/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Come join Anonymous Board owner 01/20/2023 (Fri) 12:31:09 No. 3634
It's a chat full of cuteboys. We post lewds occasionally. https://matrix.to/#/#8moecuteboys:matrix.org
Edited last time by cutemod on 06/10/2024 (Mon) 04:13:27.
Element is fucking shit.
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is it not working for anyone else?
>>3638 Fuck. lemme see anon.
>>3638 Fixed, sorry about that.
>>3638 Okay try it now.
Any anons in there live in Texas?
>>3657 What part of texas?
>>3658 Austin
>>3659 Cringe!
>>3634 I'm fucking lazy, give me a good reason to bother making an account for this Discord alternative.
>>3657 >>3658 >>3659 >>3660 You two need to meet somewhere in the middle of the lone star state and then eventually have lots of lovey dovey buttsecks after getting to know each other well enough. Where's the other anon from? Might not be to far away.
>>3667 I'm all for booty piracy but I don't want to travel far for it.
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>>3667 I'm from San Antonio. Not far for a drive but I don't have a car.
>>3669 Damn I don't have a car either but I'd take a bus to you if I knew how cute you were. We could make some content for this board.
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>>3670 Quite homosexual of you.
>>3671 A tad bit homoerotic.
<its dead wow so this is the power of freetardation
Will you cunts just use discord like a sane person.
>>3782 Kill yourself discuck
>>3782 I am genuinely interested in why you would post such a stupid remark ? Do you use Discord? Do you know why you shouldn't?
>>3782 Based
>>3782 This, someone just bite the bullet and make a fucking discord
>>3782 only the most secure platform with zero privacy issues
>>3782 drink bleach, you dumb fucking sack of shit
>>3637 Well your only alternative is dickcord so unless you like Chinese Communist glownigger spyware you'll just have to put up with the 'Elements'.
>>3822 >This, someone just bite the bullet I'd prefer you eat a bullet if your gonna keep being a huge faggot and unironically shill Dickcord here, you glow my dude.
No discord?
>>3915 no bitches?
>>3782 >Will you cunts just use discord like a sane person. No, I'll be trying to get twink boissy on some obscure IRC channel or heaven forbid an actual gay bar or some faggot hipster bi club before I go full on troon and install fucking Chinkcord.
>>3669 I'm in SA too. Got Shap or Discord?
>>3955 What a time for me to finally check /cb/ again. Depends if you'd consider yourself cute or not. If you're still here.
>>3637 There are many good alternatives to Element, that work just as good with the Matrix protocol, namely nheko and fluffychat.

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