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Drawthread F Speedy05 05/01/2021 (Sat) 22:11:34 Id: 68aa6d No. 13401
FOR REQUESTERS - Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - Leave reference image (for the characters involved. Pose is optional but can be forgiven if there's description. Any request without a reference image will be deleted) and clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - 6 is the max number of request per user a thread. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post) - Every 5 threads you can link to your old unfulfilled requests from previous threads, however you can’t just use all 6 of your request posts to repost the old undelivered stuff. - Past Requests are not allowed. They must be new. (which can be crossed out every 5 threads) - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. (not applied in this thread) - No bumping your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - All requests centering on the same fetish (such as oppai loli or futa) must be request chains - Be unique with your ideas, and don't spam things with "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties" every couple of days. (one or two requests may be forgivable, but 7 posts with the same trope is too much) - Only 3 requests (from one person/isp per thread) can use the same character. Have some variety. - Ban list: toilet/poop related requests, multiple requests where "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties", anything Fernado related (the red loli fox, Sparkle from Craig of the Creek transforming, etc) - Don't ban evade/use different IDs when posting offending requests. We'll know your posting styles and the filenames. - Once we hit the 550 mark, ALL BETS ARE OFF! No new requests can be made until the next Drawthread. FOR ARTISTS - Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title. - Remember to reply to the Requester via >> - Don't ask for requests. This causes flooding. - You're free to deliver for request from past threads. - You may go rogue on a request's description if you're only looking for inspiration. FAQ "Why won't anyone deliver my request?" It means artists aren't interested in your request. "Can I make a request about ___?" Anything is request-able so long as it doesn't violate any rules. "What happened to my request?" If your request is missing, usually it means you bumped a request. "I posted a request in the end of the last thread. Can I still bump that?" If it's a last minute request and most users moved on, then Yes. Have patience, give artist time, don't be rude and have fun. speedy05/SuperiorDragon will usually be here to help if you need him. Previous thread: >>10517
>>16113 I think that's against the rules
>>16197 Can you do male requests? Just asking.
Summer Smith riding her bike in her pink dress but it's lifted up and showing her grinding her pussy on the bicycle seat while Jerry is behind pushing her, like in example.
>>16212 it depends, ask me privately
550 posts. No more requests until Drawthread G (i'll create it in the next few days)
>>16017 Well, Dizzy's drawn lewd. Just like we wanted.
>>16190 Looks a little crude but nice work
Does anyone want to try to do the requests on the Shotacon drawthread at /sm/ ? Since we can't make anything here now that it hit it's limit.
>>16242 No friend, we're all loil lovers here.
>>16242 This is not how you advertise your board. Try harder.
>>16242 Artists can still draw for this thread. But we can't make requests. Also, don't beg for /sm/ stuff.
>>16250 I wasn't begging. There's hardly any artists on /sm/, anyway.
We finally made it 550. I don’t want to come across as too entitled or anything, but I’d like to hope that I could get at least 1 delivery before the next thread.
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>>15264 Delivery from b2c
>>16264 cute puppy
>>16219 What'll happen to all our old requests? Be sent to PalComix, or something else...?
>>16290 Do you really think Palcomix will make a free request? Really XD?
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>>15550 Ehhhh this thread is ending and I made this so I might as well post it. I've started over my sketches of this character 6 times, so it's not really surprising that I'm not yet satisfied. The biggest things I don't like are the dress not being the way I want it and my worries that the excessive belly skin looks like fat. I would appreciate any thoughts or advice.
>>16320 Wow! That's not something I didn't need to see. Does ANYONE else have any DELIVERY that they want to get out before this thread end and the new one begin? We're trying to reach 600 on here quick people.
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>>13610 I don't think I'll be using koikatsu for furry models again... I don't like how this one looks. I hope the animation was good at least, haven't done a blowjob yet. >>16322 rood and desperate
>>16334 what are you talking about? is so cute!
>>16338 The model's face and tail are cute, but I couldn't get her hair and body to be floofier! Like, look at the topright reference pic with the skunk in a swimsuit, super cute fluffs all over her body with a head of hair that looks like it's overflowing from under her bow... I consider it half baked!
>>16368 >Once we hit the 550 mark, ALL BETS ARE OFF! No new requests can be made until the next Drawthread Should I create the new drawthread now or in the next day or two?
>>16369 Might as well do it now if you're here and active. Also because I want to copy/paste my request
>>16369 >Should I create the new drawthread now or in the next day or two? Hold off on that. Just give it a few day or two or three. I'm sure we'll get to 600 by then and if not, then you can create the new Drawthread.
