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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3580: Defend Bussropa fr fr Edition Anonymous 11/29/2021 (Mon) 08:02:18 Id: 0a0ad8 No. 159175
Covid: JCVI scientists to announce decision on booster rollout https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59455914 Ava White: Boy, 14, charged with girl's murder in Liverpool https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-59456938 Ghislaine Maxwell's sex-trafficking trial to begin in New York City https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59455605
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>>159175 did he frfr look like that
>>159175 bussin fr >>159177 no cap
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Such a heckin fuck nugget cockwomble
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>Boy, 14 Yeah but was he fr fr? Could've been a 30 year old rapefugee. Unless it was a heckin I.N.C.E.L. terrorist polface. Smh.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd3IJTc9svE Guardian left the comments open on a clip of the anti white nigger complaining about Euro travel bans due to muh obiwan variant. Time for you lads to do a big, steaming pile of racism in there for the white rice.
Can we make a new thread?
>>159182 do it later lad there's still a few posts left in this one
Nice. We're all going to make it
>>159184 are you seriously still looking this up lad, its been years get over it
https://youtu.be/8b4-2K_up_o >people are now getting nostalgia for gta v mind you it is going to be 9 years old in 2022
>>159185 Smh easy for average dick lads to say
>>159186 smh where does the time go
>>159189 smh yeah I remember pre ordering it, was already a cringecel by that point though
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>>159177 fr on sheesh he finna be bussin that sheeeit no cap
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>>159190 Remember never buying it but 'borrowing' my mates copy for several years. Used to like doing parkhour stuff and making it look like the characters would flip off tall buildings and survive the drop with glitches tbh.
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>>159194 eaten the last of the ice cream, getting stress cravings today, chrimbo holidays can't come soon enough
Hate the new e celeb trend of doing twitter spaces, all that content gone to the wind that i cant listen to because its on us time
>schizobbkbadopinionsutterretard no
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>>159194 I was wondering when they would start doing this. There's that image with various things causing heart problems, from global warming to the cold, and I figured the strongest of them was poor health and diet following lockdowns. It was inevitable that the coof itself would be blamed, and since so many people are vaxxed they can get away with it too. >>159198 keeeek
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why would you post that
>>159211 To teach you how to run faster my nigga!
>the other jabs NOT being mystery jabs ofc
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Cringe and brap pilled
>>159216 based boomer corbyn tbh amazing he actually went on Noseley's show keeeeek I think at the end he said he would be open to another long form interview and would accept to talking about da j00s with mark keeeeeeek
>>159215 >>159216 >ailing boomer schizos
>Looters gon’ loot
So, ttpw moved to New York City
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEx_CBxNrXY >the comments KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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>>159225 >>159224 >no dislikes
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>>159227 i can see them tbh
>>159223 yikes
>>159224 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
jkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek every single comment
>Nice guitar Salman! Wanna bring it to the Manchester Arena!?
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>>159237 commendable
>>159237 couch full of annoying metrosexual upper caste soyboys
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https://youtu.be/BXlIhzunpUE Ip camera trolling, yup those were the days
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>>159223 >from the creators of sausage party oh god help us, please
>>159241 All I can think when I see seth rogan is xbox live and doritos and the year 2010
>>159240 this is what the internet used to be about
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK https://youtu.be/2wSSfEhtySo >tfw 2015 may as well be ancient history
>The replies keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://www.twitter.com/CDCgov/status/1121807666215518208 >these videos Another fine tradition looooooool https://www.twitter.com/Hamiltonianist/status/1464053950361919489
>>159246 Saw a thread about this on shitter earlier full of retarded niggers kek, one of them said its a thing to wash the chicken with ghetto types because they've lost the knowledge of why they "wash" i.e pluck and clean a chicken before cooking and this has mutated into them literally using fairy liquid to wash a chicken lmao
>>159246 >>159247 sounds about right tbh, kind of a cargo cult thing from half-remembering the abysmal hygiene standards of nigger hives without access to wipipo or wipipo inventions
>>159248 its the narcissism in the replies that keks me tbh
maybe the whole "seasoning" and spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) overuse thing is a cope for trying to drown out the taste of bleach and fairy liquid tbh
>>159246 keeeeeeeeeeek >>159250 could be on to something tbh
someone should make a tiktok life hack PSA for ghetto niggers advocating washing their whole turkey using a washing machine and detergents maybe cooking it in a dryer along with lots of oil too
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still have a cough can feel my sinuses being snotty again
>>159252 keeeeek >>159253 cooking up the pi variant as we speak smh
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>more big zoil deadlines today and tomorrow that I've done nothing for
chechnyan devils culture, never even met one but despise these fuckers https://youtu.be/JKZzaUPnefI
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Just remembered last month that I accidentally let a nigger male with a half caste baby on the train in front of me out of reflexive politeness while I was engrossed in my frankencontrol radio device
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crimebros.... >the mob at one point, to keep getting money after prohibition was abolished and they lost their booze trade, instead decided to target the jewish community and more specifically the kosher meat or meat that was approved by a rabbi. How you asked, well they basically went to all the meat venders that sold kosher meat, all the rabbis that approved the meat, and discussed a universal price for all kosher meat as up to that point the price of kosher meat changed based on who sold it and which rabbi approved it to be kosher. The meat vendors and the rabbis were actually happy with this arrangement as it made things much simpler and the only people that got a raw deal out of this was the customer as the mob basically put a mob tax on all kosher products in the city which almost double the price of kosher meats if I remember correctly. So the rabbi and vendors got paid for the services and all the extra money that the mob tax added went straight to the mob.
