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Fictionalized Childhood Experiences (Greentext) Baby 12/02/2022 (Fri) 18:42:58 No. 20133
Because of valid complaints in the childhood experiences thread, I thought it'd be cool to make a thread where creative license is expected. Ideally, it'd have a core of some real experience. Also, greentext because greentext is awesome. I'll start: >Be me, 8 years old >Go to classmate’s birthday party >Her cousin, who seems to be our age, is just walking around in a diaper, no shame >Like, wtf, but no one else says anything, don’t want to be the weird one and bring it up. >Ask parents to set up more playdates with her out of curiosity >Ask her about cousin, she just refers to him as “weird” but not bad to hang out with. >After a number of playdates, go over to play and, holy crap, her cousin is there. >Since it’s not a girl birthday party, the three of us play together (we basically ignored him the first time) >He seems normal now, we play some Nintendo and run around outside. >He runs inside, we play for a couple of minutes before friend drags me inside giggling. >Says I should see this... >We pop into the guest room, cousin anon is on the bed getting changed by his aunt. Room smells of poop. >I couldn't really see much, considering the intensity of the situation, just an open diaper and aunt holding some wipes >Friend giggles >Cousin Anon yells for us to go out >Comes out a few minutes later wearing just his shirt and a diaper >No one talks about it, back to playing like normal. >Fast forward six months >In third grade now, allowed to walk around the neighborhood on weekends. Go to friend’s house. >Friend home, cousin there, aunt babysitting >Cousin Anon in just diaper again >Friend goes to bathroom >Ask Anon about diapers. Just says he likes them. >Aunt overhears me giving him the third degree about diapers, asks if I want to try one >Friend comes out of bathroom. >Moment of utmost courage, say "yes" to aunt. >Expect friend to freak out, but she wants one too. >Aunt diapers us we all go out back and play in diapers for the afternoon. >We did this occasionally for the next couple of years when my friend’s aunt was watching her (she’d give me a call if she could), I was glad friend was willing to wear one too or I would’ve been worried it’d come out at school. >Aunt would change me like it wasn't a big deal - she was used to changing her son I guess. Never saw friend got changed - I think she used them and just changed herself. >Eventually, Cousin Anon hit puberty and was suddenly all embarrassed about wearing diapers, or maybe just in front of girls. He tried to hit on me as I hit middle school but I wasn’t as interested since he’d nixed the diapers. Shot himself in the foot there.
>>29333 Appreciate your contribution anon. Not sure what the whinefaggot is on about
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>>29307 >>29308 >>29309 >>29310 The duplicate lines make it harder to read, so I'll repost the story in a text file with a brief summary next paragraph. In the file, the text formatting is traditional instead of using the chan features for colors and bold/italic. I kept the password for deletion, so I'll also delete the posts later. The story is a follow up to >>29163 and happens about an year later. This time, I meet aunt Sally and cousin Brenda. We go to an amusement park and I face new problems but aunt Sally is there to help. >>29329 Ignore him. People who say something is shit but don't give constructive feedback back are just retards looking for attention. I wish to improve and I don't mind people telling my writing is shit as long they give me pointers on how to improve. Otherwise, their comments don't even register in my mind. I had a lot of fun writing this story and it's the biggest piece of English text I ever wrote with almost 4490 words. Yeah, English is not my first language. For the retard talking shit, can you write fiction in a foreign language? Of course you're going to say "Yes", there's no way to prove it, right? You can just copy a random fiction and claim as yours.
>>29340 There's a flash fiction style called "greentext" that originated on 4chan. What this "author" is doing isn't that. Greentext has almost zero dialogue and use incomplete sentences. There's also just general fiction, this writer is barely doing that. I could critique his writing, but I won't, because it's fucking up the greentext thread and I won't encourage this bullshit. Don't put your wannabe fiction here we already have a thread for that: https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/798.html This thread is dead because the stories are so bad. There's like three of you going back and forth and one of you hates the other two. Also, fictionalized is not the same as "grain of truth" - >>29163. Don't tell me what was true about it. That ruins the whole idea, and the story isn't even close to believable anyway. Look at the beginning stories - they're all somewhat plausible albeit unlikely and have deep description that must have come from some true experiences. TL;DR - There's a ABDL story thread, use that if you want to write fiction. If you're in this thread, do fictionalized greentext stories as the top of the thread says. For fucks sake, why can't ABDLs stay in designated areas, it's like the /aco/ & /d/ drama on 4chan.
