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“Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have.” - Otamin

(1.97 MB 1920x1080 No flight plan_00000.png)

Big Guy 06/20/2017 (Tue) 05:02:35 No. 132802
He was alone…
>>132942 That's an emotional video.
>>132942 Bravo… anon ;‿;
>>132942 >>134418 Don't forget the mastermind who made this possible. Bravo Nolan
(6.77 KB 200x169 2f7.jpg)

>>132942 N-Nice shit,anon.
(1.88 MB 360x270 BRAVO_NOLAN.webm)

>>132942 BRAVO
>>134480 Kek did some autist break the entire movie into 12mb webms?
>>134482 the entire movie + the post credits scene
>>134484 Can you post the horn intro webm?
>>134482 Lol you must be new here, brother.
>>134521 No brother, they expect one of us to be a newfag.
>>134482 How dare you?
(493.24 KB 1280x720 Getting Dubs.webm)

>>132942 is it avalaible in youtube?
>>135758 No, I still have the big file (full HD), but my internet is extremely painful to upload on. May take a while.
>>132942 One of the many reasons I come here.
>>135798 Don't worry brother, now is not the time for upload, that comes later.
(14.16 KB 278x88 Scas45rteujhrznrt .png)

>>135803 Much later.
(15.66 KB 480x360 B4CXzN3JsJo.jpg)

(101.21 KB 232x246 sir3.png)

How could you guys forget to include Sir?
>>135846 What are you talking about? He's right there.
>>132802 >Tfw the plane takes off and you weren't on the flight plan >Tfw you weren't even shot before you got thrown out of the plane
>>135872 Well, could have made him more visible.
I feel sorry for Sir?, CIA just ignoring him
>>132914 It doesn't matter where we are, what matters is our flight plan.
>>135893 Nobody cared who I was until I took on the power stance.
>>135916 If I crash your plane, will you die?
>>135920 It would be extremely humiliating.
>>132942 I'm actually sad, what the fuck.
You're a lonesome guy.
>>135969 noʎ ɹoɟ
(17.01 KB 272x300 1450379381921.jpg)

>tfw you have no friends to bring
>>132858 small guy
You cant craah a plane with no survivors if there is no plane
(464.79 KB 639x473 Bane in the Rain.png)

>>135873 >tfw you're not allowed to have friends

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