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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3578: Schizo Kikes Edition Anonymous 11/24/2021 (Wed) 21:32:04 Id: e79337 No. 156974
https://twitter.com/_CryHarder/status/1463365721862418434 Channel migrants: At least 30 dead after boat capsizes near Calais https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/11/24/20-migrants-die-boat-capsizes-channel-near-calais/ Hundreds of families queue up to see the Coca Cola Christmas truck in Glasgow https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/hundreds-families-queue-up-see-25539358 Town scraps Christmas market over terror attack and Covid super spreader fears https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/town-scraps-christmas-market-over-25539010 JPMorgan: Boss 'regrets' saying bank will outlast Chinese Communist Party https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59409508
You see white supremacists walk like this, but jewish niggas walk like thiiiiis
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not feeling it tbh less than 48 hours of a minor win then right back to permanent seethe and cope with everything getting worse by the second should probably take a break
>>156979 try 'having sex', really takes the edge off.
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>>156979 There are no breaks on the seethe train
>>156979 yeah you should lel
>be kike comedian >be walking home after the show seething >hear someone behind you in the alley >w-who's there THIS IS HOW REDNECKS GET ON TV https://youtu.be/MJc71drUiQs
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Noseley plays that cringe Identity Evropa kraut sidescroller thing https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Heimat-Defender-Rebellion:d
bedtime tbh
>>156985 that take is so hot he better bill my insurance for it fucking faggot
>>156985 >clinical cretinitude
>>156987 nite lad
>>156990 decided I might take what I believe is known as a lindy nightwalk first and see if I get stabbed by a paki tbh
don't know what lindy actually means tbh
>>156988 >>156989 they've spent so long talking down and spitting on "the less educated" that they've lost the ability to communicate with them you have to try and think wtf they are trying to say with this message, best I could think of is >you do thing that spites other people which isn't really it at all if you have to sit there and think how it makes sense, then it doesn't makes sense
>>156993 its an amerishart doctor who bankrupts people for solving a sinus infection or some shit. they are fucking scum.
making some tendies n chips tbh
>>156996 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>156985 Could use the same argument against gay rights
What level are you at lads?
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>>157000 i'm beyond that chart
>>157000 there were no gas chambers and most of the deaths were from typhus caused by supply chain collapse from allied bombing
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>>157000 >she made a new one >it doesn't include "covid made in a lab"
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>>157004 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>157002 they would die even if there was no allied bombings germans couldn't even feed their own population in 1942 starvation deaths in ww2 are completely overlooked and is probably the biggest causes of death excluding combat
I wish wessie was here I found a funny video on rule34 for him
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>>156993 Many doctors aren't very good at having their authority challenged, so they have no positive mechanism for dealing with it. Many of the vocal covid cultist types are so far off the mark they've literally reverted to being children.
>>157010 Excuse me, *who* has the degree here? Mhmm, didn't think so.
>>157014 sorry nigger, I'm on that extreme racism
luv the idea that >black women won't get raped is somehow racist
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>>157012 *stoves your head in with a ballpeen hammer* >>157017 lel
>>157016 Because they’re ugly
christ above lad spoiler that shit
>>157021 Bigot
jeez that's a particularly bad case
wish i had a sexy black gf
>>157024 probably your worst take ever, dorshit
take one plane trip and one hotel stay to any african country and youre sorted.
>>157026 might unironically do this
>>157027 try nairobi lad
>>157007 back tbh it was not a lindy nightwalk too early for that I guess, still pakis and wigger gangs skulking the streets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Fell asleep at toil and forgot to do the dishes for supper
>>157031 that a good place?
>>157033 >doing the dishes with any regularity at all good lad tbh
>>157034 yeah its as safe as an african capitol can be and there's a healthy middle class of black women who watch friends on netflix so they all want to try a white guy.
How did Deanos come in to being? What forces created them?
>>157039 media media
>>157039 it's the white, gentrified version of being a nigger tbh
>>157041 tbh, and the media parades niggerism around 24/7
listening to it again lads https://youtu.be/agvibm7Wqy4
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>>157043 Good lad
>>157032 You need to go out at 3-4 in the morning for the real kino nightwalks lad.
>>157047 these cringe lisa simpsonoids are so low confiedence they can't even stand up for the status quo. their job is literally read twitter and get paid to write some poorly edited shitty clickbait based off whatever they were phone scrolling on their way to work at some pointless internship/lisa simpson larp job while cosplaying as a hipster slut 'just figuring it out' in NYC
>>157050 holy shit she does have the physique of a fridge
>>157050 yeah I mean naturally 3DPD is never gonna compete but there are probably some thots out there that can come close. like the original wonder woman actress from the 60s (when she was young of coursh) but she doesn't look jap enough. just get some tall jap milf with big milkers plenty of those
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Daviddavisbros... I don't feel so good...
>>157054 i fucking despise these people
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>>157054 wow another lisa simpson mindlessly supporting the kike oligarchs
>>157053 keeeeeeeeek
>>157054 Identity verified Social media will be linked to your social credit score and the vax pass no doubt It’s so obvious what the agenda is at this point
>>157056 wew smh the webm has mummyposting gone too far?
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>>157056 >that mp4 yuk
>OMG lets just liek destroy 2000 years of civilization omg #imakikeslave
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so who wants to come to nairobi with me eh lads?
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HEY STEINER did you see the whitoids only have to pay 70 quid each on the cvill trial?
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>>157065 fuck that let's go to Ethiopia and restore the Solomonic dynasty
>>157065 >Anywhere in Africa No thanks lad
>>157067 I thought they owed them millions lad?
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>>157065 way ahead of you lad.
>>157054 anonymity directly contradicts a bunch of their idpol shit so this is just signalling
>>157069 do you believe that shite?
>>157070 some local law means you cant actually charge as much as they're demanding on civil suits. Keit Woods explains it on his telegram. Even the antifa scum in the case admit it.
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yes lets go to africa
we should go volunteer to fight for ambazonia and make it into an anglo pirate haven
>>157075 based hope the kikes seethe about it
they are going after jones now as well doing the classic lawfare shite
>>157077 >>157076 keeeeeeeeeeek yes
whitoids had their chance. they'll miss us incels when we're lords of ambaznonia.
>>157081 >articles giving foids attention for being foids
>>157083 having a little keek at their idiocy is all tbh
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youre such a retard bins nooooooo not the coviderinooooo
man some of these african cities look better than ours tbh
>>157086 tbh but it's fucking grim how there is now a market for this stupid shit, it's like you've been framed but infinitely more detrimental to society
>>157089 I used to think life was a tragedy but then I realised it was daytime TV
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For me it's Yemeni cities
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>>157092 tbh even their trees are sovlful
>>157093 like something out of morrowind
>>157087 Lad, at some point they are going to release the real thing So far, it’s been a trial run
>ooooooh give up on britain oooooooh flee to another country oooooooh it's good for you ohoho
>>157096 yes Dutton is right
>can't even get past his aunt >thinks he can run off to foreigner land
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Don't be cruel to dorsie tbh bad juju this
>>157100 maybe he shouldn't be such a fucking NIGGER
>>157100 tbh gnomes are lucky to have around after all but if you anger them then things get nasty
thats right, i'm gonna fucking niggers
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>>157104 >twitter personas
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>>157107 good lad time for sneethebois to retreat
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>>157107 close enough
no more sneethe only dreams now
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>>157104 Radfem Hitler is an inane bint and one of the most uninteresting women accs on twatter. Most people can see through her absolute inanity, and give her grief for it, but her and all of her 'pals' + orbiters seem to this think the inanity is some form of massive own, rather than what it is: her being a terminally online attention seeking hipster whore. I try to ignore that section of Twitter, and I will promptly mute this dumbass as well.