https://youtu.be/CEG-w2YI7hQ smh what did he think was gonna happen getting that close
>>159254 the winnie the pooh variant >>159256 shes beautiful i love her
>>159254 >>159263 funny how they skipped over it
>>159260 based tbh scamming the jews and nobody else >>159262 kino >>159263 >>159264 really makes you think
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>dinner is ready >mummy didn't make bacon to go with the burgers
*hunger strikes*
>>159265 SEETHING
>>159267 you have bacon with burgers? I never do that
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>its a "get in a fight with mummy so she goes in a huff refusing to make dinner" episode
>>159265 based open hatred against an ethnic group. god I wish the rules would at least be applied equally *starts crying*
>>159273 >biting the hand that feeds you not smart lad, not smart smh
>>159269 >>159272 >>159274 second/third generationers are endless cope he has no cultural identity but seething
>>159270 you go bun bacon cucumber tomatoes bacon burger cucumber tomatoes bacon bun
>>159271 uppity nignog cunts should be sent back to africa
>>159277 that the new witch doctor song?
Never ate bacon before keto tbh
>>159279 keeeeeeeeeek
>all those years living entirely on carberinos and sugarinos
>>159277 i don't tbh
>>159277 >cucumber >>159281 based
>>159286 well it couldn't be a pickle slice now could it
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>>159286 >cucumber err... I meant big bong pickle..?
>>159291 love the Russian phenotype tbh ngl smh. Just don't want ruskie sonerinos
that's a tranny look at its giant hands
>>159292 i want to breed with a ruskie
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>>159282 you do keto to, lad?
>>159292 >>159294 Kissless virgins >>159295 Chad
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i want to breed too i want to be a chad
>>159299 Too late now, you've made your bed.
>>159299 you cant sorry big guy
>>159224 >lucky larry silverelf keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>159256 they are disgusting cunts, wish I saved that video that someone poosted of the mongol chads btfoing the chechencel
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>>159306 noticing a trend in retarded soyfaggot whites being replaced by poo petty kings tbh
>>159307 it's the future goy
>serve the regime faithfully >replaced with 80 IQ wogs just as easily as any other white
never been a better time to get a brahmin wife
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>mum home and immediately making noise again
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wessex seen NGE yet?
NGE and its consequences....
https://twitter.com/search?q=Iceland&src=trend_click&vertical=trends keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek already over before it even started
>>159315 extremely based
>>159315 is Iceland unironically the most normal supermarket chain in the UK? They've done more based stuff than any other this year what with the no-palm-oil own brand pledge
contemplating having something to eat later..
>>159320 get a chippy
>>159322 needs hunting down and something a bit tougher than merely glowering done to him tbh
>>159323 dont you live in cornwall? go and hunt him down and choke him with your grotty stench
>eat something >cant stop coughing
>>159256 >stays one and a half metres away from the filth at all times Based
>>159225 >>159224 That comment section has this images vibes all over it.
>>159264 I hope the Sigma variant dabs on all the vaxoomed.
>>159271 Tbh she’s about set to remove herself as head of state forever
https://youtu.be/SBMgklqDba4 sammy going nicado avocado mode

>>159335 So they're the midwit golem administrative caste to the nigger moron enforcer caste.
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>>159335 why are poojeets so obsessed with jews
Haven't been able to poost all day smh
>>159338 their english is bad, they get pakistan and palestine confused
>put on flag >posting works Based.
>>159339 if you just wait after you complete the captcha you will be able to post
>>159338 Because their shameless whores.
>>159343 I only got a captcha 6 hours ago. Then the reply button just didn't do anything, until now when I decided to mess with options, added a flag, and niggered the email field. Stop making excuses for this broken shithole website.
>>159338 They are coomer poomers and fell for the IDF qts posting on /pol/?
>>159345 we've all been through that before, i'm just telling you how to deal with it. after you fill out the captcha, don't touch anything. just wait. it will take a minute, but your post will go through
>>159347 Yeah I probably did fuck it up not waiting the first time.
>>159348 yeah spamming it just buggers it up
>>159320 >>159321 Chippy tea
>>159350 fucking fat people
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>>159353 good lad
didn't want to have to kill soundbwoys today but here we are https://youtu.be/0By643SE714
>>159356 They really are the perfect tools.
>>159200 does this mean that the consumption of are daily seethe is a form of exercise?
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>bedroom door is open but i deliberately remembered closing it
>mummy says we need to sterilise countries that breed too much smh probably just her curbing to peer pressure from me, not something she'd ever say or believe around anyone else smh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N87vTwcAGUk keek forgot how batshit this album was
>>159362 maybe its a subtle dig at you for not breeding tbh
>>159362 That's how all women form opinions.
>>159364 how so
>>159362 based mummy tbh
>>159365 yeh i cant stand them >>159366 because youre de facto sterilised until you breed
>>159369 It's probably going to get a lot worse. I'm normally ok with it, because I can generally customise what I see, but since they've managed to fuck up adblock on it I hate it as I'm always witness to the worst gay normie seethebait they want to serve me tbh.
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Watched Train to Busan 2. Was pretty good, until it became Fast and Furious or Tokyo Drift with zombies. Then at the end some fat bitch that's with the UN saves them in a UN helicopter lmao.
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jill bearup
>>159369 He's helped a hegemony solidify a little more control over freewill itself. That's his legacy.
>>159374 If I learn regex, make a teeline font, and make a website are you saying I could save the white race?
No that wouldn't work.
>>159384 >dutty investigating oulu's gay bars
>>159384 lmao such a weird piece fucking autist
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D'you know, wearing a marsk is like trying to keep a fart in your trousers?
