unknown horror lurks afoot) Worlds kind of going to shit by a lot of metrics, sorry we all believed the lie sold to us... It's only going to get way worse
Does this board seriously not ban pedos on sight
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>>14869 bruh what?
>>14874 Lmao. Anon, this board got its seed population when 8kun banned loli and shota. That's why it's a thing. You found your way to the wrong part of the internet, either accustom yourself to loli fapping pedos being present or find another haunt.
>>14883 There's a difference between loli or shota and sharing a board with actual child fuckers
>>14883 Did you skip med day? Always take your medication.
>>14883 >non, this board got its seed population when 8kun banned loli and shota. honestly that is true but 8kun went to shit in general so its not the reason why this board took over
>>14900 not here for the pedo shit too! here because the only good boards are here and /aco/
>>15508 I’m sad because she deleted her IG and privated her Twitter… fuck Cmon Yahoo. Fuck off. The planet is already dying and it’s polluted. China is probably polluting the earth way more than this woman. Have they seen the homeless population in California?!?!
>>15533 yeah, like she uses one diaper every day, compared that the regular number of diapers an actual baby uses in a day and I'm like "what the fuck are you talking about?"
>>15535 Not to mention they basically doxxed her full name. Like fuck off. If I knew this woman existed I could have been spend money on her that’s for sure
>>15508 Fuck that shit. Forget about the pollution, that is fucking gross, and no postal system should handle that shit. >>15544 >doxxed good.
>>15533 >I’m sad because she deleted her IG and privated her Twitter… fuck Oh noes, Generic low IQ camwhore #453546 in a sea of low IQ camwhores might not post pictures any more. What will we do? Oh, I know, just move on to Generic Camwhore #453547! >>15544 > If I knew this woman existed I could have been spend money on her that’s for sure Simps deserve the rope. >Not to mention they basically doxxed her full name Hopefully she learned a valuable lesson about not being an attention whore with the media. >>15590 >Forget about the pollution, that is fucking gross, and no postal system should handle that shit. It's likely to be illegal in many countries, no way that literal shit makes it through customs.
>>15598 I am a Simp owo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4H9kDL-WmU I'm actually happy with how this went. Gives me hope for the future of ABDL.
>>16349 This has to be the most neutral coverage of the community I've ever seen. Well done vice

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