/gts/ - Giant Women

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Greentext stories/general writing thread Tiny 08/07/2015 (Fri) 16:50:59 No. 476
I'm mostly gonna use this thread to save any greentext stories that people write in /d/ threads, but if anyone wants to post their own stories or link to anything they like then that's great too.
>>1390 >The cute brunette woman sitting at her desk in the room with little planet; her office set up in the corner with most of the space dedicated to being empty to minimize risk the the fragile little ball >Her hair done up in a ponytail, to prevent loose hairs from accidentally razing the little planet. >"GOD, I DON'T WANT TO GO SHOPPING TOMORROW, MY FEET HURT…" she idly complains out loud to everyone, her womanly voice loudly, but not unpleasantly, vibrating through the ground of little planet, shaking it to its very core >She groans as she glances at the clock, having a ladies night planned for after work in an hour with her few closest friends >Pulling her folded up blue dress out of her bag, she then walks across the windowless room, unaware that the entire world getting an eyeful of her full bouncing boobs, and gyrating butt >Opening the door and starting down the hallway, The high tech security door automatically locking itself behind her >Peeks down at the foyer, to see a fuckin huge line to the ladies room; apparently one of the other bathroom's in the complex having flooded >"DEARS…. PROMISE ME YOU WON'T PEEK, WILL YOU?" Her relatively colossal voice pleads. Mom watching as the security door automatically latches itself shut, before walking to the corner of the room, undoing the button of her work jeans, and straddling it down her legs >Her shirt going much of the same way, Mom tugging it up and up, her generous breasts satisfyingly bouncing up and down. >"UGH, THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING! BUT IT BEATS WAITING AGES JUST TO GET CHANGED…" The now half nude woman bashfully says, halfheartedly trying to cover up her panties which had rode a bit tight against her womanhood, as well as her nipples which poked very visibly against the fabric. Knowing full well that there's no way at LEAST a billion were watching her
>>1391 >"YOU ALL THINK I'M PRETTY THOUGH, RIGHT?" Mom rhetorically says down to her microscopic captive planet >Her unimaginably vast, almost nude frame moving at impossible speeds across their sky, as she then heads back to her desk, grabbing a hair clip that she forgot >On her way back to her dress, she smiles, and stops right next to little planet; level with her crotch. her boobs obscuring the view of her face oh so far above >Literally the entire sky being just her vagina, very clearly visible at their size through the thin frilly fabric >"I KNOW I SAY THIS A LOT, BUT YOU ALL ARE SO CUTE! SOMETIMES I WISH I COULD JUST TAKE YOU ALL HOME WITH ME~" her warm womanly voice shaking up the entire world at that close of a distance >The entire world getting a 10/10 view of her soft, panty clad butt as she turns to continue her business >Puts on the dress, and playfully asks "AH, ZIP ME UP WOULD YOU?~" to literally everyone, giggling as she struggles for just a few seconds, but eventually manages >Not too long after, the clock hits 5PM >"FINALLY!~" She exclaims, cutely stretching in her adorable blue dress, shutting off her workstation. >"IT'S BEEN ANOTHER LOVELY DAY DEARS! I'LL SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW~" She says with a wave, happily leaving, making sure the door is securely locked >Mom blissfully unaware that billions were feverishly re-watching HD recordings of her getting changed that night
>>1392 >Another typical day in the office for Mom and little planet >Browsing mundane work e-mail, cleaning the clutter on her desk, a slow day really. >Satisfied with her cleaning job, mom decides to take a break. Rolling her office chair over, and taking a seat right next to tiny planet; her face getting in the way of the 'sun' light >"I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THEY TRUST ME THIS MUCH! THAT THEY LET ME BE HERE UNSUPERVISED WITH YOU DEARS LIKE THIS~" She says softly, even that stirring up the oceans, a strong, sandwich scented wind gusting over the entire world with each breath >"AH! I WANTED YOUR OPINION ON SOMETHING LITTLE ONES! I BOUGHT THESE FOR MY HUSBAND LATER… DO YOU THINK HE'LL LIKE THEM?" Mom blushing softly, as she turns around, and undoes the button on her jeans. Revealing a pretty pink pair of lacy panties, complete with a (to them) planet-sized heart in the middle of her butt >the warm and familiar scent of mom's ass wafting over the entire globe >Mom doing this sort of thing pretty often, as she's the only one who knows how to communicate with the germ sized people; enjoying the perks of being able to demand the attention of all billions of them~ >Feeling generous, in a good mood, Mom then walks back to her desk. Everyone looking on with concern as she takes a single M&M, and crushes it with a firm press. The people knowing full well that could easily be them if she wanted >Grabbing a minuscule crumb of chocolate with the tweezers, and taking it over to the planet >the entire world seeing an overwhelming above shot of her tits, as she bends down, concentrating on keeping a steady hand as she gently releases the Mt. Everest size chunk of chocolate >Missing her mark by an amount she can't even notice, and crushing an entire town >"YOU'RE WELCOME DEARS~" She says with a little giggle. Nobody down there having the heart to tell her what she did with how kind (and hot) she is
>>1393 >After having changed in front of them the other day, and being guaranteed privacy from her co-workers, Mom decides to make herself at home, stripping off a layer of clothes >The brunette ponytailed woman standing above the planet in nothing but those cute panties, and a tight plain white tank top >"I WOULD TURN DOWN THE AIR A BIT, BUT THEN YOU'D ALL FREEZE!~" She says, both her and everyone on little planet knowing that she's just likes the attention >Mom proceeding to talk to her little world about petty personal stuff. About the drama she has with the HR woman, and the guy on first floor who stares at her too much, and how her husband forgot to pick up milk… >Not aware that her voice is so big and powerful, that it makes it hard for any of the germ sized people to hear ANYTHING else. Being completely unintentionally silenced as she says whatever she wants >"OH! I ALSO GOT A NEW PEDICURE YESTERDAY! DOESN'T IT LOOK NICE DEARS?~" the sky darkening once more as she takes her right foot out of her shoe, strips off the sock, and raises it up so that her toes are on the side of the planet opposite to her and her chair >The odor being barely noticeable to her, but absolutely overwhelming to everyone else. The stuffy scent of office lady foot rolling over the planet in waves >The pink floral pattern of her toes reflecting the light of their 'sun', causing people to squint as their sky suddenly lights up because of Mom's toenails. "THEY'RE PRETTY RIGHT?~" she says with a smile on her face, eventually setting her foot back down >Mom checking her little planet e-mail not too long after, and smiling as she sees tens of thousands of messages from people all across little planet, complimenting her on her clothes, thanking her for the massive chocolate mountain, and casually chatting with her >Hardly anyone criticizing her about anything, always wanting to stay on her good side~
>be one inch tall >have chubby giant roommate >she thinks you're cute, enjoys watching you interact with normal-sized stuff like pencils, coins, makeup, berries, etc >talks about how tiny and weightless you are when she picks you up, will place you her on her bare belly/thighs to enjoy the feeling of your tiny feet on her bare skin >She says its really cute, she can only feel the lightest tickle as your tiny feet cross the hills of her flesh >As a joke one day she gets out a bad dragon marital aid and puts it next to you >"Oh my god anon its like a tower compared to you!" >Picks you up and places you on the head, it smells funny >She makes a joke about how the view is from "up there" >Gets a look in her eye, smirks >Slowly shimmies out of her pants >Stands over the marital aid, casting it into shadow with her nude undercarriage >"Hmmm, I wonder if you'd tickle somewhere else anon…"
I made a quick thing. Criticism is welcome https://pastebin.com/X9vg7ic1
>>1435 I really enjoyed this. Have you written anything else?
