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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3568: Sleepy Time Edition Anonymous 11/08/2021 (Mon) 22:13:11 Id: 114d86 No. 148271
gn lads >>148271 goodlad
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Nth for brapology
>>148271 good lad
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>>148279 Imagine not knowing Wales is the capital of London
ngl feeling really rapey after doing demo at boomer toil, was cutting stuff up and bashing stuff all day and then some xoomer milf was at the gas station with her big milkers felt like https://youtu.be/pv2dI5WIoL4
>>148279 reminder that michael obama is the dominant one in their obummer relationshit
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>>148279 keeek american diplomacy
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>>148286 good lad
califo4nia's governor has been missing since he got his 3x boost juice. the waifu claims it's family related, no word why he can't just video himself,edia savvy and all. or ehy she can't video him. maybe out of prepaid data???
>>148289 californian govenor pozzed to death.
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baldwin got him
>Ted Cruz just picked a fight with Big Bird on Twitter. He lost. >LGBTQ Nation he's literally the only one taking on the furry menace
>>148291 psaki got covid 8 days ago and has remained invisible.
a furry persona will get elected to some position in our lifetime.
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mummy gretchen in the news again for dabbing on oil tycoons by trying to shut down the leaf pipeline which runs through the great lakes. ngl actually think this is based because running oil through a channel that is connected to like 30 percent of the worlds surface fresh water is potato
>>148295 She'll probably approve a load of wind farms and solar panels that leak heavy oil and metals into the great lakes instead.
>>148296 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek exactly lad
pretty sure that the polar vortex 2 winters ago was a dryrun for covid and that mummy gretch is going to shut off the gas here in winter to cause a situation
>>148298 I swear your state governors are like dukes running fiefdoms
lads is it better to pool cryptos when the tokens are up or down?
>>148300 cut your willie off
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>>148299 yeah thats what it looks like in the media and its how they are acting using "emergency powers" but the shitagain state congress is pretty solidly against this stuff also keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek at pic
>>148302 lmao @ the attempt to block ai. guess it works, for now
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>>148304 dunno, why did you put the dots on the sensitive words?
sneed lads >>148302 wew what the fuck
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https://youtu.be/Q8jnSHZTzs0 listening to esoteric brap music
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could probably fund a wignat resistance cell with my crypto now smh but Woes needs the d'nations more. If he uses his tg room for Milleniyule though I won't be paypigging
Thinking about her and the evils that were done to her, lads *starts crying *
>>148310 >the formerly qt girl with big tits I knew that has been on testosterone and wearing horrid chest binders for 2 years is insta posting about being in the hotel near the 'doctor' who's going to cut her tits off in the next few days Also just realised she must have never breast fed her baby because of muh dysphoria. Smdh.
>>148309 Nightmarez better be on again. It's tradition.
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>roads getting slippery >lads not using their signal lights and deaccelerates quickly without warning
morning sneethums
toil >>148315 morning lad
>>148316 have fun
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https://youtu.be/rc4HkLEXdZ8 >hardcutting from wholesome interspecies care to headless cub being eaten
>>148309 Request he follow Steiner on Rumble
>>148312 He was a good friend back in 2015, I love Knightmarez >>148311 As Andrew Ryan said in Bioshock "We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us."
>>148323 BioShock is what got me interested in politics to start with: after that first Ryan speech I went straight from apolitical to American-style libertarian, and since that's verboten in the UK I got ostracised and became racist
I'll watch the video though
>>148325 it's very good, there's 4 more parts on bioshock infinite as well in general a great videogoom basedlad
>Ryan's business was destroyed in the Bolshevik revolution >His business was destroyed, and Jews weren't exactly beloved in Russia, especially a bourgeoisie Jew Keeeeeeeeek
>Around 20,000 British ruled over India. That means that if they killed 1.8 billion, 1 British soldier killed 90,000 Indians each.
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>>148324 >this enite post
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>dobby's 3 posts in the last hour think he's in a bad way again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cosN2RLNznQ Fresh good-ish boomer eceleb.
>>148332 and that's a good thing
>>148332 Must be anti huwhite racism, like the cause of black diabeetus etc. is huwhite racism.
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David Davis resigned 1.8 billion times over the falsity of Brexit in Parliament.
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>>148341 don't know whomst he is decent video though I can't be arsed with any other content
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>>148342 he's a tradcath on twatter who sperged out a while back over vtubers and weebshit in general in the most ridiculous way, he falls for rumours and then decides to make entire threads about them
>>148343 based assoomer tbh he still has a point about exploitative foids hiding behind anime avatars
>>148344 yeah not going to deny that there are definitely ones that are exploitative (especially the EN ones) but a bunch of them are just entertainers, a lot of those earnings are going to the company that employs them not their own pockets
anyone who watches that stuff is a subhuman
>>148346 t. dobbyposter
>>148346 tbh even porn has more dignity
potent loosh harvest at toil today tbh the music system was broken and kept cutting out and skipping backwards and forwards and changing songs every minute in the most frustrating way possible but everyone who could have shut it off or reset it had already gone home also a cotoiler was telling me about a chinese novel she's been reading about a man who gives birth to a child and then she spent the next ten minutes insisting that it's not weird
>>148349 keek lad smh it's an abstract kind of hell
god I despair
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>>148351 really sick of it all tbh
>>148340 I like the one that's breedable
>>148351 lost the ability to care tbh, they know they are wrong but refuse to admit it
>>148355 >"haha every bigot said vaccines are bad for pregnant women, this will show them!" >"oh shit she had a miscarriage.... errr I won't admit those bigots are right though! must have been other health complications!" sod the lot of them
remember they are cattle and easily led with a better shepherd they would not act so
