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SHINE Cyrus 11/26/2022 (Sat) 21:40:50 No. 1242
an Action-Horror Adventure
Table of Contents... Page 1: Prologue, First Choice, Map, Lore Page 2: Attributes, Intruders, Local Threats Page 3: Dwellings, Items, Exploration Page 4: The Crucible (Main Game), A Brief Recount (Easy Mode) Page 5: Timeline Events Page 6: Conditional Events, Intruder Rewards, The Next Episode (Epilogue) Page 7: Event Results, Dynamic Duo Page TC: The Cliffhanger (HI-SPEC ENDING) --- Themes... Mechwarrior 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v7cdLwQtpI Sonic: Ruby Delusions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYwAfF_SO4M Who's the Boss? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qApK-_ORSsY Hi Spec Robo Go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdujgzukZ-0 Final Fever! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d-NpE-TsEY Walking into a room filled with World Eaters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBCGIogTWv0
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Pages 1-5
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Pages 6-7
Stash https://sta.sh/22468jrjd9tx Additional content will be shared here. This includes things like Art references, credits, etc. I tried posting the gameplay template here, but it it doesn't properly display on this site due to the formatting, and I don't know how to use the [code post properly... So I put it on DeviantArt instead https://www.deviantart.com/cyrus-the-acceptable/art/SHINE-Template-938736212 The Template is also in the Stash. I am making Page TC as we speak. Hopefully, there is enough content here to keep everyone busy until I have finished it...
Racist CYOA made by a racist. Do not play
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made with Inkarnate
It has come to my attention that I have poorly worded the rules regarding the Attributes. I am sorry, to anyone who is confused. My intentions were simple... at least from my point of view. In order to prevent people from maxxing certain stats immediately and steamrolling everything, and make it mildly believable, I made Requirements. I have been asked if STR, END, and DEX are involved mathematically. No, they are not. Only for Intrusions/Combat, are STR and END added together. It is that (you) need END4 and DEX4 to LEVEL UP to STR6... END5 and DEX5 to have STR7, and so forth. The same is true for END. If you want END6, you need at least STR4. Lore-speaking, it is about your body growing in a gradual "natural" way, where you build up to "mastery", for lack of better terms. For instance, developing your ability to control the strength you have already gained with Dexterity. If you didn't, you would have difficulty manipulating equipment or weapons with fat fingers that you only spent all your time making bigger. I hope that helps. I am sorry, again. I will try to fix the language in some way
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>>1257 Okay I have updated the Attribute language on Page 2. For the sake of 8chan's servers, I will delete the outdated file on >>1255 . It was just Green Death's description that was cut-off by accident and hotfixed. Here on my Stash, you can get the most up-to-date documents. Also HI-REZ PNG versions, and a standalone image of the Map https://sta.sh/22468jrjd9tx
For Ente's voice, I can give you Richard Horvitz for reference. Not that it sounds EXACTLY like Zim, but that is the direction, the manner in which he speaks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ-Az8MLJCQ
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Updated the language on Page 4. >You begin the game with 0TP. Calculate your income and expenses for Week 1, and proceed to the next week with the remaining balance. I was asked if the player is not allowed to make or spend any money (TP) on Week 1. The answer is There is nothing special about Week 1. You may proceed and make/spend money immediately.
>>1250 Wow, so much effort. Well done on completing it.
During the Audience, Misha's second spoken line have "Eeba" on it. Since you've written her as "Ybba" afterward it might be a typo.
>>1262 thank you! >>1263 Yes, that was intentional. For character names I sometimes spell them phonetically the first time to help the reader
[86854313] >Do you have to kill the localized menace (i.e. the rats in the downtown) AND the revenants? Or is it just the rats? Strictly speaking, you don't have to exterminate any of the Local Threats if you have the AGI or STR/END to pass them/access the district. Killing off a Local Threat, for the purposes of this game, is just about adding a permanent +1TP/wk and getting some food compensation. >If only the rats in my example, are the beach-house and welcome center just pre-exterminated, or are they governed by revenants? >I feel like they are governed by revenants but it's frankly kind of ambiguous as you compare the descriptions on page 2 and dwellings on page 3. Because (you) are already at a level where you are able to overcome them, the Revenants are, game-wise, not a threat to you, but in order to get the +1TP/wk, you must slay them all. >Also, am I blind or does Dexterity serve no purpose whatsoever than as a prerequisite for Strength and the standard TP bonus? Game-wise, you are correct. The Requirements are about holding players back from steamrolling the enemies too quickly. In retrospect, it could have been handled better... If I make something like this again, I will do better. >I also just want to know if it was coincidence or on purpose you have exactly one less tannerite than you need to blow the worm to kingdom come on week 2. No cohencidence, that was the idea >Still working on it and probably will be for a while, but those were some initial things eating at me. It's interesting. Thank you for your questions, thank you for your time
[86849847] >13-33? What the fuck I'm too old to play this No no, you are being rejuvenated to a younger biological state. Not declaring your IRL age [86854226] >what's the point in struggling if you're already captured by the intolerant angels [86854409] >Not dying. If the Traitor, Wilson and Hungry Man are any indication, they're okay with replacing you if needed (Ybba outright says it in the Audience event). Hungry Man and the Traitor are there for more than one reason... which I will explain in the future. Suffice to say, yes, there are/will be reasons to keep going beyond mere survival.
