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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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Dump your general scatter brain thoughts here What's on your mind 01/20/2023 (Fri) 20:47:14 Id: 5e4a42 No. 270
If they are worthy of going deep into, then start a new thread based on it.
Id love to buy Vinyl's and play them. Id love to own physical books again Id love to make a studio for myself Id love a work bench and start making stuff again
The age of man is over. The pursuit of greatness is dead. And that is ok. Chase your own meaning
Italian ban on English is great. I might follow in my own life as well. Maybe some of your won't like it.
Anyone else shocked at how dickless the Western right has been for centuries? Arguably been losing constantly since 1789. Even the concert of Europe had to make Liberal concessions.
>>1121 Rhey cannot wven ibey the bible right. They believed their own subversion. Disgusting. I respect orthodox christians in the east way more.
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I love noodles. Cheap desi chinese Korean ramen Noodle soup Maggi Had a great bowl that gf made me and now im in heaven. Will sleep satisfied.
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>>1121 Seeing the decline of west has been cocnfusing and satisfying.
>>1124 I don't find it satisfying because the rot is no longer confined to it's own borders - they are exporting it. The worst thing the British did was implement the Westminster system in India.
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>>1131 They have always done that Always. It is our burden to resist.
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>>1131 अंग्रेज़ी बोलना छोड़ दो, गोरों की आधी बकवास वैसे ही खत्म हो जाएगी। कौन रोकेगा हमे ? बदलाव की जरूरत हमें है। गोरों का सिर्फ विध्वंस हो सकता है
>>1135 Unironically I think congress was better at this point. The economy crept along at 2% growth per year but at least under Indira preserving Indian culture was a stated goal. BJP talks about Hinduism and then hobbles it everywhere while allowing transnational capitalists to suck India dry. Frontier Lundica said awhile ago that the only hope for India is some Bolshevik tier upending of the social system, and I'm starting to agree.
>>1138 इंदिरा जी ने काफी अच्छे काम किये पर अर्थव्यस्था को दशकों के लिए चोद दिया । पाकिस्तान के टुकड़े हुए पर हमें भी अपना सोना ब्रिटैन में रखाना पड़ा। हिंसुवादी सरकार होना अछि बात है । पर मुझे नही पसंद की हर बात हम सरकार से कराना चाहते हैं। हिन्दू समाज खुद लड़ना भूल गया है । शिव सेना या बकसाहेब जैसे शेर क्यों नही पैदा हो रहे हैं ? या वो भी सरकार करे ? मुल्ले नही देखते किसकी सरकार है । तो हम क्यों हर बात सरकार से करवाना चाहते हैं ?
>>1138 बिना अर्थव्यवस्था के कोई संस्कृती नही है ना ही कोई सुरक्षा । बिना अर्थव्यवस्था के सब के सब यशुवादी या कटमुल्ले बन जाएंगे ।
>>1146 I disagree. Economy is subservient to culture. Every developed country has become pozzed and every poor country is conservative - I'm convinced it is a 1:1 correlation.
>>1149 My semester is about to end in a week. I'll make the long post I promised for so long once exams are done.
>>1151 Take your time. Looking forward to your answer
>>1149 >Economy is subservient to culture Everything is subservient to elites. They set the terms of engagements (vis-a-vis a vertain situation) everyone else just react to it. Read this https://www1.udel.edu/htr/Psc105/Texts/power.html
>>270 I am a fucking fatfuck( 188cm and 120kg) and it has massive repurcussions on my self esteem and lifestyle in general. I take an excess of 5k kcals per day, with virtually no exercise, and am too ashamed to go out in public. I'll start a hydrocaloric, high calcium diet and try to increase the deficit. I'll also start 30mins of slow cycling and 30mins of intense swimming everyday. I hope I can keep the schedule tight and lose some of that fat.
>>1320 Fatloss is hard anon. Im struggling myself. You will find what works for you best but it is worth it. Being fit feels good
>>1320 >>1322 Go full military mode Start with rookie exercises like jumping jacks etc Then move to core HIIT exercise as soon as you get comfortable with sweat, speed and force Keep ORS - take after every exercise Some energy juice like honey and water or honey milk mix, milk with a little bit of jaggery, you can make yours You've to hammer your muscles till it burns anon > Fat loss is hard I don't agree with this unless you've some disease or hormonal imbalance You got to give 1-1-hour 2-session exercise every day, morning and noon Eat kishmish, badamm, kaju, and other such shit Consume protein, and calcium it's important for recovery, at least 4 times a week eat those If you religiously follow, trust me you'll lose weight faster and faster I mean really faster in like 20 days, not saying you’ll achieve your goals but it will start to show in drastic I've seen some of my gawar friends who went to the academy and returned after a month or two losing 30-40 kg straight believe me anon but it's you who have to be consistent with it. For 10 days do what I've told you'll lose kilos for sure. Of course, do enough of what your body is capable but push a little bit every day. If you do 25 pushups then go the extra 5 and then push more 5 here you can fail but if you look back, you'll have done 30 pushups crossing your threshold. What I am trying to say is if you set a target, don’t stop there instead push your mind to the next checkpoint. After a point, your mind and body start to panic that’s when you can take a rest
>>1320 >>1322 >>1323 and yeah, no need of calorie deficit eat as much as you want
>>1323 I do have a disease that limits my options of physical excretion quiet a bit. I used to be quiet fit and I miss it a lot. I cannot also eat what I want, so atleast my diet is strict now. I agree with your advice though. I used to do very basic situps, pushups and basic yoga, with that alone I was decently fit.
