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/sthg/ - Sonic The Hedgehog General Anonymous 02/08/2019 (Fri) 00:00:35 No. 12712
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss all things Sonic! /sthg/ #24 - Season of Love Edition >Sonic News< Sonic The Hedgehog panel announced for 2019 SXSW https://nintendoeverything.com/sonic-the-hedgehog-panel-confirmed-for-sxsw-2019-announcements-teased/ Green Light Ride (Short version) - Theme Song of Team Sonic Racing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWFOcegKMn8 Sonic Mania Adventures Part 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpfIblkRspQ Sonic Annual coming in March, includes a cover by Yuji Uekawa https://comicbook.com/2018/12/20/exclusive-sonic-hedgehog-annual-yuji-uekawa-cover/ Sonic Unleashed and all DLC added to Xbox One backward compatibility program, improves performance https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/SONIC-UNLEASHED/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80253450812 >General Interest Links< General Link Compilation https://pastebin.com/gSsdpUB5 Sonic Film News https://pastebin.com/r2iZ0yFm /sthg/'s Refurbished Drawfag Booru http://sthg.booru.org/ Event/Video Streaming Site https://cytu.be/r/sthg /sthg/ Bumper Engine Latest Release https://mega.nz/#!Wd1FXBTY!KWJFIn3rTMUkLhiVYdWiV5SXulh6FCAEAi3b9sQxrZQ Previous Zone: >>12709
>>13279 Nikel is cute.
Do you guys think we'll get new and different spinoff side games after TSR?
>>13285 I can see SEGA making Sonic racing games a bit more common in-between games if TSR does well. I'm kinda hoping we get some more unique spinoff titles in the future, however. Been way too long since the last Sonic fighting game.
>>13285 I don't want to doomsay but no. It doesn't seem like Sega has anything in store for Sonic other than 1 core game every 3-4 years, a long running mobile game, and a racing spinoff whenever they feel like it. Given how same-y the franchise has been for the past decade, I think they're scared to try anything new
>>13281 Tee and Jun work well together. >>13285 I kinda doubt it. Most of their side stuff for Sonic seems to be more focused on the mobile side than making proper spin-offs. At best, I could maybe see them make some different things if the Mario & Sonic Olympics series ends. They did skip Pyeongchang 2018 and I have a feeling SEGA wouldn't have cared to have the license if 2020's event wasn't in Tokyo.
>>13285 Sonic's history is plagued with spinoff games, so I don't think they will just outright stop making them, but I would think how well TSR does will have an effect on things. They don't seem to have any ideas on different spinoff games they could make, though.
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>>13292 >Classic Sonic speaking Heresy! And damn, I can't believe I'm nostalgic for Sonic X edits
>>13261 Did evan write/draw this issue?
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>>13295 Have you tried a proxy?
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>>13282 >no sound unacceptable, anon.
>>13296 No need, really, I do have the episodes in my hard drive, but I wanted to see what happened if I tried watching them on the site.
>>13298 Ah. Well, nevermind then.
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>>13285 I kind of want a version of Dark Brotherhood that isn't bunk, but I know that's probably never going to happen. A new Sonic party game would be cool, I kind of enjoyed the party mode in Secret Rings.
>>13300 No more bumping.
>>13301 Man, I just want a decent Sonic RPG in the style of the Mario RPGs.
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>>13304 >Sega gets AlphaDream to develop a Sonic RPG >it turns out to be not as good as the Mario RPGs >we never get a new rpg ever again
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>>13312 Me too but people would complain about Amy having that sort of tendencies again.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHFxBpT-r7s Finally, after 10 thousand year- >I got bored, so I'm moving on, here's the engine unfinished Dammit. Well, at least someone could at least upload their work even if it's not finished, instead of never releasing anything like Project Hero… But then again, there goes another one I guess…
>>13316 Oh for fuck sake Well, I at least hope that someone does something in this engine, even if it's an unfinished one.
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>>13316 I'm sad he gave it up but I'm honestly not surprised he did
>>13320 >People only showing up to SEGA HQ before it shuts down for a Pokemon GO raid That's depressing
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>>13316 That's honestly so far one of the most "full-of-life" Sonic Fan Engines I've seen so far. Even if it's unfinished… I just hope it has a community dedicated enough not to just let it rot with the rest of the Open Source Bloatware you find on fan sites.
>>13322 >not just let it rot Let's be real here. There's a half dozen or so 3D Sonic fangame engines. The ones that are easiest to mod and use will be the ones with the more active users and interest, regardless of how finely tuned the engine is under the hood compared to the others. A very decent chance the engine could be dead in less than a year or two
>>13321 I think I've seen some other employees going or talking about it, but I can understand how seeing an empty building could be not that thrilling to most.
We need a new thread at some point.
>>13325 We kind of don't. It's an entire board dedicated to Sonic. We still have old threads lingering around the top pages
>>13325 We need a baker
>>13329 New Thread >>13329

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