How is the final page going?
>>1268 I have Monday off, I set aside that time to work on it. Should be done within the week, if not Monday evening
>>1269 Cool man. Love your stuff. Hope Cerulean Dream gets an update too.
>>1270 Thank you very much. I appreciate all kinds of feedback, but genuine support is much more precious to me
>86860616 >Can you eat more than 1 food a week? Say you all of a sudden gain like 30 tp eating your entire stock. Yes you can do this. There is no limit on food quantity consumption, with the advisement that your food can be destroyed by Intruders, but that without a certain amount of stored food at all times, certain rolls could end up costing you other items if you run out of food to lose. You must be able to eat all the food you want in one week, otherwise your abundance of Fresh Meat from exterminating a Local Threat would go to waste (unless you were able to preserve it)
>86860658 >Also can you get all the items in dwellings as soon as you have the stats to reach them? At 5 agility you can basically get every item in each dwelling Yea. If you meet the AGI (or STR&END) requirements, you can immediately collect all the Items in a given district. With AGI, lorewise, you are fast enough to outrun and outmaneuver the predators there. It also makes sense in that you are, technically, superhumanly fast, so you would be able to go around the island more quickly with each level of AGI
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Whether or not SHINE is a popular success, I enjoyed making it. My only gripe is not being able to make it faster. I have learned some new tricks and techniques working with GIMP, and I will be learning how to use A.I., with the main goal of producing visuals that are more... cohesive, across the entire project. I think it will make an excellent secondary tool. I am a slow learner, and stubborn, in some areas, but I think I understand some of the failures in SHINE, and I will try to mitigate them without sacrificing my style. Maybe keep Lore and Mechanics further apart from each other, like one page that's all lore, and just what you need to know to play at the front. I enjoy writing too much NOT to make lore, but I understand I am not concise enough in some places. Anyway, I will keep making things, because I have the passion, but your feedback is important to me. Whether it's good or bad, it can make me stronger. That's why I like this place, most of you aren't careful to tell me how you really feel. Thank you for reading, thank you for playing. God bless. P.S. For those of you who suffered through SHINE, and want more, I am making Page TC right now. I expect to have it ready within the week, but I can't say exactly when, because reasons
>86869435 >Shine is fine for what it is, it's just a really unpopular genre. You could probably improve the formatting a bit so the mechanics stand out more from the text/lore, but that's not a huge deal. It is unpopular? Interesting. You mean the horror, or RYOA? ok thank you >I'm curious if you'd aim for more mass appeal in future projects or if that doesn't matter to you. I'm used to not being popular, as much as I might fantasize about it sometimes. Rather than try appealing to everyone, I would rather make what I want and appeal to people who share like interests. I believe these people exist, and when I get around to writing actual books and such, I hope I can reach them. Maybe that is a lofty goal... but that's why I have two jobs, especially right now. I'm in a bit of a survival mode, with what's going on in the world, and I've been waiting for certain things to happen. But because they haven't happened yet, I may just say fuck it and go back to a five-day work week, and focus more on writing. I have the guns and money I set out to accumulate when the honked 2020 election happened. Anyway thank you for asking
>86870383 >Shine was alright but the builds were too autistic for what it was. I tried getting into it but I got filtered, and I've got 20+ autistic conduit builds on a spreadsheet with detailed planning on perks taken up to 500 years in advance. >Survival stuff doesn't mesh well with systems that are too time consuming. Fantasy and powerfagging does, just like at Overlord (and your cyoa is original and better done than that cyoa) You are too kind... Thank you for that insight
>86869942 >Survival horror. Stuff like power pickers, waifupickers, or franchise cyoas have obvious draws, while survival horror doesn't. >There's probably a few ways to make it more broadly appealing, like making it about interesting ethical dilemmas or adding rewards/safety nets. Indeed if there are ways to make my content more widely palatable without sacrificing style, substance, or just things that I want in it, then that would be optimal. Thank you, friend. >Oh no are you a crazy person? I have the distinguished honour of being labeled many things, Crazy being one of them
>86876563 >Fisherwoman >I find this particular encounter depressing. From what we know about this extended universe, the Anglermaid is probably some Level 2 demon (Piscita?) that got caught and made a deal to not get smited. >Which doesn't matter since she die no matter what. Their promises means nothing. They had an arrangement, but it was voluntary. However, they were planning to dispose of her at some point, because yea she was a demon. The Anglermaid has eaten a handful of contestants before (you). But because you prevailed over her once, and their access to Earth is cut off, they decided to... "close" the deal
A shame. I'd argue about letting her alone on the island (nobody will ever come back, rigth?) but death by starvation might be a worse fate.
