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Is there any point potty training women? Baby 02/23/2022 (Wed) 12:02:25 No. 9436
Throughout the life of a girl there's hundreds if not thousands of ways they can easily become incontinent. Mean if you go through the ages: -Early childhood >Bladder not really developed enough to be fully continent -Teenager >Start having periods that causes incontinence -Early to middle adult >Pregnancy causes incontinence -Late adult >Menopause, enough said -Old age >You get the idea About the only age group for females that would benefit from potty training are in their late childhood stage and chances are they are a bedwetter. Be far simpler and easier all round if they were never potty trained. I am aware that this would produce logistical problems as there would be too much waste to justify disposables. They would have to be restricted to the young and infirm while the rest of womankind would need to get used to the idea of being in reusable cloth. Still it would solve the problem of trying to cater to their unique feminine problems while providing a solution that does not beat about the bush.
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>>33768 Are you that guy who's always in these threads saying that women are disgusting and don't deserve to be in diapers but men do? Two things: 1. If you're gay and you don't want to see women in your scenarios that's cool bro. Nobody reasonable should care. You can just admit it. 2. Even though it's not normally my thing I kinda do like the idea of a scenario that still has all the misogyny and regulating women as second class citizens but also has the men as the ones in diapers. Not enough scenarios regulate the diaper changers and caretakers to be the subservient roles. Let's have some sexy women in high heels and a nurses outfit changing my shitty diaper and giving me a blowjob, and if I don't approve of how she's cleaning my ass she gets punished.
>>33770 You got that right, you got that going for you. The thing that makes female bejavior worse is when you understand they're not children, they're grown. That's why they deserve harsher treatment and less freedom than kids especially. For example I wouldn't even spank a kid. But adult femoids? Cat o' nine tails that hoe >>33791 1. Guilty as charged. I also see diapers as a luxurious, something only men deserve. 2. Ayyyyyy, I could compromise for that. The men in diapers getting served by women can be hot, you are exactly right that there's not enough capitalization on female caretakers as a servile role.
>>33791 >>33793 >weak beta males wanting to be diapered and dominated by women Such "men" will be turned into anime girls come day of the stroller!
>>33808 >every whim catered too by servile femoid >"dominated" L + anime isn't real + no hoes + no ass + no cash
>>33809 Just wait till you discover that the Ara Patrol is real.
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>>33793 Maybe you or I should start another thread for this gaybro. Since this thread is meant to be about how women logically belong in diapers and regulated to child status. Unfortunately my straight coomer brain is always imagining women in diapers but I could get behind some equally misogynystic role-flip scenarios. >Guilty as charged. I also see diapers as a luxurious, something only men deserve. This actually sounds wonderful. Diapers as a luxury. Something too valuable and enjoyable to be wasted on women.
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>>33808 Source of the image? The art looks good and the subject seems like a science fiction anime i have yet to see.
>>33811 Just wait till you get some bitches. >>33813 Perhaps, I dunno if there's enough material about that for a new thread. Diapers as a luxury makes sense doesn't it? They are so good and comfortable and having your diaper checked and changed must be nice.
>>33813 Go home dumpsterhuggies
>>33826 Dumpsterhuggies wouldn't post straight AI porn
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>>33826 >>33830 I'm not dumpsterhuggies and they're not my images anyway. I took them off this twitter I found and was just using them because they fit the theme of the messages. The twitter was @PaulaPampers
>>33823 Fate Grand Order, it’s a gacha game.
>>33825 >Diapers as a luxury makes sense doesn't it? Is this a thinly veiled Grace thread?
>>34020 No it's not, shut the fuck up. Your lame other board mascot is a femoid.
>>33791 >>33813 Hey guy, wanna give me your Discord, I'd like to talk more about this type of shit
Came to this thread to say we need to gas the gays and get women back in diapers!
>>33640 stop lying tranny, women dont actually exist
Sometimes I bully AI chatbots with a scenario wherein a patriarchal government has come into power and outlawed female potty-training and mandated the use of diapers.
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>>36184 Does that get good results? I've tried some similar stuff and I only get the most bland responses/reactions from the chatbots. To be fair I haven't gotten too in-depth with figuring out AI stuff but I want it to give me more elaborate detailed responses and help with worldbuilding and none of what I've seen so far shows it's capable of that. Also, is that your image? It looks good. You have a DeviantArt or Twitter/tumblr/etc.?
>>36185 Long-form stuff is definitely tricky. Pygmalion is the only thing I've looked into that gets close. I just stick to short-form with character.ai though. It's not like women write out long paragraphs so it fits what I'm going for. Also no, not me. Source: https://something-misremembered.tumblr.com/
>>36186 God his stuff is the best.
>>36186 Kind of surprised /abdl/ content still being posted on tumblr. Thought they had purged everything?
>>36256 they did but in the last year or so its had quite a large resurgence actually tbh its a pretty good source of smut again however annoyingly searching for stuff like 'diaper' and 'abdl' isn't allowed
>>36264 It is a shame they went to begin with. Tumblr contained a lot of mental illness.
its so obvious that most of you have never interacted with a woman for more than two mins. if anything men are fucking disgusting and cause most problems, lets just put them in cages and fix society.
>>36338 Sounds like the widdle girl is having a temper tantrum! It’s okay little one, I know this kind of thread makes you feel all sorts of fussy and upset. But the sooner you accept your inferior place in life, the happier you’ll be.
>>36338 If you think this thread is anything other than fap fantasies I don't know what to tell you. Absolutely don't understand how you can read some of the shit in here and manage to take it this seriously. But.... I unironically think that women should have legal rights stripped away. I legitimately believe that women should never be potty-trained. Women's education should consist solely of home-ec and how to sexually pleasure men while wearing diapers. All of these are my real, actual, opinions and this post can be held against me in a court of law if I am ever found guilty of some sort of coup or insurrection to establish a diaper-patriarchy-fascism in the United States.
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>>33791 >>33793 >>33809 >>33813 >>33825 I've been thinking about writing a story set in an ultra-patriarchal world where women are in a subservient role to me but men are the ones in diapers and attended to by women. Imagining stuff like men having maids at the office to change them or clean them up, and if they feel like it they can just freely piss in their faces while the females just smile and take and it ask for more. Don't know if I'm brave enough to go full-crazy-misogynist with it though. >>34625 My Discord is abdlextra if anyone wants to hit me up there.
The natural order is for woman to have padding between their legs and a cock in their mouths. Prove me wrong!
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>>36352 >Prove me wrong! I can't! You're too fucking correct!
>>36377 Meant to respond to >>36360
With potential water shortages in the future using the bathroom may become a luxury we cannot afford. Therefore it is important for women to start doing their part now!
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From a /gif/ thread on the other chan.
>>38215 Sounds like an anon that has posted in this discussion. On that note I kind of wonder how many women are closet abdl these days like closet spankos. Considering how childish women have become would not be surprised if it is a fast growing fetish with young women.
>>38218 It seems more common. I feel like I can think of a handful of young women I see pop up in the fetish, post some diaper content, and then disappear after just a few months.
>>38215 That post is completely wrong, diapers are a phallic symbol and external genitalia are way better than them. More men wear diapers than w*men as well. Way more people like cock in diapers than anything else and love it way more passionately. That says something.

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