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ABDL IRL Horror Stories Baby 11/28/2022 (Mon) 06:26:06 No. 19928
The most embarrassing or fucked up thing you've ever experienced while indulging in this shit. I'll start. About a year ago I go to this sleepover for littles in my area set up on Fetlife. I don't go to things often, so it's still exciting. I know a few people, but most people I don't. So there's about 6 or 7 littles and probably 10 "caregivers" hanging out. Like 7 guys and 3 girls. One of which was actually surprisingly attractive. Like she wasn't model hot or anything, but to be at something like this event, seriously, not bad. So all the littles including me are watching 101 Dalmatians in the living room, and the caregivers are filtering in and out of that room, the kitchen, and another side room they were hanging out in. I feel the urge to poop coming on, but have the idea to bide my time to mess when the one pretty hot chick is in the room, and as few others as possible, to see if I could get her to change me. Like 20 minutes pass, and what I figure is going to be my best shot arises, it's just the pretty hot girl and two guys in the room for caregivers. So I drop a load in my diaper. The fun starts, it gets announced someone smells something, and the diaper checks start. Unfortunately for me the only one to jump to attention was one of the guys. Unluckily even more so, I was the 2nd one he checked. There goes my chances of being changed by the girl. Oh well, I figure. Babies don't choose who gets to change their diapers, so it's still pretty hot that I don't get a choice. I had never met this guy before, or seen him at the few events that I had gone to. But he was welcome at the event, so I figured he must have known someone. He takes me into a bedroom to change me. And I gotta tell you, this guy was great. Like the best diaper change I've ever had, female or male. Great baby talk, just the right amount of handsy, got me to count the tapes as he did them up. Awesome. And a good diapering too, really snug. It was great. The rest of that night went off without a hitch. Now for the bad part. Fast forward to the next weekend. Covid is just settling down where I live, and my grandparents had the genius idea to have a family reunion, which everyone for some reason agreed to. Seemed pretty dicey to me still, but I still had to make an appearance. So we show up, I hang around for a while, have a beer, and then my mom walks up with this guy to introduce us. It's the guy that changed my diaper. It's my cousin. My cousin I played with all the time but moved across the country when I was 6 or 7. He was in town for the reunion, and I guess he figured he'd catch a little's night while he was here. MFW Please tell me one of you fuckers has something worse than this. It doesn't seem possible but there has to be one of you. My gut still drops to the floor when I think about it. -
>>20497 bullshit man, I saw some of the pics and there were printed diapers laying around too
>>20498 >>20500 Timestamp/screenshots?
>>20506 I'll believe him, I can't expect him to keep a file of evidence for just such an occasion.
>>20508 Okay, >>20475. Incidentally, apparently some furry tried to pass off a puppy pad found at a con as a diaper just the other day to fuel anti-ABDL drama. Curious.
>>20506 watch the video. im not doing the detective work for you.
>>20510 Nah, I think I'll do just fine without watching some Youtuber's staged hate propaganda. Concession accepted.
>>20512 Internet Historian is doing it for the satire yes, however the man does his research. His Costa Concordia video is good, as is the Area 51 video where he does accurate timeline of events.
>>20546 >random tweet with an ifunny.co watermark Real compelling evidence. Would you be interested in buying a bridge while we're at it?
>>20497 >Also, Rainfurrest themselves debunked it: Yeah, it's not like furfags have a pattern of babyfurs being disgusting enough to make an open letter from a con... https://motorcityfurrycon.org/news/dear-mcfc-2022-attendees-an-open-letter/ Rainfurrest is trying to play damage control because furfags are the most cringeworthy representation of ANYTHING they are a part of.
Did someone delete anons story with the whole his mom finding out about his cutesy diapers?
>>20553 Oh yeah, I totally buy there were multiple room parties where they left a bunch of full diapers in tiny hotel trash bins. There's undoubtedly enough autism to do that. The rainfurrest thing though definitely was one asshole who bought a pack of depends and threw them around. Furries are also notoriously bitchy drama whores. It wouldn't surprise me if it were a furry that thinks abdl=pedo nor a babyfur that was disinvited to a room party and trying to kamikaze other babyfurs.