>>1286 Without revealing too much too early, spirits can't die(except demons, which are effectively dead when slain to Hell by human hands). They just go through highs and lows of energetic state... from exertion and so forth. Feasting on humans gives them a "high"
>86877456 >I'm 95% sure you already died. The goal is to survive the 40~ weeks, not to kill everything. You could simply evade everything until the final siren blare. That's true. The blood will just be on someone else's hands 😄 This is a concept/wip, but in the next CYOA regarding the world of SHINE, I have a mind to offer readers different perks depending on what they did in SHINE, as further reward for playing
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I will make a more proper /cyoag/ CYOA, which will start with an actual character creation segment with the more popular perk pickers and so forth. With the feedback I've gotten with SHINE, I will try to scale back the lore dumping, especially with the first page. SHINE was a popular failure, and I have accepted it. I do appreciate the people who went through it, though, and all of you who have pitched in myriad ways. I am fully invested in this fictional world I have constructed, so I will continue making projects with it. I enjoy it so much that I may take Fridays off permanently, to work on things and hopefully get them done faster. Pic is behind-scenes. I can't use laptop at my first job, but I can still write by hand, which I enjoy doing anyway
>>1289 After you finish the TC page right? Right?
>>1290 yea I am working on it now, by hand, which I will transcribe to computer on Friday at the latest. I work two jobs and they both variably demand my attention. And at the moment I am dealing with a medical issue, so I can't promise how quickly I can get it done, but a day doesn't go by where I haven't done something. Thank you for asking
TC is halfway done. Burned myself out last night getting the visuals to look halfway decent. I have a doctor appointment for an acute problem, hoping that I can take care of it Friday(tomorrow) and use the rest of the time I took off work to finish TC. 8chan was attacked last night, thankfully it's back up again. I forgot to store the feedback I got for SHINE in my usual personal folder... may do that just in case.
TC is almost done. When I get home from work, I intend to finish it. Thank you for your patience
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The eighth and final page. A reward, of sorts, for those who suffered SHINE. Thank you, again, for reading, and playing
Spotted some typos. Will fix it when I get home, and do a saged repost
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I am truly thankful to have the support that I have. Writing is a solitary and personal task, one from which I derive great pleasure. But it wouldn't be nearly as fun without you, my readers. I have been working two jobs in order to build my net worth in certain assets. The mass-collection phase of this endeavour is complete, my targets fulfilled. I pray that my diligence pays off. I say this, because January will mark the beginning of my new focus: to get serious about writing. The only way I can truly pull off my dreams is to divide my time accordingly. I may hold onto my second job, but I will limit to four or five days per week. This year has been... very stressful, as I'm sure is the case for many of you. But I will now reorganize my time, in order to reduce this problem. This means a few things, namely that I should be able to work on CYOA and related material more often. Due to my current living conditions, which are still not quite optimal, I may have to spend time in public places to do this. A lot of art that I use is not exactly family friendly, even if the result/edited images are, so I will reserve my computer work for the home, and do the writing/planning with pencil and paper when I am outside. I have more ambitious plans, for when I have more money to throw around. A website of my own is already on the table, I just have to set aside the time to learn how to construct it. Anyway, thank you again for your feedback and support. May you have a blessed holiday season, and a merry Christmas. P.S. Pic is one of my favourite edits. Inspired by the "Pathetic" Skinner meme, and blessed with the fortune of finding art with the exact angle needed for it
>86951263 >That reminds me - isn't our "cousin" from Cerulea able to use psionic abilities? Are we a tad weaker or just unable to awaken? The Sight seems like a downgrade. Between these two descriptions, I would say (you) START "a tad" weaker than Ceruleans. "The Sight" is the same exact thing as Psionic Awakening, ultimately. Your ultimate potential is the same, it will just take more time for Chosen Vittorians to achieve the ability that Chosen Ceruleans receive for free. Ceruleans, for lack of better terms, get a "head start". Vittorians also have different/lesser boons from their angel than Ceruleans. This is deliberate, for reasons to be revealed in the future
>86952573 >Can you clarify study sessions? Does the discount per session apply to all future quests or is it consumed on use after applying it to one quest? And can more than one session discount be applied to the same quest? For one (1) Study Session, you earn a permanent discount on all Quests (as you are learning about the world, but you just can't learn everything all at once, especially when some of the information is clues or riddles). Each study session stacks another discount. So, by doing all five study sessions, you shall have a discount of -10TP for all quests. (5 x 2 = 10)
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Fixed the sleep-deprivation-induced typos on Page TC. Stash updated. Any further fixes, and I will delete this post and reup the new file to a new post, for the sake of 8chan's servers.