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>this toff rambling about norf being genetically different from souf all over Europe and it's why one tends to protestantism or catholicism and that the taigs are like a different race from the english with totally different character because of genes
>>159388 'butthole pussies' has strong 'eat da poopoo' energy tbh
He's right, I noticed it straightaway as soon as Instagram and drag race started having strong influence on the wimmons, they adopted the tranner makeup style. Fucking disgusting. Literally becoming parodies of parodies of themselves.
>>159392 Women seem to love rupauls drag race more than homos. Never understood how a woman can be entertained or even feel secure about drag and trannies. A healthy woman would view them as wolves in sheeps clothing.
speaking of butthole pussies, Pembs' will be itching soon as it sounds like his boyfriend decided he's not a homorino smh
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>Amazingly she homeschools all her children. >“I'm a stay-at-home homeschooling mom,” she said. “We also have a small farm we're working on expanding.”
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>>159396 >>159398 Whitepilling.
jealouspilled tbh smh
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>could have inherited a farm
>>159399 I'd buy "Warlord"
>>159397 the opposite, the majority of replies to the article were telling the people who'd judged her to fuck off
>>159402 could have been handsome and gotten hi'd by a female
>>159402 instead you got a fucked up dick
>>159406 we are swapping dick pics now? we are brave and nongay penis talkers of the 3rd reich
>>159408 well we have his dick pics
Wetherspoons drinks menu shake-up as Strongbow and John Smith axed from pubs https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/16880832/wetherspoons-drinks-menu-shake-up-strongbow-john-smith-axed/ >Strongbow and Strongbow Dark Fruits will be replaced by Stowford Press Apple and Stowford Press Mixed Berries, made by Westons Cider, from December 15. >John Smiths bitter is being replaced by Worthington's bitter, supplied by brewer Molson Coors.
lmao transportation fairy butt sez buy an electric cake car, to avoid high gas p4ices lmao lmao red wave so inevitable
>spoons thats a yikes from me
>dorshit is a posho imagine my shock
>>159412 poor dole consuming geriatrics have to get their winter heating from somewhere.
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>if you dont go to spoons youre posh
>hating spoons >not a posho
can't even look after himself there's no way he's been spoons lmao
stowford press >>> shartbow tho
I don't live near a spoons
>doesn't even live near one >seethes
who are you
>>159421 It's very obvious who he is lad.
oh its him, the fat crippled drunk
i guess he can only afford to drink at spoons with his cripple money
>>159418 tbh, for one they actually use apples >>159423 keeeeeeeeeeek >>159425 crippled yet I get out more than you
>ohoho he can't afford other places hmmm bit of a posho retort right there makes you think
>out more than you yeah, out to spoons
>yeah, out SOCIALISING HAHAHA really got me there lad
>>159390 It doesn't explain why the French, Belgians, Irish, and many Scots are Catholic nor why other northern Europeans were Catholic far longer than they've been Protestant. For much of its history the Anglican Church was media res before recently indulging in the most grotesque forms of Protestant apostasy (e.g. women claiming to be Bishops). To say that there is greater divergence between Irish and English than between English and German is absolute gobshite. >>159417 >>159420 For me? It's four hundred year old local pubs
>English; a germanic people >Irish; a celtic people
>>159431 luv old pubs, shame so many are gutted and GASTROED.com now
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wish i had a paki gf
just want a hijabi bj
>>159432 Germanic and Celtic are not genetic designations, they're linguistic and cultural. The English are Germanicised Britons who themselves were Celticised versions of older populations. If the suggestion is that the differences in linguistics are the root cause of the reformation this is itself undermined by the fact that one of the greatest defenders of Catholicism were the Habsburgs. The point and its wider context of Germanicism is pure LARP.
Off to pray the Rosary, nos da x
>The Crown and Treaty >Built in the early sixteenth century as Place Manor House, the building was later used by King Charles I for his ill fated treaty with Cromwell and Parliament in 1645.
>bbk yawn
post LANGUAGE gains
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>>159439 >The Crown and Treaty
grim as fuck tbh
>>159440 at least he didn't post any gaping arseholes this time
>>159443 they constantly surround historic buildings with fucking eyesores
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a lot of wagie incompetence today. had to run from the post office to my bank and back again twice in a row because of clerical mistakes. both the post office and my bank messed something up. and even now, after i've come home, it looks like the damn wagies at the post office made another mistake before i left. might have to call up canada post tomorrow, smh. they owe me $500
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seaguls are cunts tbf
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>it's China's fault people think democracy and capitalism are bad
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>>159450 keeeeeeeeeek good lad
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i want to fuck all the women there i want to be grotty
>>159450 well keeked lad
the fucking irony
what is it with all these women wearing key necklaces
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uncomfortable truth, i can't function without alcohol
>>159462 you can't function with alcohol though
you can't function lol
>>159460 isn't that a fetish thing?
>>159460 gave my gf a pearl necklace
>>159463 he can't function
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>>159465 i think so fucking vile how they make it so public though
that's vulgar don't know why i said that
>>159460 >Key pendants are customarily given as a present on the 21st birthday. This tradition dates from the times when at twenty-one, you were considered old enough to be a key-holder to your family’s home, and thus hold a symbolical 'senior' position in the family. >In Far East cultures, keys are regarded as a "Good Luck" presents and a bearer of a good fortune ahead. It was believed that wearing a Key as a Pendant will open physical, intellectual, or spiritual barriers and give access, or attract riches of all nature. >Folktales tell of a universal “Skeleton Key”, that will successfully unlock anything you wish for. Thus such a key pendant is given to open new horizons and new uncharted adventures for one who wears it.
>>159471 >he doesnt know
then wtf are you on about
>>159473 its something to do with cuck stuff believe me
>>159474 yeah I'm sure each and every woman wearing one is doing it for some fetish shit
>>159475 i'm sure each and every woman wearing one is doing it for having a key to their family's home
>>159476 it's far more common than whatever fetish shit your coombrain has come up with
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wish i could be as pure and innocent as you, sweet SA
stop seething for at least five fucking minutes and you can be
>>159469 where are you seeing this?