>>148357 they reject better shepherds as intolerant racist bigots
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https://twitter.com/i/events/1458043187650445314 >they're still pushing for this
>>148351 >babies don't use their lungs in the womb >disease damages lungs May be a brainlet take but I would think coofid would be less harmful to a baby in the womb. But I suppose being born with it might be bad.
>>148361 I'm guessing if the mother gets infected it enters her body which is feeding the baby and that's how it transmits
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>forcing 100k+ to forcevaxoom lmfao I'm sure this won't lead to a staffing crisis
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>from April 1st >when it's all over >April Fools Day
>>148362 Duh. But I mean while the baby isn't using it's lungs maybe they'd be less damage by having the disease in their bloodstream with the mother. MIght not work that way tbh just assoooooming.
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>>148363 That's why global Britain needs more indian doctors who would love the vaccine as they suffer so much from coofid with it having nothing to do with the abysmal health and hygeine of india before coofid, lad.
>half the video on the link is going on about online racism the fucking state of our govt
nov 6 huh
>>148368 David Davis has recommended Resignations for ministers as a story of none stop resigning - ministers, aids, party staffers that create the conservative party
>>148368 I have just finished reading "the resignation of David Davis" by David Davis. A story of non-stop resigning, that created David Davis.
>>148351 It's a new form of darwinian selection for niggercattle.
>>148345 Seems like exploiting vulnerable autists to me
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>>148373 majority of them are spergs themselves
itching to make a cheeky comment but don't want to get reported smh
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>>148376 do it keeeek >does the world need to change yeah it needs to change back
>>148374 Is it because his stories were usually nihilistic?
>>148376 That's a pretty tame comment even for jewtube, is it not? Post, pussay.
>>148374 >safe from progressivism Sunless Sea/Skies are rather Lovecraftian but have troomershit in them (although minimal and relatively tolerable), a lot of people have made troomershit adaptations of his work already, it's not safe from troomerism at all
>>148380 I think his point is that the core material can't be touched and the progshite is so obviously shite real lads know not to touch it yeah I got sunless sea but ended up not playing it at all, boring game as well as pozzed
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>>148380 Title says cancel virus i.e. 'cancel culture'. Nobody wants to ban the originals or screetch about him being a racist like ROTFL Dahl because his stories are mainly cosmic horror which is well liked by the sorts of people who would've hated the man and who he would've hated.
>>148381 Skies improves a lot on Sea tbh, the poz is overall minimal and easily ignorable
>>148382 Of course they can enjoy the base material, but it doesn't mean they won't poz it up, they just shove troomers into the scenarios and act as though it's completely normal in the setting I recently played through The Sinking City, a very-obviously-Lovecraftian game, and it had the KKK hunting Innsmouthers, but not hunting niggers in the city down. It was more of a side thing but it definitely stood out as jarring.
>>148375 yeah but they're still foids exploiting autists.
The KKK were going around lynching Innsmouthers and not niggers, and the player has no choice BUT to kill off the KKK members despite being a choice-driven game. You HAVE to gun down all of the KKK no matter which options you choose, you can't back out of the conversation that sets them off, you have only a single option remaining that forces you to kill them all. It was really fucking jarring in a game that's supposed to be about your choices.
>>148387 >KKK are literally the good guys by killing evil inbred deep one thralls and leaving the poor niggis alone but you have to kill them anyway
>>148387 I heard that game got locked in legal hell for something or other?
>>148388 It was proper odd, they should've just invented a cult that hated Innsmouthers (since there were already plenty of townsfolk that did) but instead they just went "yeah naah let's just shove the KKK in it'll work dood trust me" A shame cos the setting was rather interesting, but the plot ended up getting dull, the endings stupid, and the bit I remember most is "wait why the fuck weren't the KKK hunting niggers as well" It's what happens when soyim play with Lovecraft, they don't understand the setting and/or tone and so have to put some idpol shit in as well without rhyme nor reason. >>148389 yeah it was a fucking mess between developers and publishers, publisher locked it as an EGS exclusive, kept forcing deadlines on the devs, then released a version of the game on Steam that the devs weren't making a penny from.
oh and the game had a real serious issue of repeating assets, I get that it's to save time/space but it was so fucking obvious every single fucking interior
>completely legitimate grievances against Innsmouthers >there are missions where you can choose to help the Innsmouthers commit crimes >the game still portrays them as poor innocent victims who dindu nuffin
>>148384 Lolwut? Call of Cthulhu, Dark Corners of the Earth was a good game, even if it wasn't finished properly and I always had to download a save past one bit that was impossible with the bugs. Smh. Took liberties with the story to link a Shadow Over Innsmouth with the Mountain of Madness, with nods to smaller stories like Rats in the Walls. Very dated now but had a proper creepy atmosphere and good progression through an escalatingly weird story. Would recommend if you haven't played it already. The company that made it, that went broke, happened to be called Bethesda too.
had ideas for a mythos story set in a martello tower in the north sea, 1850s,where the crew get spooked by a mermaid, ghost ship, siren and that sort of thing since gsce english someone steal the idea and make it tbh
>>148393 Yeah I played that one as well and it was much better (although the endings also felt a bit rushed) still stood out above this shitshow though >>148394 Sounds familiar to another game tbh, redditloregaymin did a video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJzHcEDddW0
really only familiar because of the lighthouse setting but that's probably just because lighthouses are easy to make spooky
>>148393 Apparent "No one lives under the lighthouse" is a good game for Lovecraftian atmosphere. It was put together by three guys in Ukraine.
>>148397 slavjank tends to be kino tbh
>>148393 replayed that one recently, probably my favourite 3d lovecraft goom would have been nice if the company was able to finish its intended sequel
>>148399 there's a sortof sequel with the same name
>>148395 I enjoy mandalore's reviews.
His reviewing style did mellow over the years though.