>86956686 >WTF was the story about? Still don't get it. Setting, why you were taken etc Thank you for reading. (you) were isekai'd/chosen by Ybba, a spirit, to take to her island proving ground Candidu. You are not the first, but you may be the last. Your "proving" involves enduring myriad troubles whilst making use of your supernatural gifts. It is like a horror-themed obstacle/fitness/combat course/colloseum for supersoldiers. You are tested in certain ways at certain times (Events), and you are routinely challenged by threatening creatures (Intruders, Local Threats). (You) are being watched by people on the outside (not in every situation, but in plenty of them) who track your progress with great interest. To them, it is like a Live Action/Horror/Drama/Contest, with stakes on your side as well as theirs(because if you fail, that is one less soldier to protect them). Some of The Audience are allowed to participate under certain restrictions (namely, other superhumans, and spirits). Others are forced to participate, as punishment for crimes not explained to (you) until you succeed and are brought to Vittoria. It is expected to be a death-sentence for these convicts. Even The Traitor, who still has some of his original strength, but is forcibly, severely handicapped to be more killable. Unlike Green Death, who volunteered, and whose life is preserved.
>>1308 >Cyrus Cool man, looking forward to your next stuff. Wish you the best. High effort authors are always welcome, and I respect that immensely.
>86957797 >Nah. It's like when the CYOA give you the option of killing a girl or attacking the "judge" - they just George Floyd' you if you resist. You don't get a choice. You left out the choice to refuse killing her, in which case they leave you alone. I understand I gave you a lot to read, but this is findable just by paying attention even remotely...
>>1327 Thank you very much, friend. May your holiday be blessed
>86957598 >Bruh that's just cruel. And your big reward is forced conscription into the die for Ybba army? No, you are given the choice to join the ranks, be a civilian, or leave. As the Chosen, however, you are under social pressure to be a soldier. This however is outside the scope of SHINE. In retrospect, I suppose I could have hinted at this choice you get, if you made it to The Cliffhanger
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Many thanks to whoever repost for me.
>86958477 >[I will make a build] It would make me very happy if you did. You don't have to share everything, but I would love to read the highlights. Also if you have any criticism of the mechanics. Feel free to ask me anything about how the game is supposed to work. Do not forget the template I have set up for .txt documents. Unless you want to do spreadsheets or something, my template should help you keep track of your progress. I don't want to inconvenience you any more than I already have. https://www.deviantart.com/cyrus-the-acceptable/art/SHINE-Template-938736212
Question about the Brief Recount if you're here - are the 20 points uniquely about the aptitudes?
>>1342 Yea, the 20 points applies to no other section in Brief Recount but stats
>86967880 >Abigail Williams? Yea. I like a lot about her character design, and the fact she has different states (ascensions, they're called). Not everything, but her grins are precious. I know close to nothing about Fate, though. Little if anything about Fate Abigail is in my character, just the general appearance, which I would model for an original design
>86966351 >You called out the Jews in Cerulean, so just for that I'll make a build for SHINE. And I plan to say/do more interesting things in my next works. >Also the idea that this is 'time-consuming work' to play is just pretty sad for /tg/. Did people here just not play gamebooks? I'm fairly confident very few have even read or enjoy reading books in general 😅
>86966873 >A.I. I would only use AI for... 1) Services I cannot afford to pay real artists to do (Like if I had "fuck you" money, everything I produce would be either made by me or paid/commissioned by me) 2) Minor art assets like basic environments/backgrounds, generic props, or other stock images I think should be free anyway 3) Posing/faceposing characters that I've designed and commissioned real artists to draw 4) Any of the above or related that I can do without getting a Copyright suit Especially for anything I seriously want to publish and sell to the public as my own like a VN or book, I don't want to be legally harrassed. I hate the government enough as it is. For the things I make for free, I don't care (about legal stuff). If it helps me get my work done faster and give you anoms a more cohesive art style, I am willing to use A.I.
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>>1314 Concept art, Ybba fight NovelAI

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