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Video/Hentai Sites with Accurate Tags Horndog 06/08/2021 (Tue) 06:21:22 No. 101
Anyone know of any decent video/hentai site with accurate tags? I'm talking about tags outside of the generic "big boobs" or "rape"; stuff like "pregnant", "birth", "inflation" and "loli". You have some places that host series like Shoujo Ramune but refuse to acknowledge that its lolicon. While other sites have Inyouchuu Shoku: Harami Ochiru Shoujo-tachi, but never acknowledge it has birth, inflation, or even pregnancy scenes; at the rarest I've only found one place that has "unbirth" listed. Yet a majority of them refuse to acknowledge "loli" at all. There's always places like Sankaku and Gel, but I'm looking for a video site just to watch and not have to worry about the mountain of other material those sites also host. I'll be making this thread both on /ero/ and /h/ for maximum coverage.
If you're looking for pure video hentai sites, then your options are limited. My goto is hanime.tv, but the tagging situation in that place isn't very good. I don't even think users are allowed to change tags for the videos at all. really I'd just recommend using Sankaku Channel if you're looking for something specific, and something like hanime if you just wanna browse videos. I tried looking for a video site with better categorization too, but I wasn't able to find one. Though it's not as relevant to me anymore, since I keep a local collection now, and only use the websites to find new stuff for it.
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>>102 To expand on that a bit, the reason why if hard to find good websites for hentai videos that tag them well is because tagging for media with duration is an unsolved problem. With images, tagging is simple and sensible. If something appears in that image, you apply the appropriate tag to that image. That's it. But with videos (or anything else with duration) things change. Now it's more complicated. If you apply the same logic you applied to tagging images, to tagging files, then that would mean that anything that happens in a video, gets the whole video tagged with that tag, even if it was just a 10 second moment in a half hour video. I've seen hentai video websites operate with this logic, and while it means that you'll never miss anything when you search, it also means that if you're searching for something like "anilingus" for example, you're gonna have to filter through a whole lot of "he just licked her ass for 10 seconds then stuck it in" shit. But for some people, that might be what they want, and if the website were more strict about how much prominence a certain tag has to have to apply to the video, then they'd miss a lot of stuff they might enjoy. Still an active area of "research" I guess. So until an elegant solution is found, it's all gonna be shit for videos in one way or another. It sucks, but the only solution I can think of is stupidly complex, so I don't have a good idea either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>101 What's stopping you from just using a booru like Sankaku and including the video tag in your search?
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You know a hentai is generic if most of translation is in your 'generic uploaders' blacklist
sankaku and gel are unusable without accounts now anyway, so they're history
>>103 this is an issue on exh as well with doujins, as you can have one panel of rimming in a 32 page piece and people tag it. Ok, sure, they have weak tags but it's still not clear. Fundamentally, people don't want to spend too much time tagging media. it's a shame.

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