>>159481 in his mind
>>159482 shit it's real then
>>159481 one on the lass at the back next to the speaker or whatever hes called
>>159484 the back of what?
>>159485 in the video?
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>>159486 which video?
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kkeek the grey goo is here but it looks like fucking self-replicating chicken nuggets instead: https://wyss.harvard.edu/news/team-builds-first-living-robots-that-can-reproduce/
i fucking despise that cunt on the chair
>>159489 lad, that's just a fetish video
>>159493 no lad it's proof that it's all over every woman is a whore
>>159490 >fractal ghettos built by self replicating chicken nuggets that also supply every hive with actual nuggies thus continuing the spic-nig cycle which spreads across the universe forever chasing access to wipipo and their creations who are always running
>>159494 >every woman is a whore but this is true?
image of me (left) and a couple incels
>>159500 >lick mick in arse
looks tasty tbh smh they should have struck a deal with lidl and exported to here
>>159494 >every woman is a whore i knew it
>>159256 all churkas deserve death, they are like russian version of spics but worse because they are mudshit cavemen I will always support slavs over any form of churka or mongoloid subhuman
>zoomers will never get to experience the delicious taste of mozarts balls
>>159502 probably too poncy to stoop so low, this bag is £20
>>159502 tbh hate to see old choccy producers go out of business >>159504 good lad I'm hoping the russians or somebody in the east exterminates them in the near future
who would like a taste of my mozart ball sack
>>159505 ah, but you have you know all about the taste of balls right?
>>159507 hate to see any old business close down tbh, means more jewry on the way
>>159506 smh we do miss out on a lot of kino continental choccies went to a frog choclatier place once and it was very nice
the company that made my bathroom scales was founded in 1760 which was nice to see tbh probably still part of some jew megacorp these days though
https://youtu.be/KVwm-KJvGzk so sick of this lisa simpson epoch where women want to be our "heroes" and "save us" but they can't even keep it together and act like frazzled overwhelmed hysterical women while dominating all the prestige positions in the west
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>>159515 poos are too obvious
they have moved into their position too quickly, PM of ireland was a poo, VP of US is a poo, PM of UK is a poo, etc. etc.
>>159516 Yeah, they're not in charge like they think they are in California, they'll always be subservient to Israel, DC, and the NSA.
>>159517 the whole world will be a part of the pakipoo war
>>159518 this, the only reason they hold these positions is to be puppets, it's not the win they think it is
>>159517 ah yes, alexander pfeffel boris johnson, well known indian pm
>>159521 he's a turk so may as well be a poo
the world is divided into anglos and poos prove me wrong
>>159518 poos from leaf are too arrogant in general shitskins from leaf are beginning to come south here and they think that somehow that midwestoids are cut from the same cut of cloth as ontarioans. they just immediately ghettoize themselves and at best become some high level jannie for globocorp shite and when the power goes out cletus and jamal will just immediately victimize their isolated communities
>>159521 sorry meant home scretary also soon enough you will have manlet sunak running right or am I wrong?
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>>159514 >13:50 is wessie in his ram 1500
wew the home secretary position is basically spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) commander? I don't even know all the leaders of the various secret police in shartica anymore
I think they don't even get elected in shartica anymore I think michael chertoff has been a spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) boss since 2002 or something smh biera tier
>>159531 Yeah she runs the home offices policies essentially.
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they're really going all-in on this new variant
>>159534 its obvious large amounts of mongs will just do whatever the TV says at this point
>>159535 actually it's turning out to be the opposite >>159315 businesses have been slowly been getting all of their coronashit packed up so they can return to normal and now the govt is screeching at them to put it all back up within a day they're saying there'll be £200 fines for anyone not wearing a mask on public transport, despite masks being mandatory on public transport for fucking months already and just hasn't been enforced, they aren't going to start enforcing it now as it'll just piss everyone off, plus people with medical exemptions (that don't have to be proven) still don't have to wear masks everyone has just shrugged at this new variant, there's five people in the UK with it, everyone wants Christmas, almost everything is completely back to normal, another full lockdown is just going to piss everyone off
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Three boxes of chicken fillets for supper
>>159537 yeah the decepticon variant is just some boer doctor noting that the virus may have evolved to be less problematic and the soycontrol faggots are trying to run with it.
>>159539 Only the pressfags and pharmafags want another variant and lockdown, I don't think they're going to do another lockdown but they are evil cunts so I'm not holding my breath
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Might get a buzz cut tbh
>>159540 I'd be surprised if Scotland doesn't lockdown. The krankie bint just wants to look like she's cucking harder than Johnson tbh.
>>159542 yeah it's all a matter of copying the continent with her, it's embarrassingly pathetic
>>159542 smh where I am alot of xoomers and boomers are maskooming again and but shops and toilers generally don't maskoom
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computer is having audio issues, smh
>>159450 Very good lad.
god I hate plastic paddy sharts
>winter hexagon visible tonight
light pollution should be a fineable offence smh I want to see cool night time stuff
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https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1739308825?playlistId=tt0113409&ref_=tt_ov_vi >...they've often sidestepped the appalling racism in the writers stories and poetry >that's why carnival row's overtly anti racist themes feel so refreshing >a slickened version of Lovecraft's own problematic views Well that's put me off. Smh.
>>159552 an asterism, similar to a constellation except constellations are bound whereas asterisms are individual stars that form patterns at certain times of year >>159553 tbh I'm fortunate that it's not too bad but even Outer London still suffers from it, still nice to see them on a clear night
>>159554 It was dogshit.
lentils and rice for dinner
>>159559 Good lad
>>159558 if this doesn't end with them all agreeing wypipo I'll be shocked.
