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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3576: Early Alpha Build Edition Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 00:08:23 Id: c1e744 No. 155542
Queen attends rare royal double christening at Windsor https://news.sky.com/story/queen-attends-rare-royal-double-christening-at-windsor-12475142 Tory MPs suggest sending migrants to UK to the Falklands https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/21/migrant-crossings-are-becoming-a-problem-for-red-wall-tory-mps Northern Ireland to Scotland bridge plans scrapped https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59368707
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First post of the day wahey, home toil to do all night smh
based torees wanting to nigger up the fucking falklands they probably get enough chinky brides already to make that irrelevant tbh of course the NI to Scotland bridge is scrapped, we can't do megaprojects because that would get in the way of subsidising nigger breeding programs >>155542 goodshnight lad thanks for the thread >>155544 good luck lad got a second deadline today as well even though I've not finished my last deadline a week ago myself
>>155545 Do you really want a direct route for euro migrants to the mainland?
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>tfw no tattooed ginger gf
>>155546 I'd rather they had a direct route into an incinerator tbh
business idea: buy a ferry and convert the interior into an enormous disguised oven, offer paid passage to Britain to migrants, sail into international waters and immolate them, dispersing the ashes into the sea a holocoaster-like extravaganza for the saving of the white race
>>155545 Saw some snpoids talking about transplanting foreigners to depopulated highland villages and towns etc, these are pure evil, it truly doesn't get more vile, like seeing a nice painting and having the desire to smear shite all over it, falklands is about 4k people and theres already some darkies there because of the uk military base. Hate how its been so normalised that scum can just openly nonchalantly discuss racial replacement when previously they'd couch it in economic shite and lofty social engineering ambitions, now its literally just "We need to fly in congo niggers and pakis to rural europe because."
>>155547 >no gf bout day 40 nofap smeeself lads
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why buy a ferry when you could just lease one?
>>155553 good lad I see it's helping you maintain some impressive sneethe
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>>155556 >>155555 on the verge of trying out dating apps again for the first time since being strung about back in 2019 but I don't even have any good pics to use since I'm billy no mates and also don't have social media so have no reasons to take pics, its how I lost my virginity keek, got so mad on nofap at 18 that I rode the town bike at the first opportunity after using an app then not have any puss since kek
>>155557 have sex incel
>>155554 long-term renting is an unfavourable strategy as opposed to purchasing outright and only caring for maintenance costs I expect our clientele to be dumb as rocks and greedy enough for bennies to overlook any suspicious circumstances, enabling the ferry to continue operation for years to come, with the best case being that the perfidious european nations are devasted by endless migrant caravans that never reach our shores and don't stop until africa has been completely depopulated of gibsmedat niggers
>>155550 KEEEEEEEEEEK tbh, modern world making me have slaughterhouse thoughts, I'd just go with an industrial compactor though then dump the remains into the ocean as fish feed kek
surely a barge of sorts would suffice?
>>155558 aren't you basically a virgin still even after your encounter with the whore >hes in love with the town bike thinking about her is fine even I do that since its my only frame of reference but actually liking her KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK sort yourself lad
>>155562 what?
The ferry would have to be scuttled in the end to avoid any evidence being uncovered tbh
>>155563 Having sex once you are basically just as awkward as an actual virgin but with non of the purity, a gf is what matters tbh
>>155560 frogs wouldn't complain about fishing rights when the sea life population explodes and requires constant culling a masterful plan tbh and saves on cost of flammable gas perhaps a mulching device hidden in the transport ceiling and a removable floor >>155561 an exterior shell is necessary to hide the production secrets of the business from competitors tbh, barges just don't have the coverage
>still haven't started hometoil despite being on computer for 3 hours
hearing rumours this terror attack was radical wakandans
>>155570 they're onto us discovering the secret of melaninium smh
>Already numerous articles on the "racist backlash" after the liverpool incident
car of peace in wisconsin in shartica lads
>>155574 probably nothing tbh
>>155572 It’s all they’ve got Same script over and over
So sick of seeing headlines on twitter of "28 DEAD 68 WOUNDED OVER WEEKEND IN CHICAGO" making me get a dopamine rush thinking its a happening then I see the word chicongo and I know its literally nothing, why the fuck does anybody even care.
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>>155576 why does this look like it was filmed in 2006, also >slowed down before first impact bet nobody even died
https://twitter.com/bill_haus/status/1462575969043206144 >niggers attacking wholesome midwestoid normalfag pre thanksgiving small town parade
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>suspect in custody is a natty dreadlocks
this wouldn't happen in michigan
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>>155581 looked like a barbie princess doll parade to me, I'll seethe for racial obligations but I still hate women, those lasses would've spat on me back in school tbh.
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damage control already engaged
I swear mudslimes could poison the water supply and kill 99% of a western countries population and these cucks would still be talking about " a small minority" and "islamophobia" its a mental illness.
wonder if we'll see any more niggers go daft
>>155584 >not wanting them to spit on you
>>155587 happens on a daily basis lad its not just reported
>>155585 how many more years until the left just spams BBC cuck porn as a response
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>>155588 I meant in a non sexual way, some would say negative attention is better than none tbh and I would somewhat agree since atleast you are noticeable and on there mind, the indifference is hell tbh. reckon thats where bollock busting type shit comes from, better to get negative attention than none.
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My lack of pussy getting during puberty will forever be a stain on my existence, no amount of pussy now could fix it, shouldn't have been like this, I was mildly popular enough at 10-12 to be able to kiss a few lasses and feel up some tits and arse but the lisa simpson normalfag matrix battered me down into being a neet cringecel and its been like that ever since, couldn't stayed afloat with some based and redpilled male guidance and positive reinforcement but I never got that, and wasn't chad enough to survive on my own.
>>155593 tbh, htting puberty late will also do a number on you and put you out of the game for life. fun stuff, love it
our sexual/mating dynamic is broken anyway though
if i have a son, he's getting a latina maid to sleep with as soon as he can wank
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sexual repression is based. fuck coomers, fuck normalfags, fuck giving women any value in society beyond property
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more racism news
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I want a sean young gf to sexually repress nd force into a strict puritanical lifestyle in the rural woodlands lads
>>155601 can't you just go to a church and get one? yank stacies are much easier than horsie thots
>>155602 that's decent tunage cheers
>>155600 Medical equipment imbued with the ghost of Adolf Hitler
>>155603 tbh, always makes me kek when yanks say "go to church" to britcels wanting a gf when this country is almost entirely atheistic, its all old people apart from a few tiny prod sects and even our "christian" women are as whorish as the non christian ones they just hide it better.
spirit not ghost
>a CT scanner that keeps saying nigger
ay yo doc dis muffugen IV keep sayin I be a dumbass nigger n shit
>southerners already "this wouldn't happen in the south" posting
>>155610 does anything happen at all in the south?
>>155611 incest
keek smh that was low hanging normieshit fruit tbh sorry lads
>>155611 cute gunstore lasses it seems
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this one is kino as well
>>155617 >that retard defending 'warning shots'
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>>155620 niggers cannot possiblly fathom how much we hate them
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>>155622 >no dead yet literally nothing
>>155623 >nigger runs over white kids >nothing
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>>155621 We bend over backwards to help them and they're like retarded over-entitled children having fucking tantrums, any sensible society would just flush them down the toilet.
>>155626 I should record some of the stories my dad tells about growing up in detroit after the niggers came. he has been robbed over 10 times by niggers had a .38 held to his face. had niggers smash him until he was almost unconscious with metal locker boxes. had to help a white mailman and my grandpa fight a carload of niggers with bats who were driving around the white neighborhoods beating up elderly white people. smh and his childhood neighborhood is burned to the ground and the school he went to is like from fallout 3
niggers beat up my dad and robbed him for .35 cents but one time him and his friends beat up a nigger mugger really bad
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BUT anyday now lads and the white race will just save itself
>>155629 >>155627 can't wait to face this here, my former primary school is already 10% non white when 10 years ago it was 100%
>>155628 Fucking scum, I used to be able to get on with them, before I realised I was racist, then I realised I was just humouring them and they were literally all retarded. Never been on the receiving end of that kind of stuff. I've only had to put up with their occasional Zoo-like fucking stench on public transport.
>>155631 tbh I try to get along with some of them but I can switch it on and off, given the chance I would kill any male nigger without remorse for what they have done to my family and what they have done to my race.
>remembering when nigger kids at my school beat up a mummy teacher for no reason
>>155632 I don't blame you, I'd be the nigger terminator if any of my family had been subject to that.
>>155634 tbh but ultimately niggers are just the golem of the jew
>>155636 yeah true
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I hate teeshite more than niggers tbh
the night sky is so fucking beautiful bros...
>>155627 Pisses me off bigtime lad when leaf baby boomers play like its all really the fault of american chudism and that niggers dindu nothun. Meanwhile 25 years ago Caribbean niggers were already commiting the vast majority of armed robberies in Toronto. Heads still up their asses and proud of it.