>>157113 >inane bint (male) it's funny how many of these foids want to be le edgy fashist whilst keeping their strong independent feminist "principles", just shows they're all attention-whores
>>157114 >>157114 If it is a dude, then I'll cede that the account is actually pretty good, because it's captured the tediousness of an attention seeking hipster bird well.
>>157115 He must have experience, grim tbh.
>>157104 >natural bitterness lmao women are like a shallow pond for anything emotional the only thing that gets stirred up in them is mud
lel just reading some of those tweets from that circle, they're all repeating femaledatingstrategy trash and basically leftists with fake tradwife pfps. I thought I'd recognised the language from somewhere else.
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>>157120 Social media melts peoples ability to actually socialise.
>>157104 so true queen
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>>157119 smh they force you to pay 2500 aus dollars for the privilege of being imprisoned
>>157125 and given the vax
Can' stop watching it lads
>>157122 absolutely
*muffled screaming in the distance as if from a car parked outside* YOUR PENISSSSSSS IS TOO SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
some demented steinerposts today
you lads don't remember that video?
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I do feel like I am losing it a bit though lately
>>157135 post it then fgt
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>age restricted
>>157138 just lie and say your 18
>>157139 that's not sufficient you have to give jewgle your bank information and passport details lad or just use yewtube or invidious to evade it
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helmers would have remembered that video
>>157141 I remember the video lad, was just commenting on your frenzied state of mind
>>157141 I remember it lad foid in a car barely trying to give a grotty desultory blowie to her downtrodden nest builder
you all have sick minds sort yourself out
>time travelled an hour without noticing smh got a tardtoilmeeting tomorrow and those deadlines as well
yeah such hard work youre doing there
>>157147 it's hard lad... hard on the soul
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>>157152 really dislike niggers and the people who still defend them
https://youtu.be/9DlpNF02QrM mong using a grinder to carve wood gets BTFO
>>157154 not sure how I feel about all these normongs who vlog their memi homestead ventures
>>157001 you'll never reach Treeline levels
>>157152 meh when I was 12 she wouldn't have even said hi back forget befriending me, cba to care. where my compassion is at is middle aged incels.
>>157146 it's because you were a terrible guy in a previous life.
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>>157156 yeah tbh fuck them he got btfo doing luxuryfag shite on a 'rustic' cabin
>>157160 auslad rn
based gabber tune lad
>>157164 yeah it goes well with the shartmart pep dance
>>157162 tbh seen a lot of those types of cabins from north america, they just look like soulless modern abominations
>>157166 yeah its just another faux log cabin. minimalist a frames and prebuilt deer hunter shacks are chad compared to the luxury cottage virgin
>>157160 hol up wait $1???? yeah, I'd dance for process like that again!!
of you don't have a wife by now, does God really love you? if so, is he so poor in magic he cannot convert the hearts of his women? the answer is easy enough, that God does not love you, isn't it inescapable? the two shall become one flesh, so went the command, yet god's words which moved stones of the creation meet the unmovable heart of stone, his own women? established that God hates you, how could that be? it cannot be what you did in this life. so, it must have been another life. these facts are totally inescapable. i see no way your of this.
since white raps are all the rage. it's called "Kneel" >my rhymes are genius >why can't they see this >jews it's the motherfucking jews >i told them build an empire on raping babies >electing hillaries >jinxing my lottery tickets out of wins >too >that's when the greys using telepathic rays >designed and schooled >a desert race of motherfucking jews how to jew >when i was reading the news it hit me >all these bastards are out to get me >because they markets is down >and they says they a'r'dy up and knew >why it happened, it was freemasons >wogs >the serpentine timeshifting royals by the bog >drinking on blood, typically >when it floods the faggots float it out >on integrated boat butts ask about jesus >i know how he done it ask me i know what his trick is >and >the other cheek turned by dimensions boffins only just dreamed up and learned >... >but what's the real beef here? >where's my record deal? >only reason for this is i won't fuckin' kneel. -HARD R
>Reading the thread, seething >then a lad overtakes me and slows down I'M gonna explode
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>>157173 Nice. I grow pumpkins in minecraft >that music Smh was in so many childhood film and series
>>156979 no need to despair cupcake
>>157175 >>157175 good lad in 2 weeks he will ride in with kolchek and the british army and save tatiana
>ywn have a comfy floorboard gf
>>157177 never say never lad
>>157177 keeeeek 56% fritzel
me saving steiner
wonder how long before there's an fbi leaker
>>157180 why aren't you married?
hullo, much to think about, much to post, I've been justed, fucked up schleep schedule, toil doing a number.
>>157180 >>157181 keeeeeek >>157184 hullo lad >I've been justed smh poor lad
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>>157158 tbh tbh, and yet as men our overriding instinct is to want her to be safe
msnbc.com seems to not have the waukesha parade as a headline
boat capsized in the English channel. why?
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>>157054 Might send him an email demanding an end to anonymous elections. I have a right to know if the people around me support the Toryreich so I can kill them.
>>157160 pretty sure places like that require you to have "fun" or a femoid will report you because you not acting like happy cattle makes her feel unsafe
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>>157186 >dragons with 4 legs
halfway down the page, there is a video about the parade, on cnn.com. ridiculous
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>>157181 keeeek >when he's not drowning fast enough so you choke him out
>>157190 keeeeeeeek based >>157191 women were a mistake
npr wiped clean off all signs of the parade lmao. arberry verdict, a solitary murder, kill count 1, totally more newsy,sure. along with how to make holiday recipes your own. much news. very news.
>>157197 morning lad
cbsnews doing the best of leftist outlets. the parade is in the video carousel
abcnews second best, a big story on parade victims. no photo of the perp in any headline so far of leftist media lmao
https://twitter.com/TheNBACentral/status/1463701744358150150 one person in the court said something the nigger didn't like so he had them thrown out. I thought fans shittalking the other team was a part of sports
>>157201 try esports, can't talk smack, all fag ass wimps now.
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>>157202 they're all troomers too smh. I base this on that one troomer tbh
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>>157192 >dragon with no penis smh
>What Ahmaud Arbery's murder exposes about America okay bbc, how about this? >What bbc's sudden disintetest is mass reverse racist slaying says about jews in the british press
>How Arberry's kleptomania led to the rise of America's largest neo-nazi prison militia
lmao will the blacks rape best buy tomorrow?
>These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712
>>157073 As I've said before, it'll stop kids from getting tranny groomed/sissy hypno'd at a stupidly young age, and prevent early political grooming. Though I wonder if they're planning to flip this for something more socially conservative, and the security the digital ids, soc cred brings will be a welcome relief.
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>>157209 smh >>157210 choon that >>157211 lad attacks on anonymity are always aimed at cracking down on dissent >it'll stop kids from getting tranny groomed/sissy hypno'd at a stupidly young age, and prevent early political grooming. now it can only be done through the proper channels by school teachers and social workers
Watching that new Mortal Kombat. It's breddy gud ngl. Except I just got to Lu Kang and he's a scrawny manlet wtf.
