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Hola que tal a todos! Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Lun) 08:24:47 566
Spanis people are the best!
>>566 espanol "people" es no bueno. Es todos pendejos. Y tu madre es un mi puta. Tu quero mi juevos tu maricon.
>>567 >Flags enabled Dammit OP I was trying to be racist. Now everyone knows im an American. Dammit. Well now im here though, do you have any oil? Like maybe a couple wells or some pipelines or even a warehouse full of barrells possibly? Asking for a friend.
Te crees mas gay o algo por insultarme?
Editado por última vez por Franco en 17/09/2023 (Dom) 17:12:56.
La gente que insulta es mala
>>569 What? Speak american. Or honestly just ban me and clean up the thread.
Viva España!
>>566 En el ano tengo cositas que pican por la noche y tienen vida propia inteligente

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