New group to seethe at, older 30+ male professionals who "don't want children" and just chainfuck loads of teen and 20 something women, wow thanks for adding another dick to a potential future gf of mine lad really helpful
Flag sorry
>>155642 yeah sometimes leafs are like reddit incarnate with the virtuesignalling about muhmerican racism
>>155645 they are always so disgusting and shameless about it, going into grotty detail about fucking some 21 year old who while she is a whore it doesn't make the man any better, they are nihilistic pleasure seeking scum, manwhores ought to be punished in the same way as sluts tbh
>>155649 nihilists who are just acting as vehicles for incubus like behavior because they have no life philosophy
Far-Right (Kast) and Far-Left (Boric) candidates won the first round of the presidential election in Chile. 27.95% for Kast and 25.73% for Boric. Second round is on the 19th of December
If Kast wins I think they'll try to do a colour revolution, that's basically what the 2020 riots in Chile were.
there were riots in chile?
>>155655 Yeah their version of Antifa 'Primera Línea' murdered 36 people and the centre right government agreed to all their demands including re-writing the constitution.
>>155657 Didn't know antifa killed that many. I knew the carbineros were held back from stopping arsonists and rioters in the unrest over the last few years. Didn't they burn down the most central cathedrals in Santiago, too? It's a pretty disappointing country
>>155657 Any scoops on what's going on in Araucania these days?
Bossman getting me a rental van which beeps constantly because it dosent register that the sneethe belts are fastened
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>>155665 plug the seatbelts in permanently and sit on top of them retard. dyet? (do you even toil)
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>>155665 better not break this one too lad
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Vanbros, we got too cocky
i like cars but driving should be banned tbh
>>155670 Had a slip on the ice. All good fun until you slide into something. Had some amazing high speed spins back when I delivered newspapers. Miracle that neither me or the car got damaged
>>155680 driving isn't the problem tbh the problem is that so many people are driving what we really need is a massive population reduction >>155681 wew smh
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He makes a good point
>>155684 I don't even want a car because they'll be so mediocre in 4-5 years, but there isn't really an alternative method to travel here.
>>155687 also a requirement for getting a foid
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>>155686 Someone needs to investigate why 7/11 sells all that full sugar Gatorade to blacks.
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Guess whitey regrets their verdict on Kyle Sh*ttenhouse now huh
>>155690 We need to ban cars
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Us womens hockey team pic, teehee
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Look at this deadly assault vehicle, why do blacks think it's safe to operate such audacious automobiles. Italian inspired Futurismo radicals are a threat to our safety.
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The victims fucking hell. There is video of it i believe
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https://twitter.com/i/status/1462578509847666694 Heads up this is them actually being run down btw
>>155698 insano cunt
>>155698 what a fucking dog
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Seething at this, lads
>>155707 tbh and reckon we'll see more of it soon smh seething cultists out doing revenge killings
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>>155708 Your conscience telling you to protect your vril
>>155710 she looks like a seething schoolteacher bint
>>155711 would really love to genocide all the kikes tbh ngl >>155713 whole government's full of them
>nigger kills a bunch of white people >quick! promote interracial sex!
>>155715 KEEEEEEEK waukesha sounds like some nignog name
>>155716 It's close to wakanda
New sammy just dropped https://youtu.be/om4nihQZmUE
it's almost that time again
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>>155720 'ate toil me
>>155550 my idea would be to buy a reasonably sized fishing boat, arm it with old cannons, arm the crew with swords and go around attacking and sinking any boats with migrants in.
>>155722 based >>155723 >gayism
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>saw that footage of the car just missing a little girl >felt relieved >initial reports that only old women were dead >numbers expected to rise >probably at least 1 or 2 dead or seriously injured little white girls along with the women
>>155723 shes so peng its unbelievable
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>>155725 >>155727 5 dead 40 injured
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morning lads another day in hellworld
>>155729 byela
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zoil soon, spent an hour coom surfing but managed not to wank, tfwngf feels are getting unbearable at this late stage nofap, trying not to turn into an edgefag like steiner says
>dunk biscuit >falls apart into smy tea smh the day is ruined >>155732 seethe instead of coomcope tbh
>>155733 bad omen that lad
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>>155732 >spent an hour coom surfing but managed not to wank Me too tbh. But it's because I went from admirring the pretty faces of porn thots on pornpics dot com to feeling sad that the vast majority of them have loose bumholes and leak shit into nappies all the time, and that even Riley Reid's cuck husband has days where the reality hits him and he can't kiss her because he finds it repulsive, and she has vlogged and cried about it, and said her father doesn't want to be seen in public with her, etc. >>155733 Keeek that Afghan tea man pepe.
>>155736 west is so cucked that pornstars are finding men desperate enough to marry them smh, in a normal society those women would be like lepers
>>155735 tbh love the war of the worlds smusical me tbh >>155736 >the second part based tbh they all ought to be bullycided
with just a handful of men we'll save the white race all over again
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>>155737 Think he might be younger than her and me, like he's 22. Probably in it for the money. Only thing she has in abundance unlike most dirt poor harlots who can barely make ends meet now with lonelyfans and are still in debt from medical bills because no health insurance in the porn industry.
Chad Human Underground Dwellers in Deep Underground Military Bases
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>>155741 my dad genuinely believes there are trans-continental underground tunnels used by the elite to transport and abuse children for adrenochrome this is the only thing he talks about
>>155742 keek smh god I hate boomer larp like that yes there are child trafficking networks, yes they do extract their blood for ritual and medical purposes, that's bad enough so why add in the retardschizo takes like tunnel systems hundreds of miles long other than to discredit and absolve oneself of taking any responsibility for the state of affairs
>window cracked all the way accross because of the cold last night yeah thats great AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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>>155745 tranny?
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>>155743 But there are real, publicly recognised tunnels nearly 100 miles long. Wouldn't be surprised if secret tunneling would be useful for sex/human traffickers. Gun runners, middle eastoid jihadis all find tunneling useful. Tbh burrowing and tunneling is how our ancient ancestors survived the dinos. Many mammals still do it. We all understand that underground is safer than above. Not for the kids being harvested for andrenochrome, but for our vampire globohomo overlords it's safer. Ahhh now I'm really legitimately starting to schizooooooom.
>>155749 there are no doubt tunnels where appropriate but some man-made agarthan network for shambling pale one elites is probably not in existence
>>155748 That's what I was wondering. It started with me saying to myself "I like this bird for a boomer conservative", then thinking it she had to be a tranner rather than just a goofy lanklette, looked up images of her and saw that, and was reminded of that tranny Thatcherite guy. Still not sure.
>>155750 Wouldn't have to all by man made tbh. Hollow earth theory might be real. Would've just had to reinforce existing trans continental tunnels and maybe try to block off the ways that center of the earth lifeforms get through so our pale ones don't get vored by waking dragons and such.
The Templar tunnels were alleged to have been built in order to move their gold about...
>>155754 Weinstein fucking Schumer would be like something out of a William Burroughs novel.
>>155754 I think the third sam hyde has the best detached insane mass shooter look
>my retarded family cancelling christmas for smee because hypochondriac-paranoid cousin refuses to be in the same building as the unvaxxed isn't an isolated case a brutal but expected blackpill >more low energy riots from the paedophiles
>>155757 smh sorry to hear that lid only my cousin and I are yet to get the vaxxoom in my fam but the rest are still cool with us being around
>>155757 Give me an address lad I'll go round and beat them into submission.
Jews delighting in the murder of white children in Wisconsin
>>155759 Martin is a grubby little Redditor.
>>155761 Someone really has to pointedly ask these kikes why they delight so much in gentiles dying. Just put them on the spot about this blood libel.
>>155764 That Milwaukee thing still makes me rage. This has to be a circle of hell with how much control evil seems to have over this world.
>>155765 I completely missed that. I probably dismissed it after seeing too many hoaxes last year, if I saw it at all.
>>155767 >retard giving away imageboard and meme secrets to cattle herders who will produce shitty reports on them which will be used to further refine command and control of the masses
>>155768 I knew would understand
>>155757 I got lucky in that mummy decided not to get her second shot after the first made her rheumatism go aggro, now I have mummy to shield me from any vax fag relatives. What if you have your family prominently set you up on a big screen video feed for the holidays, lad? There could be whole story arc here.
>>155770 keek smh no smartphones or webcams or camera devices here, I won't have the nwo spying on me realistically I will go to granny's pre-christmas iceland frozen foods extravaganza and maybe be a bit snarky about their paranoia
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>>155774 peta are a weird lot
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>>155775 yeah they know what they are doing
had to go pharmacy still got their sterilisation station set up, mostly retarded boomers and Xoids but there was also a gothique mummy destroying the last of her eggs smh very bad vibes especially from the staff who were similarly cattle and some were grotty hippies
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>>155776 Are people really saying Rittenhouse isn't into enough fringe meme politics?
>>155779 Based angloid foresight
>>155779 >it's all about the ugly quadroon and not a word about the orange cuckold KEEEEEK
>>155780 dickie spencer has been screaming it nonstop
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>>155784 I wonder why