>>157212 I get that, but if underagers can't get on Discord without ID, for example, it will stop them from interacting, most of the actual work on them is done outside of schools.
>>157214 So what constitutes social media? Either Discord won't count, or there'll be something worse made, ever changing so authority can't 'keep up' forcing they require ID. Kids will get help getting around the rules. They'll be spoonfed new apps they can just download on their phones every week. It might mitigate some of the damage for a time, but the absolute certainty risk of it being a slippery slope outweighs any benefit.
>>157213 thought mortal kombat was all soyed up these days >>157214 >if underagers can't get on Discord without ID then they'll get on discord with ID and be even easier to groom than ever before because the troomers will have their dox by default
>>157216 It's fackin brutal m8. Luv this version of based Kano especially.
>>157215 >>157216 Not convinced. If they don't do it fully, then they cannot fully crack down on dissent either.
>>157217 didn't even know there was a new film until i looked it up a minute ago keeek looks kino >>157218 >If they don't do it fully not sure what you mean by this lad
>>157219 Basically requiring ID to use any form of social media, and the ability for law enforcement to get records of usage, for example, banning IPless emails in the case of Tutanota.
>it's a badopinionslad-schizbot-bbk episode
nooo I'm not schizo-bbk
>>157220 you mean requiring ID to sign up but you can use whatever name once you're there? that wouldn't do anything at all to stop grooming lad since grooming is barely considered a crime by the authorities and in the rare case that it's actually prosecuted it's done so long after the fact something like that is 100% to crack down on dissent and nothing else smh you're defeating your own argument >>157221 lad that's every episode >>157222 tbh
the overcomplicated and incorrect sentence structure and comma overuse and stuff really pings my schizdar tbh very disappointed in david davis anyway maybe he will see sense and resign from this anti-anonymity cope but I doubt it
100% of the time when "right-wing" politicians try to crack down on something they're just acting as stooges to push legislation that primarily benefits the left but is too unpopular for them to do so themselves >>157224 would be a primo meta-memi if david davis resigned twice tbh
>>157223 Sure, but my original point is that it will at least require them to be the legal age to use Discord. I know it won't stop it completely, but it will be seen as a welcome development. If they don't do this, then they won't be able to crack down on 'hate speech'. I'm not defeating my own argument at all.
>>157224 Using a comma where I should have used a colon is hardly the crime of the century.
>>157226 >it will at least require them to be the legal age to use Discord will it? i thought it was just about verifying your ID
>>157228 They'll be breaking the law if they allow someone under the age of 14 on their app, will knowing they're under 14.
* while
>>157229 didn't know they had an age limit tbh still though lad i agree that less children groomed is a good thing but are you seriously trying to paint this as a good trade-off? even assuming it works perfectly that just means nobody under fourteen gets groomed and in exchange everybody with wrong opinions gets arrested bit of a bad trade smh
>>157231 No, not as a good trade-off, but the trade-off that they're going to try and pull publicly. Mild social conservatism for 5 mins in the media, and perhaps stymying their ability to completely groom everyone, but preventing folk from communicating bad-think without completely esoteric means.
>>157232 can only hope their efforts fail tbh
Xoomer radfem anger towards trannies is reaching fever pitch, they have the capital they need to do it now.
>>157233 yeah totally
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Imagine actually believing anyone in power wants to stop children from being groomed into trannyism and that everything isn't simply for the stamping of globohomo authority.
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>>157234 tbh >>157236 tbh politicians don't have beliefs smh they just make noises that they think will increase their approval rating amongst the people who vote for them
smh sleepy 24/7 regardless of whether I sleep or not
When you can't decide whether to put an image in the jews folder or the women folder
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>>157238 tbh only time i ever feel wide awake is when i'm trying to get to sleep >>157239 >not having a jewish women folder for special occasions when you need double-potency seethefuel
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>tfw half your jewish women folder is khazar milkers and the other half is reasons why they're a plague on humanity that needs to be eradicated
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>usual suspects at it again >based clownlad doesn't go far enough, uses pie instead of a sword >fully automated algorithm-driven grooming >>157239 it gets worse
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based lukashenko btfoing westoids again https://twitter.com/GraduatedBen/status/1463657558200225792
>>157243 Pretty sure they can already determine where folk are on the gay-straight spectrum just by language used, sites used, and online purchases. If they can do it for pregnancy, then they can do it for faggotry.
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>>157246 strong horse energy tbh >>157249 tbh "justice" done behind closed doors is so very obviously just corruption and collusion and shady deals between people who all have blackmail on each other pity the public still falls for it smh
>>157251 Apologise for racism? I deserve a medal for all the good work I've been putting in this year.
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>>157251 apology? no thanks i only apologise when i've made a mistake (i.e. never)
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>>157252 keeeeek goodlad
>>157249 Sick of it tbh
>>157255 That's pretty seetheworthy. A Mr Zimmerman, naturally.
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>>157255 just want a based and redpilled society run by /brit/ lads tbh i'd trust just about all of you with key government positions even the lads who i disagree with still have integrity and believe that the world can and should be better than it is smh that's literally lightyears ahead of any actual politician
>>157246 smh so jealous
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>>157255 >today in business >can your boss make you get vaccinated
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got a text message from toil head office today reminding me that they still haven't received proof of vaccination really need to do something about getting a religious exemption but i don't even know where to start smh afraid if i don't get it perfect they'll just throw it out and refuse to listen to any appeals smh religious exemptions are only for brown people and kooky cults
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>>157261 >we all toguethee!
>>157261 Binsian energy
>>157260 try just telling them it's against your religion, don't specify or provide details
>>157264 but they know that i'm white lad they'd just throw that in the "didn't even try" bin and then tell me to get the jab
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>>157260 >Here's my card proving I belong to the white ethno-religion
>>157266 >we believe in keeping are genes 100% pure, no gene-editing vaccines sorry
>>157265 tbf it's probably not long before they crack down on religious exemption ,and by religious anything they deem christian might have to pretend to be a 1/8th abbo shaman to avoid it but idk how it'd work in oz
dis shaman no be injectin hissel with dead baby juice it bad jewjew mon, 'gainst de religion
>>157269 Keeeeeek a religion more peaceful than Islam
I'd love to meet a particularly annoying pro-mrna vax doctor in the pub and just beat the shit out of him. I'd be fine spending the weekend in jail for that tbh.
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>>157261 Schizo in the making
AFFIRM: I WILL be a security guard in a highly secret underground basewhere we WILL conduct experiments the likes of which Mengele never even dreamed of on Jews and journalists
>>157266 keeeek >>157267 tbh unironically >>157268 already happened tbh religious freedom is a core tenet of globohomo and of course by religious freedom they only mean things that aren't Christianity smh >>157269 tbh bredren
>>157272 put on a happy face >>157273 keeeeeeek
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>>157269 no inject bad juice in de blud, only inject petrol in de nostral >>157274 true smh
>>157261 what's with men doing this foidshit >>157272 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>157277 >men this is a manchild at best
>>157279 he should have known and said happy holocaust instead smh
>>157279 bit antisemitic expecting a jew to say thanks smh >>157280 keeeek tbh
>>157280 keeeeeek tbh, wish normies would cotton on and stop playing the kikes games >>157281 keeeeeek tbh
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god i wish that were me
MUNTER LIZ TO BECOME POTATOE FARMER Labour shadow minister and munter Liz Kendall has announced she is to become a mother at the age of 50.