>slobby, chubby femanon with a big appetite >gets constant hookups on by showing off her huge cowtits and her fat ass on /soc/ and /r9k/ >invites naive anons on dates, shrinks them when they show up at her house >keeps the ones she's collected in a jar, teases them and pleasures herself with them, eating a few whenever more show up >one night she's in the mood for a proper binge >she orders a couple pizzas >shrinks the pizza guy too when he shows up >he's cute so she decides to let him get aquainted with her enormous ass >once he's shoved up in there, she plops down in her computer chair wearing nothing but a thong and starts to eat >she gets a few slices into her gut to quell her raging hunger and then she slows down and starts to play >dropping tiny anons onto the pizza slices as toppings >ominously crunching closer and closer as they struggle in the sticky molten cheese >finally slurping them to their doom in a hot mass of chewed food >or else just dropping a few in her mouth and molesting them with her tongue while she plays with her clit and watches anime >eventually she's cleared out most of the pizza >her normally soft belly is bloated and taunt >it gurgles loudly, hard at work digesting pounds of pizza and a few dozen tiny people >she can still feel many of them struggling >rubbing her painfully stuffed gut, she lets out a nasty belch and turns to her last prisoner >scooping him out of the jar, she takes him back her to bed an lies down on her back >the movement disturbs her overworked bowels, her belly groans >to relieve the pressure, she farts crassly, giggling as the pizza boy's struggles renew in her colon >she places her last snack on her gut >pins him down to the flabby pale skin and makes him listen >beneath the gurgling noises of digestion, faint screams of agony >she laughs at his horror, and taunts him >pats the underside of her gut to jostle him around >and rips the loudest burp she ever has, spraying spit and bits of food across her bust, and even onto him >now within her gut he hears only churning >finally she grabs him, in his broken state, and pops him in her mouth >she sucks on him like candy while she gets off one last time >when she finally cums, she gulps him down >the last bit of weight burdens her tummy painfully >she moans and lets out a half hearted burp, before drifting off to sleep >eventually, the afternoon sun rouses her >sitting up, she feels her gut shift heavily in her lap >still bloated, but no longer hard, it sloshes wetly >she gives it an affectionate slap before getting up >she fishes the pizza boy out of her ass and drops him in the sink with a bit of water >as her only toy he has a lot of work ahead of him today, and she wants him to be clean >then she heads to the toilet >drops her flabby rump down on the porcelain >she barely relaxes before the ass splitting log of shit begins to emerge from between her meaty cheeks >thankfully, a few minutes of grunting and swearing and it's over >after she wipes, she gets up to examine the mess she made of the bowl >she smirks, satisfied with her body's work >churning losers up into shit and ass padding never got old
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>>1448 Good stuff, got any more stories?
