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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3550: Burgeoning Deanobox Empire Edition Anonymous 10/07/2021 (Thu) 23:08:02 Id: 95efa8 No. 135129
Controversial plans to build hundreds of new houses on greenfield site in Rochdale submitted by Barratt Homes https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/controversial-plans-build-hundreds-new-21766783 UK travel red list cut to just seven countries https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58833088 Risk of UK power cuts this winter has increased, says National Grid https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/07/risk-of-uk-power-cuts-this-winter-has-increased-says-national-grid
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first for feeding women to dinosaurs
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first for mummy fiona
>>135095 >best friend from primary school has lost almost all his hair >>135112 >ask for the simps and save-a-hoes to expand the bubble wrapping further Men protecting women from men is what patriarchy is for, and when they get it they want they will continue to complain because that's what women are for.
>Risk of UK power cuts this winter has increased, says National Grid wonder if they plan on freezing old folks to death like they did in shartica
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>>135135 I will download her pictures and label them all rik mayall.
>>135134 good lad I only tuned it because of the fit mummy in that movie
thats a good pic showing the fundamental nature of the west rn
>But it said that conditions had worsened since a prediction it made in July, after a fire knocked out a high-voltage subsea power cable importing electricity from France. Half of the 2GW cable is expected to be unavailable until March. Autarky or bust tbh >Boris Johnson this week pledged to remove fossil fuels from electricity generation by 2035. >While coal has been all but phased out of power generation, gas can still account for more than 50% of supply on windless days when the sun isn’t shining. >Kwarteng said on Thursday that reducing reliance would involve boosting wind power, gas plants that use carbon capture and storage to reduce carbon emissions and “at least” one nuclear project. Nice square circle you got there.
>>135146 based
>>135148 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>us conspicuously not leaving any drones or new types of nvds
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>>135148 saved tbh
>>135146 hello miss, i invented the pillow, want to come back to my place and try my invention?
>>135136 bit wretched, tbh
>>135148 keeeeek
>>135148 why did he do it lads?
love autumn, tbh
>>135156 me too tbh
need some more eggnog
alegs is about to shart playing covidland once they finish talking about shit
>>135160 >>135161 gonna make a cuppa tea and grab snacks tbh
>>135162 good lad they are still blabbing the comfy has not started yet
its on now
made a cheese and ham sandwich
what the fuck reality are we living in smfh
keeeeek can't believe all this has happened
I remember when mummy gretchen banned us from buying gardening flowers
>when they made those fake mass graves in NYC
>>135167 yeah surreal and its still going on literally beyond 911 tier pysop
>>135171 yeah still people wearing masks and one of my dad's boomer friends who was a factory man at ford had a "random" stroke over the summer smh
>34 million views
>>135172 smfh >>135173 love alex so much tbh
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK hes going on about the shitcock videos
>crisis actor on a stretcher classic
that curly haired lass is ...
I remember being at uni toil in feb. 2020 and they took us all into a room and played fauci on the screen and it was just the same kind of tense moment as what happened at school on sept 11 in 2001, same kind of massive pause where you are sort of trauma hypnotized
>>135178 top fucking keeeeeek
actually the same thing happened 2 years in a row but in my house watching bojo tell us we're being locked down
mass hypnosis
>>135180 smh yeah you lads kept having those super mega lockdowns
keeek I remember when they just openly admitted it like this and nobody cared
>>135183 yeah back when they still had us all under the hypnosis
>>135183 i remember it too but forgot because we have been endlessly gaslit for 2 years
wonder what happened to scarf mummy she got a Sergey Kirov treatment by the media
>>135178 mass mentira sissy hypno
>01:11:11 noice
cuomo must have also upset the cabal because he was gotten rid of as well and replaced with some total quisling
the first man in the world to get the vax was called william shakespeare.
i knew someone who went on a ventilator, surprised he survived tbh
so they literally just murdered people with painkillers and those vents. wew
>>135192 yeah keek thats the reason the numbers were so high
shit might have to make super noodles now
based alex born on the witching hour like me
caesarean births make children detached from reality btw
>>135197 what's the lore behind this?
>>135197 Explains why I'm like this tbh
>>135197 wasn't there a study that said they cause autism? had something to do with their mummys vaginal microflora some shite
>>135198 they dont go through the birthing tunnel and miss out on vital hormones that are needed its like feeding your child aspartame powder milk instead of breastmilk
>>135201 >>135200 I believe it smh was ripped out of mummy that way and I know I'm a wrongun
had a proper birth me
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>>135204 me too coated in mummys cunny juice me
good lads based boomer mummies, mummy got bullied for waiting until 29 to give birth to me pretty hard by other boomers
very smart how globohomo are preying on pregnant woman who have probably been brainwashed into wanting their cunts to look pretty so they have their baby ripped right out of their womb thus creating an entire generation of autistic state obeying children
having your first experience of the world be sterilised metal torture tools and being dragged through layers of mutilated human flesh and organs out into the air then placed into an isolation chamber where a machine pumps air for you will fuck a nigga up psychologically if nothing else
>when a masked gloved person immediately mutilates your penis with a scalpel within 30 seconds of life
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>>135209 poor lad
Think one of the funniest things my dad ever has said was after I mentioned that it was bad for babies delivered c-section,. He said,. 'hey that's easy enough to fix - just take it after and... ' Then he mimed shoving the baby right back in the cooter. Keek
>>135209 >"that'll be $67,943.81 + Tip"
if it makes you feel any better i dont have foreskin either and thats super weird in the uk
>the incestuous flesh dildos in this thread pretending they are incels when they scored on birth
>ww2 larp >1984 yep it's boomer kino
>>135213 I don't really care but smh that sucks for you lad
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>made super noodles >Back in time for more kino
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>alex says fuck copyright
keeek based druggie
>they strap you to a bed and inject you with fent and things that suppress your liver and then they shove a tube in your mouth
god this thot is just the worst
>>135220 fucking insane
>>135221 yeah she is just admitting to murder and expecting to be treated like some based whistleblower
>>135223 typical femoidic narcissitic psychopath, there was a nurse like that in the doctors office last time I was there. just some slut there for the money who psychologically steps back from all the ruthlessness and fraud in the US medical system. tee hee I'm just like a girl
they definitely killed this bloke
>>135225 tbh. died 6 months before it kicked off
>>135225 yep too based and white
one of those last boomer anglo-american scientists, they already got rid of DNA man
>jew ho
>>135230 smh reality is a joke
so obvious build back better is the jewish zionists attempt to keep control of the west
keeeeeeeeek reminds of when they gave an oscar to the white helmets
>>135233 bit on the nose wasn't it
frenchfry man keeeeeeeek
smh these dirty slovenly cunts i cant believe they have gotten away with this
>snitches get rewards keeeek smfh how did they get away with that
based alegs showing me the local lad I should be helping in this video based JUST haircut
it's like a pikey call out
>>135235 hope they play that clip
>>135239 based
>that name im sorry lads
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should have put the window through
tbh anyone bullying mummies makes my boar energy act up
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okay this is making me really mf mad
they will all pay in the end
>>135247 going to watch it tomorrow lad whats happening
>>135249 video evidence of the medical bureaucrats basically torturing elderly people
so they have basically been putting the elderly in solitary confinement for 2 years
>>135251 yeah i am seething so much
if they are on their deathbed why does it matter if people visit them?
literally just psychopathy
>>135254 some kind of twisted satanic shit lad
>>135256 yeah it is
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>>135252 smh not sure I want to watch it now
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the pigs need to be culled
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y-yeah my freedom to consoom and be race replaced
>joe owens was right
what are you watching?