>>20569 Think it's in another thread. Was it this post >>20228
>>19928 And then they all stood up and clapped I take it?
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>Be me >Dump my GF >Suffer from post break up stress >I have exhibitionism. >Live out my greatest dream of wearing diapers on YouTube ironically. >Decide to stealthpost on my main YouTube channel myself in a diaper without anyone seeing it. >My terminally ill online friend saw it >He was pissed off at me >Fuming >He was disgusted >Try to laugh it off >He wasn't having it >Scared for my life and sad >I blocked him >He caught me wearing a diaper. >I tarnished myself >I tried so hard to hide diaper porn from everyone for so long >I blocked him and never talked to him again. This is the worst pain I have ever felt. I was so sad. I didn't cry but I was so sad I lost my best friend. He hates me now but I remember the past. I miss the past when we used to talk about anime together. Shoot the shit about thoughts and opinions. Help me through my darkest times. He helped me with my art. For 7 years! I wish I had never done that. I was going to delete my diaper videos. But I got carried away. Everyday I wish I had a time machine to go back and undo my wrongs. I have been a bad diaper fetishist my entire life. I don't forgive myself for being a bad diaperfag. But this time I will do better by being different.
>>23456 for fucks sake, if he hates you for wearing diapers he's a judgmental prick.
>>19948 > Assaulted. Sexually assaulted. That's what you were
>>23456 What is stealth posting? As in did you post them delete right after?
>>20374 i always assume myself im a fucked up hott mess. a degenerate no one would want. But then i read shit like this and im reminded im not that much of a beast and i have a chance at a normal life.
>Be me >First time meeting up with an abdl >Just recently became outgoing over my diaper fetish so still kinda shy >We play some games, get to know each other drink booze out of baby bottles >Happens a few times, trust building and all >He asks me if I've ever done Nr. 2 in a diaper >We've been meeting a ton so I casually say no and tell him it's not for me >Ask him if he can get me a drink >Comes back after a minute with a glass of milky water as if he dissolved something in to it >Ask him what's up with that >Just some electrolytes haha >Tastes like death, throat immediately closes up after the first sip >Cough for 10 minutes straight >Face starts swelling >Tears drip down my face as my tongue swells and I get troubles breathing >Tell him to call an ambulance while ripping off my diaper and running downstairs >Pass out multiple times, ambulance arrives and pushes an epipen into my thigh >Worst pain of my life, leg feels like it's imploding >Shit myself on the hospital bed 7 hours later Yes, he tried to make me drink a laxative he got for his colonoscopy prep and nearly killed me. Thought it'd be hot to force me into shitting my diaper like it's some hentai novel and tricked me into drinking some fucked up meds. Needless to say the court case was one sided. Never met any other abdl again afterwards.
>>23704 That's fucked... I'm sorry that happened to you anon. Was the case in civil or criminal court?
>>23704 1) I would assume some kind of dr drug 2) Were you allergic or what?
>>23704 I have some horror stories but most of them are super cringe, not this kind of psychotic bullshit. holy ffuucckk man im glad youre okay
>>23709 Not American, sorry. But it is probably closer to what you call a criminal court as far as I understand. He got off on probation and a hefty fine as well as coverage of the medical treatment and the ambulance. >>23719 We met a lot at that point and I trusted him, in retrospect that was stupid but it never even occurred to me someone I spent so many cool and friendly nights with would try something like that. And yes it was an allergic reaction / full blown anaphylactic shock. In the first moment I thought I had a heart attack lol.
>>23724 Any stories in particular that you feel comfortable with sharing? I originally started lurking this board for cringe stories. >>23727 Gotcha. I was mostly curious to know if he had to pay your medical/ambulance bills. A lot of people end up in the hospital once and have to deal with mountains of medical debt. Glad that the judge made sure he paid. Once again, sorry that happened to you especially with someone that you had built up quite a bit of trust with.
