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DC FanDome - OH GOD NOT AGAIN Frank Board owner 08/21/2020 (Fri) 05:47:23 No. 4048
>The new corporate dumbasses in charge of Warner thought it was a good idea to hold a virtual convention >This is their second attempt Seeing how every virtual convention has crashed and burned this seems like a clusterfuck waiting to happen, especially when they had to split the event into two days Not including the extra material meant to pad everything out to 100 hours. Gather around and shitpost in real time as the cape-Hindenburg crashes. DC FanDome is set to start at 10 am PM / 1 pm ET / 7 pm CET and it will last approximately 4 hours.
Edited last time by Frank on 10/16/2021 (Sat) 05:07:03.
>>18516 Might as well be the Justedge League if they're going to keep claiming fucking Harley's going to somehow do shitall to the likes of Injustice SUPER EVIL FUCK EVERYTHING MAN.
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Why give the Flash visors when you're not going to protect his mouth?
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>>18519 Aw fuck, I just noticed they're using ezra miller as the base.
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Who ever used the monkey's paw to bring back Teen Titians, I wish that Anon a painful death.
This looks like the least funny cancerous fucking shit I've seen in a while.
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>>18521 Sometimes dead is better.
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The only thing the CW has done right and it took them nearly a decade to figure it out.
>>18521 You're implying he didn't beat you to the punch on that. RIP anon.
Oh so we're doing this "females literally did not exist until our show invented female self confidence" shit now?
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Is it just me or does The Peacemaker show just seem like a less funnier Frisky Dingo?
>>18527 I don't watch that shit but I have seen and enjoyed Frisky Dingo. Explain what makes you think so anon.
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More like the fag. 240p because I'm not watching this shit actively and I'm not wasting my precious datacap on nothing
>>18528 >Explain what makes you think so anon. Sure thing Autistic Anon, the characters types just feel transplanted from one series to another. You got Killface with Peacemaker, Vigilante with Xander, Sinn with the blond chick and the fat guy can be inchangable with the other fat characters from Frisky Dingo. The entire show feels like it could fit in the Archer universe, especially with how it handles serious plot, how it derails into petty personal dilemmas, the in-between gags and crude comedy. Something's are different like Peacemaker being friends with Vigilante and the whole DC angle, but I never said it was one for one, just seems like it.
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Why did it take so damn long to get the ring!
>all this CW bat-woman shit
Am I just overtly negative or is there not a single interesting sounding announcement so far? Like far from me to claim I'm aware of how the DC executives think but shit like Batwoman or all of the CW lineup, this Flash teaser, how they're presenting their movie announcements of the Static Shock/Blue Beetle movies, that black hole of comedy that was the Peacemaker these video game announcements HAVING NO FUCKING GAMEPLAY, what they've been doing with the live action movies in general, this feels like self sabotage or something. Is there really zero vision behind any of this? Did no one just pause for a minute to think "man this is all so fucking stupid, we're rushing into so much shit and the rest of it is very low quality, none of our shit looks appealing to new fans and there are probably no more old fans remaining"?
>>18529 >>18531 I'm surprised this faggot didn't get fired after drunkenly, choking a bitch on video.
>>18536 he has the "gay" shield. nothing can hurt him (except dave chappelle, he's the only one the LGBT fears)
>>18535 that cat-woman/bat-woman anime... looks like it might be worth a watch.
Enough of Harley Quinn, please. Please. I'm sure DC can get everyone to love any of their numerous characters if they actually show them off in some decent media.
>>18540 they are obsessed with trying to make Harley Quinn some big deal. makes no sense outside of the context from the 90's animated series. >>18535 2 black batman, 1 black barbara gordon, 1 asian barbara gordon. retcon on the first robin being a woman... somehow.
>I am loving the diversity that is becoming the norm in the DC universe Uh huh.
Linda carter, keeps finding new ways to disappoint me... I hope she reunites with her (((husband))) soon >all this bullshit that has nothing to do with wonder woman. >giving a shit for anything by the same hacks that made WW84.
>>18544 >giving a shit about wonderwoman considering who they have playing her live action part I mean I don't get it, judging by the Amazon scenes in Justass League they can clearly get access to loads of attractive, sexy, very fit women so why pick some rat looking cunt who can't act in the slightest either? Also wow again I can't believe women did not exist until Wonder Woman.
this pretty much sums up the whole even.
>>18545 >why pick some rat looking cunt who can't act in the slightest either? https://infogalactic.com/info/Gal_Gadot < Gadot has stated that she was brought up in a "very Jewish, Israeli family environment" and served for two years as a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. <... < In 2013, her annual modelling salary was estimated to be in the millions of shekels, ahead of Israeli models Esti Ginzburg, Liraz Dror and Shlomit Malka (who campaigns for Ralph Lauren), although significantly behind Bar Refaeli.
>>18547 Can someone post a bullet point summary of what they showed there?
>>18531 Why is that kike wearing a rubber bodysuit?
Here's the trailer for new Batman movie. It does not look as horrible as I was afraid it would, but it still isn't too good. I was hoping for something less Nolanesque. >>18558 Rubber is the most breathable, friction resistant, and aerodynamic material.
>>18549 I didn't keep a list but basically >some footage hyping up Aquaman 2 >some footage of a cancerous looking Aquaman animated show, or movie, or something. >Hey guys did you know blacks exist? We're announcing a Static Shock movie(but no actual footage) in the same breath we're announcing how groundbreaking making a comic book starring a nigger was, and how we literally saved humanity, something about a black lives matter comic, etc ,etc. There might have been another movie announced next to Static Shock but I sure as shit can't remember it. >Some shit with Injustice, apparently there is or will be an animated movie and it looks just as low quality as the other newer animated movies. >Cinematic footage of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. This is what they're using Rocksteady for now, something that looks like a low rent knockoff of that already low quality looking GotG game by Squeenix. >I think a quick teaser for the flash movie >and a quick teaser for the shazam movie >and then some shit concerning the CW Supergirl show and how SO INSPIRING WE WERE FOR WOMEN AND HOW I'VE HAD LITTLE GIRLS COME UP TO ME AND TELL ME "I DID NOT THINK WOMEN COULD BE RICH AND SMART UNTIL I SAW YOU ON TV, LITERALLY WHO ACTRESS PLAYING A LITERALLY WHO CHARACTER" >Then something with the CW batwoman which I'm still not convinced is an actual tv show and is instead an over-elaborate prank consisting of a series of really poorly looking produced/acted clips. >Also Gotham Knights, the other video game. No gameplay(there was some last year), it's set in the Court of Owls storyline and I think they got the guy who voiced Adam Jensen to voice Penguin. >some shit about wonder woman and how inspiring blah blah >Some shit with the Harley Quinn animated series, season 3. >Titans season 4 >I think also Young Justice season 4 >Something about a new animated Batman series that's meant to carry the spirit of TAS >some footage for The Batman. >some footage for Black Adam <I went to sleep there so I've probably missed something but who gives a fuck That's about it. It could have really been cut down to 30 minutes tops but they really stretched the fuck out of things to have this fit into one miserable four hour package.
>>18560 Did Battinson just fucking point a gun at Penguin?
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>>18502 >Batfag who laughs? You don't like edgy joker batman?
>>18567 I'm dead tired of edgy Joker in general and merging him with Batman is fuck. I'm also dead tired of Batman in general.
>>18490 >body She doesn't look like that in the leaked photos.
>>18530 Going by the clip >>18283 posted I can somewhat see the fat guy being a Wendel. If he gains an albino lover or is found out to fancy albino prostitutes. Someone better contact Mr. Reed.
>>18600 black albino of course.

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