I want an indian guy to tickle me and hug andwatch movies and anime with me मैं चाहता हूं कि एक भारतीय लड़का मुझे गुदगुदी करे और गले मिले और मेरे साथ फिल्में और एनीमे देखें What does yaaro mean main chaahata hoon ki ek bhaarateey ladaka mujhe gudagudee kare aur gale mile aur mere saath philmen aur eneeme dekhen
>>1353 yaaro means friends.
>>270 going through some tough stuff right now yaros very difficult will update some time in the future
>>1374 I hope nothing too serious
>>1374 stay safe, mitr. give us an update when you can >>1320 slight update(after 8 days): started cycling and swimming for 30min each day, with 1 day reserved for HIIT(cycling only). I get very tired very quickly, and can only sustain upto 15sec of high intensity pedaling before going into recovery, and my muscles get fatigued very easily, it makes it hard for me to cover the length of the workout without completely stopping for 3-4min for recovery. Cycling uphill is a tough task. I can hardly swim 15m at a stretch, will learn proper breathing techniques by the end of the month and push it to 50m nonstop before June. I'm eating <2kcal/day for 6 days a week, and 3kcal on every sunday. my diet: 1. low cal protein shake(with homemade protein powder)+lots of fruits ~350kcal for breakfast 2. a low calorie sabzi(without oil, usually bhindi,tofu or boiled potatoes)+ 3 rotis(multigrain,without ghee) ~500kcal for lunch 3. the same protein shake with a different flavour+ light,low calorie snacks sometimes(bhelpuri or 3 slices of brown bread with peanut butter) ~450kcal for evening snacks 4. Fried rice/6idlis + sambhar/low cal sabzi+4 rotis ~550kcal for dinner I've already lost 1.5kg, but it's tough going. I developed a mild case of quadriceptic tendonitis on sunday, after a week. it still hurts a bit, and was probably caused due to overwork, since I had no rest days. hopefully I can keep it going. I'll try to post before and after photos(without the face, of course) once I make significant progress. should take around 6 months at this pace
I am thinking I will start a new thought dump/random thread, so this one can go into the backpages. >>1437 Being a fatfuck myself, I cannot comment on the exercises, but yeah, cycling uphill is hard. Having a calorie deficit is hard in the beginning. You might have dehydration regarding the muscles, it is a common problem. "a mild case of quadriceptic tendonitis" Take care since this can turn bad,.
>>1149 Everything in this fucking world is not free even security isn't free
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>>270 Finally got exercise and out time. Spring is finally here. Been a working man for a while now. Still get dreams about parents forcing me to work on my baord exams (in my day boards had no relarion to enterance tests and i barely passed my board exams but did well in enterance)
been seeing a lot of indian male - black female couples lately, kinda strange
>>1614 Why though ? I don't give much thought to these generalizations though. Dating is such a personal thing that statistical generalities don't apply. Individual variations are much higher than differences between "races". In that sense, it always makes sense to expand ones dating scene, especially given the shit show that "educated" Indian women are.
Been up for two days straight trying to get off my sleeping pills. Very shitty.
>>1759 that is very dangerous. get away from that path ASAP, a healthy sleep schedule is a must.
>>1149 >Economy is subservient to culture if it were then it would not be a complex adaptive system, it would become predictable as with also the stock market. the truth is that marketing ie, propaganda is a powerful tool which can be used to subvert the current cannon of any country's culture. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8i_Zw1Itv40" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> >Every developed country has become pozzed and every poor country is conservative you are wrong buddy, poor countries are conervative BECAUSE they are poor not the other way around. also there are many progressive and poor African societies were women have been holding political power and the men being ok with it, even in a shithole as India where you see more shit on the streets than actual streets, there is consideration and redemption of third gender.
>>1816 >>1149 here is a good video on how propaganda ie, marketing challenges society -->https://youtu.be/8i_Zw1Itv40 (sry the original post link does not work)

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