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>>159561 it'll be endless cope summarised as "muh whitey muh dik" tbh
>>159562 close enough
>>159556 I like this format for screencapping contrasting tweets tbh
>>159567 https://twitter.com/DefiantLs tbh they're nice and clean
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>>159563 keeeeeeek
forgot to turn on the rice cooker
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>>159515 I wish they would actually stage a baste vedic cultural takeover instead of just working as shabbos goy functionaries smh
>>159572 they are a slave race lad the vedic chads were us are aryan steppe ancestvrs
>>159450 very good lad
>>159572 hinpoos are just seething copers >>159573 tbh
excrement of notably low viscosity
hard and tacky, the best kind, as you don't need to as expend as much bog roll tbh
good night
Mandatory masks: 'We worry people won't shop with us' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59460162 Covid: 'We’ve had 20 cancellations in one weekend' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59463592 Brits scramble to book booster Covid vaccines - but are turned away by NHS site https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brits-scramble-book-booster-covid-25576415 Imagine how much happier they'd be if they just.... didn't listen
>>159581 fkn meme bollocks
>>159582 >people won't shop with us stop following "mandates" >we've had cancellations stop following "mandates" >scrambling to get boosters stop following "mandates" man life sure is easy when you don't listen to their bollocks
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>>159585 another poo shabbos
>>159585 evil ugly little goblin monster
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god I fucking hate shitskins
horrific how furriners are just allowed to take positions of power and influence in part because it was so naturally obvious that they ought not to it was never written down as law by are ancestors smh the worst of times
can't even imagine just moving to japan and then running for government or something let along even moving to UK from US and being allowed to run for office
https://youtu.be/LDvIeA5De4c tbh I still think this would make an absolutely amazing marching song with drum and fifle. a realy heavy snare section rolling it out
>>159593 tbh I miss terry was watching some of his videos I saved the other day
>>159594 me too tbh glad he never saw covid happen because I think it would have fucked with him alot. he needed help but shartica defunded all the mental hospitals in the 90s and instead funds niggers and zogwars. I think masks would have driven terry nuts
tbh if my mummy had divorced my dad when he had a mental breakdown in the early 2000s my dad would have ended up like terry. one of my dad's brothers who taught me to boomer toil a bit when I was a zoomer was a mentalist who was homeless for a bit until he became super christian and was able to give up drinking to cope with being mentalist
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finally a (you)
>>159599 keeek
>>159599 that's what vpns are for
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watching a video of a bushcraft-thot trekking in scottish highlands and its pretty kino. you lads live on a pretty kino island
the hills combined with the low hanging clouds/fog make its seem like she is just inside a big room. no agoraphobia feels like being a flatlandcuck
>>159603 sigh. a hole made by Jesus for penises.
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>>159604 yeah hills are kino tbh perfectly flat wide open spaces that go on forever just seem alien to me smh
>>159606 keeek what has spicolas done to get everyone to hate him now
>>159609 His mutt foĺlowers fantasised about the victims ogetting blacked and saying their deaths was a good thing, alledgedly Nick agrees in his most recent show
>>159610 Victims of that parade attack
I listen to nick fuentes when I game and he's always been ironic-but-not about the age of consent being bad. I feel like he is either too autistic to not know that is career ruining in itself or he actually doesnt care about entering mainstream politics. Anyway who cares, start your own internet politics show.
A little snow falls and foreign truckers decide driving in the middle of the road and forcing other drivers into the ditch is a good idea. Almost got hit
STOP eceleb worship
>>159613 get a dashcam lad
>>159615 thos. tired of bullshit. video or it didn't happen. i have three 10/10 supermodels with me every night.
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my gf as of last Thursday
in the kitchen cooking me cookies
sigh. like me Hanna nearly as much as me cookies
>>159610 He didn't say anything on his AF stream at least
>>159620 STOP eceleb obsession START language acquisition
>>159621 i.e. start teelinin'
I obsess over my REAL LIFE GF Hanna who is a beautiful and famous model all men want but only I can have
>>159622 or improve literally anything at this point, you useless knob
>shartin macfartin idiot
okay but kek has graded you FF
I got an A. 😃
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>>159628 tepid iq take
>>159629 cool. what's it mean?
καλος apparently means beautiful...
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>>159629 >you will never be a potter making nigger face vases
>>159633 easier than ever, lazy drunk
>>159633 Clay isn't illegal yet, there is still time.
>>159635 doubt the customer base would be big enough to make a living off it though smh
>>159633 You could sculpt aborted fetus dildos
>>159636 ok boomer
a lot here are really just niggers
>>159637 Probably already been done.
https://twitter.com/dougfantastic/status/1463777687042813953 Not a massive fan of the Most Serene Masonic Empire of Zion either, but fuck Chinks.
>>159641 >controlled the lives of 24% of the global population (while being < 1% of the total) I dunno, sounds a bit antisemitistic
>>159642 He's just salty that they're shit at being based, or its a gay learned multicult chimp reward response.
I'm praying to the high heavens that the solar minimum kicks in ethnonationalism again, and Anglos worldwide and Euros go fucking beastmode again.
>159646 are you experiencing anal pain?
What's that schizo? I can't see your post through the filter.
Oof oh ho just had a fart and my trousers didn't contain it at all
>>159640 Yeah I was referencing it
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>>159652 RIP in peace, lad. >>159653 The white Christmas... saved.
>SantaInc >Satanic close enough
>>159655 Def intended
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>SA still being a corporate shill for faggotspoons
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morning >>159629 cool
Can fall asleep so easily during toil. Wish I still felt like this after toil smh
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6 gorrillian combined hours of elves slaving away finger painting.