>>157284 tbh unironically just want to live in peace with all people on this earth and enjoy life in the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood smh >>157285 wake up babe new harvey just dropped
>>157284 >send lass this pic >she immediately says thanksgiving is problematic and that it was actually awful and has only been romanticised today >tying injuns into thanksgiving which they don't really have anything to do with as it's just a celebration of a year's harvest really God I just wanted to share a wholesome pic. Every time she turns it into something negative and she wonders why I don't initiate contact
>>157288 tell her off lad smh
>>157288 ditch her lad she's already been poisoned
>>157288 normongs getting brainrotted by the media smh
>>157292 replacing are beloved consoomer icons smh just make father kwanzaamas instead smh
>>157292 yet another company on the boycott list smh it keeps getting longer and longer
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>>157294 been drinking aldi's cola anyway tbh, tastes like the fentimans kino
>>157295 keeeek smdh >>157296 based
unironically STOP buying big branded shit, they're going to do something queer eventually and the knockoffs end up being better anyway
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reading shite from the late nineteen eighties and seething at their economic prosperity and their casual indifference to it people just renting flats for a hundred buckaroos a week and whenever anybody's short on cash they just walk around downtown for half an hour and immediately find a part-time job and get hired it's like some fairytale kingdom smh even in my wildest dreams i wouldn't ever expect life to be that easy >>157298 tbh
>>157299 tbh always remember my dad saying when he was young you could just leave one factory walk down the street and get hired at the next. They use to have a swimming pool and cinema in the town centre as well, and now it's just a derelict shithole.
Based migration devaluing work. Just like women before them.
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>>157300 they let the world turn into this mess and they feel no remorse at all smh 'ate them all >>157301 tbh 'ate furriners and 'ate women simple as
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>>157303 that's a fucking advert
>>157303 someone post the pic of the woman asking twitter if anyone has a "good" relationship with their family as she sees it as an impossibility
>>157306 I was just thinking about that.
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>>157294 >not having already boycotted the penny cleaning jew years ago
just want a gf who can nag me
>>157310 yeah it would be nice to have somebody who cares about me enough to notice my weaknesses and unrelentingly remind me of them until i fix them smh
>>157311 err I was being ironic
>>157312 well i wasn't
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22st just doesn't want a naggy gf because she's make him eat less keeeek
>children and pregnant women among migrants drowned For a change. Just shows how shit our govt are. They're getting brazzen and reckless enough to start sending a few women and children with the boat loads of men. Compassionate thing to do is shoot all the boats on sight. Why can't psychopathic progressives understand this? Smdh.
>>157316 who cares about compassion? it's about a basic understanding of mine and thine furriners need to fuck off
>>157317 Tbh. But you have to own the libs with facts and logic and pointing out their hypoocracy and the blood on their hands thanks to their politics and value judegments, from increased violent crimes, terrorism etc.
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>>157318 tbh without total control it will never stop
spied a half-brick pried from the street paving, no doubt by some unruly negro last night, and begun having devilish thoughts before remembering I live in Airstrip One and there are CCTV cameras covering every square meter of the high street Then went pasty shop and got the new turkey and cranberry one but it's very unsatisfactory and full of spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s for some reason, really strong ones that overpower everything else in negro/poo fashion rather than a nice wipipo seasoning style
>>157320 smh sounds shite
>>157316 pictures or just something they say? because unless there are pictures they're just saying it >>157314 Nah I'd like that tbh. I was better even without her nagging when I had a gf. Had someone to live for and be good for smh. Now I'm just a tube that turns food into poo and toils and sleeps
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>>157322 >Now I'm just a tube that turns food into poo and toils and sleeps >>157323 based
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>>157292 Great, instead of giving presents he's gonna still them instead. Fucking nigger.
>>157324 >>157322 I know the problem lads you're not consooming enough currently_popular_media or constantly buying things to temporarily fill the void where purpose should be get on it tbh, do your part for our great free and democratic capitalist society
>>157325 steal*
Nigger Claus smashes your windows and crawls inside at night before setting up a still to brew rotgut and crack in overnight, disappearing as the morning comes leaving only mass vandalism and poo smeared across the livingroom
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such an evil meme this whole thing is
>>157326 give me some fucking toil then jewberg smh if i'm not participating in the system enough it's the fault of the people who are deliberately keeping me out
>>157330 no no no goy, you don't need to inconvenience yourself with toil, merely take out these payment plans and short term loans and you can buy all the televisions and media subscriptions you desire
>decide that certain people are no good and shouldn't be allowed even basic comforts >make them unhireable >"wahhhh why aren't they spending any money" >>157331 *follows you home and kills your wife and children*
https://twitter.com/i/events/1462171496332206082 how about international day to prevent UN raping children
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>>157333 >the UN designates november 25 as a way to raise awareness of the rape, domestic violence, and many other forms of violence women and girls around the world face every day. oh yeah i can think of a way to raise awareness of rape >>157334 common mistake smh poor lad happened to me a few times tbh can't really recommend it
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>when you just bought insurance for your ship
>>157336 Every time I hear the term red state it just makes me think of the film. Suppose that's the point. Thought it was great as an edgy teen but then realised it's basically Wako but the religious nuts deserved it lol because err they were killing homo nonces and thirsty incel teens after sex with an old prozzie.
>>157336 definitely not targetted genocide though smh that's just a conspiracy theory
Happened across a Methodist church with a mass in progress at lunchtime today in London, so I popped in for a quick prayer and gospel reading. Congregation was just a smattering of elderly white people, priest was ostensibly white too. Long story short there was a negress sitting next to the priest on the altar and she ended up speaking for about 20 minutes on "diversity and inclusion within the sphere of Methodism" and listing names of various "community leader" niggers that provided antiracist training to clergy/police, negress bishops in Africa, how the church needs to be welcoming to LGBT etc. Priest was just nodding like a credulous idiot. I should've expected it really. I won't be going to a Methodist church again.
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>>157341 >the methodist Church I go to that's full of white boomers that isn't even used as a Church anymore and is only kept open by the woodworking group I attend and the school linked (I think) choir paying to use it's halls
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>>157341 why are huwhitoids so vulnerable to invaders? smh always so quick to surrender to outside influences demanding whatever they think is "fair" >>157342 smdh
>>157341 smh methodist have been compromised for a while now
seems like everything is compromised at this point
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just back from a walk in the woods lads. so many femoid dogwalkers TERRIFIED by the presence of the grotty wayfarer.
>>157345 tbh smh >>157346 based keeek hope you made them feel very afraid
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>>157346 >walk slowly up to her and her dog >pat the dog on the head gently >look her dead in the eye >"that's a fine BITCH you got there" >walk away and begin to chuckle in a creepy, off beat, uncontrolable way
>>157239 Isn't this the same bail project that stopped helping wogs that were attacking jews in NYC?
>>157346 Idiot, you should clean yourself up, get a decent haircut and new clothes, and actually smile and say hello as they pass, while maintaining a respectful distance then they will all want to fug you
>>157337 What film is that scene from again?
