/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Unpopular diaper fantasys Baby 05/07/2023 (Sun) 06:11:16 No. 25000
What are some unrealistic fantasy's you wish you could do irl? Me would be hyper or mega inflated diapers on a macro Or humping someone making their disper grow before cummys as onesie buttons pop open and reveal a truely giant diaper
>>25050 If you still only make urine, despite being incontinent, it's a worthy tradeoff.
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>>26414 One of my biggest fantasies is being in a boarding school with sadistic diaper/poop related punishments. Depending on how well you perform in school, (or how much the teachers like you) you get more frequent changes, better quality diapers, etc... So the top students can get a change whenever they want, while the middling students would get around 1 change a day. Being bottom of the pack starts to get gross. Infrequent changes, around 1 every 3 days. No "clean" diapers, only previously used ones. You'd better hope the school nurses untape only a wet diaper to change you into. If you break any rules well, good luck. No change for a week, all "new" diapers come from last months dirty pail, used diaper mittens, full body diaper suits, the list is extensive. e.g. Anon has repeatedly violated the rules of this school. As such we have no choice but to downgrade Anon's diaper privileges. >Diapers shall be selected from the "Heavy messes" pail. >Diaper change frequency shall be lowered from once every 2 day, to once every 4 days. However, due to the nature of Anon's actions we believe that further punishment is necessary to discourage such behavior in the future. Every new diaper that Anon is to be changed into shall have an addition of feces of no less than 5 pounds of weight. The nurse is free to source the feces from where they see fit, but we suggest sourcing it from a diaper of at least 1 week of age in order for the punishment to truly sink in. We will review Anon's behavior in 1 month to see if there is improvement. ====
>>25724 Nothing would bring me more joy than to be the teasing caregiver in that scenario. This image actually made me realize I was into this when I saw it years ago in a skype group, but I never talked to the girl that commissioned it about that. Oops. Side note though if wet american summer was such a popular story for allerted, is this specific kink actually limited to so few people? I mean that protagonist was basically just being regressed into this scenario by her insane family. Its certainly adjacent to this kink. I like to think of untraining as just a means to an ends to get a partner to perpetually failing potty training like this.
>>26423 /////Hufff//// hawt!
>>26414 I know I've read this once before. I thought I saved it but apparently not. Basically older sister wants to be treated like her toddler little sis, Diapers are apparently as expensive as gold so they agree to let her have the younger sisters used ones. Through the magic of it being fap fiction preschool/day-care whatever agrees to this completely insane, unsanitary yet absurdly hot scenario. >>25000 As for my own impossible fantasy land? probably have to go with being abducted/adopted by mad scientists who turn me into a pre pubescent girl yet treated like the pervert I actually am. I love when daddy changes me into my night-time diaper, he pees in my butt and calls it his special enema, that gets held in by an inflatable plug that gets deflated in the morning as my alarm. Of course that doesn't get changed until after my breakfast of breast milk and oatmeal with lots of extra fibre & stool softener.
There are some really fun ideas in Japanese stories on pixiv. One I read involved a female university student getting regressed mentally and physically into a 1st grade elementary schooler. It had a lot of the usual stuff like reducing her academic abilities and stuff, but the really fun twist was that her arousal was redirected to manifest as an intense interest in some magical girl show aimed at preschoolers (not-PreCure basically). It acted almost like a drug addiction where she needed to watch the show every day and surround herself with the various bits of merch or she'd start to suffer from withdrawals which would make her even more helpless and infantile. She was almost obligated to watch it every morning just to remain functional at school, and she had to keep increasing the "dose" (i.e. surrounding herself with more and more embarrassing stuff) just to get the same effect. And whenever she did indulge in it sufficiently, she'd essentially orgasm and lose control of her bladder, which ended up happening a few times in public. It was a delightful kind of catch-22 scenario where whatever option she chose would lead to her being seen as very babyish even by first grader standards. Another thing I've seen in a few stories there is the idea of a skin-tight suit which is bigger on the inside than the outside. Essentially an adult can put it on and be reduced to the size and proportions of a young loli. Add a locking zipper on the back and you've got a bondage device for semi-permanent lolification.
>>26482 I feel like I've read that story you mentioned. Can't for the life of me remember what it's called...
>>26482 Welp I think I'm gonna have to commission some thing like this.
>>26482 I really want to find this story now.
>>26496 >>26498 I originally posted it in the loli thread but the link seems to be dead now. Here you go.
>>26501 This is it! Thank you so much! I was almost starting to think it was some sort of fever dream.
>>26494 Do you have a link to the story? Or even just suggestions for authors on pixiv?
>>25573 >>25288 diapers for the elderly are so beautiful. especially when they are wet
>>26536 Thanks! I actually recognize some of his art, I didn't realize he wrote stories too. I thought the ways he covered the mental regression and reprogramming were pretty creative, especially the part with the dictionaries. I'll have to check out the rest of his stories.
>>26450 ... Do you have a disposable email or discord?
>>26750 You will have to trust that I am even the same anon but if you are who I think you are, I can probably think of someone who we both know once we talk. If you are not who I think you are, I suppose who really cares if its at minimum an interesting rp at minimum. Either way, heres a temp email that will only exist a few days, and I will tell you one of my real ones in a reply should you send something to it, because I am never posting a real email on here lmao. This temp service says they last 48 hours instead of 10 minutes so it shouldn't be as hard as if it were the usual ten minute ones... ||bodujogi.ipavetuf [at symbol go here] labworld.org||
wait f did I forget how to spoiler stuff
>>26752 I sent you an email from a gmail address that starts with T.
