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/b/ - bakchodi मित्र 08/22/2023 (Tue) 19:40:53 Id: 883689 No. 2766
Containment thread for any random thing you want to talk about that don't quite fit the other general threads.
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>>4104 As it should. Your feelings are not irrational anon. We have just come to accept some very unacceptable things. For example, you pay tax's and government gives you electricity. You get a fridge, but there is no electricity everyday for few hours. When this is , is random. But it damages your fridge. So you get an inverter. But only last 1 hour. So you get a generator. Now you need to pay for diesel. These are indirect tax's you pay. A result of terrible governance. But, what has changed after the British left ? Our constitution and govt structures are the same colonial ones. Our economies are still extraction machines for resources and brains. Madness is not what you feel anon. Madness is to feel nothing when confronted with these truths.
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>>4104 Growing up, there were parks and community spaces. Kids would just go and play. Adults would talk there. Now to play, you need to pay in most Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. Everything else is online. People meet in cafe's instead of under tree's or in empty fields. For all our talk of culture, we have gone so wrong.
>>4108 >These are indirect tax's you pay. A result of terrible governance Tiresome >earn money, pay tax on it >buy car pay GST/road tax/whatever they feel like >buy fuel, pay tax on it >want to travel intercity, pay toll >the toll road is worse than non toll roads >unmarked speedbreakers all over the place >hit pothole hard >tyre and rim gone >replace it, pay taxes on those >struts, outer tie rods and control arm bushings go bad a few years down the line because of the excellent roads >pay taxes on those >, what has changed after the British left ? Our constitution and govt structures are the same colonial ones. Our economies are still extraction machines for resources and brains It's going to take a loooong time before the system changes. >>4112 >rowing up, there were parks and community spaces. Kids would just go and play. Adults would talk there This actually saddens me, the govt auctions off every last piece of land, even hills and mountains, it means you can never be somewhere you can't be kicked off the land, or be sure you can come back there a year later without there being a shitty building there. There was a huge open space where I grew up, for years it was wild. I would leave the place far before sundown because wild animals would roam the place, and so would drunkards somedays. Now, they've plotted it all our and selling those plots. I have stopped going there now in spite of insistence of my family because it makes me feel really sad. I think I read something about what the UK does, they have dedicated zones around the city, a green belt kind of thing, where you aren't allowed to build anything. This is done so cities don't keep growing and growing like leeches. The UK is filled with cucks and retards, but this one thing I can get behind.
>>4114 It's worse since we now have a carbon tax, a transaction fee (which you have to pay tax on), tariffs (which are essentially invisible taxes), and then dozens of other taxes just to get the gas into the gas station. Last 50 years have been absolutely insane, with governments ability to track transactions creating literally hundreds of new taxes. Tired of this new reality, hope someone can reverse it.
>>4112 I can relate anon. All the parks and fields I used to play in as a child are now multi-story apartment blocks or some shopping mall/stall My brother is forced to stay at home because there is only a single field to play in, on top of that his friends don't even want to leave their homes, so he has no one to play with
>>2766 Pakistan's founder is a shia, which they hate The idea of pakistan was created by a bangladeshi, which they hate Pakistan speaks urdu, which is an Indian language, doesn't even belong to any ethnicity of pakistan.
>>4137 What a dumb country. India can't be a world power with a cyst growing on its Western border. >also Pakistan was founded with the idea that Islam is stronger than culture, breaks up along cultural lines in the first three decades.
>>4154 Pakistan is dead. Most pf my BJP contacts also tell me POK is a done deal. India is getting it back. Pakistan may live in in the minds of Britisch and Kanadian citizens tho
>>4155 >india is getting POK back how? by waging a full scale war and openly turning the whole world against us? we'll be similar to israel but without the american support we are barely able to control our part of kashmir, the population there is more radicalized than the fucking isis since we cannot spend billions of dollars on keeping the army in kashmir forever, we will lose it if things continue to go this way
>>4156 By simply buying the Land back from a bankrupt nation. It has Huge security issues and implications. I guess thats why its taking time. So lets See. I am not in favour of adding Paknpopulation to Bharat. Pakistani pigs are a net loss
>>4155 >india is getting it back delusion is pretty strong with this statementt ,why pakis will sell it to india instead of china as china has already devloped majority of the region and karakoram tract made by china-pak alliance is there and buying it is like buying a box full of terrorists ,filling it with indian soldiers is another challenge and people there have alliance and sideline with pakistanis on positive side if it ever happens india will have a chance to close the porus border and close the northen front after 30 years of insurgency
>>2766 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5euPmtAw_SA TBYS is probably half the reason I even watch YT anymore. I find his videos very high quality, anons here might check him out.
>>4156 >how? When life gives you nukes, use it on Pakistan.
>>2766 I think I will leave /pol/ discussion in this chan and others. Mostly because, 1. There is nothing left to do or discuss, the ZOG/NWO won, BD is spiritually, ethnically, culturally and morally dead. 2. I currently lack the necessary historical/philosophical/political knowledge necessary to engage in informative debate and give well thought-out opinions. 3. Recent convo with germanon felt like I was just muddying the water instead of actually criticizing/discussing anything. 4. The priority of my hobbies have shifted from history and politics to technology and digital art as of now. 5. I have already extracted more than enough insight I currently want into history and politics. 2024 is approaching, this is just a part of the direction and outlook I want for my life, I might still share art/'jaks I draw in my freetime here.