>>23728 Not really anything remotely close to these absolute horror shows in this thread, mostly just super cringe stuff from people who have zero social boundary awareness. I am a switch and ex-pro, but one kind of funny situation (horror for someone else) was I had a guy pay for me to come to his apartment and do a mommy session. Did the standard bathing, padding up, powdering, put him in sissy clothing and was about to play with some baby toys when his roommate comes home from work expectantly. So, this man was NOT out to his roommate, and so yea. It went down about how you'd imagine. >What the fuck is this?! what the fuck are you wearing?! What the fuck is going on?! >Youre into diapers and sissy shit wtf That kinda thing. Just kinda awkwardly packing up while his roommate is going off. Was paid up front soooo I cant imagine what else those two had to go through when I left but it was pretty interesting in retrospect. Mostly the only thing that happens to me personally is just men being super cringe like getting 2inches from my face and asking me to be their baby girl despite me knowing nothing about them, or fetlife stalking me and saying how much they love me and sending me messages literally every single day even though I dont respond, when I am mommying at an event some ABDLs will literally go out of their way to re-locate from a group circle to sit next to me. One old due about 80 years old whose fat af with tiny chicken legs (seriously, guy is like 400 pounds on top of an anorexic's pair of legs) who CONSTANTLY HOVERS BEHIND OR AROUND ME and trying to get into all my social conversations which I have to make excuses and say "oops sorry i gotta go" to find someone else to talk to. So, the usual stuff that isn't really story-worthy, just the hug of death from ABDLs that every mommy/switch goes through.
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>>23731 >his roommate comes home from work expectantly. Sides launching into orbit in 3... 2... 1...
>>23732 sorry meant unexpectantly, but i think you got it haha. Yeeeaaa it was super awkward. No idea what happened to him after. He never contacted me for a session after that again :)
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>>23731 You made me wanna check my fetlife messages since that used to always be a laugh. Weirdly enough most of the recent ones are actually respectful people but seem to be treating it more like a dating site which, fair enough i guess. Still got some weird messages of course. There was a chubby guy in a diaper as his profile picture that would message me near daily calling me mummy and asking me to change his nappy but it seemed like one of those things you'd type out when you're mid wank then regret after
>>23731 and people wonder why we cant have nice things
>>23731 Plot twist, his roomie was his gay lover and you were unknowingly involved in a scene that turned into hot sex as soon as you left.
>>23749 This isn't nearly as bad or deranged as some listings I once saw on Craigslist, some of them basically inviting people to break and enter random homes.
>>23749 >My name is X but you can call me sir i always hard pass anyone that does that, sir/ma'am is mark of respect that should be earned. if they don't value it then it's pointless calling them it
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Not my horror story but I was the direct cause of someone else's > delivering pizzas > get an address to ritzy neighborhood > knock on door and it opens to an overwhelming eyeful of pink > is a sissy dressed to the 9's. > the frilliest pink dress Ive ever seen and even the rhumba panties over the diaper. > paci gag strapped in and lockable mittens > he hand me a $50 on a $25 order > dude thanks > door opens up to a milf in a white blouse snd pinstripe skirt > blouse is nice and open revieling an amazing rack and a lacy bra > she asks me flat out if I would like to come back after Im done with work > fuck yeah I would > get done with shift and keep address of kinky couple in mind > arrived at house and knock > door opens to a different women than earlier > this is not the same women from earlier > no where near as milfy as the previous women, even different haircolor and cut. > she asks me what I want > spot husband behind her > husband looks like he's seen a ghost and starts to sweat like crazy > realized what is going on > spaghetti is oozing out of my pockets > oh fuck I made a huge tactical error > "my manager said you overpaid on your pizza and asked me to return some extra cash. > husband has a look of relief as I dont rat him out > husband says keep it as a nice tip and have a good night. > nope the fuck out of there I ened up running into said husband at a gas station and I confronted him. Turns out hsband apperantly hired a mommydom while the wife was away. He's a DL and into the more humiliation side of it. Turns out his wife was more pissed off that he bought and ate an entire pizza and didn't suspect a thing.
>>19948 little late but that shit sounds like rape
>>24041 hilarious

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