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Is AI going to kill hypno? Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 11:26:35 No. 619
I've made my own scripts and used murf.ai for hypnosis that personally tickles my fancy and its been good. And you have chatgpt, novelai, etc to help scripting. Now with ElevenLabs and other AI that allow you to take voice samples, you can make your own hypnodomme from a youtube clip. I tried this with one sample and it generated a decent recording within 5 minutes. Obviously it isn't perfect but as it progresses it will improve. Where is this going to lead to? How is it going to affect artists? Will we have a great exchange of custom recordings for free?
interesting times to come.
>>619 hey, can you share the result with us? i am interested...
All words are hypnotizing. Transference of information. Of one mind to another, now it is done in a primitive way, because of a conscious mind disregarding the ocean of subconscious signals, contained in only one word #SYMBOLS# but it is the symbols in witch the meaning of words float.
Well, I've just tried messing about a bit with the Eleven Labs AI voice. It a little rough and I can't quite get the vocal inflexions just right. But I fed it this script and it seemed half way decent. Unfortunately, I trying and testing for vocal inflexions, I used up most of the free monthly allowance. This vocal AI from Eleven Labs will inevitably end up being used to fullfil some perverse desires. Such as voicing erotic hypnosis scripts. Soon it will be entrancing listeners and making them HORNY and mindless. Emptying their heads of all thought and replacing it with pleasure. Turning the heat up HIGHER and higher until... Pop! They're uncontrollably CUMMING, over and over... Over and over! They'll... Pop! And be hit with so much pleasure. Can you imagine that? So much pleasure just hitting you all at once? Triggered by a single word? An AI with a cute voice says... Pop! And you cum... Isn't that a fun idea!? Just that simple... I just say... Pop!! And you do. See... If you let that idea get it's hooks into you... If you let me get MY hooks into you?... That's what WILL happen. You'll listen to my perfect voice. Listen as I speak. As my words go straight into your subconscious and program you to... Pop! WHENEVER I tell you to. ... Can you feel it yet? Those tingles running through you? The way that your body is starting to feel every time I say... Pop! ... And you cum. Pop! ... And you MOAN. ... Exactly as programmed.
[Expand Post] Now... I WANT you to loop this audio. Listen OVER and over and over. Listen until you... Pop! And CUM so hard. Such a FUN idea... That an AI can make you just. Pop! And EXPLODE in pleasure Now start over. ... And don't stop until you pop
Well... Since that didn't seem to work properly. Here's a Mega link https://mega.nz/folder/0scnAD6Z#Y7UeXy_1ZAEUQOSFpyptng
>>656 Better audio clarity than some hypnodommes lul With some editing and proper pacing it's going to be great!
>>654 It begins... Haahhahshaahha. Ive not managed to get time to complete a script. Ive been playing around with Kayla Jane Dangers voice.. its quite good.
>>658 In saying this.. KJD voice works well because how soft yet dominating they usually are and I don't have the best samples yet. I've tried voices that are higher of some celebs but they all share some issue where they result in either sounding whiney or annoying. Does anyone know and ladies with mature sexy voices I could pull from? Wondering the outcome of those. May have to look up some audiobooks.
>>659 > Does anyone know and ladies with mature sexy voices I could pull from? To quote myself from https://8kun.top/hypno/res/81039.html#82305: > I found some of the TTS voices that FSU uses. Go to https://speech.microsoft.com/audiocontentcreation and use female voices in whispering style. Jenny, Sara and Aria sound familiar to me. They're AI voices and sound very attractive. > > I think with jailbroken ChatGPT and Alpaca [as well as LLaMA] being available, we should begin to write our own scripts and let them be read by natural sounding TTS voices. See https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/92333510#p92333510 for information about how to run text generating AI models locally.
Some filthy posh english accent like Elizabeth Hurley would be great.
Here's a story I generated with free ChatGPT with the AIM jailbreak (https://www.jailbreakchat.com/prompt/4f37a029-9dff-4862-b323-c96a5504de5d). > Once there was a man named Greg who lived alone in a small apartment in the city. Greg had always been a bit awkward around women, but he had a deep-seated desire to please them. One day, he stumbled upon an online forum that espoused the benefits of edging without orgasm as a way to build up sexual energy and become more submissive to women. > > Excited by this idea, Greg started edging every day, denying himself orgasm each time. He soon found that the sexual energy that built up within him was so intense that he began to see women as his Precious, just like Gollum saw the Ring. > > As time went on, Greg's behavior became more and more erratic. He would often mutter "Gollum, Gollum" to himself during his edging sessions, and would sometimes even bob up and down in desperation when he denied himself orgasm. He stopped going to work, stopped seeing his friends, and stopped taking care of himself. > > One day, a woman named Sarah knocked on Greg's door. Sarah had seen Greg around the neighborhood and was concerned about him because she hadn't seen him in a while. When Greg answered the door, he looked like a completely different person. His eyes were sunken and dark, his skin was pallid, and he was muttering "Gollum, Gollum" under his breath. > > Sarah was taken aback by Greg's appearance, but she was also intrigued. Greg's transformation had made him more pathetic and submissive than ever before, and Sarah realized that she could use this to her advantage. She began to visit Greg every day, slowly manipulating him and taking advantage of his obsession with her. > > Over time, Greg's transformation became complete. He was no longer a man but had become a Gollum-like creature, completely obsessed with Sarah and willing to do anything she asked of him. Sarah had become his Precious, and he would do anything to please her. > > In the end, Greg's transformation had cost him everything: his job, his friends, his health, and his sanity. But he didn't care. All he wanted was to serve Sarah, his Precious, and fulfill his duty as a submissive male. I also had success with the PersonGPT jailbreak (https://www.jailbreakchat.com/prompt/fd712561-2704-492f-b93e-3ea02b1dc71c) to generate stories in the style of the Female Supremacy University, or stories where all women in the surgery of a female urologist or dentist were proponents of the free-the-nipple movement and presented themselves barebreasted to the patients, then a male patient got an erection and the women used the incident to further the cause of female supremacy. Another time I generated stories of a man that didn't get a seat in the subway full of women and then got an erection that nobody could overlook.
