>normalfag echochambers
Our nation is a normalfag echochamber. And yeah, I think it'll last.
>extreme left position
That's not the public. Even amongst the extreme left, I'll say it's extremely unlikely the majority feel that way. There's no real way to discern that though, so I'll agree to disagree.
>not up for debate
How is this not up for debate?
>should be expecting a lot in our lifetime
Why? I don't want to make a straw man here so I'm curious why you think so.
>just as bad as christkike future desu
I mean, I'm down for a secular future. I don't get where you were going with this. All futures are bad? The only good future is a natural one?
>nobody is saying that religions...
Maybe it was wrong in saying it's a popular opinion.
>How can you possibly argue that...
Freedom and Love are abstract concepts, of course they have the capacity to be harmful.
>empty mansions...space colonization
As if housing is the only thing that could be straining from overpopulation. Food, jobs and health also benefit from population control.
>Younger mothers and fathers aren't beneficial
Biologically sure, nature intended it that way, but we can't exclude society. In society, they'd be horribly disadvantaged. Kids can't work, fuck, they barely have rights.
Anon, I didn't say pedos abuse children. I said child abuse would run rampant. Abusers would have easier access to children.
>Society isn't a living thing...
Mm. So I agree I may have jumped the gun by saying "it's the natural progression of evolution". Pretty cringe. But I still stand by my "society is an angry god" bit.
In any case, I wasn't making judgement calls about what is or isn't progress. Mostly I just wanted to fix some skewed ideas some people have about where
they think this is all going. Keep your expectations in check, it isn't healthy. Yo! I'm just a guy though, obviously think whatever you want.