-power arms, legs, titanium skeleton, cyber-spine, Matter Processor
>NAA-130 Heavy Support Gun
>Super-Heavy Transport Vehicle
>Heavy Augmentations (see above)
>Medium Armor (because raider)
>Stephan Vaanderhorn
>Sentinel Susan Mackie
>Scandinavia (home area)
>Unionist Britain
>Middle Eastern Death Zone
>A Raider's Downfall
-kill everyone
>Beware the Hatchetman
>Treasure Hunt
>Mutated Fauna
Got a good body that can go for a long time, and the speed at which I can move largely makes heavy armor unnecessary, medium is good enough. Got a big gun, so fuck off. Also got a big vehicle. While I am landlocked without a big-ass ship, at least I got solid ground under my feet for the most part. An all-borg crew, we take on missions in Ethiopia and the MEDZ, scavenging tech, augs, and ammo. We then sell anything we don't keep at the black market in UB, and then go back home to the Scandis for some R&R. Eins and Susan are main combat buddies, while Stephan keeps us going with repairs and upgrades (listed is just starting equipment, we can probably get more as we adventure).
Then Ol' Hårfagre died, and my peaceful Scandinavia became an uproar of fucking raiders all over the fucking place. As if the Hatchetman and fucked up animals weren't bad enough, now I gotta take care of raiders too. Welp, time to kill them all and get rid of the problem forever. Fuck you, simple as. But that's not all, there's this HUGE new place down in the MEDZ, with tons of pre-Departure tech! Well, we have just GOT to check that shit out! I'll kill the Hatchetman, take ALL his shit and jam it into my body with Stephen's help, then race down to the MEDZ, get some treasure, then get the fuck back to Scandi and exterminate the raiders. Easy on paper. Now to earn our bullets.