>>29333 >the sound in question is coming from a small electric hair trimmer, which has just finished removing the tiny amount of hair that I had in that region I'm guessing this is the not-true part >>29345 I agree with you actually, the other ones like the two guys who were both wearing diapers in a hospital for some reason are okay but the main one you're criticizing is like, just too hard to read and doesn't hook me enough to do so. >For fucks sake, why can't ABDLs stay in designated areas I can tell you that on /aco/ it's because the resident drama queens are unwilling to accept that they're not special and that the thread is a public forum with specific rules that are not catered to letting them post whatever they want (and only what they want)
>>29348 >is a public forum with specific rules that are not catered to letting them post whatever they want (and only what they want) Or I guess a simpler way to put this is they don't think the rules apply to them. Also I might add, personal opinion, I think the non-fictionalized childhood experiences thread was better. The fact those at least had a pretense of being real, even if at times far-fetched made them more enjoyable. Here the knowledge that it's only semi-true hinders some of my enjoyment of the stories, because I don't know if details were changed to make the story more in line with kink and which details those might be.
>>29349 >Also I might add, personal opinion, I think the non-fictionalized childhood experiences thread was better. Yeah, I agree completely, but I think everyone was out of real stories. I used up mine there. The problem was it was devolving into badly written fapfiction the way this one is now. I get your frustration with wanting to believe its true, but those of us with life experiencecan smell bullshit a mile away and it ruins the true thread, yeah I'm happy to share events that fizzled out that were close to becoming more on this thread. Some of the stories I wrote on the true experiences were other AB's stories i'd heard over the years from my IRL ABDL friends. Again, there's a story thread if you want stories. There's this greentext fictionalized thread for a specific spot berween the story thread and the true events thread. And there's a true events thread if you've got that - but people will call out your BS if you try to post fiction there, and rightly so.
>>29345 >BOOOHOOOO if you don't start your lines with > I can't read it >If the story doesn't lack description and uses incomplete sentences, I can't cum >Claims to follow the chan style, can't even properly quote another thread, has to paste a link >IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW MY ARBITRARY DEFINED FORMATTING YOU'RE BAD BECAUSE I SAY SO >I can't help I'll pretend I don't want, so you feel bad >Thread on the first page, plenty of material to read >THIS THREAD IS DEAD! You're an absolute retard and it's good that you're mad. Leave and never return! We all know you won't leave ;^)
>>29357 No one's reading your shit. You are bad at writing in both prose and greentext. Like, are you fucking Croc or something? It's the only thing that makes sense with how butthurt you are over complaints about quality. Do everyone a favor and keep your shitty fiction in the story thread where it belongs.
>>29361 >No one's reading your shit. You read my post ;^) Also replied to it. >You are bad at writing in both prose and greentext. Your opinion is worthless anyway. >Like, are you fucking Croc or something? Yes, I'm your <INSERT BOOGIEMAN HERE>, how you managed to figure that out? >It's the only thing that makes sense with how butthurt you are over complaints about quality. It's (((you))) that is bitching about how people are not following your precious formatting guidelines. Projecting much? >Do everyone a favor and keep your shitty fiction in the story thread where it belongs. I'll post wherever I want to, it's on topic. You can ignore or hide the post but you won't do it. You crave the attention, you must show us how wronged you are. How dare us to not follow your tastes. C'mon, give me the (You)! You know you want to.
