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B4mb1 sl33p has got to be the most overrated and shit hypno series i’ve ever come across B4mb1 h4t3r 04/14/2023 (Fri) 01:31:33 No. 677
Honestly, you type in “bambi sleep’ on Google and all you get are multiple threads on multiple forums warning of the ‘dangers’ and how nefariously effective it is - but i can’t be the only one that thinks the complete opposite? They’re actually kind of responsible for my faded interest in the ‘sissyhypno’ genre to be honest. The creator either paid a bunch of shills, or enough schizoids just so happen to naturally come across it that it developed its own hype from there. I’ve watched/listened to many more effective hypnos. I can’t even believe that there are so many accounts of “bambi sleep ruining people’s lives” lmao. What you guys think? Also, whilst we’re at it, can someone please fucking adjust the captcha used for this site? I have to try like 5 times just to be able to post here because of how illegible the text is. Frustrating as hell.
Well, yeah. Bambi is a self perpetuating circle jerk. Part of the attraction is overstating the effects and telling everybody how effective it is. But then it's just a sissy version of the bimbo babble bullshit. And that always worked on the same principle. Those files are more for the roleplay than the mind control community. Yes, mind control roleplay, but that's not mind control. It's just some elaborate joi.
Hypnosis isnt real. You cant control people with just words. Its roleplay, that's it. If youre looking to be controlled or forced to change it wont happen unless you are a. Stupid or b. Literally brain damaged. Hypnosis is the biggest fake b.s. to exist. As far as jerk off material, yeah sure.
You said you've seen more effective stuff than Bambi. Can you recommend the strongest stuff you've seen pls.
Not me, but: Literally anything that is just hypnosis. With realistic goals. Not an over the top jerk off roleplay soundtrack As a rule of thumb: If a creator needs a ton of sound effects and other gimmicks they probably know they lack in terms of hypnotic skills.
That's something new. So far, the most overrated tist was Samantha
>>680 >You said you've seen more effective stuff than Bambi. Can you recommend the strongest stuff you've seen pls. No OP, but have you tried https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showthread.php?tid=3451
can someone point me to where i learn how to decode links here <3
I don't think the effects of Bambi are exaggerated, but I feel the staying power it has are. It'll work for about an hour or two but after that you just go back to being your usual pissed off and annoyed self. Oblivion is the strongest file the trick is to think along with the file. Also Longer sessions and avoiding fapping, fapping pulls you out of it. That said you have to be into the themes, if you're not into them it won't work. Going in wanting it to work will help. Granted a lot of why I think the files don't work as well as they should for me personally is that the lack of an appropriate uniform, the uniform is a major part of it, if you're just trancing to it without one it won't work, can be a good way to test out files first though. Another problem is that overall the bambi community is stagnate at this point in time. The original set is still the most effective #sets 1 2 and the addons such as Oblivion. Makeover is ineffective, I can't get it to work, I think bambi prime lost it with that set evident by the reality we are what 3 years into that set and still don't have the final file. That said the whole hypnosis community is stagnate in general. HYPToob has basically just become porn PMVs which aren't even hypnosis, the sites misleading. Porn is dull and besides its the Audio doing all the work anyway you can't be hypnotized with the visuals, the idea is sensory deprivation. The whole site is all just fap material its not taking itself seriously. >>689 > That's something new. So far, the most overrated tist was Samantha I agree Samantha sucks. None of the files are good the audio is so low quality and everything is so vague and a waste of time.
>>692 Inevitable "she" arrived.
>>695 >"she" "She"?
FWIW, Bambi Prime has joined LikeRa's forum, and is currently active in the Bambi thread: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2333
>>713 Oh did you now?
>>713 the buzzfeed story is some of the funniest shit. Firstly what in the fuck are you doing telling some random ass dude you met in a bar that you use hypnosis to turn yourself into a bimbo. Who the fuck does that. Dude was probably going to bill cosby your ass anyway you just made it easier for him. I mean fuck, I think most would want the files to be as effective as the article claims it is. The reality is though the bambi files aren't capable of that this person was just an idiot.
You do get that those "experiences" are just part of the roleplay? Also the creator has always been sockpuppeting a lot.
Does anybody have some lore on wtf is going on right now?
Sissy hypno in general is astroturfed and has been since the days of Mr Daniels, the good content creators were all chased away by neuralnets and the secret subject, and their assorted collection of goons because they wanted to own the market, but they're both underwhelming creators so we're left with a community without any real leaders, only dramatic faggots that want to be king of shit hill, but can't do anything for the community so drag everyone around them down instead >Mfw the watchtower existed

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