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the |-|I\/E Anonymous 10/22/2022 (Sat) 03:59:09 No. 35
🙏🙏🙏 👩👱‍♀️👩‍🦰👩‍🦱👩‍🦳 🙏🙏🙏
What is page for? Like a is it for an artist?
The F$U had released the session "\/\/itc|-|es 2 - \/\/o/\/\en C0|\|trol Y0u". The text "\/\/itc|-|es 2" is also hardcoded onto the video. So, it's definitely the second video in the "\/\/itc|-|es" series. I wondered where the first one is, because F$U's P4tr30n doesn't show it. After some research, I found out it's an old $t4|kerB33 video (arc|-|ive.org page): aHR0cHM6Ly93ZWIuYXJjaGl2ZS5vcmcvd2ViLzIwMTcxMjI3MDIyMDUyL2h0dHA6Ly9zdGFsa2VyYmVlLmNvbS9wcm9kdWN0L3dpdGNoZXMtdGhlLWhpdmUtZmVtZG9tLWh5cG5vc2lzLWJldGEtdHJhaW5pbmcv "\/\/itc|-|es 2" was very good. Does anyone have the first one?! Is it on RetroShare, by any chance? (Sorry, I never managed to gain access to it.) I also couldn't find it with Google. BTW, I'm already excited for the third video of the series (freely readable P4tr30n description): aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGF0cmVvbi5jb20vcG9zdHMvd2l0Y2hlcy0yMDIyLTcyMDQwMzMx
does anyone have gifting a $i$$y PATREON file
looking for all newer recent video and audio files of 2022
does anyone have a MEGA of fsu?
>>66 I had the youtube version back in the day but lost it in a computer crash.. and have been looking for this one as well lately. hopefully someone has/finds it!
Cannot believe someone got the meg@ took down. Anyway, any other creators/artists similar to FSU? Files that help you deny yourself and accept sexual frustration. Like self-chastity files.
>>335 Was it good? Was it also a story? I just ask because not every $t4|kerB33 video of the time had TTS. Some were only spastic and pornographic.
>>375 It did! it was sort of a Salem Witch Trial type thing, about how men have long accused powerful women of being witches in order to get the upper hand against them, and how that must be corrected.
Re up???
does anyone have sissy simps get exposed? im will to trade
still lookinf for sissy simp gets exposed? its there newest release if anyone has it, maybe we can trade?
still looking for sissy simp gets exposed? its there newest release if anyone has it, maybe we can trade? (REPOST)
still looking for sissy simp gets exposed? its there newest release if anyone has it, maybe we can trade? (REPOST) (I REFUSE TO GIVE UP HOPE)
summer time chast 2023 https://gofile.io/d/mlA0Cf
>>66 b64 x2 🔗: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdlltcDRkMVJoWjJJPQ== 🔑: YkdOYWRuY3dSbUpTUVcxc1pqZEhWamhVYW5FeWVHTTRRbk5rT1VKWldqY3dSSGd6V0hreGFGQXdZdz09
>>772 This isn't \/\/itc|-|es 1, but \/\/itc|-|es 2! It says so right at the start of the video hardcoded on it!
yo anyone got sissy simps gets exposed and big bertha? ive already shared the newest summer 2023 file
b64 x2!! birtha and like two others!! YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5dGJFRXdRMlk
>>35 Those are kinda hot but I never fully get what's the point of them
I'm looking for frustrated bliss.... also what file implants the strongest "crush" triggers
Here is chastity is freedom, SC 2023, Just a Sissy Crush, Guilty Little Beta Simp and Women are Superior. aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC94c2huVjE= I have been addicted to The Hive files for the past year and these files have absolutely affected me more than any other hypnosis. I stay locked. I simp to women. I am noticeably more pathetic and simpish around women. I highly suggest listen to FSU files daily and you will start to notice to the difference. Just like any hypno, you get out of it what you want. I much prefer staying and getting more addicted to my parasocial crushes and becoming a beta rather than fapping to the files. aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC94c2huVjE=
>>897 Thank you so much for these! I absolutely agree that the Hive's training is much more addictive / entralling than any of the similar stuff (except maybe limpgirl).
can anyone reup women are superior >>897
>>921 Thanks to what was posted on the other board, we now have audio AND video of this session: https://gofile.io/d/0Y9iH8
new filez uploaded anyone? gofile or kemonoparty
>>66 OMG! I finally found it! Buried deep in my misc folder!! And Just in time for Halloween ;) After much anticipation I present to you, The first "Witches" aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9zRndMbGk=
FSU is often referring to a crush. Who is your crush if you have no real life crush?
do they have a file with cum permission in the end?
>>978 Under hypnosis, I regular think of her as my crush (although, of couse, as I learned all Women are my crush): https://www.instagram.com/yaelaris/ Just look at the last picture on this page: https://www.instagram.com/p/CwqCsKYMqt_/?img_index=3 OH. EMM. GEE! *SWOON* Of course, I never orgasm, but only edge! >>977 Thank you, but, FYI, the identical file was already uploaded on https://8kun.top/hypno/res/81039.html#83509 It sounds like you could need the program Everything (www.voidtools.com).
