I rather like this interactive Succubus CYOA, though the guy who made it says there are no plans to update it at this point. It seems effectively complete anyway:
There's some interactive CYOAs hosted here along with links to other CYOAs:
Startouched is also pretty good and made by the same guy working on Forbidden Caravan:
Interactive is certainly easier for users to work with and is particularly nice for very long and complicated CYOAs, but it's a pain to archive them, add onto or edit them, or use them with other CYOAs. Some browsers and security settings don't work with interactive either and they can take awhile to load.
I agree that anyone making Interactive CYOAs should also include a static version in case the site hosting the interactive version goes down for any reason and to have a version that doesn't have the issues of interactive.
Maybe it's the formatting or something, but I've noticed that some simpler interactive CYOAs can simply be write clicked and saved as an offline HTML document without apparent problems. A lot of them though seem to not work at all or don't load properly doing this.
It's possible to screenshot some to create a static version, but it has issues when working with a CYOA that only shows options when other required options are taken.
I'm not sure which, if any, web archiving tool would work with these to create offline versions consistently.
There's also that other people making DLC for these things or doing updates after they've been abandoned is something I have yet to see anyone do for an interactive CYOA other than manually creating an entirely separate version that includes the DLC or updates made from scratch. Interactive CYOAs so far also can't be easily integrated with CYOAs that affect other CYOAs. The tool everyone is using for these comes from here
https://intcyoacreator.onrender.com/ and most people are using neocities to post them, but it doesn't seem to have any ability to save post CYOAs for editing or integrating.
Another thing I'd like to suggest is not to use itch.io for hosting these. The only Interactive CYOA author that I've seen use it is TheBleachDoctor, but the site seems refuse connections and won't load games when using a VPN which is annoying.
The mod for r/InteractiveCYOA also says he's working on a better creation tool than MeanDelay's that's going to be free to use and open source, but no release date has been given IIRC.