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your daily /ck/ Anonymous 07/22/2020 (Wed) 06:53:42 No. 128
Share what you just cooked up and talk about food. Debate snacks. Share recipes, if you'd like. But most importantly, for daily /ck/, talk about what you just made to eat. Here is an oven french fries recipe.
>>1354 It's pretty great. The important part is moisture management - you want your duxelle to be as dry as possible, and under no circumstances skip the crepe (and throw some herbs into it for flavor), soggy pastry ruins the experience. Also, don't skip the pate, replace with normal bird or veal liver pate if unwilling or unable to afford foe gras. The technique itself is interesting too, I remember making a version with sausage and exceedingly well-pressed sauerkraut once. Or a twist on an ancient Greek recipe, packing mackerel, smoked makerel livers with asafoetida and ground up and grated parmesan into a strongly cumin-flavored olive oil pastry box for one.
I made some delicious mini pretzels. Between kosher salt & sea salt, I went with the latter. The dough cooked fine with the eggwash, but it was not fun to remove the foam from the pan from the baking soda added. The cheese dip to go with it was not too bad either. It is has become my favorite christmas snack. I hope I can make a good pretzel.
Yesterday I've made chicken burgers for family that visited. I minced some chicken breasts, added in spices(paprika, thyme, salt and pepper) and mixed in a boiled potato puree in order to provide some "glue" to the patties. I then grilled them and also had some mushrooms done in a pan with a small amount of butter, and finally a homemade cheese sauce from halloumi cheese, mozzerella, milk and some herbs. They really loved it and so did I, I want to go make myself some now on a regular basis and I wonder if any more experienced cooks could suggest any changes to the recipe, different herbs, sauces, etc. Would marinating the chicken in something pre/post mincing be a good idea? Also the best part is how cheap it was. I don't know what the prices are for you anons but for the equivalent of around 10 dollars I made 11 wonderful, filling buns when I'd have to pay at least 8 times that for the same number of burgers if I were ordering from somewhere. Also any suggestions for crunchier, tastier fries? At this point I simply soak them in water with some salt and pepper and paprika, and then stick them in an air fryer with a tiny, almost negligible amount of oil. I like that(and it's an easy and relatively healthy side dish I find to make) but I remember some burger chains have this really nice "layer" of crunchy spices that taste really good, almost like a shell that holds the actual potato. Unless of course it's either too much effort or involves unhealthy shit like I don't know covering the fries in tons of butter before frying them or something.
I got a pasta machine for Christmas! I made some tester dough today to clean the machine since you can't use water, and it comes with the ability to make sheet pasta, fettucine noodles, and spaghetti noodles. I always thought they were extruded, didn't realize they used a shaped roller. What's a good recipe with AP flour? The included manual suggests 2 1/8 cup 00 flour with 2 eggs - but even 1 cup AP + 1 egg was far too dry.
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>>1364 Same, years ago. I use mine quite alot. Make sure you dry the pasta totally if you are going to store it out at room temperature. I have a rack. Better, semolina a board and place individual portions (usually a sheet's worth) of fresh pasta on it for freezing in the freezer. Once frozen, place them all together in a bag. 2 cups AP flour 1 tea ksalt black pepper (a dusting) garlic powder (a dusting) oregano (a dusting) 1 cup semolina flour 3 eggs + 3 additional yolks 2 Tbsp EVOO 1/2 cup water (use as needed, maybe 1/4 or a bit more) Mix the dry with a wisk to combine. Combine all the wet, then mix with the dry into a ball. Nead. Make a ball, let it rest 30 minutes, then roll out. You can cut the sheet pasta into ravioli or run it through the cutter for something else.
>>1363 > I remember some burger chains have this really nice "layer" of crunchy spices that taste really good, almost like a shell that holds the actual potato. Unless of course it's either too much effort or involves unhealthy shit like I don't know covering the fries in tons of butter before frying them or something. You need some kind of binder but it doesn't have to be butter. Putting an eggwash on your fries first and then rolling them in some spice or space-panko blend should do the trick.
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>>1364 So I found that 2 eggs plus 1 cup of flour is a pretty decent ratio, the dough was moist but not sticky, and adding a dusting of flour as I rolled it got things to a good level. I made carbonara! Bought some pancetta and parmigiano ($13) and made two portions of pic related. Still half of the ingredients left over, so the cost is about $4-5 a plate. Pretty tasty >>1366 So it's basically the classic egg+flour dough, but with some extra flavoring. Does the OO do anything aside from providing flavor and moisture?
>>1369 That looks hella bomb anon, I'm gonna use my ham leftovers with some pasta now...
>>1369 That pasta looks delicious, nice work anon. >>1368 I'll try it with eggwash next time I make some fries, cheers.
My oven broke and I'm dying without it. I can only make so many crockpot meals. Anyone got some suggestions for all-stovetop meals? Preferably low carb.
>>1372 Anything you can make in an oven you can make anything in a pan with a lid. Cakes, pies, casseroles, pizza, etc. There's recipes for this stuff out there, just look em up. It's mainly about careful heat management, go low and slow because you can't check your progress cause once you open the lid there's no going back. Much easier solution that's somewhat more limited: Steaming. You can steam many things with some creativity.
I've recently found a great recipe for some sweet stuff: Durstiger Bauer >4 egg yolks >140g sugar, brown cane preferred >10g vanilla sugar (or some vanilla extract) >50g breadcrumbs >1tbsp rum, Stroh 80 preferred >4 eggwhites >140g nuts, fine (mixed almond, hazelnut, walnut...) >some backing powder >some spiced mulled wine, cooled Cream yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar. Wet breadcrumbs with rum. Beat whites until stiff, fold in everything but the wine. Bake at 180C for 30minutes, let it cool. Pour wine over it, let it soak in, and serve. Alternatively, same thing but no nuts, 70g sugar, 70g breadcrumbs, 40g grated chocolate, some spices and lemon zest. That's a Bsoffener Kapuziner.
