He's apparently a breadfag, topjej. Or, at least doesn't realize they're all faggots not worth even considering the opinions of, in the context of leftist politics anyway (though that applies to the vast majority of faggots on the web, let alone jootube).
https twitter com/sharknightling/status/1288177336626683904
https twitter com/sharknightling/status/1288457339440435200
Not much on what he claims to be his YouTube channel (unless there's another with the same color icon; there were others of the same name with different colors) other than some narutard video:
https www.youtube com/channel/UCSYuw29UK_RTIeUPuMkFcMg/videos
I tried looking for more of his comments, but it's not working/I don't remember how to search a specific user's comments. Comment in question, for anyone interested (I swear I've seen the pasta before...):
The "Coconut dilemma"
You wake up, stranded on a deserted island. As you feel the sand scratching your body, you remember the last, terror filled instants on the airline. You shiver remembering the explosion of the first engine, and then the second, as the desperate voice of the captain was ineffectively trying to keep the passengers calm.
You stand up. Your legs hurt like hell. Something's broken in your foot, but you still feel it there, at least. You limp your way on the island, trying to find something to eat or drink, your throat aching. Suddenly, you see a small refuge ahead of you, constructed with palm trees. A hulking figure is cutting wood in front of the doorway. You remember him as the passenger in front of you. You didn't talk, not even exchanged glances, but you thought of him as a weight lifter, or at least a body builder. You let out a tired wheeze, and the man notices you. He approaches you and helps you to the house, letting you lay on the floor. "Water" you ask. He produces half a coconut, filled with clear liquid. As you stretch your arms he stops you. "You are going to drink only after you suck my dick". Saying this, the man whips out his gigantic member. You clear your throat.
"Well, this isn't coercive at all, you see, because I still have the possibility to refuse. You are not threatening violence upon me, and the power imbalance is completely not relevant. While I find this in bad taste, this is still not an inherently evil act by your part".
You are Bastiat.
You suck his dick.
Anyway, I hope he goes back to loli soon.