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Delicious Erotica Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 20:04:18 Id: 919481 No. 175
Welcome to Delicious Erotica, a thread for all stories of dirty and delicious cake. If you're not a writer yourself but have come across good stories outside 8ch, feel free to share them here. Just apply some of the formats below. Global and Board rules apply. FOR AUTHORS These are the recommended formats to use when posting stories here on /delicious/. - Title your story in the Subject box. - Summarize and tag your stories with Green text. - Warn readers of gore, vore, scat, etc. in your story. - Post pics to give readers a visual representation. 2D/3D only. No photos. - If stories are outside of 8ch, post links. - Spell-check, because everyone hates reading a mess. - If you hit your character limit, you may post the story in .txt and .pdf. We do not recommend Pastebin as it will lock the story. Other recommended sites include FanFiction, AdultFanfiction, or Pixiv. Have fun and enjoy.
Edited last time by Lincoln on 01/30/2021 (Sat) 23:53:14.
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can yoou guys help me with something? I want to make the text here sound like actual old victorian english. so for now I put some fancy words I know, but I'm not even a native english speaker, so old timey vocabulary is a bit out of my reach. I want to make sure it sounds and feels authentic for the time period. I'm asking this here in the write thread because as writer, maybe you're more knowlegeable about vocabulary and language.(although, that thread was pretty low, I'm not sure if anyone is still here.)
>>5666 That's a great fucking image, Satan. Perfectly formed b00bz. Too bad they don't belong on a loli, BUUUUUT the drawing is 10/10 no matter what.
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glad to see this board still exists in some form or another. took me awhile to find this thread. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33680326 here's a pearl/connie foot fic i finished somewhat recently. there's another involving connie herself in the back of my mind i'd like to start up soon as well. oh, if someone could direct me to the closest shota equivalent of delicious so i can post my peedee story somewhere, that'd be swell
>>17495 You do know that books from that time are freely available on the net right? If can't read books for some reason, there are even free audio books available. https://librivox.org/through-the-looking-glass-by-lewis-carroll/ All these are in the public domain now, because these are written in a time were copyright law was reasonable. Hope this helps>>17495
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>>18094 uh, the pic was already finished and out before your message. but thanks anyway.
>>18097 Ah sorry. Guess I'm used to these threads moving slowly.
>>18097 >mister Caroll Fun fact Lewis Caroll's real name was Charles Dodgson and this would be how Alice knew him
>>18146 I know caroll is a pseudonym, but I think not everyone know that, lewis caroll is a more known and recognizable name. I wanted to make sure that people understand the context, it's already a pretty specific and obscure reference as it is, you wouldn't even get it if you haven't seen that photo of alice.
Anybody know where I can find Andrew Roller's "Bikini Brigade"? Seems like his entire repetoire was wiped from the Earth, or maybe it's still floating around usenets https://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/Celestial_Reviews/1997/243-Dec_17.txt
There’s at least two stories that I’ve been hunting for: one of them is The Great Experiment (I think the author was mint) and it was about this girl named Star who takes part in an experiment and falls in love with a doctor named Brian. The other one is Tales From the Galleria Mall (by Megadeth425, currently known as Nidoranduran), which is a 6Teen fanfic. Pretty sure it was never finished, but I haven’t been able to find it since it gets axed from AFF
>>18235 I think this is it: https://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/lump1 Further parts can be found at this link: https://www.asstr.org/files/Authors/Roller/ Search for filenames starting with lump
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wow...I really never thought I'd find a place like this where I can share this openly. I'm the author of pic related, can anyone give me some advice? I've started on a second chapter but it's been nowhere for a while.
Anyone know if the leslita site is still around?
>>175 I found link related on a different board on this same site >user737.bplaced.net/greentext some greentexts compiled by some 4chan anon. lots of good shit
Lexi Goes To Hell by SirSpectacular >Alexander Ward, a depraved and sadistic rapist, torturer, and serial killer dies and goes to Hell. He wakes up to find himself in the body of his own ideal victim, a young teenage girl. Tight, sensitive, and helpless: The perfect victim. > >He, now she, soon learns the exact nature of their ironic eternal punishment. This little self-contained bubble of Hell takes the shape of a simulated city, similar to many on earth, inhabited by both demons and damned. It is home to an insatiable horde of horny demons, and the damned souls of former sexual predators, each now wearing the body of their own ideal target. They soon learn what it’s like to be the victim. > > Demons love irony. > >This story is not for everyone. It is blatant smut containing extreme scenes of hard rape, cruelty and sexualized torture. Bad things happen to bad people. In Hell, there are no limits, no safewords, and no regard for damage caused (Bad BDSM practice, obviously). Little, if anything, is safe, sane, or consensual. The only good thing, perhaps, is that no damage is permanent, and nobody can die. Also no scat. All underage bodies contain adult minds, yet there is still some ageplay and incest kink thrown in for good measure. https://archiveofourown.org/works/31137932/chapters/76941245 Really enjoyed this one. Author also has a similar story up on lolicit, but it's been dead for a few years. Read if you enjoy extreme fucked up loli sex and cruelty.