>>135264 alegs is premiering covidland
>>135262 ive been starting to think the race replacement was just a stepping stone so the elite could have subhuman low iq footsoldiers who bully mummies and keep them away from their loved ones while we all get gaslit to death
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kino tbh
on the next episode of dragon ball z
interesting how other hosts mimic alex's speech pattern and hand movements
>>135272 you mean that one crypto jew owen?
>>135273 yeah he's doing it now
yeah owen is cringe tbh smh
kek he is larping as AJ turning it off
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same beard as well kek
morning lads sounds like covidland is some potent seethium smh
>>135278 yeah its based lad and alegs made it so its easy to pirate so you can give copies out
>>135279 he's a good lad
not like any of the niggercattle would bother to look past the fact that it's made by le insane conspiracy theorist racist filter man and actually take in the evidence though smh
glad that there were a good representation of michiganoids in that first episode.hope they get some canucks, brits and aussies in other ones
>>135281 tbh the only people i could feasibly try to get to watch it are some of my family and they'd just instantly stop thinking and revert to their programming as soon as they saw it was by alegs smh they're all vaxxoomed anyway
https://youtu.be/Y5UyLUHtGhc Good job samaritans
>>135284 keeeeeeeeeeek what a vibrant culture
>>135283 if the vaccine stole your sould why would they insist on boosters?
>>135286 same reason they do anything lad it's profitable and they enjoy the feeling of control
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Coomed smh couldnt make it a whole week huh. Here comes the post-coom munchies smh
Wessie is alphabet agency machine learning bot
Don't trust the wessie bot
SA bans anyone who calls out the fact wessie is a bot
This board is full of characters designed to harvest data on people
Wessie bot don't feed the bot
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Toil end Weekend begin
>The Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer is a tool that displays archaeology that has been identified, mapped and recorded using aerial photographs and other aerial sources across England. >For the first time ever, Historic England has made the results of over 30 years of aerial photograph mapping projects freely available online. Use it to explore heritage from ancient settlements to secret Cold War military installations, or to see the complex archaeological landscapes of Hadrian’s Wall, Stonehenge and so much in between. https://historicengland.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=d45dabecef5541f18255e12e5cd5f85a
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>>135303 Keek. Morning lad.
Give us some of that sweet sweet nandrolone bruders
smorning feels like one of my nasal cavities is inflamed or smth, very sore and I don't know why
>>135160 Is it still possible to watch this now?
>>135309 Is it blocked up or what?
>>135311 a bit, lots of clear mucus but mostly just sore around the back of the throat hope it's not the coof
>>135312 RIP lad Will miss your poosts
>>135312 That's a throat infection. It'd be a dry coof if it was mentira.
KEEEEEEEK wessie is probably one of the few extremely unhealthy people that coof is actually a threat to
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tattie scones bacon n eggs for brekky, been a week since I last put in work smh
wtf is wrong with yank police honestly
>>135317 Who the fuck thinks it okay to just roll around provoking people with tear gas and bean bag rounds like that.
>>135318 KEEEEEEEEK literally blackwater in baghdad tier
>>135314 smh I guess I will just have to bear it out >>135315 probably right at this point of neglect smh >>135318 they straight up did a driveby shooting on a random pedestrian, using real bullets as well a few poosts about it on twatter yesterday
>>135319 There probably were some Iraqi vets in that group of cops.
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>>135322 nasty little zika goblin needs punting into a canal
>>135317 >filename Hope it's true he was aquitted. Did fuck all wrong. >when he realises they're cops and not bangers trying to murder him, he gets on the ground with hands behind his head before they ask >that shart cop really screaming get on the god damn ground >literally kicking and punching him in the head and screaming at him as he lies still They were trying to provoke him into giving an excuse to just point blank execute him. Fucking hell. >>135320 Did the civilian die? Smdh. Kill all zogbots.
>>135324 pedestrian returned fire then later won his court case against them so this was too far even for weimerica
>>135325 would've been more kino if he kept shooting tbh they would have gotten btfo in that van
new genocide euphemism
>>135327 >replenishment >restoration of a stock or supply to a former level or condition.
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>>135330 Ah the British slag.
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>>135327 laaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
>>135330 >content aware scaling more like cock-tease awoo sexling, I'm I right lads, phwooar
just want a briish gobby gf
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>>135327 Want to murder death kill that writer in minecraft tbh.
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK fucking state of reddit talking about that article, literal bots anytime anyone mentions overpopulation
>>135336 keeeek
>>135337 pig feed
>>135337 I wish normal people would get a gut feeling when reading that tbh. Then again what % of people will even read it tbh smh
fuck off just FUCK OFF
>>135341 wow all these 3 are insufferable
*starts seething*
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>>135342 >girlnextgondor
>>135345 keeeeeeek fuck's sake
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>>135348 still waiting for the drop where he slips up and reveals he's a state agent gatekeeper
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>>135348 <*sneethes*
>>135351 >make insane point no different to steiner, who refuses to accept the overwhelming evidence that guns are obsoleted by drones.
if it weren't for Tucker saying that, Yang wpuld have gotten zero attention YANG A N G GANG A N G
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https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/gay-mafia-lady-godiva-ndrangheta >A notorious crime family known for feeding people to pigs is now making headlines for one mob boss’ son: Lady Godiva, a flamboyantly gay drag queen >Down in the Calabria region of Italy (the toe of the boot), the mafia family they know is ’Ndrangheta. Over time, the organized crime group has grown into one of the most powerful, fearsome families in both Italy and the world, often partnering with Colombian and Mexican cartels, as well as the New York-New Jersey mafia in the U.S. It’s paid off, too: In 2008, the ’Ndrangheta organization was estimated to have earned $55 billion in illicit non-taxed income, and the crime family regularly accounts for roughly 3 percent of Italy’s GDP. the fuck is wrong with wops fucking hell had no idea the mafia was that big
>>135317 holyshit lmao why were they rolling around shooting people with beanball rounds?
toast sandwich and three pints of blue lid for lunch
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>>135358 >three pints of blue lid
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>>135350 > still waiting for the drop where he slips up and reveals he's a state agent gatekeeper The fact he *doesnt* do that is actually proof that he *is*,when you think about it long enough
>>135356 they've been at it for a very long time tbh not like the government would ever try to break it up either >>135358 very good lad
>>135348 Pretty much everyone is saying the unabomber made some good points now though
>>135359 if you can't drink at least one whole four pint bottle a day you aren't white
why does this account exist? https://mobile.twitter.com/Wilson1Theresa
>>135366 very sad. reminds me of those ambulance tv shows where they show up to a 60 year old womens home and she's been dead for weeks because noone checked up on her.