>>155786 honestly who fucking cares, he's a kid that just got off killing two kikes, he's done more than any lepolface ever will
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>>155788 the women who are outearning men don't even deserve it, they are not productive workers they are just job squatting positions that should either not exist or should go to men
>>155784 When will he give it a rest? 2015 gave him a massive fucking ego, which presumably he had before, but wasn't perpetually fucking stroked. >>155788 Saw that earlier, she's deleted her tweet already. Shame.
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time for the smonday sninner sneethisode tbh, schlater schlads
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Is it just me or do there seem to be shitloads of people or bots (can't tell the difference) dedicated to calling Ls on Ls accs Ws now? >>155797 lel
whole country going to the fucking dogs can't even trust buses to turn up on any sort of schedule smonday sninner cancelled
>>155799 The Striker always delivers.
>>155799 god bless wop vegeta and the NJP >>155800 sorry for your loss lad
>>155799 doubt this will be the only revenge killing either smh >>155800 smh
>>155804 >niggers overwhelmingly more racist and accordingly the most censored based 'equality'
>niggers ever being cencsored
>>155806 yeah that's what the article is about wipipo have to be censored because they rayciss, but blapipo can't be censored because being rayciss to wipipo is good and justified
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So sick of sociopathy being so normalised, and these kinds of people not being completely disowned by everyone in their lives. >>155804 Pretty sure I read something a couple of years ago saying they had to stop banning/deleting blaggs from saying the word nigger on Facebook, because it was completely unmanageable.
>>155809 yeah it's fucking impossible to have proper censorship on the internet, either everyone can say the word or no-one can
My Member of Parliament when he talks to Remainer MPs and convinces them to resign so they can sit in the European Parliament and then proceeds to resign from the cabinet
>>155811 >noooooooooo you didn't read my 50 post imagedump david davis david davis david davis david davis david davis david davis david davis david davis
>>155813 that exact image has been posted at least three times in the past few days and not only by me either smh
>>155809 tbh >>155812 keeeeeek she's so desperate to get back in
>>155812 god I wish she would fuck off and die maybe a radical bazza would kindly throw her out the door over the cliffs of dover
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Shamima Begum will be in the British news cycle until 2081.
>>155815 >>155816 when we win, we'll let her back in just to publicly execute her
>>155818 >>155815 >>155816 >>155812 >"What point from arriving in Syria did you think, 'I've made a massive mistake'?” - @AliBunkallSKY >Shamima Begum: "The moment I crossed the border." coooooome the fuuuuuuuuuck oooooooooon
>>155819 keeeeke the natural environment of the soylent toilee, the office makes me think of that cap I poosted last thread about everyone post-70s being office drones
>>155822 based, hope she kills the troons after being mortally wounded by their AIDs blood
>>155823 Hope she just fights back and starts writing more books >Harry Potter and the Failed Transition >Premise: Harry gets groomed by Dumbledore into thinking he's a woman, uses diffindo to lop off his cock, realises his mistake and avada kedavra's himself
>"the wizarding world has polyjuice potions to let you transform, but you will never ever be a woman"
>"there's a vault in gringott's filled with the severed cocks of every transgender student at hogwarts (who then killed themselves), the vaults are all circumcised by the goblins who then feast on the foreskins"
>>155828 keeeeeeeeek smh
the cocks* smh
huh jogger trial being streamed worth following do you think?
>"in a murky corner of knockturn alley there is a balding bearded man in a wig who sells special potions to students to help them transition (it always fails and they kill themselves lol"
ohhhhhh I'm joggiiiiing >niggers all siding with the jogger because of course they would never go against the race
>>155833 >niggers are niggers imagine my shock
>>155833 another trial? i don't know about this one
>>155835 it's the "jogger" from just before el floydo who was looking for copper to steal and sell for crack who got chased down by a group of deputised whites, then proceeded to attack one of them and try to take his gun, getting shot and killed for his nigger moment troubles
>>155835 construction work appreciator/jogger gunned down by evil chudnecks
>>155837 all the jews combining their nigger protective cope with masculinecope saying he was just admiring the building site just like they, as red blooded normal males, also like to do on occasion keek
>>155836 i remember now i don't have high hopes of this one. i'm looking at the defendants and it looks like a dream come true for any brainwashed leftist--three rednecks shoot an unarmed(tm) nigger
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>charges were being droppped when the boomer retard who took the video posted it online now they're all going to prison yep the system works god bless the US os A
>>155838 it was hilarious cope >I too break into building sites just to admire the work!! the lengths they'll go to to defend their fucking pets is ridiculous
>>155840 is this so lad? like the boomer retard leaked the evidence in his own case and that somehow disqualifies it from being used?
>>155844 no I think the video is the reason they were charged in the first place
>>155844 >>155845 they were originally given permission to hunt by the cops, then the footage came out
>>155841 >4th image I know it's why I check out construction sites tbh. >why excuse me, gentleman, I cannot help but admire your striking physique, and the mirth of your banter, yet consummate professionalism >do say, would any of you be interested in a white, blonde haired, anglo wife? >splendid! I'll tell my sister she is to be wed immediately!
>>155841 The only time I've gone into a building site is to hide when I need to piss. I have no interest in building sites, any legit interesting buildings would be closed and secured.
i work on construction sites. it's not normal to "come check it out," we assume you're there to steal our shit. these people are idiots
yanks always come out with these really weird excuses for bizarre behaviour >"Yeah we all totally do this thing that nobody does its normal you are weird if you don't"
>>155849 Stopped by the side of one with me little nephew because he wanted to watch the big crane/digger thing. Nobody seemed to mind. Still wouldn't go into a construction site alone at night. Would expect to at least get questioned if not arrested.
>>155850 rather than yanks it's rootless cosmopolitan jews trying to convince based steinerian redneckoids they are human just like the average flyover mutt and should be trusted to hold the correct opinions in order that the observer need not think, but it doesn't work because anyone not part of the office faggot city retard class has a real job and understands what life is actually like
>>155851 it's different when there are workers present. we still know if you should be there or not, in any case
been sneething at construction sites recently because the deanoboxes are being made out of fucking chipboard tbh
The boomer that released the vid only did it because he thought it would exonerate them, literally all the video shows is the nigger trying to grab their gun
>>155855 making them out of old iceland pizza boxes, you should try it
>>155858 it's the green party way
building up a vile selection of posts to dump
keek that bit of sneethe must be ancient by now it was breggsit year I think when the welsh green party mp said to build houses out of cardboard or something
>>155860 Thanks for the warning, lad. Filtered.
>>155861 kek yeah, I remember the fake screenshot from 2015 about green party interracial breeding pits
>>155862 outplayed keek wiggum wouldn't've allowed this smh
>>155861 Yeah they said when asked about the absurd target for building houses that they'd build them out of plywood. Not much worse than the Conservative party tbph.
>>155862 Oh I don't think so
>>155866 MKEEKE
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>replying while I filtered you by your unique cpu data attached to every new IP address
spicy chicken, veggies, scrambled eggs and bacon, keto compliant.
>>155869 he's locked on lad
the bourbons however, are not.
>>155872 just one won't hurt, right... one packet
>>155872 good lad the vangaurd of the white race needs big boys
>>155875 >being a niglet is a predictor for becoming into a full grown nigger
>>155875 not really any point paying attention to the nonsense these creatures spout tbh they're all living in their own little dreamworld
>>155877 tbh just mock and bully them
>>155875 her, you forget that she exist, then she pops up out of the ether, with her shit takes a bit like socialdogcelmom
>>155831 don't know lad the defendant admitted to not fearing for his life smh
did Joes latest video get poosted yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDp45dd8yKc
>>155875 arrested before you turn 10... sounds like your average white kid
>>155880 smh why would you do that the odds were already stacked against them since they killed one of sharticas holy ones
>>155881 >he's still locked out
>>155881 cope tbh hes boomer schizo posting
>>155884 moved into the shed tbh
resisted the bourbons lads, the shite race needs trim warriors too
>>155887 Tbh tbf. >>155888 Hortler trips of truth. Slimming down myself.
>>155888 good lad
>>155890 Retard nigger, but that's a retard jew, acting as if it was the nigger's words about getting away with running people over, instead of the unnamed 'cop' the nigger was complaining about. Bad news smh.
>>155890 I had no idea Hitler was a black panther theologian.
>>155893 Lad hitler was a real nigga everyone knows that
>>155883 bad couching from a shitty kike lawyer I bet tbh smh
>>155895 >Hitler had blacks and muslims fighting for him >there are niggers in Africa named Adolf after him >Britain was oppressing Indians and the US was oppressing blacks >every communist ever has been racist Ayo mayne Hitler did nuttin wrong, thas wyte devil speak, dawg.
>>155898 As related to the other post before, Kyle wasn't even aggressive. He was calm, measured, and defended himself. He doesn't even look angry or threatening in that pic. If you removed the gun and had never seen him before you'd thinking nothing was wrong. Keek.
>"see the waukesha attack was caused by the rittenhouse verdict which was a shooting at a blm protest which started because whitey knelt on floyd's neck so yes it is white supremacy's fault"
>>155899 tbh didn't fire on all those people around him who had picked up makeshift weapons as long as they were backing off rather than charging at him
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>all those kikes coming out gloating about the death of white children
still can't take it seriously since its called waukesha tbh
>>155902 Not a good luck for them really.
>>155904 Think you've been hitting the schizooma to hard, lad.
too* fukcing spellnig misdakes.
>the needless post deletions begin Save it for that lad who threatened a grotty posting crimewave. FFS.
>playing old half-life mod >incel coomers from the early 00s tempting me with a 1995 watermarked grainy low-poly photograph of lesbeens randomly placed in an office work environment
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>$1,000 bail
(3.53 MB 320x240 joe coming up.mp4)