the rpg mechanics in it are a complete fucking joke though, there's little reason to invest in the majority of the skills, the occultism one only gives the character a bit of fluff text when talking about some occult shit instead of going "wOoOoAh what is this thing?!?! spOoOoOoky!!!"
>>148401 he used to be decent but then he started catering more to the redditors, his deathwing review had him criticising the fact you couldn't crouch despite the fact you're a walking fucking fortress you wouldn't need to, and his system shock one had him start apologising to troomers for what he said in fucking school
>>148403 Ideally you should be able to navigate the occult environment better with that skill. Make the spooky shit more interactive.
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>>148403 Yeah I had wanted to try that one before being put off by reviews. Just can't beat Dark Corners. *sips*
>>148404 Did it? I must have missed that. I think the only real criticism worth leveling at Deathwing is the jank.
>>148405 exactly, but it does nothing >occult text on a statue >without the skill: "wonder what these strange symbols mean" >with the skill: "a strange alien language, doesn't look like anything I recognise" it's just fluff text, from what I tested when playing nothing really changes
>>148409 just how much of a manlet is he
>>148410 Dunno lad, think they're on different platforms
>>148411 I choose to believe dicaprio is seven feet tall
>>148407 he wanted a space hulk game, they made a space hulk game, he sneethed here's the timestamp for the system shock bit https://youtu.be/OnOd7srBk-g?t=1205 20:05 - 21:21 he starts going on about SHODAN maybe being some troomershit even though he fucking says it was probably just a typo or something, then feels the need to clarify what he thought troomers were called when he was in school, it's all just fucking weird and unnecessary signalling for absolutely fucking nothing also despite his discord being a politics-free zone, it has different channels for different languages, the russian one has a massive fucking commie mod who bans anyone who doesn't support his ideals, and redditlore can't read russian so he doesn't know his reviews are alright but everything about him is proof why you need gatekeeping
>>148412 It's like the manlet image macros where the 6 foot guy towers of the 5'8 guy.
>>148413 I just wouldn't have a discord, it's always a bad idea.
>>148416 tbh all of these big discords end up being stupid gay drama and overrun by groomers and troomers,
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>>148409 richest man in the world and he still gets cucked keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek african warlords have less money and reach than him yet are still more powerful than he'll ever be
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>>148419 You won't be saying that when she dies in a car accident later this month.
lol they're doing genocide in ethiopia already kek.
>>148422 So who's backing who?
>>148422 Are Ethiopians white, lads? I think the US categorised them as caucasian.
>>148424 day sho is on dee bottom of day feets! They have Caucasoid skulls shapes sort of but every other measure is Negroid tbh
>>148424 Amhara's are the top dogs and the most civilized ones. They dont consider themselves Black and believe they descend from the Kingdom of Sheba in Yemen. Because they've been on top for so long every other ethnicity is uniting to keep them out of power.
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>>148426 Is this a rasta revolution lad?
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>>148392 hunchback of notre dame vibes
the two genders
Do you know what, lads? I think I might take action for climate.
>>148430 Good lad save are planet
>>148430 good lad make LOCAL seedbombs and chuck them into paki gardens
im still pissed the fuck off that we didnt get the riot kino from chauvin being acquitted.
>>148433 tbh it was very disappointing might get something interesting this time around though since it looks like rittenhouse will walk free
>>148434 https://youtu.be/rjiPkBg1-8w The judge keeps roasting the state keek
>>148433 >>148434 Rittenhouse is much smaller scale than Floyd so is far more likely to walk free, niggers don't give a shit about this as no niggers were killed.
>>148436 true smh just hoping for something more substantial than endless twitter seethe
>>148437 It's unlikely that him being acquitted results in riots, what retard wants to protest to defend a literal fucking nonce keeeek
Has Kyle made any sort of statement so far in this trial, or is the prosecution just constantly tripping over itself
>>148438 lad... the Kenosha riots were started after a convicted child molester Jacob Blake was shot by police.
>>148440 Blake was a nog, and it was also being fuelled by the floydshit already going on and so they just used it as justification to continue tbh I get what you mean but there hasn't really been any nigshit since then, maybe they'll use this as an excuse because they're nigs and why not
ran into an azeri on twitter and this nigga just reposts clips of armenians dying from the war that happened a year ago lmfao.
>>148443 ask him how it feels to be a jew and turkish buttslave
>>148444 i respect the shameless enjoyment they got out of of harming their ethnic enemies tbh
half this shit is just their fucking fetish a lot of the stories of them being "let go" are very vague, I'm betting they did something they're not mentioning cos according to them all normgroids accept and tolerate them but then these stories contradict that
>>148445 I don't.
>>148446 im not opening a single one of these images.
no, I don't think I will read those twitter screencaps
>>148448 good lad, it's troomer makebelieve sneethe >>148449 t. dumps a dozen posts of screencaps all unrelated to one another
>"I exposed myself as a nonce and the response was heartbreaking!"
someone needs to do something about twitter screencaps making up half the thread.
>>148452 alright I'll ban wessex :^)
> >>148452 /brit/ is experiencing a content drought, and without twitter screencaps, /brit/ will not survive. We seethers take a leading role in this, and for that I think we are resented.
>>148454 yeah but there's not really any way to respond to it unless you make the reply a fucking paragraph as it's all unrelated caps at least with this one you've just done I can go >keeek >keeek >keeek >keeek normally I just ignore them as it's always unrelated stuff, and then you daviddavis smee when I try to make an actual discussion of something
>2016 just david davised myself in the head didn't realise it was that long ago, thought it happened this year >>148456 tbh I think the serious sneethe gets lost in the keek when I poost it first
>>148457 yeah and ends up with no discussion happening so everyone's just sitting around doing bugger-all
>>148458 will leave the sneethe harvest to you lad may god have mercy on your soul
reminds me that it's the first anniversary of david davis day soon lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyBSrBqogPY >>148460 is the answer getting shitfaced?
is so you can give her your coat when she says she's cold and then carry her on your back and feel he lovely, cold, smooth knees. to be quiet honest with you lads
