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(133.00 KB 1282x727 screenshot-1.jpg)

Loli and cake porn/hentai games Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 10:46:56 Id: d28fbc No. 32091
I'm searching porn games involving cakes and lolis. I prefer apk, but I can use Windows too I just know Public toilet in summer and Unteralterbach
>>33719 Bumpity bump
bump for bird
>>35470 >>34030 no one's gonna leak the paid builds first of all it's against this board's rules and would be deleted either way but also no one is dumb enough to leak something they paid for with crypto support the creator
it was leaked on sankakucomplex
>>35586 well, technically it wasn't leaked, the G version was accidentally uploaded on the forum by the creator and then pulled later so some randos who didn't pay for it grabbed it for free it's also probably the reason he hasn't put out an update for 4 months now so thank you very much for killing the game for your 2 minutes of fame i guess?
>>35592 >Dev thinks piracy isn't free advertising and self-destructs if a single build is leaked Lmao.
>>35586 Can't find the source
>>35600 SHVtbWluZ2JpcmQgd2l0aCBkb25vciBjb250ZW50CgpodHRwczovL2RsLjc3NC5ncy9zLzU5Zlg=
>>35623 Dunno where to put this :/
>>35628 nvm figured out thanks!
>>35623 Password?
>>35632 its the username
>>35630 Where ?
>>35630 Glade you figured it out! ...care to enlighten those who haven't though? It reminds me of a magnet link, but...
Nevermind googled it and got it
what to do with this string? >>35623
>>35547 Not everyone has access in funding cypto wallets.
>>32091 >>35623 how works this?
>>35623 Expired, someone has it?
>>32091 Hizashi no Naka no Riaru
>>35623 Anyone still got this one and able to reupload it?
>>36610 Thank you :)
>>36610 anonfiles is dead. do you have a new link?
(4.11 KB 168x167 Vrelicon.png)

Degrees Of Lewdity Offline browser-based game. You're an orphan Loli / Shota who has to balance getting good grades and getting raped. Try to not fall in to despair from the constant molestation and avoid getting too horny yourself. Pay your dues or you'll get sold off to someone who may or may not treat you kindly. It has an active modding scene despite the game's size and simplistic graphics https://vrelnir.blogspot.com/
>>36610 Any chance of a re-upload friendo? Feels unlikely the dev will ever do anything with it again. Dog bless
>>32091 there's some stuff here, didn't check any https://www.onlyhgames.com/zh/?s=loli
>>32091 Hello, i just wanna know if there is someone who knows a eroge about lolis with chubby body that had an animation similar to live2d What i renember about it is one animation that is of a loli eating something that tasted horrible for her but she couldn't react more and fell uncounscious. Also a ghost loli appeared almost at the end of it.
>>36610 Any chance of a re-up?
>>36388 Tried it, it's pretty good. Going for a 100% run is difficult though. I have the link somewhere if anyone else wants to give it a go.
>>35592 Great, I hope it dies. Paying for crypto my ass.
>>33911 anyone got the new version? 2023-11-G

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