wonder if nigger trucks of peace will be a thing now
>>155909 what did he say?
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Replica Sutton Hoo ship could change view of Anglo-Saxons say builders Volunteers constructing a full-size replica of an Anglo-Saxon king's burial ship said it could "change people's views about how England began" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-59233062 >The company said the project would "show Anglo-Saxons to be of a character unimaginable before". >"Just seeing the size of the ship will have such an impact and show Anglo-Saxons to be of a character unimaginable before," said Mr Carver. >"They weren't just living in mud huts... it will revolutionise the way this bit of England's past is represented in novels and films. >"By building a ship, people will instantly know what they did. They built an amazing structure in wood and it will change people's views in a positive way about how England began."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmPOXaeU2kw Top kek at how they're framing this as sinister and evil. >>155917 Some schizo bullshit. Idk.
>>155918 based
>>155919 >noooooooooo you can't try and help drug addicts because...... you just can't okay?!?
>>155918 good lads better not involve any niggers
>>155919 lol about what, is it that teeline saves humanity from zuck again?
>>155921 >help drug addicts holy shit, you're retarded
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>>155918 There are mongs that have ever thought of the Anglo-Saxons as living in mudhuts and unable to build boats? They invaded by boat and conquered.
>>155925 they also bed cute short horses for no apparent reason
>>155923 About the yanks that killed the jogger starting an army of God in prison. Completely harmless tbh. Smh. >>155926 What was the reason they bred cute, short horses?
>>155920 >>155922 I'm apprehensive about most history shit in current year but this looks positive, hopefully they keep the AWFL HR cunts out of it. >>155925 Media has brainrotted the masses, they actually think the Dark Ages were a thing.
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>>155929 But... even the alleged Dark Ages were long after the Anglo-Saxon invasion of England.
>>155932 Not really, dark ages were 400AD-1000AD, the same period as Anglo-Saxon England
>>155933 Forgot that there were alleged dark ages in England. Was thinking of the supposed dark ages in Greece that the Arabs brought them out of.
>>155935 Yeah the Dark Ages as a term has ended up covering over a thousand fucking years now, ends up ranging from the fall of Western Rome all the way to the Renaissance depending on how you're asking.
>>155930 around here we are required to be atheists, but if we were not, we might find some luck in the topic of James fields coming up
the african dark age only ended with the drop of kanye's yeezes brand and will certainly end with his death
on who* you're asking
>>155934 Unillumined by the light of Lucifer, so very.
>"oooooh everyone lived in mud huts and died of famine and disease the dark ages were the worst time in history it's all because of christianity"
>>155576 Disgusting. I hope they catch the cunts. >>155743 >other than to discredit and absolve oneself of taking any responsibility for the state of affairs Got it in one. >>155888 tbh, or at least do five minutes shadow boxing per bourbon >>155935 Dark ages pre-date England an last from the time the Romans left to the time the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms established some comparative form of stability tbh, no cunt wrote anything down because of taig pirates and scottish pirates and shit
>>155943 >no cunt wrote anything down you avin a gig m8
>>155875 kind of agree, though. being a soldier changes men, and they have a life of cope ahead of them.
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So that's it confirmed then. leek
>>155946 so it's the gnostics
>>155947 damn gnostic kikes.
>>155944 They didn't. Name one thing of note from the 5th and 6th century in what would become England. Everything that was was lost and we only have secondary sources and references in works from other places. We don't even know the names of many of the key people except from what we have had passed down through legend.
>>155947 The Iuden summoned the toilet snake.
i've been abusing myself with my sleep schedule and coffee consumption, smh. feeling it today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaxUZH0cbhM
>>155950 ngo says she's still listen on the website. but those sometimes never get updated.
why are the saxons the bad guys in the game aurthurian legends (which isba great game so far)?
>>155954 >why are the saxons the baddies in a game about Arthur
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>>155950 have you listened to her rap?
>>155953 okay, the reason the website hasn't changed is she was the web dev for them. they are seeking a replacement
>>155956 ahahhahaa starting lmao
>>155956 >i'm clever not clever enough to keep the shit job apparently
>>155956 no wut
you thought my rhymes were sick, wait until you hear me justify child murder!!!
>>155960 https://twitter.com/newpleroma/status/1462802756910166025 shes been making music for 20 years apparently KEEEEK
do we have two schizbots operating at once now?
>>155963 no bro. you're paranoid.
>>155962 that's absolutely dire
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I'm trying to eat.
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smh people really do have sex huh
>sat on hold for two hours with GP >finally get through >they tell me to use the app
>>155972 theres that lad who occasionally boasts about shagging his wife on here but I think it might be a larp
>>155973 >phoning the GP there's your first mistake.
once again I reiterate the point, theres about 30 posters in the britverse who still occasionally post and theres not a single child or wife between them
>>155973 insane
100 years ago we'd all be married
>>155976 My bollocks were crushed in an industrial accident in 2009, I ejaculate fresh air as it stands.
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>>155979 can you be more specific
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>>155982 High Spencerian logic
>>155982 >aristotle's doctrine of the mean
>>155986 imagine how many chemicals are in that
>>155980 Industrial cateringbread kneading paddle, dropped between my legs and popped them like eggs. >>155982 they're literally trying to poison us all
>>155987 I think it has 'canola' oil in it which is literally poison.
doesn't even look like a fucking egg it's a lump of squash with shit mixed in plopped on a splat of tofu with shit mixed in all this rather than just cracking open a fucking egg
speaking of egg "alternatives"
>>155990 But lad it’s better for the planet
>>155993 fuck the planet.
the planet will recover once we're all dead.
I want to kill niggers
anyone got the gnostic image macro?
(51.90 KB 509x400 dugong2.jpg)