Since the thread is near its end I figure we at least talk about the rules. Normally I prefer to keep a hands-off approach with drawthreads but I do have to say the rules are very convoluted/overstated. I'm not saying you must do these, but I do have opinions of them and Speedy or Superior can have the final say of whether they want to do anything with them or not. >Leave reference image (for the characters involved. Pose is optional but can be forgiven if there's description. Any request without a reference image will be deleted) and clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. <for the characters involved It's obvious what characters are involved <Pose is optional but can be forgiven if there's description. What? Poses are not references? <Any request without a reference image will be deleted This is a little harsh. If the description alone is enough to pass the message, a ref wouldn't be needed. It's an option. Just as reference images are better for those who have difficulty describing what they want. And others are comfortable with using both. It should just be: Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. >Every 5 threads you can link to your old unfulfilled requests from previous threads, however you can’t just use all 6 of your request posts to repost the old undelivered stuff. >Past Requests are not allowed. They must be new. (which can be crossed out every 5 threads) These practically overlap. Honestly I'm not sure if you guys even commit to the whole every 5 thread thing anymore and if not, it no longer would be needed. This would be easier to track if you're using numbers (say: Drawthread 5, 10, 15...) but you use letters... so idk. It should be left: Past Requests are not allowed. They must be new. If you are using or planning to use the every 5 thread thing, it's better to state that in the FAQs section and actually striking out the rule when it applies. Also make an announcement about it at the end of a thread before anew is applied. >Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. (not applied in this thread) What do you mean not applied in this thread? So the rule is canceled out? >All requests centering on the same fetish (such as oppai loli or futa) must be request chains >Be unique with your ideas, and don't spam things with "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties" every couple of days. (one or two requests may be forgivable, but 7 posts with the same trope is too much) >Only 3 requests (from one person/isp per thread) can use the same character. Have some variety. >Don't ban evade/use different IDs when posting offending requests. We'll know your posting styles and the filenames. These are clearly aim towards spammers but there doesn't need to be four rules. Simplify it to: Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned or banned. >Ban list: toilet/poop related requests, multiple requests where "x character does a skirt lift to reveal her panties", anything Fernado related (the red loli fox, Sparkle from Craig of the Creek transforming, etc) This shouldn't be here. If you wanted to ban something or someone, create a BANNED section (with bold red text) in the OP, perhaps above or below the FAQs section.
[Expand Post] P.S.: Speaking of bold red text, Do try and use text formatting so it looks a little cleaner. _________ FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - 6 is the max number of request per user a thread. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post) - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned or banned. - Past Requests are not allowed. They must be new. FOR ARTISTS Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title. - Remember to reply to the Requester via >> - Don't ask for requests. This causes flooding. - You're free to deliver for request from past threads. - You may go rogue on a request's description if you're only looking for inspiration. FAQ "Why won't anyone deliver my request?" It means artists aren't interested in your request. "Can I make a request about ___?" Anything is request-able so long as it doesn't violate any rules. "What happened to my request?" If your request is missing, usually it means you bumped a request. "I posted a request in the end of the last thread. Can I still bump that?" If it's a last minute request and most users moved on, then Yes. "I forgot to tag my post as +Request/+Delivery. What do?" Simply Report it as "Forgot +Request/+Delivery" and mods will fix it right away. Have patience, give artist time, don't be rude and have fun.
>>16396 As one of the guys who usually create drawthreads, I can agree with the proposed rule change/suggestions. Though, I would have to practice the bold red text thing a few times in order to get it right
>>16396 My request is like MONTHS old, can I post it next thread? The Peacock one since it wasn’t done >>13460 And the Ashley one but this is only a month old >>15417 Also I still don’t know why my ID is 000000 and some share it
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anyone want to draw anything involving the 2 shots of Luz Noceda as a toddler shown in "Yesterday's Lie" which debuted yesterday? ANYTHING >>16369 Speedy I'm getting a "not found" for the post you replied to >>16368 Does this mean it's "no new requests" rule for 550 posts doesn't apply because mods deleted it in protest? I don't even know how we'd figure that out because the only thing I ever see listed is the post number in respect to the entire board, but it doesn't seem to list numbers in respect to just the thread. Adding that in too would be a pretty decent feature.
>>16406 See >> 16398 I'm retired.
>>16396 I can agree that these rule changes would be much more helpful. However, I still say we stick with the every 5 threads rule (which would be Drawthread J) but with the added stipulation that every Request Chain needs ONE original request included to avoid just tossing out all their in S delivered requests and actually adding some new content. I’d also say that any request bumped more than 3 times will be outright ignored, but I think that might be overcomplicating things which is what we’re specifically working to avoid.
>>16411 It's your say in the game but it has to come off clear. >>16410 Sorry and sad to hear. Mind you, I removed you from the volunteer group just in case the investigators start picking around the mod tools.
>>16396 What is this snake doing?
NEW THREAD!!!!! >>16439 >>16439 >>16439 >>16439 NEW THREAD!!!!!
>>16103 Thanks a million for the pics! The wait was no doubt worth it! 😄👍

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