>when not feeling 'hot' means not feeling cold: evidence that self-objectification inhibits feelings of being cold >women are too focused on how they look to feel the cold >when women are in a state of objectification, they are less aware of how hungry they are, their heartbeat, they are just less able to recognise their internal states >in a sexually objectifying culture, for many women, looking 'hot' means not feeling cold
>women are retarded and think 'hot' means hot >but it's all mens fault anyway
>>148463 >>148464 they started with the conclusion that society objectifies women now they're just doing some word salad magic to retroactively make it true
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some very low quality posting ITT now
>>148465 they explain it and then come up with excuses for how it's not women being whores, they can't accept responsibility for anything
>>148466 SA is unironically the worst poster on this site.
>148468 >148466 t. poost nothing but sneethe
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keeeeeeeek the irony
coope sneethe dilate
I hope counter terror special firearms officers break into SA's house tonight and shoot him illegally.
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>>148472 I hope so too
hope you've all bought a poppy lads
>filtering doesnt work SA can you please call Jim and tell him to fix it so I dont have to see your posts anymore?
>>148476 working fine for me lad are you sure you clicked the right option?
can't filter smee :^)
>>148460 and still the temperature in the office is sexist
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>>148467 >Life is Strange dysphoria hitting, lads
>>148481 >Sweet Jesus why yes how did you know chad pepe in front of flags prominently featuring crosses dot jaypeg
>>148482 >dog news >"our woof story today: a woofer weed on that tree, that's MY tree! I'll woofing woof you you woofing woofer! More on this later this evening"
>>148484 good lad for not immediately going to the seether take which for me was 'holy fuck it wasn't enough to "raise" children in front of the telly, they have to subject their "furbabies" to it too'
>>148487 tbh that was the lazy easy route, sounds like torture for dogs, making them socialise online without having a fucking clue what's going on
>>148482 reminds me of the "air wrecker" one keeek
Started shaving my balls and it's alright
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>>148490 day 2~3 stubble itch incoming tbh lad
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>>148491 I can't weight
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>>148481 Union Jack is upside down
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>>148494 its not
>>148495 it's supposed to be white above red in the top bit nearest the flagpole but the guy did it the other way around >>148496 so it's improper. flying it upside down is a signal of distress
its not upside-down down down up up fuck off
>>148497 >so it's improper. flying it upside down is a signal of distress No one fucking cares lad, it's a sign of distress at sea and that house is not at sea
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>>148497 Also, >>148498 is right. The diagonal band "connects" going up to the right
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its not upside down its inside out tbh
>>148499 there is a correct way and an incorrect way of flying the union jack, whether it be on land or sea. That picture depicts the incorrect way.
>>148504 Literally nobody cares, as bad as the retards who say "it's the union flag not the union jack "as" it's not at sea"
>>148505 >nobody cares I care. I used to raise the flag and salute it as a scout.
>>148506 Mustn't have done it enough if you can't even tell that the flag in the picture is the "correct" way up, boomer retard
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>>148507 you're getting confused because the flag is flying to the left of the flagpole, when it's usually depicted flying to the right of the flagpole. What I have said is accurate. You are wrong. Your display of apathy, arrogance and ignorance makes you an unworthy Briton.
>>148509 My blood make me a Briton not a flag, the flag is the right way up in the image and it doesn't even matter you fat retard
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>>148509 if it is only flying on the left why the fuck would it be upside-down?
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>cuts itt who managed to find their way here dont know how the union jack should be flown
*obsesses over trivialities like an rootless american pig* My blood is my flag lads
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new levels of pointless sneethe here
How the fug do you even turn the flag 'upside down'? Turn it any way and it looks the same.
the Union Flag has a correct way up – in the half of the flag nearest the flagpole, the wider diagonal white stripe must be above the red diagonal stripe, as Scotland’s St Andrew’s Cross takes precedence over Ireland’s St Patrick’s Cross. It is most improper to fly the flag upside down.
red stripes on the left should be on top red stripes on the right should on bottom
>>148503 Based
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Couldn't help but notice you just had a shower
>>148515 The unbroken band points to the top of the pole, the broken one points to the floor on the Cross of Saint Patrick >>148502
You'd better be pulling my bloody leg. That flag is your heritage. Your forefathers died for that flag. That flag represents our greatness, our lost Empire, yet somehow you don't care about disrespcting it.
>148519 Couldn't help but notice you've been filtered.
>>148519 basado >>148521 My forefathers didn't fight and die for a fucking flag, retard
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who is this Union Jack guy anyway? And how did he get a flag named after him?
>>148520 What are you talking about? Whichever way you put it, it looks exactly the same. I just cannot be put upside down.
>unionfags itt made purely to accept any and all people as collective "breeteesh"
>>148525 One of the diagonal bands does not connect
>>148527 IN the image you've posted, neither do. Actually put it into paint, cut, paste, rotate 180 degrees. It will look the same. Stop gaslighting smee.
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>>148526 What? Fuck off retard. >>148528 You have downsyndrome lass
stop gaslighting, says the gaslighter
>>148531 *stomps on the individualist weakling*
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You're telling me there's any difference here?
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>Bongo niggers
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STOP posting about the flag START posting cute girls.
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>>148528 just in case you aren't joking
na up, na down simple as
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>>148537 keeeeeeeeeeek
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What is actually wrong with 03dfc5? >>148537 >turned upside down >turned >not flipped >the flag in the original image was the right way >all that seething over one retard and miscommunication
>>148538 *mirrors and inverts it so you worship satan*
>>148536 good idea
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>post cute girls Posting all I've got.
>>148546 gay post
(1.43 MB 460x460 thot a hole's a hole.mp4)