I'll try my hand at one of these > be chubby giantess' little pet > be roughly 7 inches tall > she's feeling in the mood for some domineering, but has a few errands to run > she decides to place you in her panties, while she gets dressed > your head pops out of her panties just a little and is pressed against her chubby gut that protrudes outward > with a little work she slips on some old jeans that hug her child bearing hips and thick thighs nice and tightly > any wiggle room you once had traped in her panties is now gone once she manages to get that button in place > with all the weight she's put on you're surprised that her jeans are still able to fit despite her fat ass > she wanders around her room to find a bra that's loose enough to support her fat tits > once she manages to scoop her tits into her loose bra, she slides on a familiar looking t-shirt > Might've be been yours when you were normal sized, but it's been months of constant blue balling and near death experiences by that chubby giantess' that you could care less right now > the shirt clearly doesn't fit her, its hugging onto her midriff for dear life > she comments on how you've been such a good little play thing, and how she can't wait to give you your reward > she walks over to a nearby shelf where she keeps other tinies in various containers, non of them have seen the light of day for God knows how long > with your face pinned to her lower portion of her tummy, you can hear the inner-workings of her gut > you can tell its empty, but eager to be filled > her constant stomach growling reverberates throughout her gut, its surprisingly loud > with one hand she caresses the soft empty mound of fat that is her belly > with her other hand she plucks up one tiny and lowers them into her gaping maw > the cries and pleas for mercy start once she picks them up, and continue once she's scarfs them down > one by one she swallows one poor soul after > you can hear their constant agony muffled underneath her chubby gut > the process of her stomach start to kick in, what were once cries and pleas of mercy are now screams > the chubby giantess then remarks on how she ran out of tinies for food > "oh well, looks like I'll be dining out tonight." she says to herself
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>>1470 > the chubby giantess grabs her wallet, and keys and makes her way to her car > you can hear the constant sloshing of the people in her gut, they're still alive by the sound of it > from the sound of it, it looks like she was able to stuff at least a dozen people into her gut > those dozen people weren't even a snack for her, the chubby giantess's has barely > at first the stages of grief being displayed right before you was once traumatizing, now its just another typical day > you've lost count of how many people have befallen to her gut > you guess a few hundred, but from the look of her figure likely reflects thousands > chances are you weren't her first toy, and won't be her last > suddenly your train of thought is broken when you notice the chubby giantess sit down after wobbling her fat ass to her car > the full weight of her gut now spills out and rest upon her hips and thighs > the lower portion of her tummy bears down upon you, and the noises from her digestive system are more audible > needless to say its dark and muggy, but its better than that one time she slipped you in between her ass cheeks and decided to go for a jog around the block > from the noises you can make out from the people trapped within her gut are reminiscent of the stages of grief > most are still in shock and disbelief, some are in denial and crying something along the lines of "this is all just a bad dream" > few are expressing their anger by squirming against stomach wall and exclaiming how much of a fat cow she is, kinda ironic seeing they'll be adding to her fat soon but i digress… > the petty who are bargaining start praying to whatever god they belief in, and chances are those who are on the stage of depression, and acceptance have been churned up awhile ago. whats left of their body is probably at the bottom of her stomach > after a few minutes of driving the car slows to a halt, the contents of the chubby giantess's stomach slosh around in response > faintly you hear someones voice coming from an intercom > she's ordering fast food, figures… those people she has compacted within her gut didn't even make a dent in her appetite > cut to a few minutes later and she's already scarfed down a half pounder, large fry, and tall shake. this bitch is a bottomless pit > those sorry ass souls that somehow manage to stay alive within her gut were now being crushed and suffocated by the sheer amount of food she was forking down, they were goners before the food but this was just adding insult to injury > with the constant sounds of her digestive system gurgling and going to town, you've come to the realization that she didn't even think of those individuals as people, just food. no different from the burger she ate > throughout the drive to her home, the she was constantly rubbing her now satisfied distended belly, her panties moistened with each rub > from where you're pinned her gut definitely felt firmer than it was awhile ago, but that thick layer of soft pudge was still there if not more pronounced
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>>1471 > eventually the chubby giantess arrives home and begins to maneuver herself out of the car, going out of her way to suffocate you with as much as her belly fat as possible before she fully stands up > when she closes her car door and proceeds into the house, you can't help but feel every motion of her fat figure and the contents withing wobble and sway side to side, up and down. it's feels quite hypnotizing > her stomach groans reverberate along her lower abdomen, as if the contents within her gut are eager to make its way through her intestines > from there she makes her way to her room and starts to undress > first went shirt, which was a pain for her to get off seeing that it took awhile for her to wiggle it above her head, probably was stuck to her gut and love handles > then second was the bra, once she unpinned the straps, you suddenly felt that extra weight of her tits bear down against the rest of the torso and the top of her gut > finally she unbuttoned her jeans, her whole gut wobbled and rested itself a little lower then you remember last time, but you didn't care you were finally able to breath a full breathe after what seemed like an hour of pressing torture > she then proceeded to throw herself onto her bed, her full gut oscillating with each motion > once relaxed she lets out a thunderous belch and firmly pats her gut > "that was a good lunch" she says > "don't you think so anon?" she adds > before you were able to say anything, she replies to your silence by saying "hold that thought." as she moves her hand into her panties pressing you with her fingers against her moist labia > she starts to coo and motions a few of her fingers along with you in a circular motion around her pudgy vag > minutes of this pass, and eventually your soaked within her pussy juices > she starts to insert you into her vaginal opening, all the while using her other fingers to rub her clitoris > her other hand she uses groping her wobbly tits and fondling her swaying gut > eventually after a good 30 to 40 minutes of this constant rhythm she reaches climax > "fuck, that was good!" she exclaims out of breathe > every inch of you is soaked in her cum >you're sore as hell, but oddly enough the warm body heat she radiates from her chunky figure soothes your aches > she eventually snatches you away from her snatch, and towards her face > her large eyes starring you up and down > she licks her lips and giggles > she opens her mouth and says "look at you anon, you're so messy." > she then motions you closer to her mouth near her lips "I think you need a good cleaning, what do you think anon?" she whispers > you catch a whiff of her breathe, it smells of burgers and death > her mouth opens wide and her tongue gives you a slobbery wet lick > she moves you as if she was going to place you in her mouth, but instead her grasp pulls you back and she places you at the end of her gut > once she lets go of you, you manage catch your footing on here wobbly pot belly > once again she giggles and then opens her mouth again licking her lips while its open, with her hand she motions a finger for you to walk to her. into her mouth > a shudder goes down your spine, she really expects you to feed yourself to her…