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and how did this happen?
maybe the YouTuber corrected the title? guess that's it. crazy account. most of twitter is super lonesome like that
morning lads
>twitter retards indistinguishable from the bots who now make up a majority of users epic style
>>135369 wew >>135371 morning lad
>>135369 probably some jew animator trying to defame walt
nah walt was a nonce end of. send bazza in to smash his cryogenic freezing chamber
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but disney world was one of the last times I was happy
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imagine bragging that you only increased the debt by 600 billion it's a failed type of society lmao
>>135376 you can be happy right now by simply accepting that God hates you
Chinese government is making a WM/AF movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nAnigA8RHs
people are constantly disappointed by things in life, because they cannot recognize the obvious, which is that you are being punished for long forgotten sins of a past life.
>>135380 racemixing is gross also japs>chinks
>>135382 japs are just chinks with a superiority complex
https://youtu.be/7cufG2Dlxvk Watching it again, lads
Why aren’t we crabs yet?
its weird how the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans don't even acknowledge they're a part of the same race. Like has there never been a pan-East Asian racialism outside of the west?
https://youtu.be/kXcqKJWIjzg >look at all the niggers in these videos god this world is so disgusting they are like human mold
japanese are ainu hapas and the jomons in korea and south china are gook goblins
>>135388 jomons are ainus. yayoi are the chinese derived rice farmers that displaced them.
seething at japs now lads well done
>>135374 >>135369 it's taken out of context, it was Walt saying that they were sexualising her, not that he found her sexy
>>135389 good lad I can't tell all the gooks terms apart, just always default to remembering only the judo throw names
>>135389 the legends say that ninjitsu came from korea.
>>135392 i agree. i've looked into walt, he was a goodlad.
it's a difference in language over time similar to how calling someone gay is entirely different a century ago
>>135396 good lad
Don’t really care about Japan tbh
>>135398 ninjas tho
>>135397 >>135395 sick of seeing that pic tbh, clearly some jews trying to smear his name
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>>135399 tbh ninjas and pirates. it's halloween
anti mask protestors are using masks in protests now, wearing all black, smart like ninja the democrat fears the ninja
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>>135404 really enjoying this absurd upside-down world tbh
>mum bought choccies despite me making it clear I'm losign weight... again
>>135407 think she's decided on the heart attack by 35 nest-clearing strategy tbh
>>135408 still have 5 and a half years
>In 80 AD, Flavius Josephus recorded the first known incident of mooning. Josephus recorded that in the procuratorship of Ventidius Cumanus (48-52 AD), at around the beginning of the First Roman–Jewish War, a soldier in the Roman army mooned Jewish pilgrims at the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem who had gathered for Passover, and "spake such words as you might expect upon such a posture" causing a riot in which youths threw stones at the soldiers, who then called in reinforcements—the pilgrims panicked, and the ensuing stampede resulted in the death of ten thousand Jews.[11][12]
>>135411 absolutely based ten thousand yids dead with one flex of the buttocks
>>135411 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek probably the reason why the idf shoots children who throw rocks tbh knowing the kikes they're still butthurt about it to this day and remember it vividly through multi-generational ptsd as if they themselves were there
>>135303 like a fat girl on cock
Has anyone here ever met an Abbo? I know they're mostly on the dole but I feel like the rural ones must be cool.
>>135415 What'd chappelle say trannies are weird and gross? Cool
>>135418 idk but apparently he said some spicy shit
>>135418 >>135419 he said that trannies are white men who want to get double white privilige by being a victim class. Chapelle just isn't even funny anymore. I dont care if he shits on whites but his past three specials have all been about trannies and its boring.
>>135420 Now that's funny.
>>135421 >want to be a victim class tbf that's not wrong, when white men are considered pure evil and your social status is higher the more victimised you are there are some nutjobs who will buy into it and create their own victimhood
>>135415 keeeeeeeeek >>135416 only ever met urboid abbos tbh smelly and noisy but they basically just keep to themselves when they're in huwhite areas don't know how they act in rural towns but there's a huge area way up in the northwest of my state called the apy lands that's basically a self-governing area for them and it's a crime-ridden shithole tbh an absolute nightmare
https://www.npr.org/2021/10/05/1043435919/dave-chappelle-new-netflix-special-the-closer-review >"In our country, you can shoot and kill a nigger," Chappelle says. "But you better not hurt a gay person's feelings." >In The Closer, Chappelle eventually says he's jealous of the progress the gay rights movement has made in America. "If slaves had oil and booty shorts on, we might have been free 100 years sooner," he cracks. >"Gay people are minorities until they need to be white again," Chappelle says as the capper to a different story about his conflict with a white man at a nightclub who called the police. The comic says the man he nearly fought was gay. >He goes on to joke that for years, he thought the word "feminism" meant "frumpy d**e." That the #MeToo movement was "silly" because wealthy women in Hollywood didn't fire their agents and uplift women working in the mailroom. >Chappelle recalls how he once asked why it was easier for Caitlyn Jenner to transition in public than for Cassius Clay to change his name to Muhammad Ali, ignoring the obvious answer: Ali adopted his name 50 years earlier. Thankfully, times also eventually change. >Earlier, Chappelle says this performance, his sixth special with Netflix, will be his last for a while. He also says he won't joke about LGBTQ topics anymore. >"I'm done talking about it," he says toward the end of The Closer. "All I ask of your community, with all humility: Will you please stop punching down on my people?" >That line, with all of its terrible assumptions about who "your community" is and who "my people" are, just made me terribly angry and disappointed. Because untangling homophobia, transphobia, racism and white privilege requires a lot more effort and understanding than Chappelle makes here.
>>135425 >npr pearl clutchers try to understand jokes the cringe
>"If slaves had oil and booty shorts on, we might have been free 100 years sooner,"
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>based woke but still explicitly anti-white nigger man
troons are getting sheeeit and booons ain't happy
>>135429 You should be a headline writer for the Sun.
