/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Baby 11/25/2022 (Fri) 23:01:31 No. 19800
Goodbye anons. I am deleting my multi-terrabyte collection of videos and saying goodbye to this board, and to this fetish. So many problems in the world would be solved if adults, especially men, would stop behaving like children. I don't want to be part of the problem anymore. I hate myself for this disgusting fetish. How did I ever come to enjoy the feeling of pissing and shitting myself? I probably have childhood issues to deal with, and watching women wear diapers is not going to help me deal with it. I posted the screenshot of my collection not to brag, but to show you what is possible to say goodbye to. No amount of videos will help you or make you feel loved. Finding the next perfect video to cum to will not fill the empty hole. Trust me, I know. Get off the Internet. Hit the gym. Find God. Have children. Save Western Civilization. And for God's sake, get rid of your porn and your diapers.
>>19800 See you next week.
>>19800 Yeah... Multi-terabyte... Ok... 1TB x 1/2
>>19804 If OP has the full "ABDL Content Collection" inside that folder, from memory that was over 1TB when posted here (or 8kun) about a year ago. You can still find the torrent files in a zip if you google "abdl content collection torrent".
>>19800 The binge-purge cycle is well-known in ABDL circles. Spoiler alert: deleting your porn out of self-loathing or some hope that your fetish is something you can 'escape'... it won't make you 'normal', and within 3 months at most you'll be re-downloading as much of the stuff as you can still get a hold of. [I pick 3 months because that's how long I made it in my last 'purge' before I admitted to myself that it was a mistake.] There's nothing noble about self-abnegation.
>>19800 I have a disability so severe that I can't work or even have sex (I can't be touched due to my over active nerves). What hope is there for someone like me? Other than distractions like this fetish.
Like all things in life, it's all about moderation. As long as you live a healthy life where you socialize and go outside, you're fine. [spoiler]I hate this binge-purge hobby/fetish
>>19814 Fuck I'm retarded
>>19800 I've not been a person much concerned with porn or such. I really don't like it all that much. But maybe I can let that go and provide safekeeping to your stash? Let me know and we can work out how we can transfer everything. Totally 100% just for safekeeping though. I totally won't be jerking off to it or anything weird.
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This doesn't even have the decency to be GOOD bait, try harder next time, anon.
>>19807 Anyone got that Littlepixiebaby messing video? I asked her for it but she said she lost it years ago. If anyone saved it. God bless you.
Doesn't have the decency to post said collection
Are you still wanting to get rid of your collection. I would gladly take it off your hands if that’s ok with you
>>19805 Hey, I made that torrent! Funny enough, the drive I had it on busted, so I had to get what I could from recovery software. I didn't realize it would still be kicking.

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