>>29361 Could you shut the fuck up plesae, thank you very much :)
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>>29333 >fourth day in hospital >the nurse that brings my moring pills comes in and performs my now-routine diaper check >with an "aww" at the sight of my bunny rabbit diaper, she gets to work undoing the tapes and wiping down my groin after peeling back the soaked insert >mentally celebrating that I didn't crap my self overnight >at this point i'll take any victories I can get <"Now the doctor tells me you've been having trouble with your pills" >I tell her i'm definitely taking them all <"It's ok Anon, we believe you" <"We just might have to adjust your dose so you're getting all the nutrition from your food" >she gets me to raise my legs as she lays out a new diaper beneath me, then holds them in the air as i'm about to lower them back down <"Can you be a big boy and take a deep breath for me?" >do as she says and then suddenly gasp as something cold pokes into my rear <"We're going to try and administer some of your pills this way from now on to see if it has an improved affect" >she continues to elaborate as another pill is inserted <"We already know you aren't absorbing all your nutrients properly in your stomach, there's a chance your pills aren't being fully absorbed either" <"This is a much more direct way to get them into your system" >once she finishes administering the pills she applies more rash cream and slips another booster pad into the new diaper before getting me up for weighing >still slightly in shock from the new method of medicine delivery I teeter over to the scale, now realising how hard it is to walk with the extra bulk between my legs >on the way back to the bed the nurse holds my hands above my head like i'm a toddler learning to walk >don't even realise until she's left that i'm now wearing the princess diaper >lunchtime comes and fortunately i'm bone dry when the nurse comes to check >no surprise fits of coughing and I even got a nurse to take me to the bathroom when i needed to go poop >unfortunately, it means there's no reason to change me out of these princess pampers either >my delicate sense of manhood has to draw a line somewhere, and in a stroke of genius and/or desperation, I force myself to empty my bladder, before removing the lid from my cup and pouring some water down the front for good measure >after mustering the courage I call for the nurse and, sacrificing all dignity, asking if she can change my diaper >seeing how i've soaked through both the pad and into the diaper itself, she goes to find more stock for my room >soon enough she returns with a new bag of diapers and i'm swiftly changed <"It's a good thing you have such a small waist, they don't usually make them this absorbant for kids your age" >it seems i've been promoted to a heavy-wetter; these ones somehow feel even thicker than what I was wearing before, even without a booster pad stuffed in them >perhaps the water was overkill [5/?] >>29340 Thanks, i'm not the same poster as the one the other anon is complaining about though, they were talking about another story that seems to have been deleted now. >>29348 Maybe when i'm done i'll elaborate on what parts were real, but on the other hand it's probably better to leave people guessing
New story time! Basically a time skipped continuation of my 3 part story which ended here >>29256 >After previous experiences in testing the waters with soiling clothes and whatnot, I try my best to obtain some diapers for myself. >Starting when I'm about 9-10 years old, I end up snooping around at friend houses and, against my better judgement, start stealing diapers. I experiment with the diapers I've stolen then bury the used diapers in the bathroom garbage when I'm done. >I eventually get caught stealing a diaper by the mom of one of my friends with her mainly being confused and decided against contacting my mom about the incident. Guess she thought that I wouldn't steal any more diapers after that, which would be correct. >About when I'm 14, I decide to snoop around my mom's room when no one is at the house. I look around in the closet and find a large plastic package of something. >Turns out to be a pack of slip on diaper used for wetting. I knew that my mom would regularly wet the bed (probably because of drinking only caffeinated soda), but I didn't know that she basically wore adult goodnites. >I stand there.. pondering what I should do... >I have swore to myself that I wouldn't steal diapers anymore at this point but.. I was also looking at, in my eyes at the time, an endless supply of diapers. >My curiosity gets the better of me and takes one to my room and stash it away for future use Will continue this tomorrow, if I remember to that is.
>>29364 Go fuck yourself faggot, and stop being so butthurt over your shit stories being called out.
>>29368 >Mom needs diapers Not gonna lie that's hot as fuck i'm eager for the next part
>>29370 Yeah, but, spoilers, nothing really happens of it to be honest, just me taking the diapers and that's it..
>>29379 anon, this is the fictionalized experience thread. You know what we expect from you.
>>29325 >apologies in advance for any similarities None needed, anon. :^) I'm glad to see more stories posted here. >and extra credit if anyone guesses the condition. I'm gonna guess Cystic Fibrosis although I only know about it from an episode of Grey's Anatomy. If that's it, good health to you. >>29349 >Here the knowledge that it's only semi-true hinders some of my enjoyment of the stories. I definitely respect your take, anon. I like the true experiences thread too, but I'm in this odd (but probably very common) position where all of my childhood diaper experiences are cringey or deeply uncomfortable in hindsight. Wearing diapers in the PICU was traumatic, lol. I feel that if I recounted it 100% true-to-life, it would be a mood-killer for that thread and for me. I tend to agree with >>29351 that this thread occupies a nice niche where the stories are based on a true experience, but slightly modified or embellished to emphasize the aspects that we now find cathartic, hot, etc.