>Misha Glenny notes that the settlement of the Circassian deportees played a major role in destabilizing the Ottoman Balkans, especially Bulgaria. Their arrival helped spread starvation and epidemics (including smallpox) in the Balkan territories, and worse, the Porte ordered that Christians be evicted en masse from their homes in certain areas in order to accommodate the need to house the deportees. This, and the outbreak of armed conflict between the Circassians and the Christian and Muslim natives, accelerated the growth of nationalist sentiments in the Balkans. >In many cases, lands were assigned to North Caucasian refugees by the Ottoman government, but the locals refused to give up their homes, causing outbreaks of fighting between Circassians and Chechens on one side, and the Bulgarian, Serbian, Arab, Bedouin, Druze, Armenian, Turkish and Kurdish natives on the other, leading to armed conflict. In Uzun Aile, between Kayseri and Sivas, Circassians ultimately pushed the local Kurdish population out, and to this day the Kurds with roots in that region recall in a folk song how a "cruel fair-haired and blue-eyed people with sheep-skin hats" drove them from their homes.[216]
>>135380 all part of their plan to entice the leftover men of the west who they can easily absorb and would only benefit from while weakening the west ever more smh >>135386 they've never had a need for it, never colonised or really interacted with those of another race like europe has
>>135437 actually they are just too based and collectivist to be panasian sharters, only the chinks do anything like it and they do it by colonising and genociding other ethnicities, subsuming them into the han mutt blob
>>135439 lmao her banner looks like a bot's
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>>135439 >judaism & jewish identity
found varg's latest twatter account where he shills MYFAROG, plays videogames and doesn't talk at all about how his children are now forced by the state to go to school and not be homeschooled
>>135442 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek playing as the SS against the reds
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Sneed lads.
>>135442 do you have the noir giga chad but without the twitter stuff? asking for me
>>135446 thanks lid. keeking at this one tbh
>>135380 Is that Zack from the suite life of zack and Cody?
>>135442 smh at number one >>135444 keeeek poor little warwick
>>135448 it literally is lmao
>>135448 It would appear to be
>>135441 Every time.
>>135448 >he has identified as a Heathen since age 15
>>135451 keeeeek
>>135451 Keeeek.
>>135442 baste varg, never wash yer willie
borgar an chippo
>>135461 frozen pizza
>>135461 twiglets and cranberry juice
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>>135461 yum thb stuck a fish in the oven earlier but dropped it on the floor when I got it out
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me daa's eccied
>>135465 faggot drug tbh
>>135380 Based and imperium
>>135466 ah just something limmy said, no eccies
>>135464 poor lad smh >>135462 >>135463 good lads
>‘What will we do if they close the game cafe?’, Afghanistan’s Gen Z gamers fear Taliban crackdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbUfFUaH0jQ
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stuffed crust pepperoni pizza cooked and ready to be eaten after i hit my buzz from drinking vodka for the first time in months
>>135471 truly it's friday
4th glass of baileys and 2nd dose of codeine
>>135473 smh i mis drugging and drinking myself up
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>that fuzzy feeling you get
>>135472 yeah tbh treated myself because i have been toiling and going gym almost every day for the past 2 weeks
>>135476 very good lad
>tyson fury making his thing a triumphant struggly against mental health >spends the entire press conference calling wilder a mentaller retard
motorcyclist brapping his engine into my window from the car park maybe it is exhoost fume gangstalking after all
>women exist
can't believe it's friday the week just vanished
>>135479 3d print a GUN
>>135480 still shm over this one tbh tbh
>>135481 what a shyt week it was too
>>135481 aye tbh decent going
Alone on a Friday night? God, you're BASED.
see a lass in trousers, seems modest, wait what's this, shirt tied up to show midriff ffs
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Who's staying in on a friday night? THE LADS ARE
>>135491 unfathomably based
Safe and inside Friday night, 21st century Yamnaya boys
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>>135499 keeeek
That new Foundation tv series is pretty shite. Very loosely based on the Asimov books. Majority of the main characters have been changed from hwhite male to female. Mostly nigger females. They even turned R. Daneel into a woman, and she doesn't even obey the laws of robotics. Also a couple of the characters that were originally important because of actual qualifications and experience are now just in positions of power because they're "special". Asimov is rolling in his grave.
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>>135467 goodlad
>>135501 keeeeek smh not that it matters much since it was poz from the beginning tbh
>22 It's Smartin's year next year.
>>135504 extremely bad omen tbh
>>135500 kek I cant find the us leak end vocaroo
>>135506 nor I smh maybe he'll do an updated version
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wonder what based things Xi will do in the year of the water tiger
>>135508 probably annex taiwan, finish the tibetan genocide, kick the poos into line, expand the belt and road into afghanistan and maybe do a little seamonkey colonising if they're up to it after all that meanwhile the west will do nothing and continue to decline or collapse completely as the NWOshites keep pushing
>>135509 my happening glands are aching for the taiwan invasion.
China is too savvy to jump the gun on Taiwan. All they have to do is wait
>>135510 tbh the way that happens may well end up a nothingburger since taiwan seems to be having poz problems and the chinkies there are naturally aligning closer to the CCP since they are more nationalistic than the globohomo candidates currently in power smh >>135511 tbh
China will consume SEA only after consuming Taiwan. Taiwan is actually SEA if you think about it tbh
>>135509 probably true. I think the yanks would blink first if it came to an armed confrontation with China. Taiwan will fall, it's only a matter of time.
Taiwain are so libtarded they're planning on taking down statues of Chiang Kai-shek because he was a heckin racist chinkerino. https://www.voanews.com/a/proposal-to-remove-chiang-kai-shek-statue-in-taiwan-stirs-controversy-/6240749.html >>135513 tbh
>>135515 wew yeah smh the utter state they will beg for the CCP to take over when the yank knoblickers start mass importing niggers or something
half a year out of date honey lemon tea with added actual honey already getting tired of constantly snorting out huge amounts of mucus tbhsmh
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>all the NWO satrapies competing to show the jews just how much poz and humiliation they're willing to endure in order to still be in the club
Travel.vecoming easier but economy turning to poo
I actually sort of enjoyed being a line manager today for the first time in a while. Feel like I'm building a rapport with the newbies. The last guy I managed was alright, he implied that he disliked LGBTBBQ people, which was good to know. He did listen to nigger music though so not overly based.
My biggest problem with libtards taking down statues is that in all cases they are directly benefitting from the actions of the men in the statue. If you take down a Columbus statue you must believe the presence of whitoids in America is innately immoral, as that was Columbuses greatest deed, so why dont libtards correct his evil actions by killing themselves or jumping in the sea? For Taiwan its especially offensive since he literally founded the country only 70 years ago and evacuated 99% of the population of Taiwain from certain slaughter in China himself. These libtards should bludgeon their grandparents to death and then jump into the sea. Liberalism is a fucking death cult.
>>135521 all comes down to rules for thee but not for smee
its like environmentalists saying white people need to stop having babies and start recycling while china and india exist just a way for them to seem better than you and impose rules on you
gonna join stand up michigan lads, hope I can meet some nice antivax mummies and lasses there and save the land from the evil wicked witch of the lakes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Mini rolls and a developing potbelly for supper
>>135525 good lad
>>135525 good lad I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that mummywaffen is the only viable vanguard
>>135501 >characters that were originally important because of actual qualifications and experience are now just in positions of power because they're "special" smh I don't even remember much of the books but I do recall that psychohistory's inability to account for "special" individuals was kind of a crucial plot point. >>135524 ummm sweetie Indians only produce X% of the CO2 a European does per capita, population growth doesn't matter.
