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Necrotech Awakening CYOA Adventurer 12/13/2022 (Tue) 03:42:46 No. 1351
You are not as you once were. Maybe you can make the most of it.
>Omega Tomb-tank Bitch, I'M A MOTHERFUCKING TANK! SIEGE HAIL, FUCKFACE! >Body Plating 4 >Empowered Core 3 >Enhanced Speed 3 (tracks) >2 Implosion Cannons >2 Plasma Cannons >Super-Heavy Armor 30 slots and 20 hard-points Primary Systems >Self-Repair 2 (2s) >Vocaloid Mimicry (3s) >+2 Empowered Core 3 (19s) >Advanced Reliquary (21s) >Self-Upgrade (23s) >Digital Translator (1HPs) >Electrozap System (6HPs) >ECM/Chaff Suite (27s) >Hot-Swapping (29s) Defence Systems > Chassis Systmes > Weapon Systems >2 Thermitethrowers (10HPs) >2 Rapid-Fire Shotguns (14HPs) >2 Missile Launchers (20HPs) >E-War Suite (30s) Havin' a slight erection right now. I'm supremely powerful, very defended, and I have a variety of weapons for all ranges. I'm also self-reliant. Yay! Could probably change things around to be EVEN MORE DEFENDED but having finished the CYOA at this point, armor is pointless. The only thing that actually does anything is e-war suite Rolling a dice next: 1.1 Direct route! Heads! >a Severed head of a robot 2.1 Fast solution! Heads! >A robot of unknown type 2.5 Rubble road. Tails! >lose a system (Vocaloid system crashes, but will repair over time.) I'm a friggin' tank, taking to rooftops is a no-go, and back entrances will leave my front and back exposed. No, I'm going street level. 3.1 Street Level. Heads! >Vampire nurse with dead-man-switch! 3! She's burnt to smithereens, and the detonator with her. Heads again. wait, what does that even mean? The nurse again? 3. Heads. 2. Heads. 3. heads. 2. heads. 6. Shit. Good thing I'm so sturdy. Wait, shouldn't I NOT lose systems for being so sturdy?? Anyway, new path is back entrance. I'm a tank, I leave rooftops to the other guys. 3.3 Back entrance. Tails! And tails again, I'm on the right track.
[Expand Post]4.2 20ft tall Frankenbot (I originally read that as SOFT tall frankenbot) 3! The frankenbot is no match for my myriad weapons! 4.5 GIGAVAMP ATTACK! 6! system lost! 5! System lost! 2! Die, vampire spawn! Shit, lost two systems, three down now. Hot-swapping and digital translator. 4.1 The Bloodworks Heads. He's dead, but I lost an implosion cannon. 4.3 The cloning tanks My e-war suite takes care of the data transfer, and I take care of him! Haha! 4.4 Cyber-Vampire Squad 3! Kaboom! Flamethrowers and shotguns are KING in CQC! 4.6 Evil Incarnate. Fuck. Tails! Heads, fuck. Tails. tails. tails! ...I'm gonna assume B was "flip TAILS three times in a row". What's my plan? Well, first off, getting repaired. Because FUUUUCK being damaged. This one is actually a little annoying, because I could totally go for Metal of Honor, Obtain Upgrades AND Risk Discovery, Get Repaired. I'm a damn tank, for fuck's sake.
Update and new pages.
>updated right after I posted my old build SON OF A BITCH! >an entire page of Tomb-tank upgrades, advanced combat rules, and more I am so happy that us big boys get loved here, it's not often. Sometimes, you just find a build and then... not much for it. That said, where's the miniguns?? The advanced rules are great, love that, and the last page is great for people who like to write short stories about their cyoa character.

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