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ABDL Location/Meetup Thread Baby 02/16/2022 (Wed) 07:23:46 No. 9190
Hey dumb babs, I saw a thread like this on goatse and figured I'd bring it over here. This is for anyone who wants to find others nearby to meetup/just to know where you babs are at.
How do I meet ABDL people in real life? It's not like I can ask the people I go to college with if they like diapers.
>>19904 sign up on fetlife and look for local abdl munches. if one doesnt exist, start one. also see if there is a local abdl group or discord server.
Anyone locals around Manchester or North West UK? Guess I'm looking for friends or play partners to hang out with, do normal stuff together as well as diaper play. 27/M/UK. Mostly an introvert type but want to do more extroverted activities including outdoor diaper wearing and changing in the future. Also to attend more events. I'm all about wetting, messing, power exchange, humiliation, teasing but also vulnerability and intimacy that comes with diaper changes. Also enjoy chastity, enemas, anal toys, catheters, crossdressing, sissy play and bondage.
Anyone in omaha nebraska?
>>20671 You sound like a perfect friend to play and just chill. Sucks that I live in Finland.
Hopefully ok to bump this ancient thread but I think there is probably interest. Talked with some cool people on here a while back but lost contact after I purged ABDL stuff hard. 28/M/Wisconsin. 5'10" 175 pounds athletic build. Always wanted to meet another ABDL and have some opportunity now. I would love to do complete roleplay but also would want to chill out in diapers as well. If you're not in the area, I would love to chat with like minded people as well. Just looking for some friends and people to talk with. I'm very into wetting, messing, regression, roleplay, humiliation, sissification, feminization, punishment, domination. I would also be fine with switching as long as we both were able to play the little role. Curious about public wearing, enemas, chastity and bondage. I'm pretty flexible and down for most things. But if you wanted to just chill out in diapers and watch movies or play video games while checking each others diapers constantly, that would be very fun as well. Hit me up at diaperthrowaway23@gmail.com and we can go from there.
Any uk diaper lovers (non adult baby)
>>26670 For a anon site you really out yourself
>>20671 Curious how you feel about mixing other fetishes like inflatables and balloons into mix?
>>26672 Eh I guess haha. Nothing really identifying in there.
>>26670 Where in WI?
>>26831 Central and would be willing to drive a bit to meetup. Shoot me an e-mail!
23/M/Northern Ireland, going to be in London on the 17th and 18th of July until ~5pm on both days, but will be busy in evenings. Have been wearing on and off for a few years now during uni and only a little here and there afterward (mainly because im living with parents to save money). Really like wearing in public and when going exploring new places, but I wont have any diapers on me at the time (I wish I could bring a pack of 7500ml Unicorns with me everywhere). Read loads in my spare time, video games too (but less these days). Recently have started lifting so really enjoying that. Have lurked on this board for ~4 years and would be surprised if no one is game to meet, though no posts in here are for London. If anyone wants to meet up to get food/drink/do whatever, I can get the underground to wherever. Mainly looking for friends I can keep in contact with after I leave, maybe more meetups can happen in future. Can contact me via discord at Gahedre#7834. Forgot my old burner login so had to make a new one.
>>11554 This is me and I am still here. I check this thread about once every two weeks or so. I have met a lot of ABDLs from Belgium in person but if anyone from here wants to meet, post here.
is fetlife the best way to meet people locally? I literally have no idea how that website works/what the fucking "etiquette" is for messaging someone, is it a dating app, is it a "make a move and you're cancelled" type deal circlejerk or what, I'd rather know what the vibe is before making a profile
>>27018 its more of a kinky facebook than anything else. it's not a dating site but there are a ton of groups for dating; the search function is set up the way it is on purpose. i use it to keep up with people i meet at events and find local events, mostly.
>>27018 attended a few munches but the cringe and sometimes even fear of some people in the local events turned me away from contacting any in the local community, I thought I was having neat conversations with a couple of people and I simply disappeared and no one ever reached out to me other than the usual coombrains... kind of disappointed, I feel like its been a bit overrun with constant harrasing from thirsty coombrain retards.
