Progressives "believe" they are fundamentally right in what they do. To them that means that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong and an enemy of what is right. Which is why their first recourse is to call whomever they disagree with a nazis, fascists, etc. As far as their mentality is concerned if you disagree with a progressive, you might as well be a nazi as far as they're concerned.
When shaming doesn't work, progresives then rely on crushing their enemies by "deplatforming" them on social media and financial platforms like gofundme or to allow banks to freeze funds. Progressives still do not consider this to be a disproportionate response because their enemies are still wrong for disagreeing with them. Normalfags recognize this as bullshit though.
If these measures do not work, progressives resort to violence. Ordinarily the progressives would resort to petty vandalism or firebombing. If they are in political power they will see nothing wrong with using the police or the armed forces to crush the hated nazi opposition.
On large scale acts of disobedience like the protest convoy, progressives will continue to go too far because no matter what they do, the progressives always think they and by extention, what they do, is the right thing.