death to nonces
oy veeeeeeeeey
>>155999 antipedo is neonazi.
>>156001 tbh just dox your nonced brother
>"you shouldn't talk about your brother's rape it will lead to antisemitism!"
>>156001 rosenbaum stalin image macro: raped boy never existed
>>156005 keeeeek
Revealed: How much money your MP makes from their second job https://twitter.com/i/events/1462405623216226309
>>155550 Keeeeeeeeeeek like the espoir from kaiji
Industrial slaughter conceived or conceptuialised in any form is a product of a reductive, materialistic world devoid of any divine elevation.
>>156011 This is what passes for network comedy now?
>>156011 this is lazy even for family guys standards
>>156013 most telly now has idpol shit throughout it, it's awful >>156014 tbh and rather ironic since their own troomer character has been little more than a joke since the beginning
>>156014 >>156013 >horseman shills
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>>156015 Only tv I know about any more is the ads and they're disgusting enough.
(362.71 KB 335x464 downtrodden seacow.png)

That lad who threatened to grotty post must have done so telepathically into my subconscious mind. I bow to your superior theta waves, grotty lad. I was just violently sick in the shower. Out of nowhere, and I don't think I've ever been sick in quite the same manner. It was one sudden, very long bleeeeuuuurrrgggghhhhh, completely unbroken. A total expulsion of the contents of my stomach. I beseech you, leave my mind alone in my dreams tonight. I can't vomit any more, and not all over my bed and room. My (You)s are your (You)s. Take them. Just please leave me alone.
>in the most likely locus for black mould colony
>>156021 stop eating so much.
>>156021 fortify yourself with some mouldy cheese tonight lad >>156022 tbh
>>156023 I've haven't overate today. Or a lot recently. I am slimming down, and have never been at wessexian or norge nonce levels.
>>156026 first he was a leatherman, now bollock destruction where will it end smh
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>>156028 where does time go when it dies?
>>156028 looking forward to the shooting spree tbh lad
(2.87 MB 720x720 elephant pool.webm)