>>27032 >I simply disappeared and no one ever reached out to me You sound like a needy cunt
>>23283 Thanks dude. That is too bad, life huh? >>26673 Never thought about this one in particular. Guess I don't exactly understand it but I don't hate it either. I just read about it a bit. I suppose I'd be willing to at least give it a fair shot if given a chance. Heck, I'd give most fetishes a try if high or tripping on psychedelics. My hard limits are extreme pain, blood and permanent marks.
Anyone been to a convention? There are a few near me in like oct/Nov I'm thinking of going to, just trying to get some personal experiences. (One is the new version of teddycon, Stromatica) Also what are some tips before meeting other Abdl? I've got 2 near me that share some common intrest, but I'm still kind of nervous to meet them for a beer or two.
>>27100 ive been to capcon twice. it was ok. way more fun if you go and actually know people ahead of time. i didnt and am an introvert, so i spent a lot of time people watching in the hotel lobby and messing around on my phone. i went to a few classes that were just meh; nothing i didnt already know. forever playland, the stromatica one, has been postponed until 2024 because theyve having a huge issue with finding a good hotel. im hopeful it is in baltimore or around there because of the good public transport. i was planning on going to teddycon before it got canceled and trave to scranton was annoying asf to plan. as for meeting abdls, meet in a public place and do something normal like getting a meal or something. then bring up the abdl stuff if you feel comfortable with each other.
>>27107 Oh damn, sucks it was already postponed. Well there's one in myrtle beach in Nov. (CCFF) But it's more of a general fetish fair instead of a strictly littles event. But they will have a littles playroom. Yeah I'm sort of the same way INFJ personality. So just going up and playing with people I don't know is awkward. I will be going with my CG though so maybe it won't be as bad. I've gone to a few munches and play parties before after I got to know the people in the munch so I'm not a total newbie. It still can be nerve-wracking when going to meet someone for the first time. Guess I'll keep chatting with them online before setting up an irl meeting.
>>27107 There's this one in July: https://www.ageplayinc.com/event-details/indy-dreamworld-23 but it's in Indianapolis, Indiana. A bit far for me, that's 11hrs away haha. But may be something you can do.
Anybody know if there’s a decent community around Maine?
>>26670 So I'm still bored and have some time to have some fun. Meetup would be great or just looking for ABDL friends from anywhere to chat with. No fun not having anyone to talk ABDL stuff with. So if you're like-minded reach out! 28/M/WI but feel free to read my OP that I'm replying to. Email me at diaperthrowaway23@gmail.com and we can go from there.
>>27333 I'm from Maine
>>28282 Which main character wre you? https://youtu.be/n34Ur4oPpy0?t=14s
24/M/Bi/ Maryland Just looking for something relatively casual, no sex, just some pamped up cuddling and the like, plus changes. I'm a switch and sort of a middle, can't really achieve little space or anything like that, but I do like dressing up.
I tried emailing u but got no response?...
>>9190 19/MtF/Auckland New Zealand
anyone wanna link up snap?
>>28494 in NZ, but not AKL, what are you looking for?
>>28504 Ngl I am willing to travel the country to meet another ABDL lmao. I don't have anything particular in mind, just a friend to talk shit with, a caregiver, another little like me. Anything really ^^
>>28282 >>27333 We mainers should arrange a meet-up The Maine fetlife munch... Is not great... Unless you enjoy being seen with some dressed in full sissy gear in public
>>28533 sorry dude, its more than a 15 year difference for me to feel comfortable about our interaction even if not sexual, still though I am not in Auckland myself. I am sure I have seen quite a few active users around the area in Fetlife if you have the patience to sort through the creeps and dangerous people teeming with red flags, as a dude who also started super early into this and managed to not get into any sketchy situations I would recommend dont "travel the country to meet another ABDL" if its not an actual event organized with some sort of community visibility and assurances in regarding to vetting processes, things have become more shitty in the last years and there is a lot more predators around, partly I blame the massification/bombardment of social media/porn along with the alienation of the average human nowadays.

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