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5h1bby Hypno 10/24/2022 (Mon) 01:27:42 No. 48
Does anyone have her 2 recent files Divinity’s Corruption or Cognitive Submission Therapy?
Also looking for this
>>48 bump
Bump bump
Bumpy bumpy
If someone can post divinity corruption I’ll see if I can post my collection of 50 files. Majority are all available on kemono but I’ve got them all in one nice folder😄
>>134 Here's couple of more recent files I've found at 4chans /t/. The latter encoded link should be the file you're looking for. aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9INEppeWY= aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9DMzM5UzE=
As promised aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9scklTd0FpSyNBS19YSWVuSjV4S1Ftc2FaT2tGWDJR
>>144 Thank you buddy, few in there been wanting for a long time. And a few more I didn't even know where avail.
does anyone have a way of getting haptic files working without using the official site?
>>156 there's a download link for the haptic script in the general info section if you turn on spoilers, you can then use a funscript player to play it
Thanks for the files... Somebody have the new one about nipple play?
Anyone got her new stuff?
Could someone reup Cognitive Submission Therapy please?
>>255 Here you go plus 2 other files Decode 2x YUhSMGNITTZMeTloYm05dVptbHNaWE11WTI5dEwyOWtVVGxOTlV0amVXUXZSR2wyYVc1cGRIbGZjMTlEYjNKeWRYQjBhVzl1WDIxd013cG9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyRnViMjVtYVd4bGN5NWpiMjB2VDJWS05FMHlTekY1TkM5RGIyZHVhWFJwZG1WZlUzVmliV2x6YzJsdmJsOVVhR1Z5WVhCNVgyMXdNd3BvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMkZ1YjI1bWFXeGxjeTVqYjIwdlREbEZZMDAxU3pCNU1TOUJSRWhFWDFkbFpXUmZWMGxRWDIxd013PT0=
These working for anyone else? Keep getting bad gateway. Also do you have Mindless Milking?
>>258 i'm also getting a 502 error
works for me now
Can anyone share Mindless Milking please?
>>263 Bump
>>263 bump
You can stop bumping now aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9vd0tRZlo= Merry Christmas. See you all next file
You are great!! Thank you so much! Merry Christmas !!!
>>304 a hero, merry crisis
Anyone have "Follow Me"
>>330 Here I wont have anything new until March probably aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9wdFY0NlI=
Great, thank you! Someone have "Playing with your Nipples"?
any1 got 5ub1im3 & 5ub1imina1?
Anyone got Mƴ p3rf3c7 5155ƴ d011?
Anybody have tr@pped 1n @n@l $1ut tr@ining?
>>48 Mesmerized BJ, anyone?
>>504 Would be a perfect bday present for someone perfect
Mesmerized Blowjob, please?
sublime and subliminal anyone?
even more posted today
anyone have Mesmerized Blowjob?
Mesmerized Blowjob Alone Time behind paywalls still :(
Is there anyone with something new? Plz?
>>687 I would share but she hasn't uploaded a single file worth buying in months
Can anyone share the new files please? There are so many
>>756 tsmt, i'm specifically interested in "Just Let Go: A Meditative HFO"
Please bump something
DND file. Right now please.
Does anyone have some new files they can share? It’s been such a long drought…
It's never been more over
>>836 What's this supposed to mean? Ask me, it's never been closer ;)
Here are some new files lol https://gofile.io/d/4ptWHe
>>855 The gods have answered! Thank you!
Is it just me or is she slowly going more and more off her rockers? The recent descriptions and posts feel like she thinks she's some kind of sex goddess and above everyone. Like an actor getting lost in the role? Like that. This also has her choosing different scripts. She's not a hypnotist, she only reads others scripts. That's why her quality is so random from file to file. But she either chooses or attracts more malicious scripts recently. I really wonder if she feels this is building her identity. And tries to become more edgy dropping morals. From a psychological standpoint this is highly fascinating to watch her decline.
>>855 "Bounce For Me" is "Just Let Go" and not the futa file. I'm not sure why it has a different name when you download it.
>>857 >Is it just me or is she slowly going more and more off her rockers? The recent descriptions and posts feel like she thinks she's some kind of sex goddess and above everyone. Like an actor getting lost in the role? Like that. She's been like that for years now. Check out "Soaking in Power".
Dev10u5 d15tr4ct10n would be nice to try.
We're so fucking back :)
>>857 > But she either chooses or attracts more malicious scripts recently Ethics and morals have flown out of the window. Today she posted about probable plans to launch an AI of herself. It's a descend I won't be around to watch, especially when the motivation is clearly more money.
>>868 do you have by any chance "L3t My V01ces T4ke 0v3r"
>>868 the new files today and u'll d0 4n17h1n6 4 3r1ka
>>868 fu74 m1ndh4ck
>>872 THANKS!
