/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Trannies not allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 07:14:45 No. 88
/cb/ - cutebois, a board for adult gay men, 3D/2D homo porn, and hanging out. Rules 1. No trannies allowed. This means no talks about hormone treatment, no images of trannies, and no discussion about transitioning. Cross-dressing and "traps" are allowed. 2. No using this board as your own personal advertising grounds for discord servers. There is no official anything server whatsoever
Edited last time by kazu on 10/26/2021 (Tue) 19:28:13.
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>>2656 Because penises are more aesthetic than vaginas, objectively speaking.
>>2657 Man got a point.
>>2655 Sorry I don't think I'm a banner boy. Maybe I'll go for a walk into the forest and get some pics with me further away
>>2662 Perfect
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>>2661 Ehh, good enough. I adapted the pics to fit with the required size and ratio. Personally I like the first two banners more than the rest, but is up to the BO to choose between them.
>>2675 They look like CP. Unless OP is going to post the full images so you can verify they aren't then delete them.
>>2674 You good sir deserve a cuddle and a milkshake. Unless you're lactose intolerant... thank you
>>2676 When blown up on a 32" 4k monitor the bodies look like someone's removed the hair in photoshop. And smoothed them a little
>>2678 If you can't reasonably discern something is CP or not then it should be assumed to be CP. While that technically can apply to a lot of the content posted here I think in this instance it's clearly stepping over the line on purpose and should be avoided in good faith wherever possible.
>>2679 You make a good point anon. It's probably CP and shouldn't be used as banner as it could be used to incriminate the grand-master fuhrer BO. Best to not use it
>>2674 Added the first 3 cuz I liked them, great stuff and thanks as always.
>>2685 Thank you Mr BO sir
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>>2685 Have another two banners, one using >>2673 as a base. I couldn't decide between leaving the original contrast or altering it, so I made two versions to let you choose. Also here's the source of the 2nd banner.
>>2690 Thanks banneranon. You ever think about joining the matrix server?
>>2693 Will there be cake?
>>2702 No. Pie only.
>>2704 I do like me some pie. How does one matrix? Is it 'stick in pie' or do I have to download the tedious app and give it my information and first born son?
>>2705 'Stick dick in pie'
>>2705 Matrix is a protocol. There are many clients for it but the main one is Element. If you use the default matrix home server it requires an email. You can use other home servers that don't require emails. You can usually just use a throwaway email then delete that email from your account so it's a non-issue.
>>2707 I have 6 email adreses that use TOR. I'll allocate one and see what this Matrix protocol is all about. But if another platform for sharing odd looking dick pics, I'm going out in the forest and not coming back
I downloaded element and the link isn't valid. No dick in pie for me
>>475 ppl who say that shit should have to fuck the most walled fetlife crossdressers of all time. taser for flinching/crying if they talk about how you can be a "handsome man" instead, someone helps them man up by throwing dodgeballs full of oobleck at their head in 4c weather
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>>2657 I unironically think even some straight guys will agree with this. I'm bi but, from a visual standpoint, most vaginas just look like folds over folds of skin and even the better looking ones only do so so long as you inspect too much. Whilst an average uncut penis evokes smooth perfection when erect. As if carved out of granite, they represent an intoxicating power.
>>3042 *dont inspect too much
>>3042 Both men and women can have ugly or attractive penis/vagina. It's genetics.
>>3414 Most women have unattractive vaginas. An unattractive vagina is essentially the default. A typical dick is just normal looking, ignoring the fact that most of them are mangled from involuntary genital mutilation.
I forgot how cringe the start of this thread was.
>>3415 To be fair, nobody ever says primary sex characteristics are attractive. It's always the secondary ones, it's why guys look at tits and asses and girls look at muscles.
>>2548 >>2557 >>2559 He's just so perfect, honestly I don't even care that much about Ladybug all I want is to see more of Chat Noir
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>>3908 based cat enjoyer
>>3909 How can one boy be so fucking perfect just to be stuck on such an average kid show? Guess I shouldn't even be surprised, Ladybug is filled with wasted opportunity.
>>3959 Many such cases.
>>3959 whats so bad about that

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