>>148548 no THIS is a gay post
(1.88 MB 640x358 SALUTE.webm)

>>148546 Probably staged but keek.
(1.24 MB 480x360 ourlass.webm)

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(56.80 KB 1284x692 absolutelydonotunspoilerlads.png)

>>148549 You call that a gay post? THIS is a gay post.
>when dead coalburners are just your type
(994.18 KB 3264x2448 BumBum Def Threat.jpg)

HARD ON HARD ON ME https://youtu.be/9JMvXtp2UXc
can't get over this pic tbh if only it was Big George it would be perfect
(106.32 KB 800x800 BumBum Singer.png)

https://youtu.be/D376ATcanKM >tbbk performs as the crouds of race mixers are poured into flames
>>148556 >golden nigger medusa voreing rap fans Much like society.
>parents watching GBBO >two pakis, one wop, one german >only english person is a fat ugly northern lass >all the recipes are dairy free or vegan
(964.97 KB 843x806 cursed memi.png)

>>148560 keeek good lad
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Goodseethe (you)! Black Pilled - Dead Flag Poos
>>148563 Love little Dorshie, me
(142.75 KB 1099x1300 Just a Working Black Un.jpg)

>Shouting at my dog for barking so loud >Remember I don't own a dog
>>148566 keeeeeeeek
>>148559 Why don't people just try bake something instead.
>>148568 tbh I might make some cake or muffins or something this weekend
>>148568 got lots of leftover mash after tonight's dindins might make fadge this week
They have a live concert in London next year too. Good stuff. https://youtu.be/qCXGE1cLWrw
https://youtu.be/1fgnEDi7bq0 Each night I ask the stars up above . . . why must I be a poor neet in love
daddykins i haz comit soo side u giv me bad food to eet luv dog >pissing myself laughing thinking of beheading a dog and leaving this as a suicide note next to its body when i was at work nos da x
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>>148575 Anything interesting afoot lad?
the prosecution is getting btfo so hard by a literal retard right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfjuFgaQ0r0
>>148577 not really just mummy gretchen preparing dab on oil corpos by shutting down the leaf pipeline
>>148580 it's just good business to import more from the middle east what, oh, the climate? sure, it's good for that too
>>148580 Is that going to cause wider fuel shortages?
>>148582 yesh very much so
>>148583 Is your mum refusing to prepare and buying large quantities of perishable goods?
(357.66 KB 2048x1536 mummy gretchen cake.jpg)

I'd bomb her pipeline
>>148584 yes and my dad prevented me from building extra shelving in the storage room "because he wanted to paint it first" and then promptly never painted it
>>148586 paint and then build the extra shelves.
>>148585 >here comes the airplane
>>148587 yeah gonna do it in a couple of weekends when I am less busy with boomer toil. I bought one of those 50 pd tubs of wheat berries but smh not really enough extra food. boomers are completely hopeless
>>148589 you can use them as a last ditch food source or sell them to a negro warband for the price of a few tins of beans in a few years I guess
>>148589 When does Michigan normally start getting shut down with winter weather?
>>148591 january
Union JACK Union Flag meme is a beeb meme
>>148589 >>148590 just invest in weaponry tbh. morale and health will be so critically important in a SHTF scenario that I cannot emphasise enough the need for good lads to figure out how to hunt and trap. you will not be able to hold down a 5 acre plot and rely on good weather and somehow acquire machinery and spend the time to farm it. it simply won't happen. you will want to eat what humans were designed to eat, you will need weapons for self defence anyway, and training with them is fun. use a bow tho because good luck finding ammo lying about in this country
>>148594 keeeek wtf are you gonna trap lad? I would rather eat some rich peoples dog before I eat some shitty prion infested heavy water cancer laden deer in urbanized SE shitagain
are you gonna be putting rats on a stick and roasting them?
>>148595 that rich persons dog is going to be with a rich person who will not be wandering the streets unprotected, they will be in their luxury space pod or underground bunker. piggies, cattle, sheep, deer, who were already raised for slaughter and thus will be totally unsuspecting of humans, will be roaming free and easy pickings for anyone who can shoot straight >>148596 you're a pussy if you wouldnt tbh
>this zoomer larping like he is gonna be a raider enjoy a sucking chest wound in the middle of the night from a contractor security team with NVG and a truck mounted m240 lad
love roasted rats me
for me its squirrels
>>148598 so what are you gonna do if such security teams are just killing people randomly? you'll just lay down and die i suppose because you're probably fat
oh its schizononce
>no response
>1 cherrypicked moron featured on natgeo [a disneyjew-owned company btw] is representative of the whole prepper community unlike you i'm not a fat mouthbreathing delusional retard nice try though
(68.35 KB 620x775 nixon sad.jpg)

whole thread full of sneethe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Aero mousse and lukewarm tapwater for supper
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shoot me negus
>>148608 good lad somtimes get those in spar for 20p yellow sticker not sure about them tbh
how long do you lads think normalfags will wear masks?
>>148610 They're ok tbh I always buy a load of them at once and forget to eat them all so I have to throw them out smh
>>148611 think there will be a new psyops soon this one is running out of steam
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>>148614 good lad they should have never replaced her with that boss eyed jew whore
Wait, before I said something silly without thinking lads, okay. don't get yourself an ai girlfriend if you don't want to, okay
>>148616 She's NOT taking over my mind
(7.28 KB 207x244 manatee1.jpg)

Hopefully a good omen for a sneethe-free wednesday
(80.89 KB 480x264 mademyday joe.mp4)

>>148619 good lad
(34.51 KB 415x434 1636500181714.png)

*awaits response*
>>148625 sorry lad not much to talk about
I have to up early tomorrow and it's 2 in the morning.
Oh no!
>>148603 the German police killed him in a raid
doesn't normal mean low iq?
smorning lads >>148508 this says a lot about society >>148628 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>148628 Looks like he had a plate in his skull or something.
>>148632 Off to toil, lad?
>>148633 secret implanted frankenstein gangster radio receiver brain controls >>148634 not today tbh
>>148632 Wondered if cotoiler lass with the pregnant Chinaman novel grassed you on transphobia
>>148636 keeeek smh hope not doubt she would though tbh she's usually alright
thinking about bacon
>>148637 be gone, thotmonger
(3.44 MB 576x1024 american_woman_vs_turk.mp4)

>>148639 tell me about shorthand lad >>148640 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>148635 Heh. The first (you) you gave me there , when I initially saw it,. I assumed was in response to me asking if you were off to work today. >you off to work lad? >secret implanted Frankenstein brain controls
Ontario leaf here, nice of /Brit to have the rightful flag of the Dominion available for leafs. Please no bully.
>>148641 put your retard stickers on words again keek
>>148643 still waiting for aTeeline flag
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>>148642 keeeeeek that's probably not too far off smh give it a few years
>>148630 Smh, he should have teelined
>tfw toilberg says the company has a relaxed and cheerful workplace culture but your toiler brain implant detects low levels of dopamine and high levels of cortisol so you lose your job and get sent to prison for fraud and perjury
>>148647 teeline was never for opsec, but just for getting messages past ai auto blocking. but tbh it's too high iq
probably a female outed him
can't trust females
>>148648 They can do that already lad with femoid HR bots
>>148652 oh yeah i forgot about that
>>148652 you are so uninteresting i assume you have a vagina
women are always such boring losers
>>148653 Maybe femoid HR bots will be obsoleted by the brain implant - I'll take phyrhic victories at this point
>>148650 Probably a male outed you ... Wahey!
>>148657 women think style is interesting, and substance is boring.
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>>148643 ayyup lad, real grockle hours, real expat hours. they made that flag because i moaned for a long time until some chad did it
(22.53 KB 474x377 download (4).jpeg)