>>156031 thought your file was named elephant poo dot webm and braced for some keekino smh
>>156026 >ftfy dorshit.mkv
(1.36 MB 640x640 1634596541368.webm)

>>156035 why didn't they save elvis like that smh
you are all so sick
>>156036 keeek rip..
>>156036 There's a difference between having a shit plug and having a solid shit gut lad. All medical terms btw.
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>>156035 >they get tourists to do it as part of the experience.
>>156040 KEEEEEK I bet disgruntled local seamonkeylads make sure to feed the elephants extra vile slop just to prepare for the stupid western foids
go die of huffing black mould you fat bastard
>>156043 smh lad what's with you today
>dorshit is a real human being and is now calling into question other people's right to live.
(295.50 KB 1201x678 dorset leather jacket.jpg)

>>156027 You opened the thread, I came (wanked)
>>156045 he may actually be a local cryptid tbf >>156046 keeeek the accidental puzzle box
>>156046 So when are you doing a dorshit remix of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibaZsVlkuQg
>>156044 woke up late feel still sick and dizzy still got the cough no goth gf
>>156048 waiting for Good Vibrations myself tbh >>156049 iktf tbh hope you've got lots of lemon tea and honey
>>156050 medicinal 'erb..
>>156051 don't do it lad you'll end up like me, no ambition, drive or memory.
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>>156053 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>156049 Poetry corner?
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next up on youtube autoplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF9Gr5waAJg ratings lads better or worse than the metallica version?
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might wear that leather coat in the inevitable showdown with the popo
(7.89 MB 636x1080 teen thot sick.mp4)

>>156061 truth be told I honestly prefer the redditallica
(1.62 MB 360x480 dorshit stickup.mp4)

>he actually did it
>>156060 women should always ride sidesaddle and not doing that is a sign of whorishness >>156061 better >>156067 kek
>>156068 wonder if a horse would collapse and die if you tried to mount it
>>156053 Oh by heck
>>156053 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>156061 this is the best version https://youtu.be/Zxe2_tHTnts
sick of this (1) constantly posting garbage
>(1) >torpedo >spoilered webm >actually opening it
what is it?
>>156077 >not being a compulsive spoiler clicker tbh n8eed to stop that with bbk around
>>156078 it's gingerlass
>>156081 ban this sick filth
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(8.02 KB 250x202 headphones.png)

you just keep on posting that video and I just keep on not watching it
(29.23 KB 306x450 Zodiac-Killer.jpg)