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>>1472 > before you have time to complete your thoughts she uses her hand to wobble her jiggly belly from the side > the action catches you off guard and you stumble face first onto her tender paunch > she lets out a snicker and her belly wiggles a little bit > you manage once again to gain your footing, and deiced fuck it, "if this is how I'm gonna die, Imma look death in the face." > you start to make your way across her gut towards her face > with each step you take, you eventually get to being above her stomach > the sounds of her stomachs groans that you once heard when you were in her panties, were a lot louder when you were atop her upper gut > the chubby giantess smirks, and smacks the bottom of her gut > the sudden jolt kicks you forward but you manage to catch your fall and land on all fours instead of your face > when you look up you notice your at the base of her chest, where her breast sag and rest on opposite ends > from your point of view she's gotta have E cups > your concentration gets interrupted by the chubby giantess clearing her throat "looks like I caught you staring" she playfully says > out of the blue she motions both her hands and places them on the ends of her tits > she motions one breast behind you and bumps you forward to the next one, you stagger forward just to be met with the same situation but on the other end. > she continually bounces you back and forth between one large breasts to the other > you cant even start to gain your footing, and you fumble undeviatingly between each fat udder > eventually the chubby giantess squishes her breast together, and your body is completely enveloped within her bosom > with the help of her cum you were drenched in, you utilize what little strength your tired sore body has, and you manage to squirm your way out of her booby trap > as you slip out, you land right atop where her sternum is > "you're almost there my little toy, just a little bit closer" she simpers > she tilts her head down a little, and opens her mouth > her tongue stretches and rolls past her lips as if it was a rug being rolled out > with her outstretched mouth you can faintly see the muggy air emerging and dissipating as it escapes her through her maw. > with a nervous gulp, you swallow what little pride and hope you had left of this situation ever getting better and you crawl into her mouth > being roughly 7 inches tall you're a little bigger than the average tiny she's swallows on a daily basis, but then again you've seen her swallow bigger things you > its hot, damp, and dark > every motion of her tongue moves you throughout her mouth > the copious amount of saliva engulfs you > she savors every part of you while you lay recoiled in fear > her tongue get well acquainted with your genitals and every crevasse you have > throughout this experience within her mouth, her throat echos in anticipation for you to make your way down it > all of a sudden the constant harassment from her mouth ceases > the saliva within her mouth stops jolting around along with you, and you can feel her tongue slowly orientate you face first towards her throat > within moments her tongue tilts up and you gradually shift closer towards the back of her throat > her saliva rushes down past you into her gullet like a water slide > the chubby giantess unscrupulously swallows her saliva as your face inches ever closer to the edge of her esophagus > eventually her uvula rest itself atop your head, and your body starts to dissent onward into your final resting place > deep down you knew this is what would've become of your fate, just another faceless meal for this large cold hearted giantess
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>>1473 > just as the rest of you body starts to feel the chubby giantess throat muscles move you downward into her stomach, you feel a slight tug at the tip of your feet > without warning your body gets yanked suddenly upward… then back downward.. then once again upward… > as this motion continues you can feel the whole body of the chubby giantess start to quiver > her esophagus starts to convulse as she deep-throats your limp body back and forth > this continues for what feels like a minute until the chubby giantess slowly pulls you out of her gullet > your ragdoll body grinds upward against her tounge one last time so she can get that one final good taste of you before you go back done > but oddly enough she keeps pulling you upward, and eventually your feet feel pop out first > her lips puckered up slurps and sucks on you > eventually you emerge outside her mouth and past her lips > as she dangles you above her head your met with a devious smile, and her oddly calming bedroom eyes > "There we go, all nice and clean, aren't we now anon?" > you nod your head yes in disbelief > she lets out a hardy laugh "you don't think I'd get rid of my favorite toy, would you anon?" she asks > you stumble a little bit but you manage say "no ma'am. I don't think you would." > "awww…" she coo's in disapproving tone > "are you sure you don't want to become apart of me" she says coaxingly as she dangles you above her gut > she bites her lip and gently caresses the lower side of her chubby gut, it slowly oscillates back and forth in a hypnotizing rhythmical manner, its still churning its previous contents up into bio-matter to be absorbed later in her intestines > then she moves you over to her breasts and with her spare hand she gropes and squishes one of her fat udders > "what about these? don't you want to add to these?" > you remain quiet and somewhat mesmerized by her large physique > eventually she lets out a pout and places her spare hand on her hip that's resting laid out upon the bed > "I'll take that silence as a yes then, anon." she smirks > she let's go of you, but instead of falling into her mouth, you plop down on top her gut where her stomach would be > her hand reaches for you once again and pins you down flat atop her paunchy belly > the sound of her stomach processing her food is ear piercing > the chubby giantess lets out a soft burp, you could feel the pressure escape her stomach and travel its way up to her mouth > suddenly she re-positions herself on her side, and slides you upward against her body in between her breast > your body is once again engulfed by her massive buxom, but thankfully your head is slightly just above them > she leans her head closer towards your head, her lips graze the top of your scalp >she then whispers "I knew you'd say yes, so as far as I'm concerned you're already apart of me." >"Do you understand that?" she ask > you pause for a second, considering all the options you have. which are none. > "yes ma'am, I understand" you answer > her lips grow smug, and she replies "Good… I knew you would." > she then puckers up her lips and gives a gentle kiss to the top of your head > she moves her head back on top her pillow > you lie squashed between the chubby giantess's breasts, your heart is racing from the torment and humility you've just experienced > but as your heart darts against your chest, you hear the slow rhythmical heart beat of the chubby giantess > it's massive size compared to yours releases a tranquil thumping that slowly subdues your unease > slowly your eyes grow heavy, and you proceed to drift of into a deep slumber to be continued?
>>1466 >Good stuff, got any more stories? I do actually, most aren't like that one though. These probably the closest (vore, stuffing, chubby pred, etc): https://pastebin.com/F45CLukV https://pastebin.com/4MKZjxLC You can find my other stories here if you're interested: https://pastebin.com/u/ConcordantOpposition
>>1476 Good stuff, whenever you get the chance post send me some references pics of your giantess characters in your stories. I want to draw them whenever I find the time
>>1493 I've never had anyone make art of my characters, so it would be really cool if you did some! Which ones are you most interested in drawing? I'll try to put together more detailed descriptions of them with some reference images. Do you have an account on Eka's Portal, or DA, or maybe an email I can send stuff to?