>>135525 good lad
>>135525 Good luck
>>135525 champ he's out there DOING SOMETHING
tbh every one of us will have to do something active at some point before we are all gulaged and wiped out you will die a soul death if you dont
>>135529 Yes but their specialness was not handed to them on a platter. In the books, Gaal Dornick is an established mathematician with a doctorate, and is involved because of his expertise. In the TV series, she's the only mathematician on her planet and has no formal mathematical education, and just really likes numbers and wins a contest. In the hooks, Salvor Hardin is a seasoned politician. In the TV series, she's a young Warden because she's "special" and her father happened to have the same position.
>>135534 I was referring to the Mule.
>>135533 My friends here keep me spiritually in tune.
https://youtu.be/sF0QLtk3YH0 Mine and Steiner's song
https://youtu.be/ijwFQiRUSAw Mine and Smartin's song
>>135537 even the Mule wasn't really special, it's just that Seldon wasn't aware of Gaia so such an eventuality wasn't accounted for. That's really different from my complaint though. When I was bemoaning "special" characters I was referring to the Harry Potter chosen one syndrome, which is just bad writing.
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>>135545 you could juice an orange on those
They've been doing work on the ole noggin thinking they're funny cunts, been accociating things a little too easy with things I never gave a shit about and still dont but I know if I don't hold on to it it'll fade, I disagree with those paragraphs posted about using your imagination to plant a seed, the imagination is already a jungle its up to you which tree to climb tbqh
>>135547 >I have never watched a single Alex Jones show stopped reading tbh
>>135549 its some uni soyim grant farmer trying to do some cope debunk
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>>135552 good lad
>>135552 Ayyyy
>>135552 good lad farts and also shits then posts then goes and has a bath
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE-vX9eU7hw goodbye lads, hopefully some of you will become IRL nationalists and will meet again in England.
>>135556 where are you going lad?
I go to bed but I get up again >>135557 to white shores... and beyond, a far green country with a swift sunrise
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
need a gf tbh
>>135561 go out and catch one then tbh
night lads
just got paided by the old lady for her safety railing lads
>>135565 good lad, good deeds deserve rewards after all
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>>135565 good lad now phone her in a week asking about the payment for the safety railing
>>135567 keeek smh
>Idris Elba Confirms He Won’t Be the Next James Bond, and I Am ‘Shaken, Not Stirred’ About It https://www.theroot.com/idris-elba-confirms-he-won-t-be-the-next-james-bond-an-1847827422 why are niggers so stupid, do they actually think they'd make Bond black
>>135569 isn't there already a nigger woman bond or was that some bait and switch
>>135567 keeeeeek if it was a jew I would consider it tbh
>After being pressed on whether or not he would be interested in taking on the role later down the line, he added: “Who wouldn’t? How amazing would it be to have a Black James Bond? It’s a sign of the times when we can stop talking about Black, white, and color.” >amazing to have a black James Bond >we can stop talking about colour come the fuck on lmao
james bond is a british (i.e. english) glownigger, not an actual nigger
>>135570 she's not Bond, she's the replacement 007
just make up a new character ffs. the most recent spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) character is jason bourne and its yet another white anglo type guy
>>135575 they can't do that as no-one would fucking care about it at all and also the jews wouldn't get the thrill of corrupting something
>what if Bond but black >what if Bond but woman it's all so boring and lazy, at least Kingsman the first one put something of a twist on the idea that wasn't just lazy gay pandering
the next bond film should just be him scrolling through Qoomer threads for 90 minutes looking confused as fuck
>>135575 they don't really have anything else to go on tbh films about glowie scum entrapping autistic teenagers and sending them nonfunctioning bombs then killing them probably wouldn't sell if I were to make a spy genre film I would adapt Sharpe's Prey for cinema tbh but of course that doesn't involve any niggers either
>>135579 you simply can't make an interesting spy flick in the modern international world tbh, the enemy will have to be some vague secret govt illuminati group
>>135580 but then you couldn't have the good guy be anything actually threatening to the world order since they would have to be a cuck
>>135580 maybe something about chinky spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) stealing stuff from westoids but considering that traitor cunts in powerful positions basically just give all our secrets away that wouldn't be interesting either
>>135582 yeah and that'll sell so well in China won't it keeeek, the cunts in charge of the films are greedy bastards
maybe the russian special forces in crimea stuff would fit the bill, they do seem to want to bring back the cold war fear vibes
>>135586 All they have to do is make Bond films and have them set in the Cold War rather than the modern day, done and dusted.
Literally cant think of another reason to live apart from it >>135487
>>135587 >heroic windrush survivor Jah Bond 007-420 foils the plot of the evil Wignatfeld who has been funding terrorist skinhead groups in the UK to break are great diverse country apart >he turns a nartsee lass traitor with the power of bbc and uses his genius-level intellect to defuse a dirty bomb in the field while Q, played as a senile doddering old white grandad dithers over the radio >the film culminates in a gratuitous shootout where whitey is slaughtered indiscriminately and bond holds his gun sideways to shoot wignatfeld into a tank of acid, uttering the phrase "britain has always been multicultural"
>>135589 good lad, he has a cellphone that shoots out laser that makes the bad guys feel dysphoric and it also has a sonic tone it plays when you type in "niggers tounge my anus" which makes people around you immediately have sex. *bond*: you vape now Q? *takes the pen from him* 007 this is no time for jokes, this is no average vape pen, its a teleportation device, one simply has to put a large rock of meth into this vape pen and take a huge drag and you will immediately find yourself back in old england. also 007, don't point this thing at anybody because it infact is also a ATGM
yet to find a polish sausage I don't like they really do know how to process pigs
got the speakers on just heard the neighbour upstairs bang on the floor or something smh he heard me listening to weebshite at quarter to 2 in the morning thought I had it down quiet enough but I guess the piercing high pitch sounds of jap women are too strong >>135592 tbh although I think they have a tendency to overprocess so it's basically just a pink meaty paste in a casing a lot
>>135592 there is that video of this polish mummy playing mozart to pigs to stimulate their brains
it was an interesting bit of seethe from a vtuber who spent 3 years in australia supposedly to learn english and do high iq university courses but instead freeloaded off of multiple white families, complained about their children and culture, and prioritised scalping incels by pretending to be an anime over actually learning anything
is raw meat based? I've enjoyed eating raw things sparingly but I dont want to get food poisoning for a meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlfTgdbHyGE
>>135596 larpers will say it is but it's probably only okay if you can afford to get high quality outdoor animal meat that's never had a chance to pick up anything nasty like all the shit that happens in battery farms
don't like raw stuff me prefer the ways of are ancestors where they cooked literally everything sometimes i think about caveman cuisine where they put stuff in a basin of water then dump red hot rocks into it until it boils for hours
I'll eat ground beef or raw eggs every now and again, I enjoy eating raw things for the thrill mostly.
