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GamerGate Radio

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Bioware hires racist developer Leader 12/28/2015 (Mon) 23:00:29 Id: ea9a1b No. 310872
>>311233 you say the darndest things.
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>>311155 >My experience trying to inter-racially date in US was mostly girls finding my brown skin/hair gross and wanting white or black men instead And here we get to the heart of the problem.
>>311155 so a white guy stole his girlfriend right? how else can someone be so obsessed with white dudes without being a closeted homosexual
>>311233 >buttfuck children >massive tits are you that dipshit who tried to say the chick from dragons crown was part of lolicon culture?
>>311250 >>311286 guess i was right lol
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>>311250 >They don't like my dark skin and hair so they choose people with darker skin and kinkier hair over me. >Fucking racists. It couldn't possibly be that omega cucks dry their pussy up like a fist full of salt.
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>>311288 >>311291 I wonder how this guy's name is pronounced. We'll need to know that before his sexually frustrated ass inevitably goes postal. Is it Heir like the english word of the same spelling? >You can't prepare for the Heir Or is it some retarded shitskin pronunciation like hay-ir? >You can't steer clear of the Heir
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>>311250 Dood sounds like an Elliot Roger wanna be,he has the same massive entitlement as him minus the cash,nice cars and champagne/wine glass. The fact that he automatically heads to race rather than lets see his less than stellar personality is even more telling
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>>311311 >lol i troll u Jesus, you're not even trying now, and why are you even bothering to change your IP?
>>311000 fight fire with fire
>>311323 >>311287 I think our new troll has a fetish for people greentexting his post number, he post, wait for a reply, then delete his retarded post. you end up with a grren text, and it make him "special"
>>311355 your welcomed, and happy new year
>>311359 Saying happy new year is offensive. Come on man, it's 2015 :^)
>>311155 Typical indian cunt with no game that's butthurt about the fact that he cant get a white woman to fuck. it's pretty endemic with these idiots especially when you see their shitty Bollywood movies and their mindset in general.
>>311250 The dissonance they experience is hilarious.
>>311291 Their shitty movies make brainwash them into believing that white women will fall at their feet upon looking at them.
>>311353 Wait, you can delete your posts?
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Nigger needs to take more pics outdoors than in the house,he could have gone to a bar or something instead drinking all alone.
>>311145 >The difference, my dead Shillston, is that Disrespectful Nod targeted Gawker because of years of shady practices, countless violations of journalistic ethics and the fact that it's filled to the brim with terrible people. It also didn't target a specific person, but a conglomerate. And yet you didn't go after Gawker until after one of their idiots tweeted about bullying. Somehow I doubt most of your emails had anything to do with ethics.
>>311415 >Promoting bullying >Not unethical Nigga you high?
>>311415 >And yet you didn't go after Gawker until after one of their idiots tweeted about bullying. Somehow I doubt most of your emails had anything to do with ethics. This has to be bait,there is no way someone actually believes this shit and then typed it out on /gghq/.
>>311394 I know the feature was disabled at one point because of a necrobumper bumping old shit and deleting his post to create a stealth bump and not be caught. will do a double post and try to deleted. if I can<t it means a mod is having fun
>>311421 I know the feature was disabled at one point because of a necrobumper bumping old shit and deleting his post to create a stealth bump and not be caught. will do a double post and try to deleted. if I can't it means a mod is having fun (2nd post here, trying to delete 1st)
>>311418 Of course it is, notice the way he uses the word "you". It's a false flagging attempt, prolly by Designated Dev himself.
>>311427 He probably thought he was being Le Ebin Trollmeister LoL kekZ xD!!!!
>>311427 He probably thought he was being Le Ebin Trollmeister LoL kekZ xD!!!!
>>311416 >A person's opinion >unethical Whatever helps you sleep at night.
>>311437 I sleep just fine, thanks. If the person's opinion is that their reader base should have been bullied as children, they're entitled to that opinion. They're not entitled to have their reader base put up with their shit.
Actually you can't be racist against white people.
>>311000 >>311000 Just letting the SJWs know that their sword cuts both ways. Not to mention, I'm sure that Bioware/EA would like to know that this guy is spouting blatantly racist rhetoric against (let's be honest) the majority of their customer base, while at the same time namedropping the game on his personal twitter. It doesn't reflect very well on their branding. His personal privacy doesn't apply here, because he's offering these opinions up in a public forum, and freedom of speech doesn't apply, because as the SJWs are always eager to point out, that only applies to goverment intervention. It could also be argued that this walks the line of hate speech, which is illegal. I just contacted them, let them know that I've been a ME fan from the beginning, and that I was making the conscious decision not to buy the game because of this guy.
>>311250 If this makes him so angry at white men on his twitter timeline, imagine what he has to say about black men when his regressive-leftist overseers are not in earshot.
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>>313669 What happened to 'racism isn't an opinion'? Oh wait, that doesn't fit the narrative.
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>>317424 /leftypol/ pls

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