>>1497 Here's a link to my eka's portal account: https://aryion.com/g4/user/epicprivate
>you expected kinky >but you didn't quite realize how kinky >you'd met her online through a mutual love of size difference >size difference of an extreme, impossible variety >at least, a variety you considered impossible >it was date three when she broke your understanding of reality >you'd expected more ceremony >instead, she just gave you a playful look as she rested your hand on her chest >my god, it was getting bigger >wait, no >as her eyes began to level with yours, it became obvious: >she was getting bigger >scratch that >the growing weight of your clothes >the feeling of your legs pulling away from the ground >you were getting smaller
>>1500 >of course, you still had your hand on her chest >not that you had a choice >her own hand, now larger than your own, held firm >not that you were complaining >she watched you dwindle with what seemed a practiced nonchalance >though your reduction was causing a subtle widening of her smile >as if she enjoyed each inch being sucked away as you went from sitting on the couch to standing on it >to having your hands now clutching her titanic shelf of a chest >with you still dangling there, held helplessly in place
>>1501 >her other hand moved deftly underneath you >your nude body had slid right out of your shirt's sleeve >and now, as she finally released your hands, you sank into the pillowy softness of her palm >she drew her face closer, an act that put so much mass into motion that it sent your reeling mind into a panic >you scooted back into her palm, into the arches of her fingers >looking on helplessly as her smirking form became the only sight you could see >the oppressive warmth of her very breathing changed the temperature around you >and her smirk turned into a smile >with one impossibly swift motion, her pillowy lips had you pinned against her palm in the most overwhelming kiss you'd ever experienced >the subtle smoothness of her lips and the sensuality of that kiss mingled with her effortless strength to make you harder than you'd ever been in your life >you creamed yourself on the goddamn spot
>>1502 >the sudden, small spurt of warm liquid across her lips was enough to have her break character >unconsciously, she licked it up >all of your suddenly released seed gone with one motion of her tongue >she made a little face as she looked down at you >then she laughed >you were your normal size in no time >well >almost normal size >she'd elected to put you large enough to luxuriate in her lap >your head resting against those soft breasts you're certain she'd enlarged >or perhaps she had simply enlarged her entire self >your head was still spinning after what had happened, so it was impossible to tell >that was the day you discovered your girlfriend could manipulate size without even trying >and that was the day the walls of your old life began to break down
>>1503 >of course, she eventually returned you to your old size >she had her own needs, too >it was strange, going from handheld to being able to please her in the span of mere minutes >but she knew what you liked >and you knew what she liked >subtle shifts in size were the norm, now >each date you knew you would end up a bit smaller >or she might be bigger >she would greet you at a restaurant more than a foot taller than you >not-so-subtly smothering your head into her chest as she hugged you in greeting >movie nights were an invitation for her to buy in with just one ticket >you could watch from the chest window >or keep you both entertained if the movie got too dull >you'd become adept at navigating those monstrous mammaries >titillating her tits >or even slipping down her shirt and going for deeper regions, if you were feeling daring >of course, you ran the risk of her keeping you there the rest of the night if you riled her up too badly >not that you minded
>>1504 >your size play began to subtly affect the rest of your life, too >growing and shrinking wasn't an exact science >even after you told her your height, she could really only guess >some days at work you noticed your clothes were a little loose >or even too tight >worse, you'd been growing distracted >teasing texts came and went throughout the day >shots of her body >tantalizing images of places you could be >she missed her little seat cushion >her chest warmer >her little mouth toy >it was all you could do to keep yourself composed at work >you barely went home these days >straight from work to her place >straight from a clean six feet to a small six inches >you could hardly grasp the changes, sometimes >going from being able to lock lips with her to being beaten down by her tongue >going from groping her body to being smothered underneath two soft mounds of ass >going from pinning her to the bed to being so lost in your shrink-fueled lust that you could do nothing but be literally wrapped around her finger, dry-humping your way to orgasm >sometimes, it seemed impossible that you'd ever been big at all
>>1505 >even when you were head and shoulders taller than her >having seen every part of her at such a massive scale, you had grown used to her body language >you were cowed by her movements, acting as if she were the taller one all the time >it was hard to call this your real height >with her, there was no such thing >you were the height she wanted you to be >and she wanted you small >so you felt small >wherever you were, you thought of how the world might look from the height you'd be come evening >wherever you were, you thought of her >and so you finally decided >you would ask to move in with her >she was absolutely ecstatic >and perhaps she understood what you wanted >or perhaps it was what she wanted all along >she helped move your personal effects over >you called out of work >she went inside her home >you stood on the precipice >terrified >and absolutely excited >the moment you stepped through the threshold, you sank into a pool of clothes >a hand effortlessly scooped you up >a hand that had grown acquainted with the contours of your body, careful to hold you just the right way >that night, you were made smaller than ever before >if you'd thought being handheld had been an experience, you now understood the extent of her powers >to traverse the landscape of her nipple, it may have taken a full hour >the cleft of her buttocks was like a canyon >her lips set your heart racing >with one effortless flick of that monstrous worm of a tongue, you would be whisked away into her mouth >yet none of those things happened >she simply made you acquainted with your home >your true home >life was going to be good
>>1497 I don't claim to be the best, this is something I whipped up in roughly 3 hours in SAI
>live in 2060s >be bio-engineering student at hometown uni >CRISPR (and similar techs) have come a long way >it's basically possible to create completely new organisms with enough BaseBioMass™ and some genetic code >it's mostly used to clone things or create new bacteria to find new supplies of effective antibiotics >as a pet project decided to try and create a viable and somewhat intelligent multi-cell organism using my DNA as an "intelligent base" >BBM is fucking expensive so opt to build new me at roughly the size of an ant >lol it's gonna be a mini-me >first few attempts end up total garbage >genetic code calculation is hard man >took weeks to work out how to go from bleeding meatballs to tiny humanoid figure >took another few weeks to go from braindead to basic movement and eventually to signs of intelligence >tiny me can wave back; good shit so far! >for fun create a whole batch of them and introduce some safe randomisation into the genecode >release tribe of female and male mini-me's into an old terrarium, prepped with some basic stuff >a week or so later, they've formed a tiny village >decide to install webcam behind terrarium to monitor their progress >also splice up some tiny flora and fauna to introduce into their ecosystem >month or so later, the tiny guys basically built several towns and a "capital" with