>>157351 Apocalypto 2: Revenge of Jaguar Paw
>>157350 absolute pussy slayer here, can confirm
>>157338 >>157339 >>157340 It might backfire spectacularly when it's only dems in those states taking it in significant numbers.
>>157354 tbh will be interesting to see how things turn out considering the vaxxoom targets the most loyal first even by sending the deadly shite to where their enemies are they still can't affect anybody who has refused to take it
>>157354 keek would be based but I think the cattle are too far gone to consider el mentira from a political angle rather than a "they are truly doing their best and want to save us so we must vaxxoom for all of our safety" cattlecope
>>157356 I don't know redneckoids always seem like the most likely to trust the state or large alien institutions run by the kike coastal elite.
>>157357 sorry not trust the state.
>>157353 You should stop killing women.
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>157359 any sane man will disavow this poost
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In the Bins Cinema tomorrow: Parashite >Greed and class discrimination threaten the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan. Probably going to watch it around 20:00-21:00, we'll announce the time tomorrow
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>>157361 >k*reans
>>157362 Yeah. I liked their films in my pirating films non-stop phase because it was something new but a lotof them are very samey and shite, but Bins wants to watch it and he hasn't had time to for a film night in weeks or months tbh
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>>157284 colonial new england was 100000x more comfy than jamestown and the south which was just a bunch of failed nobles forcing indentured servants to harvest tobacco
>>157288 literally don't initiate contact, if she doesn't respond then she was just using you for emotional cummies.
>Steiner enters thread >gives you two (You)s
Are you having a family gathering for thanksgiving, Steinhog?
just woke up
>>157364 Only in the Balkans can men still put in work.
>>157363 >but a lotof them are very samey and shite the films or the people? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zXDo4dL7SU >>157366 wish i could have visited boston in the colonial era tbh smh >>157370 sneed smorning schlad
>>157346 you should have robbed them barry lyndon style lad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkSzmPnzF-o The system is lying to you I remember when there were only two channels, Politics was read and drank C coffee, the Diary was watched at half past eight every day, there's always the same story, always the same gang. It was easy to spread propaganda then, the people believed the words on the screen, there was no place to hear the other side, until somewhere over there was a change of plan. Today, after wars, protests and changes, democracy, the Internet and new technologies, struggle for rights and freedom of speech, after all, everything is the same again as before. Puppet liars are still in power, they follow orders and take everything for themselves, a thousand channels and all social networks for free, we put our heads in the screen and everyone runs away from the conflict! Ref: The system is lying to you, don't believe what it tells you, this life is a struggle, from birth to the grave, so get up now! From an early age they have lied to me and made me like a wolf, they tell me about Joža sledding in the riverbed, they gave me a headscarf, a flag and an oath, as comrades they are not even sold for a cream spoon. And the bullies rolled on the villas on Dedinje, tent we are all the same, but pigs still rule. So we wanted democracy, we took to the streets, wasted energy, sucked dick! Foreign agencies pulled me out like a monkey, to drink tear gas, to fuck up our country. Now we hear baronies from the mouths of bad actors, but they are not the government, but a puppet theater. I know who's lying to me and who I've been trampled by, banks, IMF, corporations are important. And the system exists to make money for them, and there will be justice only when this kingdom falls! Ref: The system is lying to you, don't believe what it tells you, this life is a struggle, from birth to the grave, so get up now!
[Expand Post]Man believes what he sees, man believes what he hears, he doesn't realize that his brain has been poisoned since birth, propaganda of the system, whatever the system was called, tabloids, television, spin reality. Which works to make you lose your identity, to be just obedient, rotten mediocrity, that thou shouldest take away iniquity, that thou shouldest rebuke the innocent, anger that you are blind, that you are overwhelmed again. You got fired, it's reforms, it's a must, no salary, late installments, cut electricity immediately ', so the cops, you wait for the executors when they will come, like once your Turkish ancestors on their first wedding night. And you were silent, you believed, you hoped, you voted, now you don't believe how you found yourself at the bottom, so start in time, when it hurts you say out loud, you don't owe it to the bank, but you owe it to your children! Ref: The system is lying to you, don't believe what it tells you, this life is a struggle, from birth to the grave, so get up now! >larping as turks KKEEEEK
>>157369 no mentira has ruined it but its good since mummy gets to cook instead of getting bullied out of it by the aunties and its just a small family thanksgiving.
>>157364 based balkanchads being the only westoids who are not absolute complete and utter faggots
>>157374 >we put our heads in the screen and everyone runs away from the conflict!
>>157379 end goal of atomisation can't be cool guys marching in the street if you have no-one to march with
>>157379 wouldn't mind one of those space toilets that sucks the poo out of your arsehole >>157378 Keeeek big boy getting impatient with his manslave. Impressive tusks on him tbh, not seen that in regular pigs >google it >they just remove them in regular pigs oh
>>157381 wonder what percentage of women would be fine with living like that
>>157383 The way the wife responds to her husband's death.... WHAT THE FUCK
>>157381 kino thats a proper shack not one of those luxury ones. still could use a bit of vapor barrier over that wood siding
>>157385 keeeeek I know imagine being a middle age dad and you are just a wage drone who exists to be the homer simpson slave to some fat bitch
>>157384 zero just like all those wombyn who wanted to live in a "tiny house" but hated it
>>157387 The date is in the pic. I'll kill you
>>157383 pretty clear-cut tbh leave means leave >>157385 husbands are just disposable status tools lad smh lasses send them out in beyblade battles against other husbands to establish pecking order sometimes they don't come back but that's acceptable losses tbh just get a new one
Vaxxed be like
>>157384 probably .01 percent, they only come to those types of woodland cabins if they are luxury builds with electrical hookup and indoor plumbing, etc. outside of the few women who grow up in those types of communities of coursh but they are clannish
fresh resignation news
>>157395 I was about despairpost, but this just perked me right up tbh.
>>157395 keeeeek typical foid
>>157396 it is, in fact, a swedish win
ain't nobody gonna tell me how to poo
>>157398 You say that but I want to know what this article considers far right in sweden.
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Good afternoon fellow Celts
>>157395 Strong and empowered until there's a little bit of push back.
>>157401 based and drvidpilled tbh
>>157399 don't poo in the shower and stamp it down the drain >>157401 afternoon lad kino that
>>157391 Don't care
>>157400 >You say that but I want to know what this article considers far right in sweden. Probably just means a political group that wants to go back 10 years in time.
>>157395 luv that Sweden literally does not have a leader
*walks up to Steiner, puffs chest up and leans into him*
>>157408 important to remember he is a normie and of course will say these things in an attempt to look good to the leftoids because his camp hasn't yet realised the blindingly obvious (that their enemies are out to win at any cost and want them dead)
>>157408 Not watched it, did Tucker push back? I sure hope so
>>157408 richard spencer was right about that faggot, but at the same time he was based for killing kikes.
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Might stay up all night playing Darkest hour as USA tbh
>>157410 tbh sick of polacks acting as though he should be spouting GAS THE KIKES on telly yeah it'd be funny but he's a child
>>157414 He's an apolitical teenager lad.
>>157414 >tricky dickie >right
can't believe you'd post NA images mong. For the record GCHQ, I denounce previously proscribed organisations.