>>2766 here's BJPoo's official membership form for you guys
>>4176 Reading will help you a lot. You have good reasoning trained on bad but free resources. Leave YouTube for sometime Art sounds good.
Everyone's favorite RAW honeypot is back. https://indiachan.net/index.html
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>>4250 holy kek imagine getting busted by joining a glowie discord server and not using a burner acc
>>4250 apparently there's also bharatchan.com
All of their arguments basically either boiled down to "I just feel it is true and correct" (Appeal to Emotion) Or "I like religion <xyz> because I agreed with their idea of <abc>" The second argument made me kek hard, it's like saying "I bought everything in a store because I liked a Red T-shirt they had." Don't these retards realize that ideas are modular and not tied down to any specific cult/religion ? People can agree to be paedos without becoming Muslim because Islam has Sahih Bukhari 5134 People can agree to be kind to the poor without becoming Muslim because Islam has the concept of Jakat. And yet every mullah, be it Joker Naik or some other local one, strawman and scapegoat non-muslims because "Oh look Islam has the concept of being kind to the poor, that means non-muslims are not kind to the poor"
Apparently India has put it's export of onions to Bangladesh on a hold until March https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGInuhPKFk0 (probably being petty over the recent cricket worldcup or smth kek, we literally have India-BD flamewars in FB over Bangladeshis cheering India's loss at the semi-finals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBhWqNQJMZE) At first prices spiked to almost 200/- to 300/- a kilo. Now, The Indian onions are rotting in trucks stuck at the border, almost several hundred tons are rotting according to reports. Meanwhile, Bangladeshi farmers saw the oppurtunity and have had their first successful harvest of onions which they have sold at a good profit and are ramping up production until the ban lasts..
>>4255 I literally can't stop laughing at this, subcon politics are something else.
>>4256 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF4zmzKW3dQ apparently BD's demand for onions are 30 lakh tons. we grow 25 lakh tons and import 5 lakh tons from India. Local syndicates here have raised the price of onions after getting news of India's ban. Sheikh Hasina has ordered a crackdown on the onion syndicates, the crackdowns went so hard prices came down to a reasonable level within like a week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3K8LeK1Y_U
>>4257 Are the syndicates related to opposition parties by any chance ?
>>4260 the syndicates are just retail/wholesale sellers who want to profit off of an artificial shortage, there's (probably) no politics involved
>>4262 On the contrary, a huge part of politicians job is to help trade lobbies. 5 Lakh tons of Onion is no joke for a trader lobby. Remember, it is never 1 vote per person. That is the illusion. It is always 1 vote per $. Therefore, economics dictate politics. Populist arguments are just illusions. It seems like a small favour, done to swing votes.
>>4274 India initiated the ban, and the timing matches up perfectly with the BD-India cricket flamewars. I still think it's some seething govt. higherup that did this, because taking into consideration how emotional and petty people of this subcon are, it's a good possibility. Besides, if you think India/BD or some other entity truly did it out of malice, or to screw with the upcoming elections, there are bigger fishes to fry. https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/041223-bangladesh-receives-first-gasoil-delivery-via-new-india-bangladesh-pipeline
>>4276 Indian news is saying it's to bring the prices of onions down for votes. This lines up with the previous rice ban. https://indianexpress.com/article/political-pulse/facing-heat-from-farmers-oppn-shinde-govt-in-a-double-bind-over-centres-onion-export-ban-9071189/ Apologies for the shitty interface Tbh, I don't think it's a bad idea to try and keep food prices as low as possible. Farming in India is completely corrupt in any case, like in BD run by cartels, only these cartels are fully legal. >rotting at the border Makes sense given how retarded the food industry is in India. Something like 40% of produce is wasted, a large portion of that is likely due to shitty transportation infrastructure and supply chain inefficiencies.
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>>4276 Its not to screw govt but to help Hasina pacify some internal lobbying. Anyway, that is an educated guess. Govts don't give a flying fuck about cricket or flame wars. >>4279 Makes sense. Win win for both. Reforms will come anon. Govt is already targeting entities with precision unimaginable before. With Soros also on the fall as well as the petrodollar, a lot of cleanup is coming. Modi has a very public softspot for the sikh lobby and wanted to pacify them. They made their stand clear. Now GOI actions are hurting them quiet hard.
Just need to make it through till Friday now. Then time off till end of month.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJKakbbn3yA YT recc'd me this, very based boomie grandpa
>>4281 >Govts don't give a flying fuck about cricket or flame wars. I will still maintain my cricket headcanon, too funny to discard kek
>>4286 Whatever keeps you entertained. Enjoy it. But don't project it outwards. >>4285 Respect is earned. Parents and teachers who demand it using physical force are stupid. This video has lot of truthpills for subcon youngsters. I don't agree with everything, but sadly there are lot of bad parents and families which do this.
>>4285 > urban naxal cringe sepoy bs > content I said this before too. Being shameless is very important to succeed in life. My own success is a consequence of not listening to authority and doing what seemed wrong to everyone else.
Most people are entirely characterless. The only thing that matters is self-discipline. "A man can harmonize with the powers of his time or he can stand against them. This is secondary. At every point he has the opportunity to show how he has grown."

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