several "highrise" buildings >fucking proud - showing that to my prof is probably gonna earn me some bonus points with her >at least that was the plan >come home one day to notice something's off >wardrobe with the terrarium inside is left open >top and front glass of terrarium on computer desk >approach terrarium to find everything's flattened >ruined houses crushed into the soil >buildings around the edges of the terrarium crumbled too >be fucking furious! >how the hell did this happen?! WHO DID THIS!?!! >while booting up PC to look at camera footage make a mental note to now lock room in the future >call up recording from this morning: >fast forward to the point the wardrobe is being opened >it's my younger sister >be ready to fucking kill her >decide to watch the whole thing first though >starts with her just staring into the glass container >gets closer and closer until her hands and head are pressed against the glass >her breathing clouds the glass >she gets her head as close to the bottom of the terrarium as possible >probably to get the best view of the tiny population >going by the condensation on the glass her breating seems to become quicker? >she eventually stands up again >she steps closer to the terrarium to reach for the top glass and slides it open >in the process she ends up having her chest pressed firmly against the glass >she reaches her arm through the opening at the top >with just her index finger extended she carefully prods a couple of the suburban houses closest to her >they barely put up any resistance to her and all break after 1 or 2 seconds of pressure
>>1618 >she lifts her hand up in the air again and glances over to the door of my room >she bites her lips >she brings her hand down to the ground again, this time placing her index and her middle finger next to each other >her hand's right outside the town she was just assaulting, but a good chunk of the buildings are still standing >her index finger lifts and hovers above the house in front of it >after a couple of seconds her hand pretends to take a step forward by crushing her index finger into the home below and then dragging her middle finger forward >she goes on to have her hand "walk through" several more houses, leaving a trail of destruction behind it >in comparison to the miniature buildings her hand must have looked about 22 stories tall to the tinies >can't quite make out individuals among the miniature population, but there are obvious crowds fleeing from my sister >by now she had started "dancing" by swinging her thumb and pinky finger from side to side, while lunging her index and middle finger into houses outside of her direct path in a kicking fashion >though she had pretty much already destroyed the entire town with barely anything still standing upright >in front of her is one of the farms, with its pasture decently filled with miniature cows >she takes a few steps back before pretending to leap over the cow fields and landing squarely with one finger on the barn and the other the farm house >she starts stepping up and down to expand the holes she made until basically both buildings were nothing more than rubble >finding both sufficiently crushed she turns around to flick the silo into a nearby town, leaving a trail of destruction behind it >she brings her hand back to the farmyard, and prepares to let her hand "fall" backwards >basically just presses her hand flat against the ground in front of the remains of the farm house >she grinds her hand into the earth, making sure to swipe far enough to the left and right to knock over the rest of the pasture fencing >what just a moment ago was a field full of livestock is now a goopy mass of flesh and blood dripping down from my younger sisters hand >she tries to shake the viscera off, but she obviously isn't satisfied with the job >she moves her hand to the next town over and proceeds to wipe it through the entire settlement >the place had been completely wiped out in one move >she moves her hand in the opposite direction again to hover over the village to the other side of her first wrecking job >with just her index finger extended she starts to draw a big heart around the place >in the process she cuts through several streets that had people trying to evacuate to the back of the terrarium on them >the crowd left behind on the wrong side of the trench begins to panic and starts running back into town >my sister lifts her hand back up just to lick her index finger >as she brings the finger back down again, and drags it through the fleeing crowd >several managed to evade her, but a good majority of the tinies were now stuck against her wet finger >she brings the hand back up again and sticks the finger with the people on it in her mouth >she slowly pulls the finger out again, sucking it clean in the process >almost looks like she's putting on a fucking show >she throws her head back as she's swishing the tiny people in her mouth from side to side, evident by her tongue pressing against the inside of her cheeks >she makes it very obvious that she is swallowing them by tracing their descent with her index finger along her neck >as her hand trails down to her stomach, notice her nipples poking through her shirt >my younger sister gets turned on by … this? >does that make her a cannibal? >she probably just swallowed about a hundred pseudo-humans… >and there was nothing they could have done to stop her >she is in full control and whatever she wants to do to them she can simply because of her size >weirdly don't feel angry anymore?
>>1619 >by now the footage shows her having drawn an arrow through the heart, which also plowed right through the village >this was followed by a few drawings of cute cats, clouds, houses, and some smileys inside the heart, which wrecked the place even more >she finishes by signing her name next to the drawing >she pauses for a moment to admire her work >she shudders while smugly looking down at her trapped prey >she takes a step back from the terrarium and begins to unhook the top and front glasses >with them removed she could now easily reach into the glass container and get to the large city at the back >whoever was still left alive in the smaller settlements saw their "sun" (dimmable table lamp with a timer) vanish as her massive body leaned into the box >she extends her arm and rests her hand on top of one of the smaller 3 story buildings at the edge of the captial >with her thumb and index finger on opposite sides of the facade she tries to pull the building up, but it just crumbles in her grip >she puckers her lips and looks annoyed >she moves her to a similar building next to the smoldering ruin >though this time she rams her fingers down into the ground surrounding the building >she slowly lifts a chunk of earth along with the building up into the air >the structure mostly stays intact >while carefully balancing the "highrise" she leans back again >with her free hand she pulls up her shirt >she adjusts her grip on the populated chunk of earth and then carefully maneuvers it to her exposed nipple >she starts by gently scraping the structure against herself >the building holds together, but parts of the facade are clearly already falling off >then without warning she grinds the rest of the building into her nipple, turning it into crumbs >she carelessly drops the remains to the ground while already eyeing the next building >she repeats the process several times, changing which one of her nipples gets the attention randomly >she eventually bites into her shirt so she can pick up two buildings simultaneously just to grind them both into the skin around her nipples >after just a few more times she has basically run out of smaller buildings that comfortably fit between her fingers