>>135598 Hate to make zoomer references but that one scene from Spongecake when they're caveman and start cooking everything always looked appealing to me keeek
>>135600 ffs meant Spongebob
>>135600 good lad >squidward coping like the ruskies trying to btfo the gulag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFMK7fQVVjQ
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morning lads >>135600 >spongecake
https://youtu.be/mUYeQ6DRbro watching more wageslaves in toiltorture lads
>>135604 smh can't stand that sort of thing
based slag
another one of those days, huh?
based leaf in the first one
>the mcdonalds is on fire and they are fighting
>>135614 much like evropa
>>135600 tbh me too.
can't sleep smh probably a jewish curse since britlads keep getting nasal based ailments
keeeek major NEET dabbing on wagies moment at 2:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU8PrGiiMVc
>>135619 kino nothing better than seeing people destroy mcdonalds
jannies btfo
>>135619 this compilation is kino
>the chad who pisses on the wagies counter at the end
>>135619 >the chad leaf neet peeing on the shartdonalds for nomasking
>Big Ditch Mitch the saviour of Wichita https://www.kansas.com/news/local/article137968963.html
>"racists get told" compilations in my suggestions now
>>135627 btfo them lad for the white race
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>>135630 >chaos ensues as people shit everywhere keeeeeeeeeek based >>135631 shni la
tried sleeping again, didn't work >>135631 very good lad
it's catarrh as well I think spread to the other nostril so now I'm a mouthbreather
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>>135637 gone through a loo roll and a half and nearly filled a binbag already
>>135638 wew smh doesn't sound fun lad keep your fluids topped up
>>135641 morning lad >>135642 >didn't actually say it smdh
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>>135619 >schizo karen at 7: kino
>>135644 fucking goofs tbh
local burger king always get my order wrong tbh. What's so hard to get about a PLAIN BURGERINO JUST PUT NOTHING ON IT
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>>135646 Oh yeah I had this at Maccy Ds once, apparently it's a really esoteric request to have a burger with no cheese on it.
https://youtu.be/FCmtiYtiW6Q >>135648 Ah yeah that's what happened once too keek. Hate fast food cheese, it just looks disgusting
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>>135651 don't believe it until I see the orc
>>135653 >they model orcs after stereotypical nazis >viewers find themselves rooting for the orcs but can't explain why
>check the thread >just a wessie post
>jehova's witness sent a handwritten letter because door knocking is verboten in the covid era actually quite touched tbh that made me smile not many people put in that much effort these days >>135655 tbh
>>135659 good lad
>>135655 what's wrong today big guy?
>>135661 strep throat or catarrh or something since thursday, gotten really bad and I can't sleep or breathe properly or do anything except fill binbags with snotty tissues
>>135662 Smh lad, I don't think your relatives look after you enough
Demand for rooms surges There are currently more ads on SpareRoom from people looking for rooms than for rooms available. This is only the third time this has happened in the last six years. With people finally able to move, and others re-entering the market after moving back in with their parents during lockdown, competition for rooms is fierce.
Do the Spare room ads show the potential lodgers? Wouldn't mind a sexy female lodger
morning lads.
>>135662 Ah more trash for your family to appreciate
>>135662 hot drinks and sitting upright for you till your immune system stops being lazy.
>>135666 I am sure some anti-discrimination shite will have you end up with a negro that'll gut you in your sleep tbh
>>135665 time to build on the green belt lad don't ask questions about immigration though >>135667 smorning
>>135669 tbhsmh worst I've had it in years, used to have a good constitution but I guess all that frozen pizza and no fruit is catching up to me
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>>135670 >anti-discrimination rules land you with a negress who will pay rent with sex instead of money
>>135673 buy some multi vitamins to bridge the gap.
>>135674 That still ends with you being shanked.
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>>135675 tbh they sell vitamins in gummy bear form now. Just combine it all into a healthy meal
>>135675 I've got 1000mg C and 1000mg cod liver with omega-3, A and D I guess I can get some of the holland and barret stuff that sounds like it comes from alex jones
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>try to hoover a room >feel hot and exhausted How the fuck do people do jobs when simply keeping one room from being dusty is a job in itself?
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Poor wessex his experiment in perma bulking is not going his way
>>135680 tbh. Hoovering and cleaning room is something I need a 6 month chore break after doing tbh smh
>>135678 That's exactly what I take.
>>135681 this wouldn't have happened if I had a lass to work on smh
>>135680 vacuum cleaners do generate quite a bit of heat lad crack open a window >>135681 no victory without sacrifice
>>135683 no vitamin B? can't remember primary school science class tbh where do you get that from
>>135684 They retain fat differently. A connoisseur like Brosnan knows this.
>>135686 Marmite in my diet.
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>>135689 Vitamin B?
>thumbnail doesn't work ree
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>>135690 >Retard
the only reason bins supports keto is because of the amount of other men's protein he chugs.
got a 30 year old friend who's been out of work during his 20s. Should i try and get him a factory job alongside me? He's not very punctual and very left wing and my boss is a working class conservative boomer.
>>135694 Only if you want to ruin your relationship with your boss.
>>135695 Yea,after writing the sentence, I realised my friend probably wouldn't be able to co-exist with boss.
>>135688 smh, can't have that, too hard on the kidneys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASAUv_jRkFM Quite like this new form of auditing, bit like that film nightcrawler.
>>135698 I imagine you don't have trouble eating any of that apart from the green stuff.
>>135694 >He's not very punctual and very left wing best to only recommend people who are actually capable of toil tbh sounds like he'll be taking five-hour lunch breaks until he gets fired
>>135700 >lass walks past >looks at her bum keek
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>>135699 have to avoid potassium and salt and those are the main things iirc will go get some zinc and b I guess
>>135704 yea my friend lives in his own flat and regularly has sexy eastern european women lodgers. His mummy made him a rentier landlord.
https://youtu.be/w0HgHet0sxg House Atriedes looking mostly huwhite
>>135573 >(i.e. english) fleming retconned him into a jock actually
>>135706 based
>>135708 seen the original recently again and it just reminded me how kino it was, hope the modernshite is not terrible, they've wogged up his love interest though smh
>Priti Patel has backed plans for a new ‘888’ emergency number/app. It would track women as they are walking home, and if they don’t make it then the police will turn up at their location. Women could also press an alert button to summon assistance if they feel unsafe. https://twitter.com/PoliticsForAlI/status/1446585545367425025
>>135712 The barbie house matrix is getting ridiculous tbh, one middle class white bint gets killed and theres an inquisition against raep bastards
>>135714 it's retarded, everard was killed by a copper, who would have access to this new system they are proposing, this just makes it easier for groomer coppers to find victims
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>>135713 based
>>135712 sounds like it'd put a lot of pressure on the coperinos
>>135715 > this just makes it easier for groomer coppers to find victims more shite takes from you where you buy into the narrative but just tweak it abit, completely missing the heart of the issue
yes it's black history month at sainsburys self checkout enclosure
>>135719 Another (1) from you
Thought black history month was feb or is that the yank one, where the fuck has this come from, don't remember it last year but the media has switched gears to it like its some time honoured tradition with no explanation, the fucks going on tbh
>>135721 another boring post from you
>>135708 As a big fan of the Dune books, it looks ok, but it'll just be needlessly padded. Only half of the first book? Come on. Also dislike Villeneuve as a director. His movies are all pretentious and overlong. All of his supposedly beautiful cinematography is just sterile and artificial. Also, Hawat is now a nigger, Liet-Kynes is now a nigger woman, Beast Rabban and Feyd-Rautha are now merged into a single character, Chani is now a mulatto. Leto is now hispanic.
