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M0n@ b1u3 Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 18:32:10 No. 281
Someone from the vintage site wanted this file. But, the vintage site is still broken and I can't post there. So if that soul ever get here, to the site that actually works, below is $3duct10n of J... aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9UdjZrWFc= PS: Listening now, nice file.
Happy weekend friends. I just noticed there is interest in Mona so I just added 108 more of her beautiful files. If you've already downloaded the first file you might want to check out some of the others.
Excellent stuff, thanks for this.
I came across this archive.org mega pack for her, thought I'd share aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kb3dubG9hZC9tb25hLWJsdWUvTW9uYSUyMEJsdWUlMjBIeXBub3NpcyUyMEF1ZGlvJTIwTWVnYXBhY2sv
M0n@ lives on for the next generation.
>>281 >>284 supremely based, i've been looking for these on and off for years!!
>>289 Thank you vm for the kind words, appreciate it. Quick note to anyone who has already downloaded, I accidentally put some dupes in there due to naming issues. The dupes below have been deleted from gofile and you might want to do the same, if you D/L everything, to avoid having dupes... B1ueve1vet 2.mp3 B1ueve1vet10ung31.mp3 10ve.1u$t.mp3 1u$t.b0t.mp3 Pu1$e.hypn0tik@.mp3 $1@ve-b0t.mpe $n@kech@rmer 1.mp3 $n@kech@rmer 2.mp3 $n@kech@rmer 3.mp3
I really like this hypnotist. Thanks a ton for sharing. Do any other files have hidden suggestions like seduction of J? And could you share some files that aren't archived like honeydrip or hidden desires?
Thanks to everyone that has uploaded so far. I see OP's link is down - here's 103 files that I think are (mostly) not in the archive.org mega pack. Almost all of them have the original hi-res artwork, which I spent a while hunting down a few years ago. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9Ta0F3MVlaYSNnSjh4MXpKZkhYMnNhZXFyQlJmcVZ3 There are still some files I have never seen - some of them are listed here - does anyone have them? (unlikely as they date from 2005 onwards, but Father Christmas may have them perhaps) - R3str1ct10n (or may be called Ru883r R3str1ct10n), Ru883r D1sc1pl1n3, Lum1n@, R3sp1r@c10n C1rcul@r (Spanish), G0d3$$ $upr3m3, B3l0w Th3 Kn33, Ch@rm3d N1ghtm@r3.
>>312 Thanks for these, many I did not have. See link below for B3l0w Th3 Kn33. I don't have any of the others you requested. PS: I included a txt file in the below post of everything I originally upd in the OP. If you're interested in any others I'll gladly upload no later than Tuesday PM. B3l0w Th3 Kn33: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9RMWtuRGM= PS: hypnodb link of some of her files: aHR0cHM6Ly9oeXBub2RiLmNvbS9Nb25hLUJsdS9pbmRleA==
>>310 You're welcome dude. I audit a few files before use to be sure there's no mkultra affects, but haven't noticed too many hidden suggestions. See the gentleman's Post #312, many of those files were not in the original OP and includes H0n3y Dr1p and H1dd3n F@nt@sy.
>>314 Thanks for b3l0w Th3 Kn33! I had a look at your list (thanks for uploading) - it seems I have all on the list - I missed some of them off the last upload as the artwork wasn't showing up on the computer, and some of them were in another folder which has mp3s which may be dupes/renamed and I've never listened to them. New Year Resolution for me - start getting through some more of these I think - of all the hypno voices, M0n@ is the one I seem to have done best with (along with M1r@ St3rn). The music is quite prominent on some tracks, but I am completely tuned into her voice and everything works well together.
I also like her voice, but not all of her sessions do the trick in terms of hypnosis at least for me, the music is too intrusive and stuff. Can anyone recommend which ones are more likely to put you in trance. For example though her snake charmer 1 is short, it is still effective in terms of inducing hypnosis.
>>318 A'Provocateur and Dangerous Curves seem to be two that used to crop up on threads as poeple having had good sucess with. Haven't listened to them for a while, but my notes tell me that I drifted away somewhere - can't remember any erotic response, but they worked for stress relief. Both tracks have a clearer, higher quality voice track than many others, and the music isn't intrusive.
She has a weird style but in a good way. One of the most unique hypnodommes
Anyone have PleaseHer?
Can we get a re-up of all the files that got taken down from the meg@ link??
I can add the rest of the collection into the Mega from Post 312, don't want to tread on original Anon's toes though. May take a couple of days.
>>432 OP here. Sharing is caring so feel free to post all, including the original files. PS: I'm going to start using m3ga because although the go site is easy to use, files disappear too fast.
>>446 Great, thanks, I will go ahead. Was swamped this week - but will start adding some tonight - have a good weekend!
>>447 Thanks and you too buddy, have a good weekend!
They're uploaded, that's all of what I have - some (what I think are) modified files in there too, I think someone uploaded these on the old version of this board, hope they don't mind me re-uploading, they seem good. For any anons that need self-improvement hypnosis, there's some of that as well.
What are some good introductory files to listen to?
There used to be a bunch of M0N4 8LU files over on $@FF but they all got taken down/deleted. But my browser still has them bookmarked. I thought I downloaded them all at some point but when I just recently went to check my library they're mostly all gone as if some mysterious force sucked them out and erased them! But if so it was not me! I actually never even listened to many of them but that's because I just have too much stuff. But I just listened to one today and it sounded real good. $4FF used to have eight (8) M0N4 BL.U "collection packs" but now they're all gone. I swear at some point in the past I downloaded them all but now it's like there's no trace of them on my machine. WTF? Did anybody else ever grab and archive all of them? I swear there must have been 300+ files. Just trying to restock my library from what seems to have vanished suddenly in some spooky fashion. Anybody else ever grab those? They were called the M0N4 BL.U Collection packs 1 - 8 and they came with cover pictures. One looked like a vampress with sharp teeth surrounded by purple.

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