>>985 I've been looking for something like "Everything" for-fucking-ever now! Holy shit, thank you! >>979 Why would you want to squirt? What would your crush think if you were to do it in front of her? She'd find it disgusting, immature, and disrespectful. Why would you do that to your superior crush? If you still wanted to be so disrespectful, I suppose "Good Boy Rewards" would be the correct file to use... but make sure you are acting as a good boy prior to doing so. Lock yourself up for a bit, and listen to/watch some other files before that. Good Boy Rewards is earned, and not to be taken lightly. Make sure you have a chastity cage available for immediately after, because you should immediately lock yourself back up after completing that file.
>>986 I can confirm. Good Boy Rewards is one of the only files they have ever released that acknowledges such a disgusting act. As to why you would want this, I am also confused. It is so very disrespectful, and we should all be striving to keep ourselves strained and right on the edge for all superior women so that our brains are soft and susceptible to their programming and training. If we squirt, it inevitably makes their lives harder, and that is the most selfish thing that one of us could do.
These files have broken my brain. I have not squirted in over 2 months, and the guilt when I try is so severe that I almost immediately stop stroking on the rare occasion I can gather the courage to start. I am so desperate and horny, yet I can't do anything about it. If I were to squirt, I would find the guilt unbearable. My brain is a pile of goo. All I desire is more training, and my only sexual satisfaction comes from finding new ways to serve the women in my life.
>>1023 That's how it's supposed to be!
>>1029 Soon after making that post, I really started to settle in to my denial. I started feeling good about it. Almost empowered. Sure, I was horny, but I no longer felt a strong desire to squirt. I was trying to do everything I could to help get myself that feeling back. Edging multiple times a day, listening to hours of FSU files a day, watching porn that I used to have trouble keeping it inside to. My mind felt normal, clear. I was no longer the pile of mush that I wrote about in that last post. I then came across one of the files as I slept that talked about how superior women wanted to cause confusion and now allow this type of things to happen. The file talked about how a superior woman might, out of nowhere, make someone squirt multiple times without any explanation at all. Simply to regain control of someone who had accepted the denial and thought he no longer needed to squirt. I don't know the name of this file since I was sleeping at the time, and I remember hearing a bit of it as I rolled over in my sleep, but I wish I could find it. Anyway, this made me realize that this feeling of comfort and empowerment was far from what a superior woman would want. This past Saturday, I set multiple alarms for myself: 9am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm. Every time the alarm went off, I was required to squirt. I hadn't squirted since September 20th, and was now requiring myself to do it 5 times within 12 hours. I'm not going to go into the details, but my first squirt was the biggest dribble I've ever seen in my life. Of course, I placed it directly into a tissue and flushed it straight down the toilet. The next squirt was more of a normal sized load. The next 3 squirts were hardly a dribble, and it began to get quite painful and hard to accomplish by the end. However, I did so, cleaned up, immediately locked myself up in chastity, and went to bed while listening to some FSU files. Other than a quick daily cleaning, I've been locked in chastity since. I've been listening to FSU files all night, plus 8 hours minimum during the day. I plan to continue this every day for the remainder of the month. My mind is once again mush. 3 days after these squirts, I am more desperate for release than I was as the time of writing my previous post. My mind is constantly in a state of arousal and submission. I am constantly seeking out ways to help improve the lives of as many superior women as I can. I've ordered an even smaller chastity cage, as this one is not nearly tight enough. It is incredible how quickly my ego got put into check, and how inferior I am feeling. But the feeling of serving women is much better than any silly feeling of empowerment I've ever had.
>>1032 So I have been a good boy and haven't squirted as I promised. It has now been over 30 days. I am a puddle of nerves and my mind is mush. I've been listening to FSU files almost non-stop 24/7. If I am not listening to them, I begin to desire them. I don't think I am going to settle into things again, as I did previously. If I do start to feel comfortable in my denial, I will force myself to perform 7 days of edging 3x per day, and I am working on gathering some good gooning videos for that task, if it does arrive. Once those 7 days are over, no touching will be allowed unless I am cleaning, or peeing. If I do touch myself, even a small tap, I will have to smack my balls as punishment. I am attempting to go all of 2024 without squirting and figuring out ways to actively serve women better. I plan on being locked in chastity for most of the year, and am working on getting my cage size smaller and smaller. I hope to get myself into a flat/inverted cage before the end of the year.
Where are new files???
>>1068 check the kemono page
>>1076 YT/@SharieFemaleSupremacy (patreon) YT/@ViolaVoltairine & gynarchy[dot]io (books, courses, also have expensive patreon)
>>1083 Am I only simp alive?
>>1123 You're not. I think it is because you just linked to 2 sites that don't have anything to do with the thread. But yea, I still lurk, hoping for someone to share some new content.
summer time chastity 2024? anyone?

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