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M!$$ M@RY Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 01:48:45 No. 100
Looking for all her content if possible, listened to the dejaVu series and need more!
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Decode below hash 3x to get link. Notice, right now there is only 1 file there. In 3 hours, I will upload 16 more audios to this link. I want to make sure I can post to this site before I go through the effort. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001V21OSE5YZGtNakE5 PS: Whoever is running this thanks, The other site really got useless by requiring a phone# to post. Who in their right mind would do that crazy shite?
>>111 Thanks alot!
>>111 Thanks, I'll take be taking all the files and sorting out descriptions and art covers for them. If anyones got any more, it'll be welcomed to make a bigger collections
>>113 >>115 You're welcome dudes. I decided to post everything I have except for the six audios that had already been posted. For nostalgia and descriptions, below is a link to her old site on the wayback machine. Decode 1x aHR0cHM6Ly93ZWIuYXJjaGl2ZS5vcmcvd2ViLzIwMTYwMzI3MDYyNDUzL2h0dHA6Ly9oZXJlaGVzbGVlcHMuY29tL21pc3MtbWFyeS8=
>>116 looking at that site i see she had a file called "©ult", any look with that? Also do you have any other tist recommendations like m@ry?
>>117 Yup, check the link again, I just uploaded Cult. There's 4 Cult files in a folder and tbh, I don't know what they are. I also just uped Warden.mp3, so look for that file too. I scraped her old site and stuffed the smaller pics & descriptions in a new folder so look for that too. As far as recommendations, I love Pussywhip because I love pussy. Deja vu is very popular so would be a good series to start with (someone else in this thread already uped DVue along with another post of goodies so I did not up those). I also sometimes listen to her as background atmospherics such as right now listening to Black Rose and starting to get into it.
>>118 Legend, thanks alot
For me, she was best hypnotist in erotic hypnosis. Very few even come close. I wish some of the current artists would take notes from her recordings and technique. A/\/\3th ys t is close, but there are still a few levels of intelligence that M@ry had that I don't hear from anyone else.
Thank you for this. She seems to be one of the few people who can put me in a trance. Really love her style as well. Really sad to see her site is no long active.
>>119 >>123 >>142 You're welcome friends, thank you all for your kind comments. It's very nice to see this site revitalizing, whoever is hosting, thanks friend! PS: Thanks to a recent post on this site, I discovered a hypnotist I've never heard of. She has a beautiful approach, is not demeaning, and is extremely hot & sexy. Decode 3x WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRseVdsY3hkbUp0T0hWalIwWjVaRWhyZG1OSFJqQmpiVloyWW1rNU1XTXlWbmxNZWtVelRtcFZNVTVxVlRNPQ== PS: You won't be able to d/l her newer 5 post in the above link, but you can from about 10/17/2022 on back. Look for her post that state "1/2 attachments". Those attachments are mp3 files.
>>118 We need to make a pussy addiction playlist 🤤
>>161 Will do friend. I'll get us started with the first salvo of this goodness and make a post on the main page devoted to High Heels, Hypno, & Cunt Worship.
M@ry tends to add CEI in a lot of the files, in indirect ways. In Pu55ywh 1pp3d, at one point, she's shifting the story about hypnotizing a woman, then shifts back to you. All the while, reinforcing that you love female cum. Now, who's the female? So f'ing hot. Consuming come-fort in many. "Taste it" in the echos. She was so very good.
That all sounds interesting. Does she also have some HFO (Hands free orgasm) stuff?
For HFO, listen to L0cked and @roused for a long while and follow through. Then switch to the Bl@ck R0s3. Also, for me, the two SN@P actually worked better
Have you l0ck3d $ 4ros3d? Bl4ck r0s3 here: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC94am5DMjU=
l0ck3d here aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9VUENYbW0= wish she was still active. no one else like her
Is someone able to reupload any of the D3J4VU series?
Yes, the new scene is really lacking compared to M@ry and N|kk| (b3c4us3 series) l0ck3d + bl4ck r0se + d3j4vu + und3r h3r sp33l is almost scary how well it works and the effect it has. d3j4vu here https://gofile.io/d/M4mGas
>>601 Oh? I was going to avoid l0ck3d + BR because I read their synopsis I dont care too much for chastity, but is there some orgasm involved with that combination? I only just now discovered her stuff and god damn is it good Also, thanks for posting d3j4vu, now I just need to find und3r h3r sp3ll and ill have the complete set lol
So is Gofile.io the new Vola where everything gets deleted after 24-48 hours? WTF? Its a waste of an upload if you ask me. Try ufile instead where they last 30 days at least.
Anyone willing to share pussywhip?
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did someone say "pussywhip"?! aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUVpFRWtDQlE=
Anyone think about what she is suggesting in pussy whip? Loving the taste of female cum, and then layering in a story about hypnotizing a female. She was very very good with the NLP.
Anyone able to reup the snap files?
>>634 I hope you find a $100 bill tomorrow.
>>637 Thanks!!
God her file are the best, I would love if someone could reupload her file it’s really hard to find
decode 2x YUhSMGNITTZMeTloY21Ob2FYWmxMbTl5Wnk5a1pYUmhhV3h6TDJKc1lXTnJMWEp2YzJWZk1qQXlNekEy as always, the attitude around these files must be rhizomatic. host in multiple places. the internet is very fragile.
>>100 I really wanted To know what her file black rose do ! It’s very weird file like I feel very aroused and about to cum but not coming I feel like writing her name on my arm but I don’t know !!! It’s just weird! What’s your experience with that file
I think Bl@ckRos3 is supposed to be an HFO after going a long time without cumming (locked and @ roused the preceeding session). She mixed some subliminals in her sessions, and those are really difficult to understand. Her main, multi-voice tracks are the best I've ever heard in the 25 years of listening to hypno. The way she uses metaphors and NLP gets you to think about what is really meant, and that imagination makes it so much more effective. But the subliminals are maybe too 'subliminal' in that I have no idea what she wanted me to do. By listening over and over to all her sessions, there is a common theme of only masturbating to her voice, on your knees, and eating your load. Yet, she never really says it. It's just implied. A truly incredible hypnotist. I wish there was someone else to pick up where she left off.

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