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(18.16 KB 842x264 decode.png)

Based SixtyFour Extension 09/13/2023 (Wed) 11:15:25 No. 937
I made an extension to easily decode those weird strings you guys keep posting. https://gofile.io/d/ikjqC5 It was developed and tested in chromium, I don't think it can work in firecuck because they don't allow local extensions. It is restricted to 4chan, 8chan and 8kun, to enable it on other websites you have to edit the manifest.json
>>937 Posting code in such a place and recommending people to run it is not very trustworthy. Especially when there's already software available for that. Just google "browser extension decode base64". It's also quite strange that your context menu icon is the same as in this extension: https://github.com/NellyWhadsDev/inline-base64-tools And if the user is willing to accept the context menu item being nested in two submenus or having to use a keyboard shortcut to trigger the conversion, this functionality could also be implemented as a userscript to avoid making it a browser extension with more rights and access.
The icons are the same since i used that project as a template. But that project doesn't really work in a lot of cases, and is more bloated and requires more permissions. My version is just simplified and more capable. I made it for myself because the linked project sucks. I just share it for others to enjoy it. Its less than 200 lines of open source code, putting it on github doesnt make it more secure. userscripts are also bloat, enjoy running some random userscript manager on every page. I always make my scripts run as clean as possible.
here's what you do: 1. Press F12 to open browser developer tools javascript console. Scary mumbo jumbo right? anywho 2. insert command like this: atob("SEVSRV9JU19XSEVSRV9ZT1VSX1RFWFRfR09FUw==") Except you put your own base64 text there.

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