>>26494 >s that her arousal was redirected to manifest as an intense interest in some magical girl show aimed at preschoolers (not-PreCure basically) Really liking this fantasy, would have be amazing to see Mikuni Atsuko incorporate similar ideas into one of their doujins
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Yuri dom-sub play at school is very erotic, particularly if it's taken to a fairly extreme level. Imagine the submissive girl being made to go completely 24/7, using her diapers for everything, and even obediently following a potty untraining regimen. She knows it's inevitably going to cause her enormous embarrassment, especially since her friend keeps pushing her to do more and more daring things, but a These images are too perfect not to post here.
>>26811 I wish I hadn't looked for the source because the booru translations show its not a crinkle sound effect sadly
>>26843 You're right - the artist definitely didn't intend it to be anything diaper-related - but さわさわ (sawasawa) translates to a rustling sound so it's not far off. In fact さらさら (sarasara) is used on packs of Pampers in Japan to mean something like "crinkly and dry". Just embrace death of the author and think about how perfectly cute it would be if it was a diaper under her skirt.
>>26811 >Yuri dom-sub play at school is very erotic, particularly if it's taken to a fairly extreme level. This, but with yuri bullying.
>>26482 I've seen this one before. I don't know if it was on here or elsewhere, but the OG story goes the big sis was making fun of lil sis for bedwetting, so the mom, strapped for cash, decided her punishment would be to wear the lil sis's pullup from the night before to bed the next day.
I kinda hate this but I think those baby face Halloween masks combined with diapers would really hit my humiliation buttons
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>>25288 Granny-fucker here again. Thank god for vacation in the garbage collection week! I had time to dumpster dive in the local nursery home in the night! The trash bags were VERY warm and reeked of urine! It was unbelievable! I was able to gather two backpacks of diapers! I always read that nurses change the seniors diapers 4 to 5 times a day. But this home obviously lets the senior's diapers to spill over. All diapers and pads were drenched from front to back. Obviously, shit is involved! Unfortunately, my apartment now smells like week old piss. The pissy and shitty diapers lie around. I'm horny as hell!
My biggest fantasies would be to be an adult baby. Fully regressed but adult and be taken in public. Or to be put in a daycare where little kids who are potty trained look at me as a baby ans treat me as one. Also love the idea of being babysat by girls younger than me. Like teens or jewishs.
Edit for above. Like teens or lolis. Love the idea of even kids seeing me as nothing but a baby still in diapers
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>>28480 I'll definitely keep those (see picture) in my closet. Their disgusting stink is just gorgeous. I also have shitted diapers in my garbage in the garage. Not sure if I will reuse them, as they're clumped and saturated to the max. Also, there's mold on them. But they smell so horny! It's a pure hard-on inducer! Unfortunately, if you bring the nursery-home diapers to the house, everything reeks of them! I like this! But if you like other people in the house - obviously, that's difficult. I personally like the smell of old people's diapers and would use this as fragrance, if there was no society.
I had a dream last night and I've never thought of this before. I was a kid in middle school in a class with another slightly younger than me and a counselor. We are doing counseling and he starts talking about diapers. It's obvious both are parents put us in this class because we were caught wearing diapers. He says we are going to find out why you really like diapers and pulls out two all white adult diapers. He hands him to us and tells us to put them on. We both go in the corner off the room and put them on and pull our school uniform pants over the diaper. Remember being very scared of other students seeing the diaper outline through our pants. Remember feeling very embarrassed. Then the fire alarm went off and we had to go outside wearing diapers with the other students. I woke up after that but want to dream about diaper counseling again but it probably wont happen. Dream was straight fire!!!
something that one would think would be somewhat commonly explored in writing, but isn't surprisingly, is wearing diapers out of convenience or pure enjoyment. 90% of abdl stories I find are regression, humiliation, etc
>>28711 This just has to do with the basics of story structure. A plot MUST have a central conflict. If you want the center of the plot to involve diapers, there has to be a conflict over wearing them - humiliation, forced, etc. You could have a story with diapers in it but then it turns into... a story about something else. Let me give you an example. We sometimes like to laugh at BabyStar's long, meandering diaper comic (can't remember if it has a name). The conflict in this story is often over parental trauma and stuff like that. Not really sexy and that's why it annoys people. So if your story is "diapers sure are convenient", what is the conflict that drives the plot?
>>28711 Tbh diapers i found can be used with other fetish storys like inflation,fat and macro but are rarely used or websites delate the fics cause apparently diapers are a pedo thing (tell that to the grannys in diapers) And don't forget the baby furs who ruin the disper fun
>>28714 I have not one but two answers to your post: You have to think outside of the box and conventional narrative structure, and also a conflict doesn't have to be so on the nose. Maybe a third answer but stories involving humiliation tend to be more about the humiliation than the diapers. A story with no conflict or plot can still be good, especially if the purpose is mainly to arouse, but it's easy to think of many other things to drive a narrative than something overt like that, without distracting from the diapers. For example a simple back and forth between characters can be a great drive for a narrative, although it might not necessarily make for much of a plot.
>>25000 An unusual, and oddly specific mix of interests to make the most comical dutch ovens, padded rooms, and of the like.

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