>>157416 keeeeeeek
he was one of those oathcuck faggots who blocked Cville hoplites from escaping down an alley. just another junior g man wannabe type
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>>157425 the absolute fucking state of them >15 times THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE OF THEM
>>157425 >Dude it's just the city >like just deal with rampant criminality >it's not like it's really affecting you anyway.
>>157424 was he a cville?
>>157419 tbh he just wants to not be hounded by cultists for the rest of his life people who don't follow this shite closely still don't know that they can't be appeased >>157421 for the record i endorse them and their actions >>157425 keeeeeeeeeeek jews are complete mentallers
>>157039 Consumerism based on rootless cosmopolitanism
That leaked Richard Spencer audio did mirror my mindset tbh. Except I'd probably express it in a less camp and narcissistic way.
>>157430 tbh it's sad really
>>157425 Jew Dude Weed mentality manifest.
>>157424 tbh >>157431 are you talking about the post cville rant he did?
>>157435 Yeah, except he worded it like a spoilt brat and made it all about himself.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Got really fucked off with toil and forgot to eat until an hour ago for supper
>>157436 >Spencer He's the biggest bitch around, better just to deny his existence tbh
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>>157437 smh poor lad toil really does a number sometimes
fresh most powerful boomer in the UK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XiprDpwn48 no I don't bother to watch him
>>157439 Tbh I'm looking forward to your dodging the vaxooming squads arc.
>>157441 We'll write a fake diary in his name
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>>157440 everything is nazis >>157441 i'm not tbh don't want to end up homeless
>>157443 I'm sure there's a comfy government mandated camping experience waiting for you if you lose your house lad.
>>157443 >everything is nazis Boring, isn't it?
>>157444 heard they make you pay rent to stay in the quarantine camp too keeeeeeeeeek it's just good business >>157445 tbh discourse has stalled completely for more than half a century just want something big to shake everything up
>>157424 >he was one of those oathcuck faggots who blocked Cville hoplites from escaping down an alley. just another junior g man wannabe type Who?
When will there be another kinoville?
>>157446 AU$2500 for a two week stay and you get disappeared if you use their internet to post about conditions in the camp or say anything anti-vaxx
>>157446 They can't make you pay if you have no money lad. Then again it may suddenly become a labour camp where you toil in newly discovered spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) mines for the elite.
>>157448 Na it scared the kike elite too much.
>>157449 keeeeeeeek sounds about right smh it's all so nightmarish >>157450 tbh bet i'll have a fun time digging up tungsten or something to pay off the debt for my non-negotiable voluntary stay
>>157452 wasn't joking lad that's literally what was in the reports someone poosted earlier
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>>157453 if you weren't joking then explain why i'm laughing
>>157453 Maybe we can send Oz lad a sat phone he can hide up his jacksy for when the nwo militia come for him.
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what actually happened to australia? how did it get so fucked? It used to be sort of cool
>>157457 women
also jews and their ngos
>>157454 I tell them I'm laughing
>single mummy of 2 >fat >doesn't want more children >doesn't want to work >wants kids in nursery school and school Do I take my chances, lads?
>>157457 IMF has owned Oz since the 80's
>>157460 ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that video
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>>157457 same could be said of many places smh >>157460 tbh
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just so you lads know if i ever poost something encrypted or otherwise password protected the password will be poo don't tell anyone
I wish troons and radfems would just start killing each other in the streets.
>>157466 tbh bit boring how they just seethe at each other on twitter
>>157467 Yeah a renaissance of gang warfare would be class, spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) things up a little, knife fights, drive-bys etc.
>>157468 When have foids ever formed violent gangs unless organised by men? Maybe the letter bombing campaigns conducted by the suffragettes?
>>157457 its the same with all anglo colonies when they were first around they were great because it was almost entirely british but people that dont give a shit about freedoms moved there and subverted it because it was an easy target due to anglo trust
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>Walking home >Kid puts his hand up to high five me >Moves his hand away KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK but also GAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>157469 Never, but considering I'm just talking utter shit, I'm not really bothered. However, troons being men, might start the ball rolling.
>>157472 fuck me, you're right. That plus the HRT induced psycosis we could be onto something. I kind of expect the radfems to be stomped out of existence unless J K can rally them all to her banner.
>>157470 tbh >>157471 keeeeeek you got played like a fiddle
>>157473 there was that radfem who harvested Dorset's seed. I think they're making a secret weapon
>>157471 too slow lad, now the gangs know you're an easy mark
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>>157476 Dear god
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people started wearing masks and LARPing again
>>157479 did some new psyop project fear stuff drop?
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another zogballer down >Wigan Athletic striker Charlie Wyke is in hospital after collapsing during training. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59421139
>>157480 a new variant or something in the city close by, really haven't been following corona ever since we found out it's not bad at all. At least I could understand some excitement when we thought it was deadly or AIDS but I doubt most people have even had anyone really sick or die with it, yet they happily LARP again despite being double and triple-jabbed.
>>157483 >when we thought it was deadly or AIDS >we
yet another spam letter from the BBC TV license niggers must have cost them at least double digits in paper and printer ink at this point
>>157408 He’s being told to say these things but normie conservative inc advisors, no doubt
>>157487 keeek sounds like it. "let's keep doing that thing that's never worked for us" smh but I guess that's by design as well
>>157485 They keep saying they're going to come around, but they never appear. I can't even get a signal because my aerial is fucked.
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>>157429 >people who don't follow this shite closely still don't know that they can't be appeased Sad if that is his reason for this. He's likely alienated the few friends he might've had to look out for him.
>>157484 good lad
>>157476 wrong, i didnt cum
Watching the It remake, lads. It's pretty good. Only thing is I realised the jew and the black kid were in the original tv/film series, and probably in Steven Kangz book. Smh. I keep imagining the noncey clown as he-who-I-always-filter, especially as he's played by a fellow scandi actor.
>>157495 have the jews taken the mask off enough yet that steven paedo's child orgy scene from the book was included?
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>>157496 Lad wut?
>>157497 in the book steven king writes an explicit scene in which the children all have sex or other degenerate acts with eachother with the thin explanation that they're scared or some shit unless the last time It came up on /brit/ and the relevant passage was posted it was a ruse
>>157497 they all bang the girl before they fight the monster
>>157498 No even the wikipedia page mentions it. Fuck sake. I'm near the end of part one so idk. Guess I'll find out within the next half an hour.
>>157499 >it's not a david davis >it's fresh
want dorset to become an auditor.
>>157503 what makes you think im not?
>>157504 Which one are you?
>>157503 having worked with auditors, it seems to be a pretty boring and thankless job. Nobody likes auditors. The company being audited certainly doesn't like them, and many big auditors are pretty prolific for negligence too.
>>157507 I mean the Ash Williams/ AB type of auditor.
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They must've thought they still had to keep it relatively wholesomerino like the hand holding and using flashlights bit in the 80s film which replaced the orgy, but they had a little nod at the degeneracy in the book, with one of the boys having to kiss Bev to wake her out of a zombie trance, and making it seem like she was almost going to kiss multiple boys but didn't. Fucking scooby dooby dooish, rucking rikes raggy, the rucking rikes I swear to Rog.
