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Making money as a hikki Anonymous 07/20/2020 (Mon) 02:34:30 No. 57
I remember back on 8chan we had a thread like this (before the incident) Out of personal interest and what not and the benefit of other hikkis i think it'd be good to remake this thread. What are some good ways to make money as a hikkimori? Since we're in a pandemic how much more viable is work at home jobs now? Neetbucks/goodboy points yea or nay?
I dream of one day being able to move out of my insane asylum without having to resort to wagecuck asylums. Just chilling alone, left to myself not having to hear the insanity is all i want. been looking for options but it seems almost futile.
Autismbux are great! If you're a hiki then you'll definitely be crazy enough to get them for sure. You can also sell plasma to supplement income but that'll require you to go outside on the regular but I still really recommend it because it all adds up and once you get used to it the thought of all th eextra disposable income you missed out on from not starting sooner will really make you sad
>>57 >What are some good ways to make money as a hikkimori? Neetbux is the only option for me because going outside or even talking to people is not possible.
>>61 My state does not provide autismbux, what do? I can't code, I tried writing but gave up, I was planning to get into plassma selling as well but that would not be enough
>>69 There's always furry porn...
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>>69 Don't give UP on selling plasma! It's extra income OK not the main source. Have you thought about maybe selling drugs or any other commodity?
> Time in the market is better than [i]timing[/i] the market https://jlcollinsnh.com/
>>57 Hikikomori do not work you are not a hikikomori if you work and people who work at home aren't hikikomori the meaning of hikikomori is to not work or go to school for 6 months and stay in your bedroom in your parents house.
>>94 You are mistaken Hikkimori with NEETdom. Hikkis are essentially just shut-ins. working or not working has nothing to do with hikki just if you never leave your room or interact with others. NEET literally stands for "Not in Employement, Education or Training" so obviously not having a job. a NEET can be a hikki and a hikki can be a NEET but a NEET could also not be a hikki and a hikki could also not be a NEET.
>>100 No fuck off that's not what hikikomori means. Hikikomori means to withdraw from society including working/going to school if you work you are still apart of society. Why the fuck would hikikomori work when they are going into isolation because that's what they are trying to get away from? They depend on others to take care of them they are teenagers in adult bodies basiclly a never ending adolescence without an end as Tamaki Saito puts it. >The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, do not work or go to school and isolate themselves away from society and family in a single room for a period exceeding six months.[10] >The psychiatrist Tamaki Saitō defines hikikomori as "a state that has become a problem by the late twenties, that involves cooping oneself up in one's own home and not participating in society for six months or longer, but that does not seem to have another psychological problem as its principal source" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikikomori
>>101 >No fuck off that's not what hikikomori means. Hikikomori means to withdraw from society including working/going to school Correct. >if you work you are still apart of society incorrect. well, depends. What do you mean by "work" if i decide to pick up trash littering around my own room, thats "work". There exists "work" that doesn't involve direct human contact in order to do, those are typically not social in nature and there for the catch all statement saying anything "work" related is false. In the context of that source work purely means that social nature of the common normalfag wageslave. the midday worker/salaryman who works in a heavily socialy dependent way. Not all work is this way, and there are actual hikkimori that take up working in things like stock markets, crypto, artfag shit, indiedev shit and some other sorts of general freelance online work that doesn't require direct communication. It's entirely possible to "work" without being in a social setting. Now, if your taking it to the extreme and you want to say hikkidom is all about isolationism and becoming a mountain living off the grid hillbilly i would highly doubt your intelligence. because weither you or anyone likes it or not, there is no "perfect" hikki, most live in some sort of conditional living situation where they depend on some sort of income in some way to keep them barely alive. For most it's probably off their parent's dime. others maybe they find a way to secretly scam their landlords heh. If hikkis didn't have this tie they'd be literal street bums without a room to shut themselfs in of any sort. >Why the fuck would hikikomori work food mostly. i've been thinking about jerry rigging a rtv and just going innawoods. i think that'd cut off the apartment costs... maybe, right now i'm just buying my time until someone else feels like throwing me under the bus again I still stand by my statement and that source you posted doesn't invalidate it in the slightest.
