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/INDIAN COMFY GENERAL/ मित्र 01/01/2024 (Mon) 13:22:48 Id: a1fbdc No. 4747
share about your experiences no matter how old they are which gives us insight about comfy middle class life of india ,I am not trying to romanticise the hardships faced by some of you ,it's just that there was something about the time between 2007-18 that was so comfy ,share your school experiences if any ,a old picture that doesn't give out your identity is mandatory with the story.
>>4759 I started with Champak, Tinkle etc. Graduated into Nagraj, Doga, Capt Dhruv etc. Eventually got into novels, literature etc. Reading in libraries was peak comfy. My school had a good library, that was the best part. Used to bunk classes and read. Teachers did not complaint because I used to score enough, so they would leave me alone. >>4777 Animax was amazing. I did not have it at home, but at friends place, it was a revelation to me. >>4778 DD had some good stuff. Shaktiman had some good stories, Captain Vyom was nice and Chutti chutti, I used to look forward to. I got access to movies and stuff when CD rental shops became common. I used to get a CD and watch it on family PC after my 12th and before Khalej started.
>>4747 My rich-fag friends had image to maintain. Being middle class or just one level above chapri, meant I had no expectations. This was very freeing. Play and get dirty, no worries. Wear poor fag clothes and no one has expectations. The only painful part was grills, but you get over that pretty fast when your problems are more immediate and real. There was a dignity that people had back then, not extended to everyone ofcourse. Being non rich fag meant you enjoyed heavy community ties (has bad side too, but overall comfy). Now everything is hyper capitalist.
in general for me it was waking up at 6 am and going to bus stop at 7:30am for bus. lol i remember from this how my parents didnt give me 10 rupees for canteen whenever i asked them like we would go bankrupt despite them earning 1lpm above, so after school it was sleeping for 2 hrs or watching cartoon then homework, due to this regularity i used to come at first place in every grade till 9th class, after dinner it was just some walk with my father and brother on our daily walking route, then by max to max 10 pm i would be asleep, on holidays it was mostly going to my nani house which was close to ours to play cricket with my cousin, it's actually surprising to me when i am writing this that i never felt lonely at that time despite having quite same social life like it wasnt much different it was more social than now but still i think present is better, going to mall in those times till 2015 i think was considered as outing now i live in a city with different malls but i am not even interested anymore.
>>4816 quality of people is better than quantity. I think when people are in school they don't realize that, I always felt left out. I've only recently realized that bad company is worse than no company, and the people you associate with are a reflection of yourself. >>4793 Indians seem to have gotten alot greedier and perverted in the last few years tbh. There is going to be a booming sex trade in India (probably catered to by the diaspora) as soon as Zoomers start entering adulthood. Very sad, but we will see who are worthwhile people and who are essentially subhuman. I've noticed it here too. I went to a school with a large wealthy-poor divide, and the WASPs and wonderbread wops all seemed to have some sort of self loathing. Money raises standards and makes the ability to miss them easier. Once you start measuring things by your parents success you've just halted your own development as a person imo. >>4769 Also diluted communities. Most begin to cater to the most benign types of people as they flood in. Noticed that in metal, everyone started to be a copypaste of a cliche. >>4747 This is a comfy thread, so I will share some comfy moments from the holidays. Big rainstorm over the last few days. I love going for walks in a downpour, listening to music in the dark and not running into anyone. The parks feel almost sacred then and I feel at ease, really able to think deeply without having to interact with people. Canadian cold is quite nice. Some warm tea and a blanket while you watch or read is very comfy. Having a cold face and a warm body is one of the most enjoyable things. I used to love kissing my ex during snow storms since her cold lips felt so nice. Had some good hangouts with friends recently. I hate going out as a group, one on one interaction is so much more enjoyable for me. Funny how during high school I hated it and now I realize how much easier it was than life afterwards. Easy romances, easy work, no responsibility. I'll share some old pics in awhile. I'm not sentimental and don't really hold onto them tbh.
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>>4922 now beauty is identified with fat filler lips and bimbo looks ,kim family has ruined the world for good ,I miss the simplicity of 2000-2012 ,girls used to be decent and simple ,comfy to talk to ,you could hold conversations in metro without being seen as a creep ,that 2012 delhi case ruined it for whole country to even talk to a random female ,the things will go back to normal as memory is bubble but it will take time .
>>4925 > Indian men rapists Its a media psyop, that our women willingly buy into. Overall, I agree and see your point. Modern Indian women I cannot look at, let alone talk to. If we have to take the same lift, I wait and let them go alone.
>>4934 They always say Indian but never religion...
>>4938 Even taking Muslims into account, the rape per capita is quiet low. Westoids are useless when it comes to dealing with Islam. I cannot take them seriously. That said, this is a comfy thread. Will do some comfy posting tomorrow when I feel better. Indian men and Indian origin men are quiet good objectively. I have seen what European men have to offer. Lookism aside, we win.