>>159661 very good, lad
>more twitterposters to be filtered
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jobcentremummies and their bouncers are enforcing maskooming again smh had to breathe in foul synthetic fibres for the entire appointment on the way back I spotted an advanced weeaboo lad, late middle aged and balding but he grew his hair out into a samurai back knot thing and was walking around in a matrix style long coat keeeek
>>159668 noticed this tbh absolutely no references to crimbo on any of the street lights and decorations the council put up, just nonspecific inoffensive stuff and the christmas tree is decorated with electrical warning signs 'ate it
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You're not getting a Christmas tree from Norway this year either
>>159670 good lad it snowing rn here as well
>snow wouldn't happen in the south of england smh
>>159671 Going to make some donuts for Homer, lad?
>>159672 Keeeeek
>>159673 smh I have to toil and it will probably be plowed soon
>>159676 some other chances hopefully later yearly donut dabbing on the unicucks is a fine tradition
mi presidente...
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>>159679 Smh autocorrect. Aliens
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>>159678 melania was the only based thing about trump really
>>159685 based love how the medshits shifted between accusing nords of being lose bummists who bathed too much (polybius) and chaste noble puritanical types (tacitus)
>>159686 dependent on whether they are coping or seething during each specific era I guess
>Peanut seller wearing suit made of peanuts, 1890 god I wish that were me
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I can't breed
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Watching Under the Dome, lads. It's pretty good. Getting tfw no bomb shelter to lock crazy foid in and make her love me though.
>>159693 is he some kind of dietfag or who is this?
>>159695 a dietfag
>>159696 then my pic stands as is
All I want is to brutally murder redditers
>>159687 fucking knew it tbh never trusted fungi >>159698 tbh
https://youtu.be/mYHg1ZO0BIQ fresh algorhythm based takbir tunes
>>159699 Based ancient space ship fungi
>>159701 .ogg Been ages since I've seen that extention. Not a techfag so idk why it's less common than mp3 or even flack.
>>159700 find the weird jog-march arab army lads on parade do quite amusing tbh ought to just bring back goose stepping instead
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https://twitter.com/i/events/1464554425142312966 lmfao they fucking admit they are China's slaves
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>>159708 pathetic tbh
>Nu has been avoided as this alphabet is confusing with the English word new. And Xi has been avoided so that the name is not misconstrued as a reference to Chinese premier Xi Jinping. ABSOLUTELY CUCKED.COM
imagine getting wordcucked by a fucking flu
did we ever remark on stavros dying? feel like I'm having an alzh moment >Died: 9 April 2021, Windsor Castle, Windsor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9GvjP2LMyQ unsurprising that the queen has been sequestered and is maybe dead herself now
>>159712 based
>>159675 this should be televised smh
>>159712 baste fishermen >>159713 smh the mould has eaten too much of your memory >>159716 but lad if the public understood what was happening they'd be furious when the whole thing gets thrown out on a technicality smh can't have that
Omicron Q&A: How the symptoms differ and what protection vaccines offer https://twitter.com/i/events/1465372727393468417 >According to Dr Angelique Coetzee, fatigue & high pulse are among the “unusual” symptoms. >Some patients also reported muscle aches, “scratchy throat” and dry cough so the same as everything else
try me bitch
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>>159718 >5 cases in the whole of the UK >hardly been out since ever >have these symptoms >mummy once again wailing that I've got el coofo del plauge
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desperately licking parcels that come in from all over evropa so I can get covid and get some time off
>>159688 I wonder if the masonic lodges burning is an actual attack or just co-ordinated insurance fraud between lobbies.
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>>159720 annoyed that normgroids are still so schizo over it tbh, at least it's only half-arsed this time though relative's friend's colleague tested positive so relative started going "oooooh social distancing" yet they still came over and didn't bother with any distancing shit or anything, it's a complete meme at this point >>159721 just say you have tbh, the tests are a meme
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the judge in that trial...
>>159725 on the left, the right is the woman with the hard name
>>159720 see if she'll bring meals to you if you tell her you have to isolate >>159721 very good lad >>159723 really makes you think
>>159675 I never realised how deep the Israelis have got their paedophile rings.
>>159722 probably fraud smh >>159723 >>159725 >>159728 tiresome
>>159728 it goes all the way to the top smh
>>159730 The post modern era seems to be the era where we've made every evil a massive industrial process and bulldozed all good in the world.
>>159731 yeah basically
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>>159725 When you're brought in specifically to shut it down.
General reminder to force you government to liquidate you the old fashioned way. They'll have to drag me to a coof camp kicking and screaming.
>>159735 tbh we should all get of wessexian size so they'll have to cut holes in our walls to get us out
>>159735 tbh tbh >>159736 keeeeeeeek genius
>>159736 By the time they get to wessex the mould hive mind will have mutated into an aggressively contagious form to which Wessex will be the overmind.
the Large Lads Legion on the waddle#https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrQQZuLru9s
I'm genuinely wondering what to do if the start denying me access to shops or shut down my bank account. Become a thief most likely.
i have no food going to the shops need anything?
>>159741 gf please lad >>159740 eastern europe is doing open air food markets and other based stuff because the unvaxxed chads have been locked out of soyciety
>>159739 That takes me back. I was raised on alot of those old Disney films.
>>159744 tbh fantasia on VHS every christmas at granny and grandad's Solihull town house before the wogs completely destroyed the area
>>159745 Bed nobs and broomsticks was my favourate.
>>159739 ahhh pvre kino >>159740 tbh been worrying about that myself too don't really want to be a thief smh stealing is wrong
https://youtu.be/asBo3JUWwDU Why are brits so weird, lads?