>>1620 >in her excitement she pushes the medium sized buildings aside with the back of her hand so she can reach the base of the largest "skyscraper" in the middle >at this point she must have given up on being careful, as she just grabbed the building and tightened her grip around the lower floors >my sister's hand could easily fit around the building, and the top 10 floors were still visible above the other end of her grip >after shaking the building a bit to loosen its foundations she just ripped it up into the air >surprisingly its foundation seems to have risen up along with the rest >she uses her free hand to knock against the glass on the side >it looks like she's trying to get the attention of the tinies >she's looming triumphantly over all of them with a smug look, while holding their proudest achievement in just one hand >she begins speaking, probably addressing the terrarium inhabitants, but the camera doesn't record any sound, and lip reading isn't easy >she stops talking and places her free hand on top of one of the remaining glass walls >she grips the edge tightly as she lifts one knee up into the terrarium >her knee crashes into the landscape in one of the front corners of the terrarium >still holding onto the glass she hoists her other leg up to crash it into the opposite front corner >with her legs spread she is now kneeling in half of the glass box >she uses her free hand to drag down the elastic band of her pants >she's not wearing any underwear >she moves her hand to hold the building between her legs >she is literally dripping down onto it in anticipation >while biting her lip she slowly pushes the building up >it doesn't quite slide in, she just crushes it against her lips >and she can't spread herself, as she still has to hold down her pants >by the time she finally manages to glide it inside, about two floors have already been ground into dust >my sister bites on her tongue in surprise >she keeps pushing the structure further up while rhytmically swaying her hips back and forth >dust and debris is trickling out of her, but the building seems to hold >she pushes it as far up as she can without losing her grip on it >just to slowly drag it out again >the cracked facade reaching the light again is glistening with her juices >though she doesn't pull it out entirely >she rapidly pushes it back in before the tip can pop out >keeps repeating the process of pulling and pushing the skyscraper in and out, but gets consistently quicker >her eyes roll back and she lets her tongue hang down >her tongue is dripping saliva down onto her bare chest (she still has her shirt rolled up) >besides getting faster, she also keeps pushing it in further and further >the depth mixed with the slippery facade of the structure makes it more and more difficult to pull it out again >after a couple more thrusts she seems to be unable to pull it out again >she's getting visibly frustrated >eventually resigns and just begins thrusting her fingers in and out >she pushes them in as deep as she can, which seems to make the building slide further up inside her >the building inside her formed a small but noticeable bulge against her lower abdomen >she suddenly leans backwards and starts shaking >the building isn't visible for long as she clenches, entirely crushing it inside her >she begins bucking her hips as high as she can >debris and her juices are being launched into the remains of the city, severly damaging the structures that hadn't collapsed yet >she flings herself forward but catches herself in time by holding onto the glass wall at the back
>>1621 >her head is hanging immediately above the ruined capitol >she's panting heavily in the afterglow >whatever structures were still left intact begin to fog up as she breathes down onto them >her sweat is also dripping down onto the numerous remaining homes >after she has regained her senses she seems displeased with something >she slowly crawls out of the terrarium again and then disappears from the camera's view by ducking under the table >she emerges again while holding her pants in her hand >she waves her wet clothes in front of the terrarium >she turns around and tosses her pants on the floor >instead of turning back again she just starts swaying her hips from side to side >she also seems to slowly rise - probably by standing on her tiptoes >every little being still alive down there had a good view of her butt >she reaches her arms back and presses her palms into the earth at the edge of the open glass box >in one swift motion she pulls herself up and crashes her butt into the middle of the terrarium >at first she just wiggles around slightly on the spot >though not long after she starts to drag her body further from side to side in large circles >everytime she leaned far enough forward, wet streaks in the compacted land became visible >literally anything that was still left standing stood no chance against her >it's like a giant wall of flesh bulldozing over every home and every person >nothing can survive the lust-fueld wrath of your little sister >after virtually everything is flatted she just glances behind herself >she seems satisfied with her work and jumps up again >she lazily puts her pants back on and wanders out of the room >nothing else happens for the rest of the recording >just sit there unsure how to feel about this >dick on the other hand seemingly has already taken a stance on this issue >been pitching a tent the entire time >whyboner.mpeg >can't stop thinking about this >maybe shouldn't lock the door in the future >… >definitely want to see more of this … >FBI_wants_to_know_your_location.html >could probably modify genecode to speed up the miniature human development and regrow a society in a couple of days >but what to do to them, to (inadvertantly) have them face my younger sister again? >or maybe someone else should have a run-in with them? >maybe even me? I hope you enjoyed this depraved little story, though I'm serious about the last bit; please tell me how you'd like to see this story progress … assuming you actually want to read more of this garbage.
>taking deserate measures to sway more people towards the light, heaven's bureaucracy tells guardian angels they may reveal themselves to their assigned humans and provide companionship in whatever way seems most fitting >my angel is a hyper thick/borderline chubby dork who while kind and well intentioned is a bit scatter brained and over eager >she says she's going to be my gf from now on and won't take no for an answer >after an initial period of awkwardness, things are actually pretty cool >then she learns about my fetishes >one night she shrinks me >protest that these fantasies are better off as fantasies >she says if she has the power to make them come true it's her duty to do so >scoops me up and gently swallows me >tells me to have fun in her tummy and that she'll let me out before I digest >instead she gets distracted and spends the rest of the night stuffing her face with junk food and playing vidya >get buried under food and digest into assfat >she doesn't notice my soul is now part of her butt until the next day >she apologizes but it's undercut by the fact she thinks this is completely hilarious >teases me about being an ass loving pervert while giving her fat cheeks a slap >finally reforms me >manage to convince her that eating me is a bad idea >think I'm in the clear, have a normal day >that night she says that because I love her butt so much I should sleep between her cheeks >here_we_go_again.jpg