>>148659 touches the cockles of this grockles heart tbh
>>148660 empty comment.
>>148661 And when He came to the other side into the country of the Nonces, two teeline-possessed men confronted Him as they were coming out of the tombs. They were so extremely schitzo that no one could pass by that way
(240.13 KB 1874x1874 25-Demons+Destroyed.png)

>>148662 at least shoe cybers the superchats
>>148662 keeeek
>>148665 ? nothing remotely funny was contained. women can't be funny.
I'm off tbed. I'm sorry I replied to teelines' bait Good on you for sniffing him out quick like though auslad.
>>148667 never gonna care - yer a mong
>>148667 night lad
mong love
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When is he going to testify lads?
>>148671 He looks dead.
>>148671 don't know who that is tbh
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>>148672 >>148673 Skater jew
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>>148674 He was a skater jew, he said seeya later crew. He wasn't good enough to hurt, Kyle Rittenhouse, defending Kenosha streets. He got a bullet through the sternum.
smorning >>148671 impressively vile jewish specimen tbh
>>148675 keeeeeek goodlad >>148676 morning lad
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>>148680 bought a new kind of sweeties and there's a some in there that are supposed to be chocolate iced cupcakes but if i bite the cake wrapper part off it looks like a cartoon poo
>>148681 based tbh
a new edition to the /brit/ product line of putty braps; edible poos
(41.49 KB 750x458 business frog.jpg)

>>148685 morning SA lad
>>148685 how are parrots so unfailingly based
>>148686 smh there's only one piece of sneethe in there >>148687 racial memories of living with pirate chuds probably
okay here's some sneethe >horrific wickerman puppet of an invaderspawn arrives at the COPE26 summit to inspire the soys to kill their nation faster
(26.82 KB 445x445 cross nigga.jpg)

>>148689 bad juju
Smh keep checking the tinnie for sips but it isnt magically refilling smh
tut tut wessie you're meant to let SA post those screenshots so we can all discuss them
(453.18 KB 500x374 we all know that feel.png)

>>148692 Keeeeeeéek that is the only gigachad tweetpost which has made me keek tbh
>no3 keeeeek I hate them no4, kino migrant warfare maybe lukashenko's actions will finally make the cattle question mass immigration? probably not >>148693 the early neet gets the (you)s tbh at least when anyone bothers think everyone has been burnt out for a while, never much effortposting going on but then there's not much to effortpost about
>>148692 Borders aren't real until they decide they are real
>>148696 directed migration is a form of fifth generation warfare tbh the world completely skipped over the gay cringe fourth generation without any major conflict ever taking place >never much effortposting going on but then there's not much to effortpost about nothing ever happens to comment on any more except for mentira and the general slow grinding descent into hellworld
maybe a /brit/erature competition or something, once my business course shite is done been thinking about le polface utopia for a while, might write some vignettes about life in it rather than an autistic manifesto or whatever at some point
>>148700 >open link >ugly nigger woman immediately front and centre >close link ooohhhhhh I'm seeeeeeeethiiing any based replies lad?
>>148701 vast majority of replies and qrts are tbh lad
I hate them AAHHHHH
>can take the time to epicly btfo the racist scum >ignores this death, DEATH AAAUUUUGHHHH etc
>>148703 >as and when there is a need for them lmfao outright fucking lies and they know it
>>148700 >in real life we can't rewind no
>>148707 all the people responsible need to be killed tbh simple as no way around it
>>148710 simple as tbh simple as
>>148710 tfw no serial executioner who targets diversity and inclusion officers
even if/when we win and they surrender they can't be left alive, either they need to be made an example of or just killed outright as they are just evil fucking cunts
>>148712 would happily volunteer for that role tbh i could even do surprise home visits >>148713 tbh
also from a non-racist normgroid standpoint, why the fuck is the video showing niggers eating a roast at 11am on what will be a thursday this year
>>148715 as our betters, niggers naturally don't need to work and can therefore instead enjoy a meal prepared by their geriatric white servant
>>148716 yeah luv how the only whitey in the video is basically a fucking servant, he can't be the grandad as look how fucking black they all are
might bother listening to the inevitable noseley sneethe harvest video on this one when it comes out tbh
buying a metal poppy on ebay from any seller that isn't them and then never giving the RBL a penny again we have thousands of homeless veterans on the streets and yet they feel justified in hiring a D&I officer >>148718 >showing a family lmao they know what they are fucking doing that intern managing the twatter is shitting themselves
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for fuck fucking sake
>>148721 dont forget to clap for the veterans lad
>>148720 how to articulate their disingenuity in a concise way so that the normies can understand, is the question
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>>148700 >we can't pause >pauses >she keeps talking
majority of the pins I'm finding are shit, there's a bunch of purple poppy pins and I don't know why
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>this expensive so they can give more money to niggers
>>148725 clearly to honour the veterans of the great eceleb war of 2014-2019
>>148727 jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej I just have no idea what the purple one is meant to represent
(25.80 KB 128x128 alright.png)

>What does the purple poppy mean? The purple poppy was introduced by the charity Animal Aid in 2006. Rather than being associated with humans who have died while serving, the purple poppy is in remembrance of animals that lost their lives at war
fucking sneething why is it so hard to find a decent plain poppy pin that isn't fucking overpriced
>>148730 /brit/ arts and crafts event where we make our own tbh
I'm not even memeing I'm struggling to find a decent simple one >>148731 keeek sounds kino
there are so fucking many NHS ones holy shit
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Is this the beginning of the Wessex corners the metal pin poppy industry arc? >>148706 >mixed family I assumed it was two separate families having a dinner together.
>>148735 a dinner at 11am
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>>148736 >he doesn't have a roast for elevenses What kind of a hobbit are you?
(250.61 KB 400x396 seether.png)

don't much like this tbqhwy
>>148740 >Masonic >SmartBadge
>>148740 bet they have a great laugh in their lodges as they remember them smh
>>148741 no idea what smartbadge is and looking at the listing it doesn't make sense, looked it up and found this
(58.21 KB 1200x675 OWENS.jpg)

morn lads toil soon
>>148744 hullo la anything fun?
>>148744 good lad
(1.48 MB 1280x720 go to the bathroom.mp4)

