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Will the next wave of Leftism support pedophilia? Anonymous 06/06/2021 (Sun) 03:29:42 No. 6069
It took a while until they started accepting gays, for trannies it was even longer. And they got a lot of shit for doing so back then (which they still are getting to a extent, especially with this new matter of transgender children.) Yes, leftists are retarded. But assuming that the pedophile movement will actually become an actual thing in the future, realistically, who else is going to support our cause? Call me crazy, I don't care, but I think minor-attracted people, then zoophiles, and then other paraphilics are going to be the new "oppressed minorities" in the future. I'm not talking about edgy pedophiles like us, though, I think they will start with VirtPeds and other more "PR-friendly" pedophilic groups and then, if that goes foward, maybe we could make the lowering of the age of consent an extremist liberal talking point in about a decade after (i.e. move it a bit in the Overton window, so it is not an "unthinkable" position anymore). That's the only way I can picture this happening.
>>6485 This dipshit can't even strawman properly. I read your worthless garbage rick sanchez rant about how humans are violent. Duh. Durr. I never said otherwise. DURR. DUH. and PHHFFFRTTTHHHTYP. That's your language. The language of retards.
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I love tots and didn't read any of this.
>>6486 >Secular future >Rick and morty >This post is calling me out for being an unreasonable asshole and is therefore a strawman >Getting this upset over some vague nothing Are you okay? You are behaving like reddit but I'm a little worried that you are this upset over something so small. Try to take a breather, maybe rub one out and cool down.
>>6487 based nepi chad (((reading))) is a jewish trick
>will they they already do and have for a while especially ancoms
>>6489 mostly yeah but reading to tots is based especially wholesome stories that warn them of jewish conduct like the frog and the scorpion tots are too pure for this world and need to beware the lies of the jew early
>>6502 I'm not sure how to turn this into a shill but come to smolbox.pw I finished it it looks okay and mostly functions
>>6503 based
>>6069 I have a question for you: Do you care more about your moral superiority over pedos or about stopping children from being victimized? Because strident, mindless hatred ends in more children being victimized.
>>6516 Disregard that, I suck cocks
>>6069 >Call me crazy, I don't care, but I think minor-attracted people, then zoophiles, and then other paraphilics are going to be the new "oppressed minorities" in the future. I'll disagree with this point, only to the fact that the LGBT community managed to dominate the culture over the course of several decades in Western society. This took years of changing definitions and explaining how words like "fag" are offensive, to normalizing LGBT sexualities with a libertarian-esque cause, leading to the gay overton window. "We just want the right to marry," or "who cares what two consenting adults do in their bedroom" would quickly turn into arguments about who can operate their business how they see fit, are gays an oppressed minority, what types of public and private spaces like bathrooms need to change, and much more. And people 'want' these changes because they either fit into that category or they want to feel as if they are taking part in a revolution. They have gotten to a point where not only is gay marriage legalized, but now you have some of them complaining about "Rainbow Washing," when a corporation like Starbucks or Blizzard brands their logo with a rainbow but has no history of donating to LGBT causes. "It's not good enough." Long story short, I don't see any way for the pro-pedo crowd to win because they have not won the culture war like the blacks or the gays have. <What can we do against the Antis to win the culture war, then? I'm not a /hebe/, but I'm also not a radical Anti that wants people dead or raped in slave labor dungeons known as the American Prison-Industrial complex. I've always had this question as to why beautiful images of young boys fully nude were perfectly acceptable hundreds of years ago, thousands if you consider the symbolism - but are now problematic. From the 'amorino' (little cupid boy) being present in mythic and religious art, to sculptures prominently centering on his penis such as the 'puer mingens'. Some of my favorite paintings are by artists like Joaquín Bastida. His work was mostly done outside, meaning over just 100 years ago, it was perfectly acceptable for boys to swim naked in Spanish beaches with or without their parents supervision. These images capture a childlike youth and innocence that can't be captured with the restrictions of helicopter parenting and modern property law. Of course some countries like France still have family nude beaches, but they are changing with the times. It's frustrating, because anyone today who wants to tell a story or create art with nudity of children will be accused of the worst of evils, even if his 'intention' was for the good. On one hand, I know there are plenty of passionate people (myself included) who want to continue the tradition of story-telling without fear of censorship, but on the other hand, does anyone really want to face the wrath of the public mob?
>>6521 What a well-thought-out and articulate response. You are gay.