>be a captain of a lilliputian college volleyball team >due to an allergic reaction to a new birth control you now stand a little over eight lilliputian feet tall >this frustrates your sister who had a growth rivalry without >after winning at a national meet it had been decided that you will face off against a team from a normal size town >new size technology would allow for you to play on an even playing field >the team finds themselves sitting at a giant desk for a pregame interview >it feels odd as literally every person in the room towers over your team >the opposing team arrives and sits at the table >their captain sits directly behind your team >the interview goes on with the normal girls laughing and joking about your chances of winning >towards the end the news wants a group picture >your team is huddled together surrounded by these giant girls >the team captain sees just how tall you are and can't help but grab you >the front page ends up being the girl giving you a wedgie by accident while you dangle from her fingers >day of the game arrives and you are excited to finally get revenge >the team is the last to be grown to full height for some last minute photos >you and your sister has to deal with your now giant mother and aunt teasing and being affectionate with their tiny girls >finally the time has come as you are placed in front of a large black tube that is small at one end and big at the other >your sister practically runs through it and shows up as a giant >she starts to tease you a bit since she'll be the big sister for a few moments >it comes up to your turn and you duck in order to get inside >its completely black inside as you walk forward >after a minute you come you the other side to find yourself staring into a pair of heels way taller than yourself >you look up to see everyone staring down at you >some tech guys come over and see that you did grow but only by a few inches leaving you at 10 lilliputian feet tall >from your vantage you can't see much >it's a bit scaring as the giants around you stand up to cheer and sit back down >the game ends very quickly as your team destroys their opponents >everyone is overly excited as they make their way back towards the tube >your mother comments that if she keeps seeing at that size then she'll start producing milk again >your aunt finds it hilarious and crams you into your mother's giant left breast >the two have a laughing fit at your expense as they stand in front of another tube >as they walk towards it you try and get their attention >your arms and legs are pinned together in your aunt's fist and she doesn't feel your struggles >you scream at the top of your lungs but your mother and aunt's gossip drowns you out as they walk through the tunnel >they come out the other side and are greeted by the team >you feel relieved as everyone is still giant >they must have turned back for some reason >the thought of being shrunken horrified you >suddenly a mountain sized sneaker appears before the team >it is the captain of the normal size team >she apologizes to your team before standing up and leaving >you are speechless as everyone now looks down at you, realizing how small you have become
>get a new job in an office >air conditioning and less activity is nice, but you don't want to start getting fat >hit up /fit/ for advice >get recommended food, supplements, and exercise routines >"Remember, anon, no drinking." >whatever.jpg >start appreciating your gains >roommate decides to have a party on her weekend off, invites a bunch of people over >mingle a little >have a couple of shots >one of roommate's friends, some tall blonde, hangs out on the couch with you and starts flirting >she seems familiar, but you know none of roommate's female friends are over six feet >a few more shots later, you both stumble into the bedroom >she keeps calling you short, and laughs when you scoff and say you're average height >get down to business and rail her like the champ you've come to feel like since you started working out >end up going three rounds before running out of steam and going to sleep >tittypillow.jpg >wake up with a hangover >she's already in the bathroom, taking a shower >you roll out of bed and stumble >not sure what just happened >did someone put the bed on stilts, or…? >wait, no, it seemed like it was higher last night, too >same with the night stand, and your dresser >the water shuts off in the bathroom and the blonde steps out, wrapped in a towel >"Wow, I, uh… didn't realize you were so short. I normally don't hook up with, er, you know…" >you start at her for a moment, taking stock of her while she stands in the door frame that leads to your bathroom >at a guess, she's maybe 5'4" >but she's so much taller than you >numbly, you go through your morning ritual of getting your supplements and spot a warning on one of the labels >"Do not take if you have two or more alcoholic drinks in a day. Side effects vary." >it dawns on you that you're probably about four feet tall now >look back up at the woman you spent the night with, and see her biting her lower lip, leaning against the door frame >"Not a morning person, huh? Wanna go for another round before I leave, or…? Because I gotta admit, you're starting to grow on me." >she smiles coyly, dropping her towel, and you believe that figuring out how to live a manlet life can wait for an hour or two
>Janet considered herself a pretty average person >She liked sweets and going to the gym >Reading books in the tub, with a candle to give the bath a bit of atmosphere >Keeping pets… >Her pets, though, were usually more like servants >She worked as a cashier at a convenience store and lived in an apartment somewhere in an unfortunate part of town >At least, that's all you could tell >You met her outside of the store she worked in and apparently caught her eye >You weren't really paying attention at the time, but you figure she must have given you that wide grin that really showed off the gap between her front teeth, probably saying something like "Welcome to X-Mart!" >What was more important to you, at the time, was getting to the bathroom after a terrible Taco Bell decision earlier in the day >While you were finishing up your paperwork, a bluish smoke started coming from the air conditioner vent in the ceiling >The rest is hazy >Now your life revolves around Janet's, and that's entirely because she's easily five times taller than you, or anyone else who lives with her >Whatever that smoke was, it didn't always reduce people to a similar size >Of the five of you who lived under her thumb, you were the biggest at about thirteen inches, with the next-largest standing at ten inches, then nine, and finally seven >The only woman among you was called Pet, and she stood at three inches tall >She had been living with Janet the longest, but rarely spoke >When she did, it was usually advisable to listen, because it was usually a command that Janet was about to issue to the rest of you >Being quick was usually rewarded >Being slow was invariably punished >One time, she came home and sprawled out in her loveseat >Her eyes drifted to the five that were lined up in the living room and settled on you >She held out her hands, smiled that wide smile, and said, "Come on, boy." >Still new to your life, you froze >She looked mildly annoyed, then got up and plucked you up from the ground >"You'll learn soon enough, boy…" >And with a practiced move, she turned and dropped you onto the sofa >You barely had time to figure out what you were doing before Janet's colossal ass descended upon you >The weight was incredible, pressing on every square inch of you while the sofa cushions sunk under both you and her >In vain, you attempted to struggle, but found that her massive thighs trapped your arms in place and your feet only just barely met the backs of her knees >Your heartbeat hammered in your ears as you started to suffocate, only for it to be drowned out by the sound of hers from the gigantic, legging-clad pussy she'd expertly planted on your face >Suffocation quickly turned to drowning as the thin material became soaked in her excitement >She shivered, and you could feel your bones creak from the motion >The combined stresses caused you to lose consciousness… >… Only for you to be awakened in the arms of your new captor >You panted and wheezed, just glad to be alive, but it was interrupted when her voice cut through the haze of asphyxiation >"There you go, little buddy. See, it's better when you just come when I call you. Otherwise…" >The note hung in the air like the sword of Damocles >Numbly, you hugged her neck, causing her to chuckle >"Good boy. Run along and play now." >And she sent you scampering to the others >Others who, you'd later realize, seemed a little taller than before >No, not taller >You simply lost an inch somewhere along the way, and they seemed bigger by comparison
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