>>157508 that's not auditing that's just being a nuisance and seeing who gets provoked
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>>157511 Something so sad and disturbing about these two. His pathetic little smug goblin face like he's 9 years old and has a cooler toy than you is such a brutal contrast to her detached nowhere smile that says "one day at a time, he'll die soon and then I'll be free"
>>157512 presumably he has enough money to make it worth it for the thot
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lost my elytra and all my diamond items in minecraft, lads
>>157512 Lmao havef shex inshells.
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the urge to shout racial slurs as loud as I can for as long as I can
we should do one of those /v/ sings videos but it's just us seething
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>there was a dood weed lmao protest today
>>157502 Speaking of David Davis… He’s tackling online abuse by ending internet anonymity
>>157520 keek bet wessie would love a womens sumo league
>>157523 It sounds awful.
>>157522 they sort of have that already as most places require a phone number to sign up, which is pretty much an ID at this point. don't know of a good cheap/free way to get a throw away number tbh.
>>157520 keeek goodlad >>157522 >this post is itself a david davis featuring david davis >>157523 >>157524 KEEEEK
>tfw /brit/ will eventually require photo ID
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lovely horse slag mummy tbh
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Unjabbed Brits could be BANNED from travelling to the EU next summer Bloc's new proposals rule out entry unless you've been vaccinated within previous nine months in battle to contain Covid https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10242197/Unjabbed-Brits-BANNED-travelling-EU-summer.html
>captcha will probably require speaking into a microphone
>>157530 tfw the wife says you can't heil odin anymore and have to pray to her placentas
>157528 >157532
>>157532 there's already a large "search with your voice" button on the youtube UI that I can't remove or turn off, so I assume that if I plug the microphone into my computer jewgle just harvests all audio without my knowledge or consent
>>157535 It's just good business.
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>>157532 then I'll be using some kind of AI voice to bypass it tbh
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>>157529 Want to kick in her horsey teeth, stomp her nose into her skull, then place my boot over her brow and cheekbone on one side and gradually increase the pressure I put on it, leaning until the whole area around her eye and cheek begins fracturing, and use that as some give to literally rip her jaw off with my bare hands, by shoving one hand in her mouth and pulling down while yanking the outside of her jaw at the bend upwards, gripping hard to pierce her skin with my fingernails and dig into flesh, for enough grip to just rip the thing off her face, but still dangling attached on one side by some flesh. Not really sure why tbh. Don't usually have steinlerian psycho fantasies, but she looks emminently killable. Okay, thank you.
>>157538 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>157542 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's actually clever
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>>157540 The aftermath being something like this.
Did you lads see the new shart wars episode? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzv4JzsoU9k
>>157545 yeah, reacted to the indifferent wife
like you'd get more reaction from her by stepping on her lawn or something
>>157545 why are yanks such schizos wtf is in the water
>>157548 fluoride
>>157545 The only 'what you gonna do, shoot me' episode that makes me feel bad. He wasn't being that aggrro or threatening. Just wanted to see his son. Fucking women. Hope that pussy with the gun gets life so both women can laugh at his misery the next 50 years and he can feel like the guy he shot was the lucky one.
>>157542 good lad
If only you lads knew how big the shit I just took was.
>>157552 extremely good lad
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>>157545 Guess he thought If you get really close to the gun it's like a video game and they can't shoot you
>>157554 What is that concept art from?
Remember back in 2018 there was a boomer in Sunderland who would stand on street corners and rant about muslims being rapists and he got a pretty big following but then he disappeared because he got arrested for owning animal-porn that turned out to just be one of his retard boomer friends sending it to him as a joke on whatsapp.
>>157556 his "friend" was probably a spy tbh tbh
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>>157558 based
>>157560 oh it's this lad >>157558 keek
>>157563 holy based cathman
cant watch this episode tbh chat is full of tards as well
https://youtu.be/ps9e1vqOKtM Hey guys, hope you're having a lovely bovely Thursday evening.
>>157565 duttons chat is always full of them
unironically kino smh wish we had some big archaeofuturist parades and stuff
>>157567 tbh its like that with a lot of streams
>>157558 >>157558 very based lad
a toast to biological warfare
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>>157563 >some kike coming into a church and interrogating a priest imagine what longshanks would have done to these kikes with their arrogance
>>157573 Tossed them down a well probably.
I don't know when this time started wherein foreigners, infidels and jews felt like they were free to stick their noses into the whiteman's business and render some kind of appeal to 'universal' judgement? was it with locke and then the whole enlightenment. I doubt even cromwell would have abided a jew rendering judgement on a christian even if he was a papist
H. G. Wells wrote a book where the ruling class imports Africans to physically crush working class rebellions in a future London.
finna bust a nut fr fr
>>157577 fabian socialists were based but also cringe I think alot of the slander of them arises from the neo-cohens who were aware of their racialist orient.
>>157577 sounds like he really did have a time machine
britpol lad commenting on the stream
hands hurt from typing so much corporate bullshit only halfway through
god I wish all we had to worry about was rooting for truffles and whether there were wolves about
>>157583 tbh wish i was a warthog so I could btfo tourist mongs and disembowel them for fun smdh
>Saw that tranny lad on the way home again smdh
>>157585 so when are you gonna ask him out?
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>>157586 But pembs already has a bf
question time tonight
>>157586 https://youtu.be/QYsp6fUyhaw >When I ain't toiling never
>>157588 don't do it lad
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tfw no jap gf to play mecha arcade games with

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>hand veins >that nose >that chin lad..
>>157594 she's not a troon, lad
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>>157592 Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
>>157583 good lad
imagine if big poppa pump was a boar
>>157593 those novelty car beds don't look very comfortable tbh
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>>157577 what book tbh?
>>157593 >remember having a star wars picture pained on my wall as a little lad and a bed with a draw under it that I was small enough to crawl in
>>157603 based, I had a space based theme too tbh with glow in the dark stars about and also a nautical room with little lighthouses and boats
Now I have a PewDie Pie room!
>>157604 bad lad >>157605 good lad
perpetual boredom eternal seethe cant breathe
I had a cabin bed that was too big for the room it was in so I slept a foot or so away form the ceiling and once a face sized spider went on the pillow right in front of my eyes, also I thought there were aliens hiding in the cavity under me and I learnt to sleep with one eye open under a thin bit of the covers so I could see vaguely if anything was coming to get me but not be driven insane by horrors and regularly had night terrors where I would run to mummy and daddy but they don't remember me ever doing that for real tbh
>>157577 He recanted his anti-semitism after the war just before he died. >>157579 They pushed Zionist geopolitics, and were deeply involved with Lenin for years before the revolution, not sure what I believe anymore. It's possible that they were useful idiots tbh.
>>157609 yeah that makes sense
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hey madlad are you out in 4chud defending nick today? looks like he is getting btfo pretty bad
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>>157591 >>157594 >>157595 I cannoh await to get out of Japan and get an Eeengrish boyfriend. They are no such bigoots as ze Japoneese inacels.
where are my drugs
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>>157603 >with a draw under it that I was small enough to crawl in Best hiding place from all the evil spirits and loud domestics and things. Smh miss it now. Always felt so safe.
>almost told a prostitute i loved her today oxytocin is too powerful for an incel like schmee
>>157616 maybe she loves you too you can save her
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>>157616 But they all just want to be loved by that one nice John, lad. Should've gone for it.
