/cub/ - Cub

Furry cub art

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/cub/ Drawthread #1 Anonymous 01/14/2023 (Sat) 21:46:19 No. 64 [Reply]
Welcome to /cub/'s first drawthread Request what you like want to get drawn Basic rules and guidelines Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/" You can request as much as you like no limits When requesting some, provide as much detail & reference pics as possible in the initial post. Expect more rules and guidelines in future drawthreads
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/r/ someone actually draws (I could, but I'd have to read the requests again and see if anything interests me)
>>260 >>196 Well, many of these drawings were commissioned. I don't understand why they haven't been posted here or anything like that, but if you check Inkbunny, you'll end up finding a lot of the specific requests. I don't know if the anon took ideas from other people in this thread and paid the artists, or if it was the same anon who requested everything and then went to Inkbunny.
>>261 Well, you know what they say, if you can't get it free, find an artist and cough up the money.

Bear cubs Anonymous 01/14/2023 (Sat) 16:30:01 No. 55 [Reply]
Post the hibernatin', honey lovin', pic-a-nic basket stealin' cutie pies we all know and love.
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Exposed Hypocrites Thread Anonymous 03/02/2023 (Thu) 18:09:24 No. 199 [Reply]
This thread is dedicated to anti's and Hypocrites being against cub art or calling out other artist then getting caught with cubs in there likes or art they have created. So a few months ago @lewd_lotl made a callout post https://twitter.com/lewd_lotl/status/1575643634048716800 (they say it isn't, but really, what else would you call it?) on Komdog for some past interactions he had with others and the fact Kom draw some cub art. Looked in their likes and there was loli, shota and cubs they even drew cubs themself but I can't find it. here's their here's their inkbunny https://inkbunny.net/hotwoodcoldwood Here a few likes they have on there twitter page and them trying to excuse it
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I had this one guy, who I do believe was 15 at the time, call me out on discord in 4 different servers for liking cub, just to get me kicked from those servers and eventually getting me booted off discord. He goes by many usernames but he mainly goes by Radar the Fox or 0plk_. Anyway, after that ordeal, I do some research over different platforms to find any traces of him and I find his inkbunny account. On there, he's following like, 10 or more prominent cub porn artists and one particular artist of importance in my search, RiskItForTheBiscuit. If you don't know, RiskItForTheBiscuit is an artist who draws cub/shota/loli rape porn. In the times radar has messaged me, he said, "I bet you love getting off to cubs getting raped", and "cub rapist". Heh, well.. that's pretty damning evidence I would say, huh? The first screenshot is of his inkbunny account. Second is an old version of his discord account. Third is the evidence I found on inkbunny. Last is his Twitter account that is suspended because I reported particular DMS of his calling a pedo and whatnot.
Found his discord profile. By the way, he's known to use alts and side accounts to harass, spam report, and ban evade so be aware of that. Anyway, my job here is done. Now I hope you'll do your part in stopping this hypocritical asshole. I do recommend you refrain from mentioning the particular incident with me and him and avoid mentioning me to him. He is pretty ruthless in getting people suspended, banned, and deleted off of platforms, so just be aware of that.
As of June, this is practically impossible thanks to Twitter privatizing Likes.

MLP Foalcon Thread Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 15:04:39 No. 13 [Reply]
Fillys, Colts, Baby Dragons, Griffins anything that's MLP Foalcon
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>>61 Pretty based. Shame videos like this will never take off.
Does anyone have that one Sweetie Belle and Iron Will drawing? It seems to have been scrubbed off the net and I can't find it anywhere.

Cub Animations Anonymous 01/19/2023 (Thu) 20:57:14 No. 87 [Reply]
Post animations of cubs
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>>249 I wish I knew. :(
Some more animations to keep this board alive

Cub Games and Mods Anonymous 01/19/2023 (Thu) 19:39:49 No. 86 [Reply]
Discuss cub related Games and Mods you know, are in the process of developing or just idea's that you have for one.
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>>100 Just found another one from SoulCentry https://twitter.com/CentrySoul/status/1626448200658833410 Not much is known other then the fact he's doing the artwork and programing
How about taking inspiration from animal crossing? >You are moving into town for certain job >Your work documents go amiss >Peeps there offer you jobs to earn your meals >You get enough trust that they leave the kids to give you tasks >Sometimes you are called to fix things on the local pre-school or in a house >Other times you are just working as a janitor >You get upgraded to pre-school part-timer >After bonding with a character you get upgraded to becoming his/her post-school babysitter. >Final upgrade is being hired full time on the pre-school and running a daycare >Parents have so much work that their kids can be under your care for days >You can finally upgrade the training that you are giving them on how to be a bride into how to be a mommy.
Why are there so few cub games out there?

Feral Cub Thread Anonymous 01/13/2023 (Fri) 00:44:48 No. 37 [Reply]
Post some ferals to show some love for our non anthropomorphic four legged friends.
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Anonymous 02/13/2023 (Mon) 18:17:26 No. 183 [Reply]
Who was your first cub crush? For me it was Li Li Stormstout.
My first crushes were Simba and Nala. Then came Princess Ruto from OOT, and the list grew from there.
>>183 Anais Watterson.

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Anonymous 12/27/2021 (Mon) 23:11:02 No. 1 [Reply]
Bzehburger thread one of my favorite cub artists His socials [ baraag, https://baraag.net/@Bzehburger?max_id=104945388198269957 ] [ Twitter, https:// twitter.com/Bzehburger ] [ inkbunny, https:// inkbunny.net/Bzehburger ]
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Aged down/Age Regression/De-Age Anonymous 01/10/2023 (Tue) 16:08:58 No. 14 [Reply]
Mature furry characters but as they're younger (and sexyer) version of them selfs
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Toddlers Anonymous 01/13/2023 (Fri) 02:21:34 No. 41 [Reply]
Furry toddler thread
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Cheetah toddler cunny
Blue puppy

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Teens Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 18:28:58 No. 32 [Reply]
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Obscure Cubs Anonymous 01/12/2023 (Thu) 14:02:36 No. 19 [Reply]
Post cubs that are not well known or just go unnoticed. This is Pepper from Gumnutz: A Juicy Tale
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Lucas M. Vulpwood from Vulpwood created by Gianfranco Sorrentino the creator of the mlp buttons shorts. it's feels kinda like TAWOG
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Timothy from Curse of the Sea Rats, a decent side scrolling platformer that is pretty obscure as it seems to have fallen under the radar unnoticed by most.

Breaking News Anonymous 03/08/2023 (Wed) 20:16:58 No. 201 [Reply]
This thread is for news regarding upcoming media with cute cubs. Post the latest news here Billy, The Hamster Cowboy is a a French-Belgian animated children's television series produced by Dandelooo,Digital Graphics and Nextframes Animation,It is based on a book series of the same name by Catharina Valckx. The series is planed to air on France 5 (Okoo Block) in March 2023. So we have Billy and Suzie and they look cute

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