>>29330 Wrong guy faggot. I'm a lurker
>>29388 I mean, BS, but in the case that that's true - you know the author isn't going to fuck you, right?
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>>29392 >Anonymous forum >huurduur, I know who you are No, anon. I'm YOU and you are ME'. I'm debating with myself this whole time. This thread? I'm the OP. All these stories? I'm the author. The bitch retard bitching at others? Also me!
>>29367 >fifth day in hospital >another rude awakening this morning, as the morning nurse started to "administer" my pills while I was still asleep >during the morning rounds, the doctor comes and says they want to do something called a bronk-o-scoppy >he says they're gonna take look inside my lungs directly to help them figure out how the treatment is going >immediately worried at the idea of being cut open so they can poke around inside, but then he explains that they do it by poking a long, tiny camera into my mouth >they'll give me anaesthetic for the whole procedure too so I won't feel anything and probably won't remember it either >a few hours later and the nurses come to escort me for the proceedure >after getting me dressed in a hospital gown, i'm helped out of bed and plopped into a wheelchair, then fastened in with a 3-point harness for security >even with the gown covering me up, I still feel exposed >it's like i've been put on display as i'm pushed down the hospital's hallways for everyone to see >eventually we arrive at a waiting room >a bunch of curtains divide a line of hospital beds on one side of the room, opposite a big set of double doors that led into the operating room >the nurses get me up and lift me into one of the beds, and shortly after i'm pushed through into the room >there's a couple of doctors and nurses already waiting in the room who start getting ready for the proceedure >one of the doctors starts hooking my IV line to the anaesthetic and explaining again what they're going to be doing >he shows me how small the camera is, and how it's broadcasting to a screen just behind him >"If at any point you feel uncomfortable or want us to stop, just raise your other hand or tap on the bed and we'll stop, ok?" >one of the nurses then takes my glasses off for me and asks me to open my mouth so they can numb my throat >she sprays something really bitter into my mouth and it causes me to reactively cough, but almost immediately my mouth and throat start to feel really weird >she then puts a plastic ring in my mouth and ask me to wrap my lips around it, keeping my mouth open >the doctor then asks if I can count backwards from 10 and I do my best despite not being able to close my mouth or move my tongue around >before I can remember what comes before 8, i'm out cold >I wake up >i'm lying on my back in a darkened room >several dark, blurry figures are standing over me, illuminated from behind by an ominous red glow >I want to say something or shout out, but there's something in my mouth forcing it open, and something being pushed deep down into my throat >I start slapping the mattress with my hand, hoping it'll make these aliens stop and let me go, but instead the shadowy figures close in and start holding me down to continue their cruel experiments >i'm panicking, confused, crying >then everything goes black again [6/7]
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>>29401 >groggily, I wake up >there's a curtain drawn on either side and I can hear voices making idle conversation around me >i'm in the waiting room again >I try to speak up, but my throat is hoarse and painful >eventually a nurse peeks through the curtain and sees that i've woken up >with surprisngly little effort i'm hoisted back into the wheelchair >as i'm lowered down into the seat, i'm also lowered down into my own mess >at least now i'm thankful for all the applications of barrier cream over the last couple of days >as the straps are fastened and we begin heading back to the ward, something about being pushed around in a wheelchair still feels weird to me >before, it felt embarrassing when I knew I could walk just fine because it felt like I was inconveniencing someone, or being lazy >but even now, when i'm still feeling dazed from the anaesthetic and definitely can't walk back safely, I still don't like how it feels >maybe it's the loss of agency; having someone else decide where you're going for you feels pretty infantilising >wearing a diaper and feeling like i'm strapped into a big stroller also doesn't help >after a brief stop outside the medicine storage to pick up my midday pills along the way, i'm wheeled back to my room >the nurse puts her arms under my armpits and lifts me into bed >without even thinking