>>148747 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>148744 smorn lad >>148747 luv this video tbh pvre kino
>>148745 no just plastering shit with other boomer toilers and carrying shit up flights of stairs, can empathize with how shit it would be working in european style mass housing now having worked in this richfag condo instead of detached farmhouses and suburb houses where you can just do everything in the driveway
I can find a fucking mask and a fucking start of david stump but I can't find a simple fucking pin fuck sake
>>148750 yeah it's very shite, last place I was in I had to get my mattress into the house by pushing it up through a first floor window and the previous occupants sold the furniture inside to rentberg because to get it out they'd have to completely disassemble it all smh love the swamp german urban housing where they all have little block and tackle hooks mounted in the attic so they can winch things up, should be standard everywhere but common sense isn't smh
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>>148751 >star of david stump keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>148752 we shouldn't have a population so large that towerblocks are happening in the first place tbh smh >>148753 I'm losing my fucking mind with this searching, I'm finding everything except the one I want
>>148751 Never forget the six million Jews gassed in Belgium's death camps
>>148742 >>148741 >>148740 found another one keeeek
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>>148713 tbh no 80% bullshit
I'm giving up
>>148757 the best they can hope for is slavery with some sort explosive shock collar tbh
>>148758 keeek what
>>148758 When are vanlads going to get represented?
>>148756 >>148758 can't fucking deal with this tbh this is ridiculous
>>148763 imagine how many indians david davis would have resigned if he was part of the raj back then a mere 200,000 englishmen killing 90,000 pos each
>>148764 I luv how ludicrous their claims get, according to them we killed more than the entire population of the world at the time
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>pig grease cartridges
>>148765 anglos invented time machines for no other reason than to use them to colonise oppress all people of cope throughout all of history repeatedly even in multiple simultaneous timelines
>>148765 >atomic b***s lmao that was jews
wonder if Steiner has racial memory of his chug ancestors being carpet bombed
>>148763 reply: god was punishing you for the wicked practices of the caste system and for sati.
went shops and saw a downtrodden dull-eyed chubby sperglass with big chebs and absurd hips wobbling around with her mother how am I supposed to even open a dialogue like that can't just tell them out of the blue as a stranger in the street the mere sight of her made me want to kill all other males in sight and rut her on the pavement
the richness of indians complaining about colonialism, while they basically invented caste and turned it into a religion of oppression
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>>148771 >can't just tell them out of the blue as a stranger in the street the mere sight of her made me want to kill all other males in sight and rut her on the pavement actions speak louder than words lad
>>148773 don't think I could get away with having a sexual emergency while not brown smh
haven't even done my toil due in tonight but all I can think of is big wobbly dugs now smh 'ate women love women
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The seethe must flow
>>148775 lad just do it smh >>148776 smdh
>>148776 >vaxooms are perfectly fine there's nothing to be concerned about >also we'll bribe you with sex to take it just trust us it's safe
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pão de queijo >>148780 tbh
kyle is crying on the stand
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>>148783 he's been through a lot
>>148761 tbh >>148765 >Celts and Irish seperate wut? >Enemies in war Yet enemies in war are also listed in other parts so they're adding up the same figures
they shouldn't have put him on the stand, everything was going his way already.
>lawyer stream bullying the Kylerino saying it was a huge mistakerino smh
jobcentretoil with sturdy young officemummy with nice bushy eyebrows who wears shirts with just a hint of cleavage exposed but who leans forward to talk to me
>>148788 shut up faggot
>>148789 you too
stop it kyle if you cry im gunna start crying.
>>148788 based
>>148791 I want to hug him tbh smh
>>148793 I want to hug his la creatura sister and fill her with cummies
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keek this discount gary oldman faggot with his giant bottle
(160.93 KB 763x960 Chubby B.jpg)

>>148794 ahahaha! you want to have sexual intercourse!? hahahaha! that's so funny!
(60.40 KB 1280x720 shartin own goal.jpg)

>>148798 keeeeeeeek
(6.26 KB 270x270 sad_cry_toast.jpg)

>why did you shoot the lad who kciked you in the face
if kyle doesnt get off its fucking ogre for whitoids.
(3.36 MB 716x960 22st ksksksksk.webm)

>not having him filtered
(69.49 KB 1079x1207 chadthink.jpg)

My hot take: Rittenhouse is faking. He's too much of a psychopathic spic to be crying. Leftists are saying this like it proves anything, him trying to gain the sympathy of the jury. I don't care. He still did nothing wrong. Okay, thank you.
>>148804 that was real ugly crying, if you fake cry you try to look as clean as possible.
>>148803 only just figured out which one he is smh not very good at spotting him tbh
>>148804 don't believe it tbh it's real >>148805 tbh he's just a young lad who went out with his rifle to larp tough and do cool 2a protest shite tbh he didn't go out to kill and the fact that his life could be over because of it has been weighing down on him ever since
>Rittenhouse's mother is just a fatter slightly more femine version of herself
Now he's getting bullied by the filthy kike prosecution lawyer.
keeeeeeeeeeek the prosecutor is such a cunt this is the first time I'm watching
you can feel the hate in this filthy kikes voice let me at em judge
BASED judge is admonishing the kike lawyer
that kike almost mistrialed himself lmao
>>148813 He's done that a few times keek love him tbh
>>148813 tbh highly based
anyone got link?
>>148818 ta lad >kenosha shooter trial smh biased broadcaster cunts
god damn this judge fucking hates binger.
based alzheimers boomer judge ready to break out the zyklon
KEEEEEK the evil videogamer killers
>Nick Fuentes ends up in a self defense situation shooting kikes >the prosecution plays video of him playing GTA targeting and murdering kikes in all kinds of ways
>the tiktok account keeeeek exposing all the tards to zoomer humour like this
This Prosecutor is so bad holy shit
>kyle used to make pancakes for the firefighters heckin wholesome.
>bro I helped with the pancake breakfast I'm a firefighter OK kike keeeeeeek the balls on this kid
>>148827 Correct?
Kike SEETHING he made Kyle look wholesome keeeeeeeeek
Is the kike prosecutor going full seether yet?
>>148831 why is any of this relevant to him shooting some kikes in self defence keeksmh
>>148833 just trying to make him look bad for the jury
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*remembers it's a majority woman jury*
>>148833 It's a character frame up. They're basically looking for angles to trip him up with.
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hot choccy with biccies while watching this trial
(368.71 KB 1280x720 desperate.webm)