>>159748 Stealing from megacorps that are complicit in trying to kill you is far game. Plus I'm sure Sainsbury's writes off more stock in a day than gets stolen in a week nationwide.
>>159747 making me hungry smh >>159749 would watch that for a film night tbh >>159750 tbh true the amount of bread that gets thrown away every day by my shop is obscene smh usually two or three full shopping trolleys worth
just had to remind myself that bread exists while i have none left smh
>>159752 Homeless people do that here, they wait till the shops start dumping stock and go through the bin bags. I know some shops actually started pouring bleach over the thrown out stock to prevent this. The official excuse is it's not tax deductible of someone takes it after being thrown out. That has always sounded like horseshit to me.
>>159754 >pouring bleach on thrown out food thereby probably quadrupling the costs incurred through purchase of chemicals purely to deny people eating it for free the banality of evil
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>>159753 >carbs
tfw the cold makes me wear more layers which means I have to shower less because the smell is contained
thinking about that dune themed tweet joke where 'big daddy vladdy' tweets 'I want that twink annihilated' and keeking tbh
>>159754 destroying surplus food for tax breaks smh disgusting at least here it goes to a good cause tbh gets picked up by farmers every morning for them to use it as animal feed >>159756 luv carbs me
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>>159758 I don't get it
>>159758 I wish I had that saved.
>>159762 explain the joke, now
>>159764 He's a masocistic paedophilic homosexual responding in a funny way over twitter. I like to imagine him giving the order to kill nuPaul just like that.
who is the target audience of the baby monkey torture videos on youtube?
>>159767 psychopaths probably.
I watch them sometimes just to imagine wessex is in the monkeys place.
>>159553 did you know "Pleiades" in japanese is Subaru, and it's where the car company get their name and logo from, and arguably their iconic blue colour from
>>159770 I did not know nicer than the usual corporate shite I guess
>>159771 It's also an excellent eye-test, counting how many of them you can see I usually get 6, but my eyes are definitely getting worse
>>159770 interesting tbh
>>159771 How s your grandpa?
>>159774 seems to be back to normal may just have been an autism fit at being interrupted from dozing in front of the tv presuming he will inject himself with more death juice in a few weeks whenever the next boooster comes around and he'll have more episodes then smh
>>159776 >have to personally ask Hogan every time you want to HHpost
>>159775 Good lad, a certain BumBum King holds him in his heart :)
>>159778 ta lad
just carpet bombed mummy with vaxxfacts lads, saving the white race by convincing an already vaxxed boomer for a few minutes before she downloads the next mainstream media program
High Flight by John Gillespie Magee Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, – and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of – wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there, I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air… Up, up the long, delirious burning blue I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or ever eagle flew – And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
>>159783 >tell family they should stop listening to the telly >they listen to the telly anyway pissing in the wind tbh
what is teeline?
>>159789 what is that?
>>159791 sounds complicated
BENJAMIN RAYMOND GUILTY OF TERROR CHARGES https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-59475899 >The graduate is the 17th person to be convicted of membership of the white supremacist group after a jury convicted him on Tuesday. >Life sentence
Want to rally around and show support for that based fisherman that is about to be made a pariah.
Jesus Christ how many times has Todd resold Skyrim at this point? I didn't even know there was an anniversary edition.
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>>159793 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>159795 You should pick him up and hunter the twitter middle classes together.
let me poost
>>159793 good riddance hope tbbk is next.
>The jury was played footage of the defendant threatening to “gas traitors” at a 2016 protest in Liverpool, and shown a video he created including clips of executions. >Matthew Collins, head of intelligence at the counter-extremist group Hope Not Hate, said its researchers believed that “Raymond’s actions are almost singlehandedly responsible for a new generation of ‘bedroom terrorists’”.
>>159800 smh hope this place doesn't get 8kuned
>>159801 I hope you're next
>>159805 for what? having a loving beautiful jewish wife?
>>159806 That won't stop them lad, it'll probably make the Jews even angrier than they are now smh
>>159807 tbh ag nonce will be used for Kabbalic rituals for his hubris.
>>159809 goodlassies
>>159809 The new classless society will have only have three classes, vaxxed, unvaxxed and children's blood drinker.
>>159812 >>159811 >For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law huh really is the antichrist huh
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>>159809 >Garen Pido >Pido u fuckin wot
if someone was in NA and they're not now in belarus then they're straight goofy fr fr
>>159815 I think PA may be next smh
>>159804 >>159800 this place has actual active devs so the issue should be sorted soonish tbh
>>159793 fucksake, poor lad smh didn't even do any actual terror >>159803 >HnH being allowed to spew their shit in court they are a Jewish (actual) terrorist organisation that routinely lies and smears nationalists. They were wanking about PA's conference supposedly failing because someone on twitter said so, made up an enormous amount of shite about it and totally disregarded any of the actual footage of it taking place. >>159809 smh, goodlass >>159816 it fits with the theme of the evil spy cunts letting new organisations form and grow for about 4 years before harvesting the new crop of sane people and putting them in prison smh Time will tell if PA's less daft approach will spare them
>unless they are exempt >anyone can claim they are exempt literally fucking pointless
>>159819 It's what I've been doing nonestop, I'm yet to be actual challenged.
>>159820 same, unless it's a copper they can't challenge you anyway, and even then there's no exemption loicence or anything this whole thing is a fucking joke
there is no political or violent solution, the only reasonable option is even more radical, it is to have sex
>>159821 My mate was stopped by an officer and he just said he had asthma and they let him go.
>>159823 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's that fucking easy, last week I went to a hospital appt without a mask and wasn't questioned once unironically cannot believe normgroids are actually fucking falling for this shit
>>159822 So where are Jews spawning at replacement rates? Because it isn't Israel.