>>5064 Does anyone know what happened to The Pediatrician (the guy who wrote Programming)? Fucked up loli sex is my favorite genre and it;s; all to rare.
>>24031 I think after Piper's Domain stopped updating he decided to disappear.
I know this makes me a sick fuck, but any stories of young adult/ young girl falling deeply in love and getting married? If it reads like >>5063 then that's just a plus.
Someone is encouraging me to write about some experiences but looking for a place that offers feedback. Is asstr.org the best place for that?
>>26860 >>26860 I think ASSTR is mostly dead nowadays.
>>26860 >>27022 ASSTR's navigation has gone to shit so there isn't much community but if you want a place that will host practically any story it's a good fit. You'll just need to link it and get discussion somewhere else.
>>27029 >>26860 Pixiv also allows stories and has built in comments.
>>27022 If you check the newly added page, it's still being updated. But the tag search is and will remain broken, I think.
>>27022 >>27053 Pixiv is confusing but I guess you mean to look under 'novels' for stories but everything is Japanese. Are there any hard no's for ASSTR and Pixiv? My content is all consensual though obviously NSA agents with adults. Are nonfiction stories forbidden?
lol why did it change und3r ag3 to NSA agents?
>>27053 Well, now I know where to put my stuff. Though I've still got to get through an editing process first. Right now, it's a bit choppy and I'm feeling like the pacing is a bit...not great. I know it's a stupid thing to focus on--it's porn, as long as the sex scenes are well-made, it's fine, and people don't go to hentai for plot structure or character depth--but that's just not something I can shake from my primary writing. The mainstream stuff, I mean.
>>27356 In Pixiv for art genitals need to be censored but other than that almost anything goes so I doubt there’s anything banned for stories. I have no idea for ASSTR but I’ve seen all kinds of stories there, I don’t know what you’d have to write to go over the line. If in doubt just read the terms of use.
If only we had Hey Arnold fanfics, with the chick that is wealthy and has no nipples as a protagonist! Rhonda, was her name? I think that was her name. Poor girl had no nipples.
Is asstr dead for good?
>>38646 Don't know, but there's a mirror https://asstr.xyz/ most links seem to work by replacing .org with .xyz
Requesting an erotica of the main girl from Ava's Demon. Something with her being vulnerable/needy, and losing her virginity. I want the male to be easy to self insert as. Maybe a fellow student of hers. Someone that actually cares for her (being the only one to be that way). Otherwise, I just want it to be sweet. Deflowering, impregnation, lots of kissing and loving words from Ava. Just stuff like that.
>>27710 How do you know she had no nipples?
>>1143 here are some general observations and critiques: >>Writing Style: The writing style is descriptive, providing detailed imagery of the characters and settings. There's a good balance between dialogue and narration, allowing readers to engage with the characters and their interactions. >>Character Development: The characters, particularly Alistair and Victoria, show signs of development and complexity. Alistair's protective and caring nature is evident, and Victoria is portrayed as a curious and intelligent character. >>Themes: The story explores themes of love, intimacy, and the emotional aspects of relationships. It also touches on the importance of communication and consent in intimate situations. >>Pacing: The pacing is relatively fast, moving quickly through scenes and events. Some chapters cover a significant amount of time, while others focus on specific moments. >>Sensitive Content: The story contains explicit content, including intimate scenes. It's important to approach such content responsibly and with consideration for the audience. >>Character Interaction: Alistair and Victoria's interactions are a central focus, and their dynamic is evolving. However, there are aspects that might benefit from further exploration, such as the emotional depth of their relationship. >>Consistency: There are instances of repetition, both in phrasing and narrative structure, which could be refined for a smoother reading experience. The narrative voice remains consistent throughout the chapters. >>Story Arcs: The story has a continuous arc, with each chapter contributing to the unfolding narrative. Introducing more subplots or external conflicts could add complexity. >>Cliffhangers and Transitions: Some chapters end with intriguing moments or questions, encouraging readers to continue. Well-crafted transitions keep the story flowing. >>Diversity and Inclusivity: Consideration for diverse perspectives and experiences can enhance the story's richness.
Yo, it's the future pilgrim from Drawthread M >>39623 I created this erotic story, the main reference is the Little Nunies, OCs from Ponpu : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105077279 Yes, it's a self-insert, but who is better placed to live the dream than the author itself ? If you want you can correct the story, I'm very open to constructive criticism. Right now, I'm writing the sequel.
>>38957 This is just an archive, right? So where are new stories being published these days?

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