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Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

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Hurrah! Hurrah! For southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star!

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Anonymous 01/12/2022 (Wed) 21:23:49 No. 1
fair enough, I guess you also didn't do the soultrap trick to give yourself infinite mana and be able to cast any spell. I can understand how it can ruin the game.
Edited last time by cyberpunker on 01/15/2022 (Sat) 15:52:29.
stop replyfagging you yankee faggot
make me kike
no i dont use any tricks for infinite mana. i only use the trick i talked about before, drinking sujamma, which decreases intelligence to 0 temporarily and when the effect wears off you go back to maximum mana. thats not exploiting in my eyes, just a trick. and, you know, for this to work i have to frequently go to inns and buy the sujamma. but my plan with this character is to not rely on mana, im going to pay enchanters to enchant my gear with the spells i need.
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interesting lore from this guy
it's not an exploit in my mind, it's just a trick exploiting the game mechanics for unintented effects
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very powerful
>>877 it's definitely an exploit tbh. But do what you want tbh. >>878 Always did love the lore in morrowind.
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new guy in the council house
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bergamo is such a kino town
https://grandstrategygeneral.org/vichan/big this time it should work assuming anyone even wants to migrate from here
i should add, the service i bought the hosting from is undergoing maintenance right now. if you experience any lag, that's why
won't move there until there's sudaca theme
ok it lags like shit, can't make my post why is the url /vichan/ surely you don't need that part, you are doing something wrong
works on my machine
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all is as it should be.....
>flood detected fix this shit johan. biggers.cockteam had same issue until bossbigger fixed it worst part about it is that it literally deletes your post, makes it void, you need to rewrite it
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johan site went 403 on me
works on my machine
cant make new posts, 403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!
happened to me a bunch just reload, it should go away
thanks, it worked
think i'll post here... it's happening a lot i'm back, ready for mp
new site sucks -___-
uhhh we moved? testing
i cant post on the new site a tall
it's 403 error, happens sometimes refreshing a bunch or waiting for a couple minutes seems to do the trick but johan seriously has to fix it somehow
new site is soo broken
hardest working man in greece
passing on mp for today dadc about vic2 at the moment also site is fucking broke etc etc
>>904 miss updoot. this post would get many from me

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