about it, I lie down and spread my legs to begin the changing process >after being cleaned thoroughly with wipes and laid down onto a new diaper, my legs are lifted once more to recieve a delivery of pills >bracing for the discomfort, I turn my head to the side as the first of several pills is inserted >see my parents right outside in the hallway, holding some get-well-soon cards and one of those balloons >my mum smiles and waves >feels like the longest minute of my life as soon the nurse finishes with the pills and begins applying a layer of powder, before finally finishing and taping me up >immediately throw the blanket back over myself to cover up, hoping there's some way to recover from this experience as the nurse goes outside to talk to my parents >I can't hear what they're saying, but I catch the tail-end of their conversation as my parents come into the room <"...don't worry, it's just a precaution we take after anaesthesia in younger patients" >nurse looks back and shoots me a knowing smile <"he's a little hoarse from the bronchoscopy but other than that, everything is going well" <"if he feels like eating, there will be a special order of chocolate pudding and ice cream for lunch" >next few days are uneventful, albeit with the regular diaper changes as part of the daily routine >fortunately the infection starts to clear up quickly and my coughing returns to regular levels >less coughing spasms means better bladder control and after a couple days without incident, i'm back to underpants that let me close my legs fully >after a few more days i'm finished with the course of antibiotics and discharged >now I get to go back to school and do homework and not play on my DS all day >maybe being in hospital isn't so bad
>>29383 Yep, that's the right one. Most people don't know what it really is, or only know the name from biology class, so I never really expecy anyone to know much about it. Fortunately my case isn't too severe and it's become pretty manageable lately cause they're making crazy meds now that can help deal with the more major symptoms. Also agree on the opinion of true vs half-true stories. It'd be nice to imagine that some of these stories were 100% true but most of the time the truth isn't as exciting or engaging as fiction, and a little bit of creative liberty definitely helps with making a more exciting read.
>>29392 Cry some more?
>>29368 I should really stop saying "I will continue this tomorrow" because I always inevitably forget. Anyway! Here's the continuation. >I finally get a time where I'm all alone at home and have been holding my bowels for a few days before this as preparation. >I get in the diaper and immediately start peeing into it. I pee so much so fast into it that I accidentally make it leak. I stand out in the middle of my room so I at least it's only the carpet I have to worry about dirtying. >After I finish peeing, I squat down and attempt to void my bowels with a grunt. After a few failed attempts, I finally start to poop into my diaper as it settles and tents the backside of the diaper. >After some time, I stop pooping and I cup my hand around the bulging backside of the diaper. I find myself playing with the soaked front of the diaper and after a short time, I cum into the diaper. >I go to the bathroom right afterwards and bury the used diaper into the full bathroom trash. I then take a thorough shower and take the trash out after getting dressed. >A few weeks past and I'm itching to use a diaper again, so I go to my mom's room when she isn't home and go to where I last saw the diaper pack I find the pack to only hold a few diapers left as I debate in my head if I should take one this time, knowing that it could be very obvious to my mom that one is missing. >At that moment, I hear footsteps coming down the hall, coming directly towards my mom's room. <"Hey, Anon! I'm back! Where are you, Anon?" Part 2 end. Part 3 soon? Hopefully?
Used to chat with a girl (just let me keep the illusion guys) who would diaper up her little brother from the ages of 3-6 whenever she was babysitting him. Said it started with swapping him out of pull-ups and into baby diapers while he was 3 and potty trainning, then she just kept diapering him even after he was potty trained. It was most likely all fantasy (she was a big fan of double diapering him), so figure you guys might be interested in a story or two I’ve got from her?
>>29556 Fire away, anon. How did she get away with doing that anyways? Diapers may be cheap but she had to explain it somehow.
>>29557 She would buy huggies overnites and sposies specifically for babysitting (along with any other baby stuff she needed) and just kept it all hidden. Stories coming soon.
