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Hypnosis Books Anonymous 08/01/2023 (Tue) 20:10:16 No. 877
Are any of you faggots still holding onto these? A lot of hypnosis books were passed around on /hypno/ back in the day, and I had most of the PDFs, but through my own stupidity I've lost them. Reality is Plastic, Trancework, and M1|70n 3r1($0n's Complete Works would be especially appreciated.
>>878 I'll keep that in mind if I ever want to look into NLP, thanks. >>879 Shit, that's really helpful. Thanks anon. Now that I look through the Internet Archive, there's more missing than I'd expect. They used to have books like Monsters and Magic Sticks and the aforementioned Complete Works laying around (I've found a PDF of claiming to be the latter online, but it's way shorter and lacks a proper index), but now most of that stuff is gone.
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>>880 Nevermind, turns out I'm retarded and the Complete Works is still on there after all. God bless the schizo who uploaded all 1780 pages of his research papers. aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kZXRhaWxzL0VyaWNrc29uQ29tcGxldGVXb3Jrc18yMDE5MDM=
All of the books mentioned in this thread can be obtained on annas-archive.org. I never read those old threads where /hypno/ shared books, but the books mentioned in this thread seem very interesting. Please keep the recommendations coming.
Anybody have "Hypno domme - Memoirs Of A Hypnotic Dominatrix"?
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The "Secret don't Tell" is indeed – Obligatory!!! Just wanted to emphasize it.

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