>>156089 some(1) said it was soulless once
>>156090 he sings about based kyle killing rapists how is that soulless
>>156091 you convinced me but I don't really like it tbh like fast banjo and voices rather than the dirge type he has going
do you ever stop complaining about things
>the lad is at best a lolbert who has sung about le evil fascists being killed smh disavowed, rejected >>156093 no
>>156090 >>156091 >IRA song
>>156095 keek smh sharts
(59.40 KB 500x568 merry.jpg)

remain a grotty littleBig incel
>>156096 I mean it makes sense since it's singing about the AR15 but it's still weimartika taig-worshipping cringe
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been looking at smut all day even during zoil, didn't listen to a word bossman said
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>>156099 smh lad it's bad juju drains your will to toil at anything at all
I think that is a xoomer meme
live dutty spelling doom for dorset's objects of desire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPKlemMJNJw
>>156104 dutton is a retard
>>156105 he's intellectually gangstalking you on the internet lad, you have to fly to oulu, finland and gut him with a whittling knife
>>156105 Bins is Dutton
>>156108 dutton isnt gay
>>156110 yes i'm sure diverting funds into quangos and vanity projects that could otherwise be directed towards the maintenance and improvement of rail infrastructure has no impact
Hi fellow low status lads
(160.65 KB 498x400 sad apu.jpeg)

I've had the last 3 custard creams there's nought left in the house
>>156113 smh what if theres none left on the island
>>156101 didn't actually wank tbh
sleeping pills
>>156115 Good lad
time to install bumble again for cuffing season https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvEQJtnEgvg
>22st's on single digits
>>156119 actually 22st(me) never used bumblerino
>was worried I was still single digits though phew
>>156122 yeah great job spotting a welsh pepe, retard
>>156123 stop calling people retard retard
>>156114 there won't be when I'm done tbh
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>>156124 that's his secret bongo name which only I call him
(1.35 MB 800x600 Penpals.webm)

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>>156129 a toast to frends on the intarnets
plastic, stainless steel or glass drinking bottle lids?
>>156132 glass every time
>>156133 tbh although I like a good stein too but that's not a bottle. Cider jug probably counts.
ah nalgene is always reccommmmended but then people say plastic causssses canccceer. Not sure what bottlerino to get.
might lie in bed for 12 hours tbh
(130.62 KB 413x720 ClipboardImage.png)

>>156132 I remember SA recommending buying one of these soy VOSS waters just to keep the bottle in like 2017 and I've been reusing one ever since, it's nice thick glass and holds well in the hand
thanks SA its done me well tbh
>>156137 thanks lad, will add it to my deliberations. snight smee and wessie >>156136
(7.82 MB 960x570 Steiner Ray Night.webm)

>>156136 schnight lar
>>156137 good lad, I've still got mine from like 2015, they're pricey as water but they're good bottles to keep
>>156138 yw lad
>>156110 >transgender day of remembrance
>>156143 >everyone forgets the day
preparing for slumber tbh I like to have the windows open a crack but then I'm wasting shekels on the heaters smh guess a hot water bottle will do
>>156063 >that which he has put out into the universe shall come back to him threefold In Kyle's case it's more 2.5, but I like the idea that he is an embodiment of universal justice
>>156053 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lr2QbSVP1Y Based niggers dabbing on this video hard in the comments. >no visible dislikes anymore >about 700 likes >123,000 views Hmmst.
>>156148 comments expose what the dislikes were like also apparently there's a plugin that lets you see the dislikes
just want yidtube to die
(105.89 KB 632x1952 big kek pepe.jpg)

>>156150 >global technocrats giving away their monopoly on exchange of information Goy, I...
>>156152 baste
>>156154 doesnt show the ratio bar unfortunately but it's a start
(1.06 MB 720x1280 friendly duck.webm)

>Austria's lockdown is now for everyone lmfao what's the point of the vax then
(247.37 KB 360x640 boris build back butter.mp4)

>>156157 To agitate the obedient against the refusers To humiliate all for engaging in the charade To save lives and to protect the NHS
>>156157 >that webm Cute. Makes me feel guilty for eating ducks.
>>156159 Meant for >>156156 smh
>>156159 It's okay to eat cute animals lad, so long as you do so deliberately and respectfully
>>156155 works for me
(17.95 KB 418x437 apusnap.png)

>only 1 of the dozen or so twatter leftoids I saw kvetching about Kyle that have been constantly posting since have even mentioned this niggers of peace incident
What should I get for Christmas lads?
>>156164 ..........gf......
>>156165 Smh lad
(215.79 KB 352x552 bit.PNG)

🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 fedposting if i don't get a (you) 💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣
>>156139 >>156137 don't do it, they are plastic and will give you man boobs
(1.51 MB 425x481 devlish.gif)

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you hanging in there, fellow NEETlings?
>>156171 barely
(70.15 KB 720x960 1637622820028.jpg)

This is your future lads
>>156174 very modist
lmao msnbc.com has some bs about lawmaking as the "headline" lmao lmao lmao
lmao lmao lmao cnn also omits his photo
republican strips out of senate campaign, top cbsnews.com story lmao lmao lmao abcnews.com, correct top story, no image of the killer lmao lmao lmao
npr.org, no picture either
the guardian (international), it's the 6th story lmao, no picture either lmao lmao lmao
bbc.com (us version) headlines correctly, omits his photo lmao lmao lmao
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was thinking earlier about how even if you've had all the boosters, if you step out of line you will be labelled unjabbed, if you associate with the unjabbed, you will be labelled unjabbed and all your privileges taken away there will be people that obey all the rules, but they slip up once, and it's off to the gulag with them makes me laugh that the most ardent of these think they will be exempt
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>>156186 They'll laugh and be giddy at the suffering and crackdowns on the unjabbed but will cry for mercy and sympathy when their turn inevitably comes smh
(9.16 KB 236x240 poopooson 3.jpg)

>>156188 (checked) good toil? you got one of these yet lad?
>>156191 some kelshit garbage? no lad I got the mini 14
>>156192 tbh you probably get better range with your m14, but you can't EDC with that
>>156194 I guess I don't plan on really carrying around guns unless its mad max times and then I am planning on upgrading my handgun from a shitty milsurp POS to a ruger security 9
>>156195 sec9 looks neat, if a little tryharding over futuristic aesthetic like the above. any chimpouts still happening in Michigan over Kyle and nigger trucks of peace?
>>156196 no not really its getting too cold for anything around here that is not fed run glownigger shit. last weekend was the beginning of open deer hunting season so its common to hear rifle fire rn keeeek
>>156197 sounds comfy wish we had open season here
>>156198 yeah one day you lads will have on all wogs
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I am once again buying books I won't read.
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I think I've read like 10% of the books on my bookshelf
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>>156191 looks like it is just one shot from falling apart tbh
alegs is getting dabbed on by the CIAniggers
might donate 10 dollars to him and get a lets go brandon shirt for boomer toil banter
(2.94 MB 1000x562 wagiecattle.webm)