>>135712 >women have a special number to tell a nearby police officer that they are alone and exactly where they are I'm sure that would have done Sarah a lot of good.
>>135724 >Leto hispanic What even is Latinx or hispanic in Muttica? Are they the ones Steiner is worried about because they are replacing the rednecks?
>>135722 Odd numbered months are gay pride month Even numbered months are black history month
>>135722 Every October at secondary school, we'd have school assemblies about Harriet Tubman and the lady at the front of the bus. this was 20 years ago
>>135726 Latinos are the fastest growing yank demographic. By far outnumber & outbreed niggers. In the future all of shartica will be hispanic. In a twist of fate, they may even eventually be annexed by Mexico. Who knows.
watch out auslad >medical armoured vehicles >>135720 banger of a post tbh made me keek imagining joe saying that
>>135730 doubt those are going to australia
>eat >headache >don't eat >headache >work out >headache >don't work out >headache
guess I'll get some frustration out and dopamine in by choking the cat
>>135730 >imagining joe saying that keeek need a deepfake AI for Joe tbh
went and got some soluble multivitamin tablets says they taste like a refreshing sports drink which I bet means they are rancid >>135731 they are pictures from australia lad
>Newcastle United bought by the Saudi royal family The absolute state of footie
>>135736 >they are pictures from australia lad I want to see the source tbh
>>135738 try searching, forgot which twatter guy poosted the pics tbh
>>135730 smh bit worrying
>>135739 I did tbh
no sources except for the images themselves on twatter as far as I can see probably true though tbh
niggerwaffen going to kick off
>>135744 looks legit tbh
https://youtu.be/qBXbYaRmBPU New Jap music - thinly veiled Gerry Anderson's Thunderbirds homage. I like it.
>>135743 endless african wars to go fight as mercenaries in when >>135746 baste
>>135748 the female race runs on copium
>>135749 you can tell from her eyes she's not happy
>>135749 also spite signalling like that to try and get the other lasses to follow her poor choices
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>>135737 The white on green ugly tbh, black on white is kino
>>135751 tbh smh
>>135752 white on green is pretty iconic tbh
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I like white on black too
>>135748 keeeeeek desperately fishing for validation >>135750 tbh >>135751 tbh
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excited for abit of gypo on wog violence tonight lads?
>>135758 >groid wearing normal clothes and headphones so as to emulate his natural environment and gain power by pretending to kick off over a nigger moment on public transport
>>135759 keeeeeeeeeek
>>135758 don't know who either of them are tbh just waiting for the wog meltdown when yt wins >>135759 keeeek
>>135761 the lad is a serial niggerbasher at this point I think probably the jews are trying to set him up as a heel for the based black boxers to beat to death later
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>>135762 oh is he the same lad as the last time? based
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Flags with copious amounts of red look the best. They're indicative of great fervour. Bright & exciting.
>>135766 keeeek very true. Norway's flag is pretty good.
>>135765 prefer tasteful amounts of red smee
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sports are so gay. bingewatched a volleyball anime lately and odd to think that anyone would even think of making that game. Seems so arbitrary with a net and 6 players on each side just touching the ball without grabbing it and trying to get it on the other side. That goes for all sports tbh. I guess it all came about as a nonlethal way to compete?
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>>135769 >bingewatched a volleyball anime lately what a productive use of your time
>>135770 lil nigga wearing a skirt
>>135771 It was fun I guess, but the style of the game makes the pacing a bit awkward with how it stops every time someone scores.
>>135769 watch Macross Frontier instead https://youtu.be/VnBgMIYA874
should have watched the sumo anime tbh
>>135774 doesn't grab me tbh
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>>135775 A lot of sports anime is catered to the gay audience, this looks like it is tbh.
>>135769 volleyball is just something to play at the beach tbh it's not supposed to be treated like a real sport
>>135777 probably true tbh the best sports anime is obviously the one where they're all women and it's about mashing their butts together or something
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>>135778 I guess tbh. It's not to say that I don't like playing sports. Liked handball, dodgeball and a type of baseball a lot >>135779 kek that was kind of fun I guess
>>135776 oh well
>he was lurking and just waiting for a moment to shill his silly cartoon smh
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>>135774 >cute girls interspersed with space battles uh huh
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>>135783 it's good it has jets and flagships that transform into giant mecha and have cool battles in space whilst cute anime girls sing jpop stuff
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>>135774 prefer VOTOMS or OG Gundam tbh
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>135785 >mecha
>135787 >Gundam
>66cf2e doesn't like big robots
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>>135790 I like nge actually but mecha as a genre is shite >inb4 nge isn't ackshually robots
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double cream oreos and milk tbh, also had a reheated slice of pidser and cookies
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the weekend, the weightloss-lad's hardest trials
>135788 >135789 >filtered for poofery
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>>135747 >Me, a racist? I fought with African niggers against nigger Muslims. How many niggers have you shared a battle bond with? Oh, you've never had that bond with anyone? You should kill some niggers, like me. It's fullfilling work and you make lots of nigger friends.
>>135787 VOTOMS looks alright, might give it a try
amased at how the anime industry survives tbh. You'd think people would get burnt out watching it
>>135785 The giant mecha robot suit thing is seriously gay, honestly it's the worst fucking meme in all of science fiction. How many decent fictional settings have to be ruined before the Nipps will see the truth?
>>135799 It's all isekai gayism or some underage slice of life copy+paste it's the shit taste of normalcattle that now flock to it keeping it afloat smh not sure if the whole vtuber thing plays a part of it but don't know much about it to comment
>>135801 Really hate the isekai shit tbh smh
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>14 uh oh
>>135797 The Ambazonia lads would probably get volunteers if they recruited in Britain tbh
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>eat all those sweeties >still hungry
u wot? ngubu's at war against the French? where do I fookin sign?
>>135805 smh lad let's start a new slimmer and fitter life together
>>135807 you weigh 9st more than me tbh
>>135808 yeah, that's why we're going to get that down, lad
>>135801 modern anime is pretty soulless tbh
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>>135809 y...yeah
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>>135810 Everything these days is soulless, isn't just limited to anime smh
>>135813 I won't argue with that
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>most people in this thread are shoecels
>>135816 keeek tbh tbh
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>store clerk enablers
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>want to take bath but remember how it felt last time
>gayism >americanism state of poombs
>George Carlin >Norm McDonald Utter cringe.