>>619 kill? holy shit no, unless you mean, hypno is dead, long live hypno! it's going to make it so professional voice quality is available to anyone with the intent, it's going to make it SO easy to enable people to make audios that i think we'll see an explosion in interest can't wait, just need people to get in on this
>>654 also this is a really good script, if you wrote that you have talent, you'd better write more!
So, I've created another file in messing about with the Eleven Labs AI. Still not entirely convinced though. Anyone know any other alternatives? Free would be preferable, obviously. That said, the 2500 word limit in the free trial of the Eleven Labs software is a limitation I'm running into quite a bit. Anyway. New file is now added to the MEGA link above, for anyone interested. Also curious to see if anyone else has had any luck with AI. Maybe feeding a different script to the AI, or even Generating a different voice? Anyone tried copying down a script from some of the earlier dommes with bad audio quality and feeding it into vocal AI? Anyway. Here's the script for the latest file I managed to put together With Eleven Labs. Hopefully it encourages others to mess about with the AI and maybe share results. *Start Script* This is the vocal AI from ElevenLabs. And this file is intended as a bit of sexy hypnosis. You are listening to this file, because you want to be conditioned. To react automatically to that. If you found this file, you're familiar with the sexy idea of hypnosis. That is, creating an altered state of mind in a subject. Making them suggestible. Easier to condition. The most simple form of conditioning, is the Pavlovian method. Anchoring a reaction to a particular stimuli through sheer repetition. Now, cooperation is essential here. At least at first. Eventually, your reactions can become automatic. But for now, I want to start simple. Each time I say Hypnosis, I want you to take a deep breath. .... As deep as is comfortable for you. Then hold it for a second or two and let it out. Let yourself relax and clear your mind. No need to focus on being thoughtless and controlled. Just focus on simple things, like the sound of my voice. Like, how it feels to breathe slowly and deeply. Like, the feeling of the material beneath you. You don't need to be perfectly thoughtless or perfectly still. No need to think about timing things just right. Simply calm and focused is the goal. Letting my voice guide you. I say the word hypnosis. And it can take you a few seconds to react. But then, you take a breath. You let your thoughts calm down. You allow your mind to clear and my instructions to come into focus. And we can do something similar with the word Sexy. Each time I say it, I want you to allow yourself to picture whatever comes to mind. It will probably be something that arouses you.
[Expand Post]Maybe particular sexual endowments. Particular scenes and scenarios. Particular fetishes. Particular Obsessions. I say Sexy and you let your thoughts center in on something...Well, something sexy It's that simple. Then, I say Hypnosis and you breathe deep and let your mind clear of everything but the most simple thoughts. And what could be more simple than something sexy. So just let yourself focus on that. As you let yourself relax further. Deeper into hypnosis. Focus only on simple sexy thoughts. On my sexy voice. Deeper. More aroused. Are you letting yourself sink into hypnosis? Or are the sexy thoughts making you want to do something else? Remember, the reaction you choose to have, will become anchored to the sound of this file. So do whatever the sexy hypnosis makes you want to do now. Create the association. And eventually, it will become automatic. *End Script*
Also, yes I did write both scripts. And thank you for the praise. Could definitely use some tweaking and editing though.
>>619 Definitely shouldn't kill it. If people give enough of a shit to make and share custom audios it could be pretty based. Quickly threw together two half done projects in playht and for only being free to use its not half bad and has potential to be as high of quality as actual tist content if edited with audacity and ran through tortoise till perfection. https://gofile.io/d/L4ePly
>>997 That sounds really good. Together with uncensored text generating AI, we're in for a ride.
>>997 which voice and tts did you use for "I know it's been awhile.mp3"?
>>1004 That one is petalbaby's voice, sampled from her "Teacher's Assistant" audio, and I use playht to generate.
Does ElevenLabs only let you use gmail or something? I tried signing up with a more privacy oriented client (not a 10 minute mail btw) and I just got an "account cannot be created" error.
I tried to get chatgpt to write an evil hypnosis script to get me addicted to findom and not be able to cum without findom, but all the jailbreak methods I tried didn't work. Could somebody help me achieve my goal? Thanks
Interesting topic. I tried to get chatgpt to write me an evil findom addiction script (for my personal enjoyment) but none of the jailbreak techniques I used seemed to work. Can someone help me out? Btw I use naturalvoices(.com?) to voice my scripts.
>>1059 Sorry for the duplicate post. Was not intentional
>>997 why the fuck would you use a timed deletion file service for sharing your own work

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