I used to think raymond was a spy because why would they arrest autistic 16 year olds for putting up NA stickers and leave the guy who started it to post on twitter. turns out I was wrong, he was just really stupid afterall.
>>159826 It's what the state preys upon.
>>159826 useful idiot
had a dream that hitler was some reincarnation of a hindu god or soemthing
>>159829 Pretty sure Tyndell believed he was an avatar of Vishnu as well.
>>159829 based and savitri devi pilled
God I hope we achieve the synthesis between the physical and metaphysical soon.
>>159832 Il Duce shook
>>159835 Pulled into a war between the forces the first Rex and the first traitor.
>>159826 >>159827 >>159828 Glass houses.
>>159838 All my posts are satire for the purposes of entertainment.
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>>159840 do they really not proofread
>>159841 Seemingly no, but what's the mistake there?
>>159842 not always text, I meant why they looked at that header pic and went "yeah this is fine lol" are they trying to brag about how they've imported niggers
>>159844 It's obviously a dog whistle that they are pretending to be based racists who recognise that wogs are behind sverige's decline.
>>159845 they'd never admit their mistakes though is this the media trying to play innocent
>>159846 Lad it's the spectator. They LARP as being roight wang and against immigration, while more often than not shilling for Based Tories TM. They admit things all the time. They just refuse to learn from things they admit.
>>159845 You reckon so? I know they're putting out lukewarm takes for a while now.
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>ask rhetorical question for mirth to enliven the thread >have to explain to some actual mong who doesn't get it
>>159849 Probably some intern that thought they were being clever.
is there a single competent and morally righteous man left in britain? I mean we have farage but he clearly isn't enough. I feel like our salvation is going to require an outside force. >>159851 >>159852 faggot
He'll still be dragged through the supreme court for the blood the jews say he owes.
>>159852 He absolutely should, but I'm not surprised that he's not imagine he just wants away from it and to never set foot in a courtroom ever again after all that misery
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/11/30/tuesday-evening-uk-news-briefing-todays-top-headlines-telegraph/ >do as we tell you >but also do as you will >also something about that nonce trail idk
>>159856 Yeah, I don't get people like steiner. I get that they're angry this experience hasn't radicalised him but fucking hell how aware was anyone at 17?
>>159852 >>159851 don't think there is a rush, right? He definitely should, if not to be a goodboy at least to get some dough
>>159856 tbh the kid's been through torture for the last year, but he should reap the whirlwind and return the favour to the torturers
>>159859 I was redpilled af at 17.
>>159862 excluding the absolute minority that is edgy autists lad.
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wonder if sodukoing would allow me to ascend to a higher plane
>>159859 tbh sick of the /pol/ack sneethe that he isn't sieg heiling on tucker's show
>>159864 I think that always invokes a metaphysical punishment clause.
>>159862 I came out of the womb based, the name on my birth certificate is literally Oscar Iudenhammer.
being in that semi-dream state is nice, so many thoughts and feelings that one can't experience on earth >>159867 yeah smh
>>159864 >nooooooooooooooooooooo I thought this was the isekai route noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>>159862 yeah, as was Pembs. Are you homo now?
>>159868 Yeah well I literally have a birthmark that spells chud.
Started getting redpilled inadvertently on a football forum full of lefty cucks at about age 14.
>>159872 yeah well when I was born my arms and legs were in the shape of a swastika
>>159873 redpilling is just looking at the world and looking at the surreal way retards respond to it tbh
Holocaust being taught in History as well as RE Lessons simultaneously didn't help either. Fairly sure they had us watching some brutal fictional depictions beyond our age. Which I found a bit odd.
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slept like 16 hours, might do it again and again and again and again and again until perma sleep transcendence
>>159876 didn't help them*
Robbers dressed like Harry Potter Dementors who made Rolex watches disappear in £17,000 jewellery raid are jailed for total of 32 years https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10259191/Robbers-dressed-like-Harry-Potter-Dementors-17-000-jewellery-raid-jailed-total-32-years.html God I absolutely fucking hate the soyim that fuel this clickbaity shit
>>159876 yeah I remember RE lessons and never hearing about Christianity during it once unless it was brought up to mention feminist/idpol shite
>>159876 Yeah I remember a primary school trip to a holocaust exhibit complete with Jewish holocaust descendant crying about the experiences her grandparents had.
They showed us the Greensboro massacre footage in RE class and I thought it was cool as fuck.
Train cart full of shoes, the whole shebang
>>159881 had similar jeeeeeeeeeeeej, one thing that sticks in my memory is a picture of a lenazi laughing in a steamroller crushing people whilst they cry out for help I have never been able to find said picture since
>>159881 >>159880 Best story was some jewish substitute teacher came in for a History/RE lesson, didn't 'teach', just stuck on some holohoax film. My friend started humming along to an upbeat song playing in the film when the jews were being transported into the work camps. Needless to say she choked on her bagel and went ape shit.
>>159885 Hahahahahhaha that must have been kino.
how do i realistically woo gingerlass?
urgh the fake twitter blue heart fbpe accounts are back with a vengeance.
>>159888 Chloroform and nylon rope
Eric Zemmour announced his candidacy for the French presidential election. https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/french-far-right-commentator-zemmour-announces-presidential-run-2021-11-30/ >PARIS, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Far-right French pundit Eric Zemmour announced his candidacy for president on Tuesday with a video in which, to ominous music and footage of street violence, he said he wanted to save France from decadence and minorities that "oppress the majority". >As footage showed women with headscarves, Black men in the metro and CCTV footage of fights, he told voters on Tuesday that, watching movies, walking on the street or going to hospital: "You feel like you are no longer in the country you once knew ... you are foreigners in your own country." >"We will not let them replace us."
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