Here’s a little intro, gonna write it from her POV since this is fantasy and all that.. >be me. 15yo girl with budding diaper/cuteness interests and a 3yo brother.> >brother is potty training and is wearing pull-ups during the day.> >love how he looks is baby diapers way more than pull-ups.> >dat poofy bum> >babysitting him one Saturday and decide that I want him in baby diapers during the day while I’m watching him.> >he gets upset but I tell him there’s no pull-ups left. Tell him to just let me know if he needs to potty and I’ll take off the diaper.> >use it as excuse to lay him down and diaper him like a baby every time he goes potty.> >baby powder every time. Brother isn’t a fan, but doesn’t hate it either.> > “take too long” to undiaper him once or twice.> > “guess I’ll have to give you a diaper change”> >dont over-do it and let him do his own thing mostly> >about a billion diaper pats <3 > >pull-ups again by the time he wakes up> >buy diapers from part-time Walmart job the very-next day> To be con’t
Sister likes to diaper little bro pt.2 >little brother 4yo. finally potty trained. >still diapering him while babysitting. He enjoys the attention most of the time at this point. Any frustration usually passed with bribes and tickles >buying huggies overnites from work at this point. >been wearing them myself from time to time at night. No wetting. Just Love how soft they feel. >discover I enjoy putting 4-5 diapers layered between my legs while trying to achieve a more babyish feeling one night >thicc.jpg >new idea from baby-bro >babysitting him one night. 20mins in, already carrying him to my room for diapy time >spend time tickling and teasing him as he lays on my floor. >more baby giggles pls >get him lotioned and powdered. Use more than usual. He enjoys that >doesn’t enjoy how long I spend diapering him up, as he realizes I’m wrapping him in layer after layer of baby-diapers >get him perfectly and snugly into 5 huggies. tucking in everything and making sure everything looks neat. >pat and rub all the soft padding. Love how padded and bulky everything looks. So adorable >he can’t close his legs. Kicking like a little baby against the padding. >ends up enjoying it because I make him waddle around and I chase him like a monster. >if I catch him I get to tickle him and pat and rub his diapers. >watch his big diaper bum waddle around all day. Can’t get enough <3 >”I have to pee” oh no! Too many diapers! It’s taking way too long to un-diaper you! >more diapy changes than normal. Great success! >make him sit in my lap a bunch so I can bounce his padded bottom on my knee. >soft pillow padding. Baby powder smell every bounce. >dress him in a onesie for nap-time. It’s a little tight with the bulky baby diapers, but I manage to get it snapped up. > diapers bulging through snug onesie. Cute leg frills peeking out. >he looks so cute and snug that I decide to nap with him. Snuggle him with one hand caressing his huggied bottom and keeping him snug against me. >never put him in less than 2 diapers with from then on> Most of the stories are along these lines. If you anons have any questions, I might be able to fill in the blanks. Might add a little of my own fantasy into the next couple to spice things up. Kinda what I wish she would’ve said she did
>>29595 >>29630 yeah, I'd love to read more. I think they're cute
>>29537 The continuation >I freeze up, not knowing what to do. I end up tossing the diaper to the side, out of sight. >My mom walks in right as I'm tossing the diaper to the side, and at first has a look of disappointment to a look of confusion. <"Anon.. why are you in my room? And what were you holding just now?" >I get the feeling that she already knows what I was holding and sigh. >"I.. it was one of your diapers..." <"Ok.. why were you holding one of my diapers? Is there something you're not telling me?" >I pause to think of something to say when my mom speaks again. <"Anon, you can tell me anything. You know I won't think of you any differently regardless of what you say, ok?" >I inhale and exhale deeply as I prepare myself to tell her. >"I like wearing diapers.. I don't know why, but I just really like diapers... I.. I have been stealing your diapers for some time now." <"ah.. I see. I've been noticing my supply has been depleting more quickly than I expected... thank you for telling the truth." >She then hugs me and comforts me. <"If that's what you like, then I'll support you in what you enjoy doing. Of course, I would prefer you not to use my diapers, but if you're serious about wanting to wear diapers, I'd be happy to provide those to you." >"W-wait.. really?! You sure?" <"Absolutely. Plus, I'm fairly certain that my diaper weren't fitting too good on you, huh? It's best to wear ones that actually fit to prevent any leaks." >"Thank you so much!" <"Is there any specific brand or design of diaper you wanted?" >I explain to her what kind of diapers I wanted and what size might fit me best. She goes online and order the diapers I requested. >They arrive on the porch a few days later and she surprises me with them when I get back from school. >I take the box to my room and proceed to rip open the package. I take out a diaper and put it on. >I'm in heaven with how comfortable the diaper is, when I hear a few taps at my door. End of part 3. To be continued..
