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Dragonfall CYOA Adventurer 12/31/2021 (Fri) 00:01:18 No. 772
A non-lewd from Tokhaar Gol, create your lizard and conquer a continent.
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Updated to 1.3. • Elemental Resistance Tier 3: Cost reduced from 10 to 5. • Senses: “Illusions” in the description has been properly colored. • Humanoid Stomach: Cannot be taken with Souls, Mana, Sunlight and Element as your diet for obvious reasons. • Fusion Breath: Cannot be reloaded by Water Breath. • Multiple Breaths: If used with Fusion Breath you can combine all breaths your breath attacks into a single breath attack. • Hive Mind: Cost increased from 50 to 60. • Southern Dragon: Gains Senses Tier 1. • Scalespawn: Gains 5 more points. • Scalesborn: Gains 5 more points. • Scaleling: Gains 5 more points. • Fusion Breath: Can once again be reloaded by Water Breath (however you would need to consume all the elements that make up your Fusion Breath to properly reload it). • Mana: Cost increased from 5 to 10. • Blood: Got a new description and cost reduced from 10 to 7. • Humanoid Stomach: Scalespawns no longer need to take this drawback and they can gain points from taking it, unlike Scaleborns and Scalelings. • Bestow Immortality: If the caster dies, all the immortality they bestowed will disappear and if they cast the Tier 3 version they themselves cannot benefit from someone else’s Bestow Immortality Tier 3. The Tier 3 version can now affect 20 creatures instead of 10. Tok plans to do a bigger update.
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1.4: 2 Pages added Continents: New Map Small: Fixed a typo in the description, it said tiny instead of small. Mana Breath: The word “spell” is now properly highlighted as a “section word” in the Tier 3 description. Wind Breath: “point black range” has been changed to “point blank range” in the Tier 3 description. Jaws: Tier 3 cost reduced from 10 to 5. Claws: Tier 3 cost reduced from 10 to 5. Tail: Tier 3 cost reduced from 10 to 5. Horns: Tier 3 cost reduced from 10 to 5. Spikes: Tier 3 cost reduced from 10 to 5. Flashing Frills: Cost reduced from 20 to 15. Acid Blood: Cost reduced from 15 to 5. Fire Sac: Cost reduced from 20 to 10. Frost Sac: Cost reduced from 20 to 10. Lightning Sac: Cost reduced from 20 to 10. Plague Cysts: Cost reduced from 15 to 10. Explosive Scales: Cost reduced from 20 to 10. Poisonous Mucus: Cost reduced from 15 to 5. Hot Body: Cost reduced from 25 to 15. Cold Body: Cost reduced from 25 to 15. Adrenal Glands: Cost reduced from 20 to 10. Shimmer Dust: Cost reduced from 15 to 10. Animal Speech: Cost reduced from 10 to 5. Spike Projectiles: Cost reduced from 20 to 15. Blood: Cost increased from 7 to 10 and new description. Element: The word “spell” is now properly highlighted as an “option word”. Companions: Slight change of the description. Now says it takes “no effort” to fulfill wishes rather than “relatively easy” and “2th” was changed to “2nd”. 1.5: Fixed some typos Tentacles: Cost reduced from 30 to 20. Ordin Tier 1: Now requires “Muscles Tier 3” instead of “Ordin Tier 2 or higher” and it got a longer description. Vokhlaardejm Tier 1: Now requires Fertility Tier 1 or higher. Vokhlaardejm Tier 3: Longer description
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Version 1.9
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From 4chan ----- From TokHaar Gol >Tok, is there a way to stop gunfaggots from appearing in Dragonfall? It is already impossible, because of the eldritch horror that is imprisoned in Elderia. His very essence clashes with reality, bends natural laws and one of the side effects of it being imprisoned there is that the ever changing tiny changes of the laws of physics. It is why technology has not progressed in thousands of years. Because the laws of natures keep changing and shifting. Machines that harness electricity for example might work a few days each year, same with other advance scientific things, like guns. >Is Tok here? I'm sure this was asked before, but in Dragonfall, can you lay a Resurrection Egg as soon as you hatch from one or do you need to fully re-grow up to lay it again? You can lay a new egg as soon as you hatch. Arcane is the opposite to Holy ----- From an anon who went over the archives and compiled a bunch of rulings Tok made. >Mechanics: 1) Scales tier 4 do not protect against repeated blunt force attacks like Energy Breath or just big clubs. 2) You can Hybridize true dragon species with half-dragons 3) Wingless Flight gives you indefinate flight since it runs on not-magic magic. Regular flight is not indefinite, and depends on your Flight Tier, your dragon species and features that could make you more or less aerodynamic. 4) Hivemind will stop working if you enter Humanoid Form, all offsprings will drop to the ground, if they are not feed they will eventually starve and die. If you switch back to dragon form you will regain control over them. 5) Fertility Tier 3+ offspring do not have Whelp drawback unless you picked it, all other offspring has. 6) Fusing Water Breath with other Breaths allows you to reload by consuming the thing that makes up your breath 7) Aquatic dragons can not breath in lava 8) You can't eat the souls of the living. Only killing the body looses the soul enough from the mortal shell to be eaten. 9) You still have to abide by Horny, even as a Whelp. 9a) Your companions will obviously help you. >Companions: 1) The more powerful a companion is the more points it costs, but power is a relative concept, depending on usefulness. 2) It is impossible and utterly unthinkable for Companions to betray you 3) You can choose how much or little loyalty, devotion and friendship you want from them 4) Bonius's magic can't usually be dispelled. You can choose to either be the apprentice of Bonius, 1 of your companions or 1 random girl with big boobas and thin waist. 5) Thandamere is immune to magic via his gifts from Andea Magic: 1) Wands exist in Cendor, the souther region of Andor. Wands shoot a magical projectile or beam that a normal person could dodge 2) Transformation magic exists 3) Telefragging is not a thing 4) Telepathy and Telekinesis from Brain IV are not considered Magic, because they do not use mana. Andea has no objection to it, and it does not erode reality. It cannot be counterspelled and is not subject to Magic Resistance. 4a) You can use telekinesis on your clothing or armor in order to fly. 4b) You can only use telekinesis solid objects, so not air, and each object (e.g. individual grains of sand) requires parallel concentration. 4c) You cannot use telekinesis to grab something which is being presently manipulated by another magician. For example, you could not grab a rock that an earth mage is levitating. 5) Each Tier 4 Spell takes a millenium to learn. 6) Outside of a Dragonfall wish, Planeswalking is Tier IV Magic and may require divine assistance. 7) Bestow Immortality can be undone with Mana Breath or an appropriately tiered Counter Spell.