>>872 thank you very much
>>872 could you reupload "80unc3 f0r m3"? the gofile earlier had a different one renamed to it, thanks!
"7H3 5155Y 501D13r 7r4P" and "MY P3rF3C7 5155Y D011" perhaps?
>>872 do you have the futa version of "7h3 514v3 0wn325 f1257 721ck"? appreciate the files
Might anyone have: "M1lk1ng B3nch" and "Y0u'r3 $uch 4n 34$y $lut"?
does anyone have su871m3 & sub1imin47?
Thanks for sharing. Can you upload "JU5T L3T G0: A M3D1TAT1V3 HF0"
>>888 in this post >>855 is the file you search for. its wrong labeled as "b0unc3 f0r m3" just rename it after the download.
>>886 u a real one. any chance you have "71ck13 7027u23 47 7h3 h4nd5 0f 4 cu17"?
>>890 link is dead
Has the tap run dry again?
>>867 > posted about probable plans to launch an AI of herself Where was this posted?
anyone got c0rrup1ing th3 51u7 1n51d3 y0u?
anyone willing to reupload these >>855 >>859 >>868 >>872 >>886 >>909
>>944 thanks a lot
anyone got i7erdim3ns10nal 0rg4n1sm?
would anyone be kind enough to post HF0 51@v3 tr@1n1ng and c@g3d @nd fuck3d 1nt0 5ubm15510n?
anyone have contr0l r00m inside y0ur mind?
>>944 THANK YOU!!!
someone got c4g3d 4nd fuck3d 1n70 5ubm15510n?
>>963 someone plz
c4g3d 4nd fuck3d 1n70 5ubm15510n someone?
Hi, does anyone have "W1cked Th3rapy Wh1t Odd3tte" of Hypn0K1nk?
anyone got i7erdim3ns10nal 0rg4n1sm?
someone post the new files please
Does anyone have 4 D3v10u5 Di5tr4ct10n?
anybody want to reupload a bunch of things in a mega? Every single link in the thread is dead :(
>>1009 I’ve got a folder of about 80 files I’ve collected that I can put on mega. But someone needs to put up some new stuff first!
H£0 4mp1!£!c47!0n please?
anyone have these files? c463d & fuck3d 1n70 5ubm15510n c0nfu53d c0ckw0r5h1p wh3n w3 fuck, 1'm 7h3 0n3 w17h 7h3 c0ck
How do I use decode???
>>1026 +1 requesting for c463d & fuck3d 1n70 5ubm15510n
+1 for. Hf0 4mpl!f!c47!0n
+1 new links plssss these are all dead
Does anyone have all of her paid audios (with funscript if possible) and is willing to share?
>>1040 Unfortunately her audio is all .json files. that said all of those files are on her website for free once you have the paid for audio itself.
>>1041 The .json files are just funscripts with the wrong extension, and inverted axis.
>>1030 someone plz upload this
>>1042 How does one convert them?
>>1047 Just rename it from .json to .funscript and it will work, both scriptplayer and multifunplayer have options to invert the script when playing back.
>>1073 Thank you!
R3l1g10us subm1s10n (NSFW version) aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9BZjk0MG0=
>>1073 much appreciated
>>1088 What is different between that and the F4M one on the dex?
can someone upload b0unc3 f0r d0m1na?
Anyone has CEI files ?
>>1091 YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5aFlqSTROR0U9 two times
Does anyone have the newest squirm loop by chance?
Do any other dommes have files that sync with devices (haptics), or is she the only one?
>>1073 haw to get the file everyone knows but no explanation just found this beutiful site
>>1018 >>1019 >>944 could someone reupload these please >>1110 google base64decode
Does anyone have the extended version of Interdimensional Orgasm?
does anyone have b0unc3 f0r d0m1na (poppers)?
Do My Poor Pet A Favour?
bump, someone please post latest files
Anyone got My Feet on your Face
>>1137 No, and I’d rather I didn’t
Can anyone send a file collection they have lost mine while reinstalling windows
someone please upload new files
someone plz post new files
Only slut whores get hypnotized 😵‍💫 my cock breeding vessel is going to strike that horny stupid slut 😵‍💫
She will never be able to resist the addicting mind controlling cock
plz post new files
UL7R4M4N V5 L4T3X : 5T4ND4RD V3RS10N D0CT0R'5 0RD3R5 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9xTDlRM2sKaHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS9sL2M0U1A5SkE0
And what about the calendars in of? Someone has something?
>>1165 thanks
>>1165 much appreciated
thanks bro
k1ck1ng y0ur b411s aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5mbS91L2toanVuMnRwNHk=
thanks, do u have the new files?
>>1176 no, looking for the new one too 4n 1nt3rd1m3ns10n4l 0rg4sm aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5mbS91LzUyNDc0Z2ZxaHo=
>>1177 thanks!
>>1177 do you have m0n5t3r br0th3l f0r cut3 g1rl5?
>>1179 no i dont have it

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