This is really how my childhood went down from what I recall, but I fucking know its gonna cause bellyaches so I'm posting it here. I always wanted to need diapers, had some failed attempts at faking bedwetting after being potty trained for preschool, but gave up quickly with any push back from my mom. Later on in like 2nd grade I had a step sister who would have accidents all the time when we were playing. She got plenty of reprimands from her dad for it, but kept wetting her pants. After months of witnessing this I psyched myself up and that summer I committed to having accidents. Whatever was going on I was going to wet myself, that I couldn't help it and it was truly an accident. Convincing myself and putting myself in a mindset that it was a genuine accident was key to overcoming the social pressure to use the potty. I started off when I was alone at home, largely unsupervised and left to my own devices. I would go along and play and do whatever I normally do until I was antsy from needing to pee and just let go in my pants. The first time I finally did it I had been playing a game on the family computer until I couldn't hold it anymore and flooded my pants, soaking the computer chair and the carpet. I was overwhelmed with emotions and euphoria and cried, sitting in my own pee. We had a laundry basket in the bathroom for dirty clothes in which I buried my wet pants and undies. I drank a lot of water before bed and wet the bed sporadically. Maybe a week or two later, my mom confronted me and I cried again, exclaiming it was an accident, but nothing was really resolved. I was too far along to give in, and now my step sister was around. We were playing one night and she wets her pajama pants, trying to be sly about it and keep playing. I wet my pants and we both kept playing like nothing happened. That night at bedtime we were confronted together by both our parents together, which never happened before as they typically parented separately from each other. It was a total shit show with both of us crying and being accused of doing it on purpose. Then one day my mom dragged me along to the grocery store and I felt the need to pee and just wet my pants. After berating me she bought a pack of diapers and changed me in the bathroom because she didn't want to get pee on the car seat. I walked out of the bathroom through the store in a t-shirt and diaper. It was a surreal experience, I was but mortified being seen by others but also finally had no agency, literally forced to wear diapers. My mom dropped me off at home and went back out shopping. I was in full baby mode, I watched cartoons and soaked my diaper and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up in the middle of the night in my bed and in a fresh diaper. The next morning my mom had a very sober discussion with me, she apologized and suggested we get some training pants that I am responsible for changing. So I ended up wearing goodnites basically everyday, and when we'd go anywhere my mom would ask if I needed to change before leaving. Eventually my step sister was wearing goodnites, and honestly I think our parents kinda bonded over the whole thing. When it got close to the new school year, my mom worked on getting me to use the potty often to avoid accidents. I wore goodnites to school anyways and kept a spare in my backpack. But this kinda wained away and I only wore occasionally when something was stressing me out, until I hit puberty and started ejaculating in my goodnites. I never really stopped wearing diapers after that and it was just a part of life that my mom would keep a pack of goodnites in my bedroom closet. My mom is weird, she'll be completely obstinate about something, and then suddenly flip and be so chill about it, like she was with weed as well.
>12 years old >have childhood friend, Kayla same age >horny kid, trying to get in her pants >like, want to kiss but don't really know what to do after >she used to come over all the time >she got new step-mom and step-bro a couple months ago >now she's used as free babysitter >complains to me about how 5-year-old lil bro not really potty trained >has to change dirty pull-ups sometimes, messy undies are the worst >morbidly interested, she explains in detail while pretending to gag >Saturday, invite Kayla over >has to watch lil bro >shit, bring him too >she asks parents, it's allowed >they walk over, only live a mile away >meet lil bro for first time >not spoiled little shit, more neglected by single mom issues >super happy to be included >Kayla is nicer to him than her complaining led me to expect >go to my room to play vidya >we're all laying on my bed, t.v. is on dresser >taking turns, loser switches >Kayla decides to take a break for soda (and probably to use the