this kike already got owned on this line lmfao. seething and coping irl.
How is he getting away from all these leading questions.
damn lmao
he's fgetting his bum smacked keeek
keekerooni I love this judge keeek
megaton legal seethebomb seek shelter immediately
Ooooof based
>arguing after getting smacked twice Trying his luck holy heeeek this fucking kike
Notice he has a little red flag on his lapel?
Ooof that judge's face
god I hate jews the audacity to talk over the judge
>that seethe face on the judge KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Look at this pill pull.
>>148857 tbh utter fucking scum
The kike backed up his threats with violence holy heeeek this heeeb
keeeeeeek kyle is a brainlet yet hes still btfoing this prosecution, shame dafties in this country don't get the same rights, courts in the uk are a fucking joke
>>148862 I wish are courts would televise the trials would redpill everyone tbh
I declare a motion to gas all kikes in my court.
>>148864 keeeek
>>148869 keeeeeeeeeek
(2.75 MB 1920x1080 ClipboardImage.png)

>>148871 keeeeeeeeek
brazen bitch binger btfo
all the cunts trying to put the judge down I really hope the big yids don't go after him just because he's been mildly based and reproachful towards a few kikes
>>148877 He's an eternal enemy for upholding common law.
>>148877 we aren't supposed to have a "justice" system lad the elites are supposed to do whatever they want with us
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>check the 4pol megathread >coombait everywhere
oooohhhh I hate him the smug smirk he did when he thought he got a gotcha with 'the laws weren't being enforced
(1.21 MB 1000x1000 ClipboardImage.png)

*plays him in the inevitable biopic*
(28.89 KB 474x663 OIP.jpg)

>>148883 >and Timothy Spall as Kyle Rittenhouse
(41.44 KB 376x506 existential homer.jpg)

Haven't eaten all day tbh toil nerves are getting out of hand
hope someone riddles him with hollowpoints the boring cunt
(1.28 MB 1078x774 ClipboardImage.png)

Smh no sleep for me tonight, trial giving too much dopamine
men are at work, cupcakes
(24.05 MB 1920x1080 lawandorderbased.mp4)

>>148855 he needs a really based lawyer tbh
when are they going to resume smh
>>148892 its a 30 minute break for lunch
>>148893 jewberg lad probably frantically calling up all his friends to try and find some way to sink the spic smh
>>148894 Might deliberately aim for a mistrial so that Kyle can will get fucked by the media and the judge can be attacked as bias
>2. First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Use of a Deadly Weapon (Richard McGinnis, reporter for Daily Caller, not injured but near Rosenbaum when Rittenhoue fired) journoscum involved
>>148896 He should have went Duke Nukem on everyone in a ten mile radius.
A toast to dead libtards and Jews.
>>148898 >1488 wew
>>148901 evil cunts not going to talk about the kike prosecutor or whatever then smh of course they would never harm a fellow rat
>>148901 >have to pay for article
>>148901 Fucking fifth column.
turns out it was an hour for lunch, ten minutes until it starts again.
(452.97 KB 800x256 Mystery Boxes.gif)

time to see if the yank criminal justice system is actually more fucked than ours.
>it's a white people being psyopped into not having children episode
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>>148917 cremate me nigguh
>>148917 makes me keek tbh, imagine defending someone who looks like that
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>>148921 cunts smh anything to push all of their agendas at once
I hope someone kills this awful jew
BRAZEN c'maaaaan
(1.52 MB 1230x626 ClipboardImage.png)

>I dont believe you
>>148924 This is some poor pilpul.
>>148928 they're not sending their best smh
>>148929 He's literally still in the courtroom because the judge knows the amount of political and media pressure surrounding this case.
(1.57 MB 1112x3819 ClipboardImage.jpg)

This meme is cringe as fuck
(1.11 MB 960x540 kyle diarrhea.mp4)

>>148932 thats a pretty old memi now
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A nigger witch. Burn or lynch?
>>148933 no audio and that's probably a good thing
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the science is settled
(1.26 MB 960x540 kyle diarrhea.mp4)

>>148933 whoops audio
Mistrial this filthy lying kike already
Holy shit this fucking horrible kike
>>148938 smh keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>148938 >>148933 el mutto del de shitto
(272.19 KB 480x480 alex shoooo hummmmmmmmmm.mp4)

>>148942 UNO FARTO
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>all the women/bots posting under their real names advocating for the rapist paedophile attempted murderer jews >>148948 [extended compilation of squitty shart sounds]
>>148949 BASED
>>148951 reminded me of when bbk wrote something similair at schola gladiatoria and he threatened to call the police keek
https://youtu.be/H2kX1Nzi1I8 Rittenhouse weeping smh
>>148952 During the BLM statue wars I got into an argument with a middle-classoid faggot and yelled in his face that English girls are enslaved by pakis thanks to cunts like you.
>>148956 nice spurge out lad.
>>148953 keeeek >>148956 good lad should have headbutted the cunt
>his height keeeeeek manlets btfo
thermostat check
>so you put out fires >yes >to protect your community >yes >because the rioters set fires >yes whats this kikes play here?
>>148961 Rootless cosmopolitan doesn't understand feelings of civic duty
prosecutor sounds kinda racist
>>148963 libtards arent human they exist solely to make the world an uglier more evil place.
>This retard
Fucking defence where are you?
This kid has been set up and this is a kangaroo court.
are the kikes holding the defence's family hostage or something
>>148967 >>148969 Defence and prosecution take it in turns lass
>>148971 they can objecterino
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not watching but hope he gets off and theres a chimpout for me to enjoy
>>148973 mmm who's she?
yeah shut up you fucking KIKE
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Are Jews Yamnaya like us?
>>148979 demonspawn tbh
>>148979 Zykloned
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Is the temperature in here OK for everyone? I just want to make sure everyone's comfortable before I brutalise this weasel kike again. Bailiff please bring out some snacks for the jury
>>148785 the entire thing is bollocks lad what did you expect
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