>>135817 >dirty untermensch feet yeah no think I'll stick with shoes actually.
can you lads stop using vpns that resets your IP? We're supposed to be 30 UIDs in these threads, not 90
>135824 >spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)
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>>135826 its so revolting
I miss Hitler
I am going to see a classical music performance this evening alone
>>135829 same tbh
>>135828 Jollibee is pretty bad. That Pinay is a different one to the one he banged in his hotel room on his first trip to the Philippines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i0Yz1fmgR8
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Hitler was a poof and a bedwetter
>>135831 Glorious.
>>135832 cunts like this need to be greenlit they give us such a bad name >>135835 why do you keep posting this shite nobody cares m8
>looking up old crt's and vcrs >they cost more than flatscreens now FUCK OFF can't believe mummy binned all that analog stuff
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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10075207/Amazon-strikes-book-deal-Neo-Nazi-ex-BNP-leader-denies-Holocaust.html Amazon strikes book deal with Neo-Nazi ex-BNP leader who denies the Holocaust and claims 'he would have been proud to have been part of Hitler's Nuremberg rallies' >In the 324-page book, that has also been downloaded over 30,000 times online, Collett praises the Nazis at the Nuremberg rallies, saying: 'Those in attendance wore uniforms, looked healthy and were of good breeding stock.' >He also denies holocoust took place, stating that in terms of 'white guilt', nothing is pushed more strongly than the 'alleged extermination of six million Jews at the hands of the German people'. >He also denied that he supported Nazi ideology, saying: 'I am not a National Socialist. I wasn't around in 1930s Germany.'
>>135838 oh fuck he's actually making it
https://youtu.be/lCMPNreyIvQ >15:18 >Felton mentioning Irving What's going on lads?
>>135838 >Those in attendance wore uniforms, looked healthy and were of good breeding stock.' Is he having a jab at someone?
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>>135824 how many times do I have to repeat this? The site changes your id for no good reason if you're posting from a mobile device. No VPN necessary. You can post from the same device with a perfect connection and have 5 different ids in the same thread.
>>135842 100% angloid
>>135844 not on my phone
>>135846 well it does on mine
>>135848 I'm actually not even phoneposting atm
>>135829 I miss low-quality 2014-16 schizo jerrycucking very unironically
https://odysee.com/@PatrioticAlternative:f/second_birthday_promotion:c What the fuck are PA even doing? Are they going to stand in elections or not?
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yeah wessie why are PA so shit?
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>>135852 electoral commission is stonewalling them by disregarding actual law and saying that you can't be a party if you have even the slightest hint of discrimination by ideology (not by membership criteria) basically things are so far gone that they can just say "no" and the daft parties can't even get their meme status not sure if mark is going to court over it, probably not
>>135852 no they're being impotent larpers as always
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>>135857 Was thinking of joining the Northwest lads next year but don't want to get too deeply involved tbh unless it's hilarious shenanigans relating to minecraft servers and spray painting nigger all over a city one night keek
>>135860 they are on the side of the opticscucks and are no fun allowed so probably nothing like that seems like it would be nice to have a community of vaguely normal people who are also based and that is worth it though i think
>>135862 I suppose even if just stealthily cleaning up statues it'll still be fun, maybe even form a more hard core group and start a party without publicising what we stand for before getting registered then take over a small town or something would be fun You should join tbh, might be good for you
>>135863 yeah I keep telling myself I will at least talk to someone once I've got my shit together keeksmh
>>135865 >counting your poos before they're hatched watch out lad the toilet witch may curse you
>>135864 go for a walk for 2 or 3 hours everyday (listen to podcasts), go home, clean, do jobsmummy toil.
>>135867 tbh I need to get some mega size headphones and an ipod or whatever the fuck people use these days so I can do that
>>135864 Godspeed brvder
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remember when we said we were all making it/gonna make it 5 years ago?
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>The /brit// lads will never unite and form a brap party under the flag of brapism
Kim Joy says that we're qualified brapologists
>>135871 forgot your (You)
new thread wanted
>>135872 >>135873 >Kim-Joy was born in Belgium to an English father and Malaysian–Chinese mother and now lives in Leeds with her partner.
>>135872 munterposterlad should give us an update on her tbh
>>135876 she moved to a new house some months ago, not sure where though she also just released a new book and i still love her
>>135877 If I find you I will rape you
>>135870 Ye? I bought btc and eth back then and I'm pretty close now tbh just need a chinky lass and i'm gtg.
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i love her so much tbh lads
>>135882 KEEEK
her Cameo is £44 now smh she's jew pilled
>>135882 i-is that a deepfake?
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>>135885 >no more bullying woes in the chat the jews took this from us
What are they up to lads?
>>135882 goodlad
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>can smell dinner is ready but dad hasn't called yet
>>135888 fake and gay fearmongering possibly leading to actual forced starvation and population control if they get confident
>>135888 gayist muh bregsit tories artificial scarcity
>>135890 He’s eating it all without you lad With these food shortages it’s every man for himself
>>135888 Peak oil. Also 500+ million middle class poos and chinks trying to emulate western man's standard of living. We've got to meet them half way tbh.
>>135890 help him out and lay the table or do some washing up you lazy fuck. Also why have dinner so early? I don't eat until 7pm
>>135893 keeeeek
>>135895 This is late tbh. We usually have it between 15:00 and 16:00.
>>135893 Time to start eating bugs I guess
>>135891 >>135892 They’re cancelling Christmas again
>>135897 how can you go 8 hours from 4pm to midnight without food? Mad.
we just fought WW2 lids, what do you expect pet?
>>135899 Posted wrong pic
>>135900 We eat another meal later
>>135898 Guess so… Bugs are printed plasticine steak from now on
>>135903 >second dinner are you hobbits or something
leave me alone
>>135906 sorry lad I wasn't trying to be mean I just find it strange is all
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keek big marty 2-dinners
>>135907 brekkie, lunch, dindins, suppah tbh >>135908 smh explains the obesity
Supply shortages my arse They are inducing panic buying which itself creates the shortages, it’s self fulfilling I hate the lads
>>135910 they're literally just repeating what they did during the lockdown, but for what purpose?
>>135910 Meant, “I hate *them lads”
>>135911 Increased control They probably intend to introduce food rationing “for our own good”
>>135838 >An Amazon spokesperson told MailOnline the book is self-published and added: 'It is factually inaccurate to state that Amazon keeps 85 per cent of the money paid by readers/customers of this book.' Shocking the Daily Mail has yet to expose how the US postal service was offering a publishing deal to Ted Kaczynski.
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Food rations? Based tbh
They're going use herd mentality to keep us permananently in a state of dissaray.
high point of the day shoveled into my mouth and down my throat in less than 5 minutes smh
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I find it hard to care about supposed food shortages when you become conscious of how wasteful most normal shitters are, i.e students types who have to get every McMeal delivered to their house. I've always assumed you'd have to be some sort of homesteader to survive a food shortage. In the current year you'd probably just have to understand how to bag dry foods in mylar bags and operate a stovetop.
>>135924 it's made of wood why not set it on fire too
>>135918 I think that woman's tits are actually larger than her head.
>>135915 Who are the twitter homos?

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