toilet and stuff) >playing vidya with lil bro >he's not very good but doesn't cry when he loses, so it's cool >"A...anon" >look over, kid is practically in tears >"wassup lil bro?" >"I'm really sorry, I peed..." >Lil bro, laying on his tummy, full-on pissed on my bed. >Luckily, my mom is clean freak. There's a waterproof cover on my mattress even though I haven't wet the bed in six years. >Realize I'm curious and not even bothered. >"Really?" >Lil bro gulps and nods. Super cute. >"It's alright, there's a protector, I can wash the sheets" >Lil bro visibly relieved, but still sucks in a breath >"Kayla's gonna be so made though... I promised to be careful..." >"Eh, Kayla's all bark," >"She'll make me wear a pull-up, it's super embarrassing." >Get weird 12-year-old idea >"I'll pee too, don't say anything, okay?" I whisper >Lil bro agrees >Lay back on my stomach and, after a few minutes of pushing manage to soak myself from my ribs to my knees. >Weird as hell feeling. >Dick rock-hard. >Lean up so Lil Bro can see I did it too, he smiles and we keep playing >Kayla comes back in, like, 15 - probably had to drop a deuce >"It smells like piss in here"
[Expand Post]>Lil Bro and I stay silent >"Lil Bro, did you pee?" Kayla demands. >"I uh... Anon did it too!" >"No he didn't," Kayla tsk's as she walks over. >I don't say shit >"You can't smell it?" Kayla asks me. >"Nah," >Forces Lil Bro up, piss in a big circle and on his sweat pants. >"Sorry Lil Bro peed on your bed Anon. You change the sheets, I'll handle him." >"Naw, it's cool," I reply, not moving from my warm spot >Kayla realize shit's weird at this point. Looks at Lil Bro, looks at me. >"Anon, get up," she says, pushing at me >Try to keep playing >turns into play fighting >her hand comes down on the blanket below me as I turn >Eyes go wide
>>35202 Part 2 >"You peed too! What the hell!" >Kayla freaking out >Laugh out loud >Lil Bro laughing >"I feels good," I claim >"Boys are fucking gross" is her response. >Opens her backpack and pulls out 2 pull-ups and a ziplock baggie of baby wipes >"Do you need one too?" she says as an obvious joke >"Maybe..." >Shit just got real >She looks into my eyes, swallows >This is her chance to see my junk without me seeing hers >Lil Bro missing all of this >"Okay, fine, Big Sis has to handle everything" >Whips down Lil Bros pants and undies, wipes his junk, and he steps into the pull-up >That done, she walks up to me, pulls my gym shorts down >rock hard dick pops out >gives me a quick once over with the wipes >holds out a pull-up for me to step into >Luckily I hadn't hit my growth spurt, barely fits >(Kayla was still taller than me) >She shakes her head as she bundles up the sheets and takes them to the laundry room >"Thanks Anon," Lil Bro adds as soon as she's gone >We play vidya for the rest of the afternoon >Kayla teases me constantly >I'm blueballed so hard I think I'm gonna die >That's how the first time I met her lil bro went
>>35203 Part 3 >never really talk about it; things just happen organically >Kayla realizes she can come over to play all the time if she brings Lil bro >her newly-wed parents glad for the peace and quiet >my mom always works weekends >just the three of us >Lil bro comes in pull-ups because of what happened the first time, or just cause Kayla wanted him to, I dunno >I really enjoyed it so I bought some Goodnites with my allowance and wore those when Lil bro came around >Running around in front of Kayla in just a Goodnite >Lil Bro in just a t-shirt and pull-up half the time. >Kayla pretended to be disgusted but she changed me when I was wet too... >We used to just play vidya but Lil Bro wants to do actions figures, legos, etc. >Still had all my toys, so lots of fun >Lil Bro didn't usually take naps, but just got over nap-age >one day we build a fort >It's all pillows, dark and comfy inside. >Lil Bro and me snuggling in the back, he falls asleep >crawl over to Kayla who's reading in her section of the fort under a flashlight >tell her Lil Bro is asleep >she asks me if I'm wet >I'm soaked >Go out of the fort back to my room >changes me laying down on my bed >wiping piss of my dick >I'm always hard during changes anyway >looks me in the eye >"that feel good?" >nod >gets very handsy with the wipe >It take like 2 tugs and I'm cumming all over her hand >she smiles, but a sexy smile, feel weird inside >Don't know what to say >her hand is covered in cum >we've both had health class, we know what it is. >"You... you want to wear one?" >"No, that's disgusting. Like I said, boys are gross" >wipes the cum off her hand with a wipe >has me step into a new pull-up >continue playing for the rest of the day as if she hadn't jerked me off during a diaper change

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