>>156207 good lad wagies are gonna be sweating hard soon keeping the consoomer goods ready for all the creaturas
https://youtu.be/GqfSl2YuilQ its almost time for martin to wakey wakey and get in that van
(136.32 KB 1200x794 bezos laugh.jpg)

>>156208 imagine having to be in the middle of a creatura riot over discount televisions for 9 dollars an hour
>>156210 imagine having to clean up smeared floor shart and blood and broken appliances while bucktweesha and lemonjello are screeching out war calls to their troop as the loot crates are being contested with a neighboring troop
(37.83 KB 500x500 walmart.jpg)

Don't worry kid just remember what we talked about at this morning's pep dance. A lot of these people will have knives so try not to upset anyone. Me and the other managers will be watching on CCTV
>>156212 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>156212 keeek and then he makes your shift from 6 am to 1pm and then from 5pm to 12 am so you get a "little break" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>156211 >>156212 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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never done retoil or anything like that so i feel like I'm missing out on thread bonding with the toil posts tbh, I just pretend my pseudo toil is actual toil while you lads are really out there grafting
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I've only gone and wanked for 5 hours breaking my 40 day nofap streak may allah have mercy upon a nigga
schnight, hopefully won't lay past noon
>>156217 >5 hours when you're not the biggest coomer in the room phew
>>156216 keeksmh lad retoil posting isn't worth the price of admission >>156218 night lad
There is a tranny among us.
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>>156221 Bit sus ngl
look at msnbc.com rn, they have pushed the parade nigger down to 3rd story, behind mgt and abother republican.
bbc us: >parade incident >incident lmao it was terrorism, retard
>>156222 1 trillion unicode, not 1 treeline
just found out a bunch of little girls got run over by a nigger wtf.
>>156227 it's part of their grieving process over the injustice of kyle walking free lad smh don't be racist
>>156227 it's not much of a story. part and parcel and all that.
I could sneethe about this from a hundred different angles. The fact this nigger is just openly anti white on all his social media accounts but its mentioned nowhere when all of his victims were white is the worst tho.
The town is 90% white and they have a nigger police chief who openly supports BLM.
>>156228 MGT dissed the non-rapist kike and msnbc.com is sobbing lmao
>>156231 the woman cancer of the postchristian society rightfully is destroying itself.
>>156233 they were 10 year olds you faggot. filtered
>>156230 standard fare these days smh we're already in a race war and the media-consooming niggercattle stay oblivious
lmao bbc has his face 1/2way down in the article
>>156234 why filter me? I'm not a woman, and reject the female policies whoch lead to that.
also the fact this nigger was a criminal on bail who had already been convicted of jumping bail. that could literally only happen to a nigger in nigger-loving muttmerica.
besides, how do you know the children weren't coldblooded murderers? you ASSUMED.
>>156238 the bbc is not american
boomers can't meme either. it would be easy to call him a reverse racist terrorist, but boomers are retarded ideologues who can't meme.
>2021 Waukesha Christmas parade car rampage lmao christmas parade cars must be banned
I wonder if Gods said "oops" then they made women, or if they were too arrogant to recognize their error.
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smh femoids can't let us have anything
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feeling great tbh
>>156244 smh >>156245 auspicious
pizza already gone but I just took it out of the oven smh
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toil >>156247 put it back in the oven lad maybe it'll reappear
Abiy Ahmed, PM of Ethiopia, announced on Twitter that he is heading to the front lines for the final battle with rebel forces. https://mobile.twitter.com/AbiyAhmedAli/status/1462858774633332736 “Starting tomorrow, I will mobilise to the front to lead the defence forces. Those who want to be among the Ethiopian children who will be hailed by history, rise up for your country today. Let’s meet at the front.”
smorning lids long day of officetoilshite ahead >get up after ten and a half hours being in bed >tired, yawning, downtrodden >>156249 chad tbh I seem to recall other Ethiopian leaders doing this Selassie went to battle in defence against the Italians iirc
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>murder His Imperial Majesty >50 years of war and famine ensues they will probably have a war with Egypt at some point in the next decade too
>>156251 urgh red scare bints
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down syndrome blueanon mom has a revised chart
>>156257 I hate it >if we present true things as not being true then they aren't
>>156258 She's not even midwit-tier, she's a drooling illiterate spastic.
>lovely woman I talked with yesterday and was looking forward to talk with today has deleted her account ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
oh well at least nothing can disturb me playing minecraft
>>156256 Kino dad joke.
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>>156251 >>156254 >>156255 prime seethe bait well done.
Fresh based tentacles lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mr9-8zC5CE >>156265 ta, just the thing to wake one up in the morning tbh
>>156263 reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I was once forced to sit through an entire Newsom concert by a bird with the same name as the track, and after the concert (which I actually quite enjoyed) she went berserk at me for not showing adquate excitement
>>156267 She sounds like a nutter.
>>156268 She was, she was beautiful though.
god i love women
>>156269 That's how they get away with it.
>>156271 Its fucking awful.
>>156272 I hope the sex was at least worthwhile.
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>>156269 don't deal with crazies, me. don't take that shit
>>156274 If more men told them to fuck off they might be forced to reign in their behaviour.
>>156274 tbf I didn't take it at the time, and just let her have her tantrum and didn't apologise for telling her to fuck off. She apologised to me sobing lel. >>156273 It was tbh.
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my only gf was a total mentaloid who im fairly certain nonced a boy and fucked her brother >>156277 i thought the shit-test meme was just alpha PUA shite but its real and a constant mindfuck. sounds like you handled it well tho tbf
>>156278 aye the struggle is endless
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Why can't women just be adults?
>>156281 Why can’t be women just be adult sex toys
bought another jar of kimchi
why can't incels just have sex?
>>156283 i like kimchi too
>>156283 >kimchi Still haven't tried it tbh.
more than half way through this overpriced jar of kimchi already.
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>>155852 >train figurine my understanding is that figures/figurines resemble the figure of a living thing, generally humanoid. I would call it a train model not a bloody figurine
unless it was some sort of train transformer
>>156290 Autistic point well made.
>>156290 might have been a thomas the tank engine toy tbh bit of a grey area what with the human faces on them
>>156293 If it was Thomas she'd probably have said. Likely was just missusing figurine.
the black friday shelf labels and signs etc all went up at toil today smdh
if you don't poo, what do you even think about all day?
>>156298 Typical freemason fair.
>>156298 they all need to be strung up from trees and lampposts tbh every last one of them
lazy thread because nobody else is going to do it smh >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302 >>156302
>>156257 >George sorod never existed goyim

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