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Just made some asian chicken marinade tonight. >Didn't have honey or ginger >Recipe says to use just 6 tbsp on the marinade, put the rest aside (to later be reduced and cooked with chili paste and garlic and ginger) >Somehow misinterpret this to mean "put the leftover marinade into the fucking cornstarch mix" instead of breading it like a normal person would Thought that carrots and broccoli in rice would be a good side (chicken broth). Didn't cook the carrots enough, but this was a good use of the egg yolks since the recipe called for the whites in the breading stations. Despite being retarded with my textures, the actual meal came out pretty good. The chicken in particular, rather than being deep fried (used an oven instead of oil) ended up with a sort of dry matte texture on the outside while still being moist inside. I'm assuming the cornstarch did the trick. Would also want to do fried rice next time as well, instead of simple 2 cup + 1 cup rice sorta deal https://damndelicious.net/2013/03/15/sesame-chicken/ Also last night I made some homemade spaghetti and meatballs. Nothing fancy, just used the standard egg+flour noodle mixture (if you remember that I got a pasta machine for Christmas), and some lean ground beef + salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic, shallots mix (and egg) for the meatballs. I have made red sauce before, but I couldn't be bothered to this time. Garnished with parsley and pepper. Next time, I would probably do pork+beef mix for the meatballs, as well as an amount of breadcrumbs.
>>1375 Do you feel a difference between regular store-bought pasta and homemade pasta? Your noodles look ridiculously delicious to me and I wonder if it's just because I haven't eaten anything non-boiled over the past week.
>>1378 Sure. I find it's pretty easy to cook too. I know it's literally boiling them in water, but I feel like I don't even have to time it, just pop it in and wait 3-5 mins and that's it. I dunno, the texture just seems nicer
What's a good fruit/vegetable that can be eaten as a snack and also is good for your digestive tract/colon health?
I bought bacon on my way home today and made a BLT. Really I made two, and had some bacon left over for a little salad. Turned out really well. It's taken me a long time to get good at not burning bacon and nail that crispy brown that melts in your mouth.
Made some salmon about a week ago with a honey garlic glaze and some salmon today with an Old Bay/dill/onion/garlic seasoning. The honey garlic glaze was the way to go, something sweet definitely goes better with salmon and fresh garlic gives it a really nice zest.
Fry a slice of spam, set aside. Fry an egg, set aside. Make grilled cheese, add egg and spam when done. Eat breakfast sandwhich. Is tasty.
>>1457 I was seeing something about fried span just the other day.
>>1458 Its surprisingly really good.
Cooked up some really good buttered noodles because that's an easy and filling recipe. Turned out way better than the last time I tried because this time I used egg noodles instead of shitty bowties. >Boil water, add egg noodles (I usually do 6-8oz in a small pot) >Drain once done >Add about a quarter stick of butter >Add in spices (1tsp garlic powder, 1tsp salt, 1tsp pepper, as much parsley as you're comfortable with) >Mix together over very low heat until all the noodles get evenly coated, adding a bit more butter if needed >(Optionally) Add some shaved/shredded parmesan in, mixing until you can see strands sticking between noodles >Transfer to dish >Garnish with a bit more spice and parmesan Really easy, really quick, and you can make it with ingredients that you'll basically always have and all last a long time.
Since it's Lent I found a huge bag of frozen catfish on sale for like 5 bucks at the store. At least once a week (including last night) I've been making breaded catfish nuggets with some oven roasted veggies. Still looking out for some cheap catfish fillets, I've been wanting to pan fry some again for a long time now.
Made some chicken tenders today with ranch and barbecue sauce. Nothing special but man it's been a while since I've had bbq sauce and it took me right back to camping as a kid.
I had a ton of left over apples, so instead of tossing them out I tried drying them out in the oven. Really easy and you get a lot of apple slices from just one, takes about two hours at 225F and you only need to flip them halfway once. Sprinkled sugar and cinnamon on some of them, but I sort of want to try nutmeg and some other things too.
i can only cook things in a microwave or air fryer
Is brie gay? Today we find out when we bake a bunch inside bread and then serve it to our bf. Lets see people. I gotta feeling its gay as shit.
>>1504 >then serve it to our bf. >bf Yeah, sounds pretty gay.
I made a rhubarb pie with my parents' rhubarbs. 'tis the season
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>>1123 here, Not sure this is the right thread for it (destroy me if not pls BO) but I've actually finished making a recipe book out of these illustrations I've been doing of the demon lady who cooks human food; pdf related. It includes many ingredients such as sugar, salt, and lemon juice. Everything was tested by yours truly. Enjoy!
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>>1507 Hey, that's awesome! Your comics got me to stock semolina for convenience food. Definitely checking it out.
>>1507 Awesome! It makes me really happy to see you're still posting. I'll have to give those couscous recipes a try sometime soon too.
>>1509 >>1508 Thanks guys! I forgot to include the taboulé trick >>1129 in the book but semolina is so versatile you can rediscover it (and many more variations) easy. Really glad that you liked it, thanks for telling me.
I have made a very simple dish of microwaving a cup of Minute Rice and mixing an egg into it while it's still hot out of the microwave. Am I a chef now?
>>1526 If you put a little soy sauce at the end it becomes otamago no meshi desuyo ne and you become a Japanese chef.
>>1527 Well domo arigato, Mr. Roboto, I'll have to try that.

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