>>6521 Stricter child pornography laws started with the advent of digital photography. Those things you speak of happening in the past were allowed on the ground of "artistic freedom", but digital media meant that the volume of information was no longer small enough to moderate, resulting in sweeping restrictions.
>>6561 >volume of information was no longer small enough to moderate >volume of information was no longer small enough to hide from the gap-toothed masses fixed
>>6563 >The masses are who outlawed cp
>>6565 >we are women hear is roar! >Jesus said no sex! We are pure! >Society loves this! Yay! Oh no, here come those pervert hippies! >Get outta here you subberts, we, the MAJORITY, are anti sex RETARDS >Glad we chased those MINORITY HIPPES off, so we could SECRETLY MOLEST and act PURE IN PUBLIC
>>6569 If the men in charge of disseminating the propaganda that tells normalfags what to believe wanted pro-pedo legal CP and etc. the normalfags would already believe it and be threatening to kill antis while cracking cheap beers around their grills.
>>6561 >>6563 I'm >>6521 and I completely forgot to add a point that confuses me and also frustrates me to no end when it comes to culture surrounding how Antis behave. Why is it such a crime for me to paint or write about a child who happens to be in the nude playing outside or whatever it is they would be doing, but companies like Coppertone can have a half-naked loli as their company mascot placed in advertisements, logos, and other branding materials? This of course extends to products like Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy although the physical version I purchased recently covered the childrens' buttocks. Is there just no outrage when it comes to large, familiar brands (possibly bias)? Or do people just make excuses for them but not for individuals who wish to make art?
>>6575 Yes, the cognitive dissonance does go that deep. Makes you think about the real motivations behind the people running the show, huh?
>>6069 Unlikely. Leftists want to bump the age of consent from 18 to 21 and believe anyone dating a young women is 18-19 is a pedo especially if the girl looks young.
>>6069 A better compromise to discourage would be pedos from going after kids is to legalize non-nude/bikini modeling for underage girls and lower the age of consent and majority to 16. Legalizing swimsuit modeling would deter most pedos from going to the Dark web for child abuse content and lowering the age of consent/majority would allow teens to start working, voting, and get involved in whatever they like without restrictions and would. Everyone above 13-14 should be allowed to tackle more responsibilities and not be treated like children. Treating future generations of youth like children will hold them back.
>>6578 age of consent is 14 in lot of countries,and america and israel allow the marriage of childrens if is by religion. I don't know from what hole you come but is obvious you are either ignorant or stupid also girls underage take advantage of men stupidity and start demanding money after sex so even if there was consent in front of the law you will be labeled a pedo because the girl reported you to police (this is why is adviced either use recordings of everything so is clear there is consent or just pay the money) >>6577 you meant to say the guys from the right or facists want to raise the age of consent since they are the ultra prudes,what leftist have pedos,feminists,homosexuals,and similar stuff.
I love that last image! <3 There exist people that give children free candy without the wish to "use them" Also some of those people are child lovers and some also want to have secs with them. Yes. Secs with children is not "using them" because secs != rape.. they would be gaining something, too.
>>6579 >guys from the right or facists want to raise the age of consent never heard of right wanting to raise aoc while it's quite common in left i really hope left never legalizes pedophilia because if they do that with their values it will allow for child abuse
>>6779 >never heard of right wanting to raise aoc Just go ask nu/pol/ then.
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here's a badass authoritarian /v/ nu/pol/er with a hot take on how to stop the evils of sex now
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>>6141 I don't think so. The LGBTQ arena is the avenue for acceptance. Nambla and Drag Queen Children Indoctrination as well as Gay couples adopting. It is already here and getting intrenched.
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>>6873 it just makes everyone hate pedos even more. i'm against nambla and indoctrination of kids, i want a little cute little wife not a prefucked trannie. even if they make it legal it won't last for long, the behavior they promote is destructive even for the adults
>>6897 Bible was right about faggots all along
>>6897 >seven counts of CP possession >uploaded 27 files I'm confused, isn't distributing a different crime? How does 27 translate to 7 charges? Shouldn't it be either 1 charge for doing it at all, or 27 charges for the total amount of times?
>>6897 some judges seem based. it's a shame they can't help destroy the SCOTUS hegemony that has bullshit decisions.
>>6897 you can go anti-homo AFTER propedo legality.
>>6910 YOU can help by picking up a rifle and making the french revolution look like a fucking fart in the wind.
A lot of good posts ITT

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