[Expand Post]8) Arcane Barrier can be used to create simple energy constructs, like stairs. 9) Having your soul destroyed by profane weapons still allows for resurrection by Phylactery or Resurrection Egg 10) An "Arcane Energy Environment" for the purposes of Elemental resistance refers to places like arcane leylines, ancient fortresses, or eldritch temples, all of which tend to be corrupted hellscapes of wild arcane energy. Magic Cont'd 11) Pocket Dimensions are not destroyed when you die. 11a) If you temporarily upscale your Pocket Dimension spell, e.g. with Glimmer Dust or the Gauntlet of Kings, the dimension you created will be a new dimension alongside the one you can normally cast, not a permanent upgrade to the dimension you already have. 12) There is no quality of Senses powerful enough for you to "see" another planet well enough to Blink to it. 13) Magic can emulate and manipulate all in existence. Miracles exist and Holy magic is a crude imitation of miracles, holy magic is less corrosive to reality than any other magic but it still is magic and still corrosive 14) Blofrung's curse on the Frost Elves is T4, and cannot be dispelled with a simple T3 Counterspell. 15) Elemental Resistance (Arcane) only protects from arcane elemental spells, not all magic spells like fire spells. Dragons/Greater Dragons: 1) Dragons are extremely territorial especially Dragonlords, unless you conquer them all and rule them with an ironfist they would never agree to being led by you. 2) you can assume the Greater Dragons made a build using the exact same CYOA as you 3) All Greater Dragons did not teleport their wishers, infact only you teleported your wishers because the others didn't need to because of the cost they choose. 4) Tok explicitly will not tell us the builds of other Greater Dragons because he doesn't want us to copycat or build around killing them. 5) Greater Dragons, depending on their builds, can kill Gods. Pacts: 1) If you take a Tier 3 Pact, you only have to do the Tier 3 Pact. If you agree to kill the Spirit King for Shokunin, you don't have to give him your Dragonite Egg or unseal his associates. 2) Pacts cannot be renegotiated. 3) The Vorpal Blade still works in an antimagic field. 3a) "Can The Vorpal Blade Kill-?" Yes. 3b) "What about if-?" Yes. 3c) "OK. But what about something like-?" Yes. 4) Pact artifacts must be worn to work, and they do not upscale with you. A Gigantic dragon would have to strap Wyrm's Visage to one of his ridges somehow. The World: 1) Elderia is a globe, about the same size as earth, with normal medieval population density. Ixtacotak: 1) No Dragonlord would give up their kindgom to you without a fight. You would face the Dragonlord, their Dragon Court and the entire army of said Dragonlord. 2) Those armies include multiple powerful magic using Dragon Priests. 3) They use a lof of poisons and venoms in Ixtacotak Mizuchi: 1) The Dragon Emperor is not a Greater Dragon Guns: 1) No guns
>>1719 >4) Hivemind will stop working if you enter Humanoid Form, all offsprings will drop to the ground, if they are not feed they will eventually starve and die. If you switch back to dragon form you will regain control over them. This looks like either the anon or Tok misspoke here. Shapeshifting into a humanoid form turns off anything it could not purchase normally, and scalelings cannot purchase hivemind. Scalespawn and scaleborn should be fine. Even if it was Tok, the rules of the CYOA should come first unless there is a good reason why not. >1) If you take a Tier 3 Pact, you only have to do the Tier 3 Pact. If you agree to kill the Spirit King for Shokunin, you don't have to give him your Dragonite Egg or unseal his associates. Not needing to do the lower rank pacts is a pretty big deal and worth pointing out. Also I want to say that I think 1.9 is the best version of this CYOA so far and fixes the biggest flaw it had. Previously the dragon forms felt not very important. Encouraging taking legendary features and tying the first to your species gives which dragon form you pick the extra importance it needed while still allowing a lot of flexibility. Now it feels true to the theme of being a very powerful dragon, instead of just a bunch of superpowers in a fantasy land. Combined with how interesting the wishes make the companion section, the good lore, freedom, and the balance of power and seriousness (no anime or video game reality bending), it might be the best power fantasy isekai CYOA yet.
Didn't an interactive version of this exist?
>>1721 Interactive https://hikawasisters.neocities.org/Dragonfall/en-us/ It has some errors, such as not listing arcane for Elemental Resistance, and not handling legendary traits properly. It can help keep track of Ur Embers, at least.
>>1721 >>1722 To clarify about legendary traits: if you have any at all, then one of them must be for a feature gotten for free from your species. Features gotten using the bonus points some species give count for this, but nothing bought using your general pool of 300 + drawbacks does. The rules are clear that the first legendary trait you get has this restriction, not just one of your two free ones. You can only get the unrestricted free one after buying the more restrictive first one.

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