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>>157617 >>157618 don't tempt me lads
>>157620 you are destined to be with her youve had sex with her your souls are bound together
how does one even find a prozzy tbh? I think the only thing that has kept me from a life of depravity and drugs is a williamiod level of ignorance tbh
imagine being soulbound to an elder horror of a woman who has also ensared thousands of other clients to her astral maw smh
>>157602 The Sleeper Awakes
>>157623 y-yeah that sounds horrible h-haha
>>157622 adultwork
>>157622 adultwork and vivastreet. just do the bare minimum of research so you dont get shanked by a rom and her pimp
was gonna hire a sexy milf from there but she went insane over covid restrictions shite
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Only thing more disgusting about a prozzie than a normal slag is the increased likelyhood the prozzie has slept with non whites before.
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Hate coin monkeys with a fucking vengeance, absolute cancer. If this doesn't make you fly into genocidal rage then you're probably dead inside.
>>157626 >>157627 thanks lads but sounds complicated I'll just stay permavirgin tbh
>>157632 not really come visit me and i'll hire one for the both of us
>>157622 go to the local spot where they operate
>>157632 just get a fleshlight and wedge it in the couch
I have prayed the Rosary, now I sleep. Nos da x
>>157634 don't think my village has a red-light district tbh >>157635 smh >>157633 >devils 3 way with dorset that might be the most horrific vision I've ever had on brit tbh
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>>157629 tbh you can find some based ones who wont do darkies of any kind
>>157639 based white nationalist prozzies
>>157637 if you don't know where the red-light district is in your village it's probably in yer ma
>>157630 Nah, I'm at the point where shit like this only makes me butthurt that I didn't think of it first.
>>157639 >based prostitutes OMG 👏 STOP 👏 HAVING 👏 SEX 👏 YOU 👏 VOLBREEDERS
find it funny that 99% of all prozzies in dorset are in bournemouth only like 2 in weymouth
>>157494 >Eboni
>>157644 Isn't Bournemouth all just old people? Is that where the demand is coming from?
>>157645 that pre just face keek >>157646 might have answered your own question there lad >disposable income >free time >spouse (likely) dead >just got a new hip
>>157646 No it's just a modern city lad
>look at prozzies >some of them require proof of jab + test
its always the really "high class" ones too
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>>157653 *honk honk*
found a prozzie with a nice fat ass that thinks covid is bollox based
>>157642 I just really despise the vulgarity of it, it really gets my back up. I'd be embarrassed to have gone through with an idea like that. >>157650 I noticed that, that's not the test they should be demanding tbh. A lot of birds that you know would be harping on about sex workers 'rights' and saying they were a communist on twitter demanding it as well. At least where I am.
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the gb news kneeler keeek
angry foreigner whining about dead wogs in the sea
>>157658 looks like trustworthy native anglos to me maybe you're just racist?
I wish I was cynical enough to ffake being a lib.
>>157659 Lad she's allowed to be upset that her cousins drowned smh >>157660 >anglos >trustworthy keeek
disgusting cunt, was saying how she fears how bad channel deaths will be when climate change becomes worse. hate cunts like this
>>157663 is that biological man?
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Contemplating a pub crawl at the weekend.
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>>157664 keek, doesn't sound like a man, but she is a very ugly woman. Looks like Harry Enfield in drag
Forgot to post this earlier, was a thot in favour of immigrants
>>157669 bogpilled
>black prozzie says NO BLACK MEN keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
prossies are a black hole of despair, i get why some lads use them but it doesn't lead to anything other than a coom
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>>157672 i can save her bros...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDm1HBS9FCU What's the deal with prostitutes am I right? If you want a warm hole just make a glass of porridge, I mean come on people!
officetoil done 10 minutes before the final final deadline and subsequent bennies revocation and bollock busting now for the next one already 3 days past the first deadline
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>>157678 KEEEEK
>that complete faggot chuck leek in the replies needs a good sneeding tbgh
>zionist-founded institute
>>157684 a literal jewish baron gets to tell us whats allowed on the internet. based!
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>>157688 thank you lad
>>157689 >>157690 tbh a good omen I hope
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>>157688 good lad
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Toil beckons smh good shnight lads >>157692 tbh a seethe free Friday for all >>157693 thankee shlad
>>157694 shnight lad may your toil be merciful and swift
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>>157678 al-sneed jihad
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>The massacre occurred on 16 June 1979, in the Ramouseh district of the city of Aleppo, Syria. An officer on duty, Ibrahim el-Youssef, and members of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood calling themselves the Fighting Vanguard (at-Tali’a al-Muqatila) and led by ʿAdnan ʿUqla, massacred between 50 and 83 Alawi cadets in the Aleppo Artillery School.[1][2][3] The duty officer in charge of the school called Alawite cadets to an urgent morning meeting in the mess hall of the school; when they arrived, he and his accomplices opened fire on the unarmed cadets with automatic weapons and grenades.[4] The incident marked the beginning of full scale urban warfare of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood against the ruling Alawites.[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleppo_Artillery_School_massacre and we're meant to be sad these are the niggas getting barrel bombed.
my penis hurts
>>157700 that is despicable
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vored too much turkey and potatoes lads
>>157703 based and americanpilled tbh
reminds me of my favourite mene ever though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZDINK0o-Pw kek
>>157703 go outside and shoot your gun off for old Abe
>father invited his furren friendo to thanksgiving in order to only talk to him >he brings Mediterranean sauces to put on the turkey umm sweaty, no thanks mummy roasted it in a bed of celery and onions with basel, I like to taste my meat like a proper northman
>father didnt know you had one
>>157708 lad, don't start him down that rabbit hole
>>157707 keeek smh at least he is out of the basement and talking to someone I guess
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wouldn't let an italian in my house
>>157710 tbh >>157711 good lad read it in his voice
>>157709 whats the lore on steiners father?
>>157714 redpill me on whats going on
>>157714 that looks to be several thousand men
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>>157715 God is punishing Ethiopia for killing His Imperial Majesty
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fuck niggers
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>>157719 literally fuck sexy black wombyn
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in food coma laying on ground playing classic goom with brother in remincense. playing conkers bad fur day at the beach where you have to kill all the refugees and every poost dorset gives me a (you) for my zero effort po*posting
>he even has a brother do you have a sister as well?
>>157723 the italian is going to steal your silver
been watching videos about african conflicts, the continent is more ripe for colonisation now than it ever was keke.
>>157727 Been watching videos of your mum tbh
>>157727 poost some
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took a sleeping pill
>>157730 A druggie just like Sperg
>>157725 that blankey looks comfy af
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>tfw all my cotoilers bar a couple of boomers who are too pussy-whipped to say anything (like me) are hypersocialised 120-140iq normie nigger cattle who dont think for themselves despite their intelligence
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a statistics phd asked me what news site i get my opinions from
>>157737 reddit
>>157727 Too bad China's looking to solo takeover the market
god damn there's no reason having an ontological answer without an existential one and the same in reverse.
absolutely love hobnobs
new thread new thread new thread
>>157737 tell him from the alt right comments on the guardian
>>157714 if hitler was president of the world Bank and unicef, we wouldn't have whites prowling about African twitter in the night.
>>157744 first twitter persona worthy post you've made schizo.
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>>157711 ngl 100% he was gay

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