I remember years ago, I read that there's some arctic weather station that's so isolated and alone that everyone who was stationed there went insane. It always sounded like a dream job to me, but in the back of my head I'm sure that there's something else wrong with it, like there's no internet access or something.
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>>104 You're a retard who just wants to feel special if you have a job you aren't a hikikomori going to work and working a job doesn't make you a hikikomori hikikomori are not financially independent nor can most of them take care of themselves. It is a serious condition only in Japan where people shut themselves in to very extreme lengths to the point where there is no social interaction at all and the parents leave a plate of food outside the bedroom door also you do realize things like stock markets, crypto, artfag shit, indiedev shit are now normal right? everybody works from home nowadays just because you work from home it doesn't mean you're a hikikomori. > that source you posted doesn't invalidate it in the slightest. Read it again it clearly says they don't work.
>>109 >You're a retard who just wants to feel special I just want to be left alone in a way that doesn't feel like i'm leeching off every nickle and dime. I just want to stop being a complete disappointment but can't even into social skills. I may very well be retarded and i'm a massive disappointment to my parents on a daily basis. this shit seriously isn't helping. If i'm a retard, then your a faggot trying latch on and claim this as another form of identity why the fuck do i need to claim impotent purity and moralfag over my own fucking social ineptitude thats fucking retarded. if i want to find a way to make my own short comings less painful in my own way so why can't i? this one dimension mindset is the one of many fucking reasons i hate normalfags, what the fuck am i supposed to say to you when i already described the whole thing in detail. God i fucking hate how shit this website has become. fuck /pol/ fuck mark, fuck all this purity spiral bullshit that has consumed what used to be a niche modest website where the userbase used to have some (even if it was very little) amount of respect towards the other posters. Practically every IB related to 8chan has been taken over by post-christchurch skids trying to prove how edgy they are. >you do realize things like stock markets, crypto, artfag shit, indiedev shit are now normal right So fucking what. using the internet is normal. clearly we're all turbo normalfags. feel like watching the soupbowl and fucking literal cows now? If it helps me be alone and away from the common ilk i consider that a win, "normal" or not. >Read it again it clearly says they don't work. I guess we really are going down this shitty definition squabble. I don't feel like writing up a fucking essay so i'll just say you are wildly taking things out of context. >hikikomori are not financially independent nor can most of them take care of themselves this statement "can't take care of themselves" is wrong in a majority of cases. even on your own wiki article you linked they list off types of hikiks that are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. and by financially independent. it depends, theres examples of hikikomoris who have made minor success in creative fields like making eroge games. The idea that all hikikomoris are the same is bull. >It is a serious condition only in Japan don't know if your being a hyper weeb or retarded. This is like saying NEET is only limited to Britain because they invented the term.
>>108 Were they forced to bunk with eachother? that sounds like hell if they were.
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>>111 >purity spiral
>>113 it literally is. NEET/hikkidom is supposed to be a disfunction. I will never understsand why you faggots treat this shit like a pissing contest. No, i don't need to see your piss jugs as proof either.
>>57 you'd have to have lucked out and been able to monetize one of your hobbies, if you're a hikki that doesn't have a monetizable hobby and you can't get neetbux then you're doomed to homelessness, so you'll want to start living in a car or van.
learn to make garbage fucking fetish animation porn. youre gonna get a fuckton of money from patreon no matter how bad it is
>>131 That's just depressing. If i could get off my ass i probably would do it.
>>125 It's a religion. We have our own cannon. We have are own media. We are the beautiful ones. The human race is going extinct just like Calhoun's rats.
>>72 >>61 it's a sin to take blood out of the body.

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