>>4816 This was a very profound post. Thank you anon. There is a lot in this to unpack for me. > i never felt lonely at that time despite having quite same social life This line is very meaningful and true. It is my bias, but I find the middle class grind to be meaningful. With GOI taxing the middle class to death and economic stressors, this reality would be different now. But the middle class grind felt like Sisyphus to me. I don't believe social mobility is real, 12th Fail and other movies are lies, sold to keep the population hopeful and working. Reservations are more of the same. But the point is, this grind, the satisfaction of the grind and the morality of , we will be content within our means, these are my dearest childhood memories and what I received from my parents as wealth (there wasn't much actual wealth lol hence maybe my bias). Once you enjoy the grind (has to be balanced with reward) and get into a flow state for a goal, it is truly comfy. In comparison, actual wealth is boring beyond a point. Luxury vacations are boring. Doing nothing or indulging in pleasure, gets boring really really fast.
https://www.youtube.com/@ajaypandey this man is living my dream life
>>5006 >comfy income >resident in non shithole >qt non-whore gf >bikebro >away from bitch ass family
>>5003 >But the middle class grind felt like Sisyphus to me. Back then in 2010s, studying felt like a need now it feels forced, back then it was ideal to study for long hours for me but then even giving 2 hrs in jee became depressing for me, for me it was access to social media which altered my brain to believing what i saw and feeling FOMO and thus resulting in anxiety and constant state of emptyness,also i was pretty lonely during that time which still i am in college but here somebody might say hi to me and i am more focused as i am not rotting in house pretending to study but actually studying.
>>5003 >Once you enjoy the grind (has to be balanced with reward) and get into a flow state for a goal, it is truly comfy. I agree with this, social media has made us believe that we need to be dopaminemaxxing 24 *7 which is what results in different problems in zoomers. most people consider studies as a burden because it wont give them that dopamine now.
>>4922 >quality of people is better than quantity. I think when people are in school they don't realize that, I always felt left out. I've only recently realized that bad company is worse than no company, and the people you associate with are a reflection of yourself. I agree, its better to be mostly alone and do your thing than being with bunch of subhumans with no sight in mind.
>>5009 this, except i never caught on to social media so the FOMO came from taunts and comparisions from friends and family instead. still hard to believe i was pulling all nighters like nothing just 4 years ago
>>5010 >>5012 When I was young, IIT's were starting to get exaggerated, but did not have the full blown cult status yet. Kota was unknown. Or maybe I was not in a big city. Point being, we accepted our potential and only did a grind suitable to it. My friend accepted that he would run his fathers saree shop and never bothered beyond passing, though he was not dumb. One studied beyond that for fun. It could be porno comics or maths or literature. A lot of uncles and aunties were amateur poets, writers, etc. An aunty with a PhD in maths gave up a career to make ladoo's for a living. > Dopamine maxxing Social media allows people to dumb themselves down. It allows them to drown the voices in their heads and populate it with what is going on outside. >>5007 Nice man. A great way to live. Chase what you love. >>5011 I was lucky to be taken under the wing by great people. I have not really lived upto the ideals they trained me for. >>5009 The gurukul system was truly good. Staying home and stoodycelling is destroying generation upon generations.
>>4747 >>4747 https://youtu.be/GSGGsJzPt-k This show needs to be AI enhanced for 4K HDR.
>>5012 Street aunty culture is AS damaging to India AS saas bahu serials and big boss.
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>>5018 the good ol dvd times ,my father didn't opt for cable network but we had dvd in our house he brought hindi dubs of foreign animated films and some bollywood movies ,the movies I watched >dhamaal >de dana dan >prince (vivek oberoi one) >ra.one >madagascar >finding nemo >udaan (didn't understood it at that time except the opening scene ,watched it years later and a poem from this movie still stick with me after so many years) Zid ka tumhare jo parda sarakta ,khidkiyon se aage bhi tum dekh paate, Aankhon se aadaton ki jo palken hatate toh tum jaan lete main kya sochta hoon
>>5022 aunty culture is worse, atleast u can turn off a tv
>>5017 the competition is bad tho, even for fkn ldc grade jobs apparently seems like applicants have doubled in the last few years, wtf is up with corp hirings ?
>>5036 Not the thread for this, but my feeling is - Lot more people with formal degree's now - Before Modi, manufacturing was down. It is growing , but not fast enough to absorb people. - People who dream of govt job, wouldn't compromise and look at more realistic professions. It is at a point where a degree is almost useless. >>5035 True. >>5029 I got to get rental VHS/VCD after my +2 while waiting for results. Got to see lot of kino's. Before that, one movie a year, which parents used to choose. Would be some cringe, Biwi number 1 Pardes Criminal (relatively better movie, that has aged terribly now) Aparichit was the one different one, that my friend showed me and it was mindblowingly good for the time. I also got a VCD of Abhay and loved it. India doesn't make enough non romantic content.
>>5036 >>5073 I'll add on, there is still far too much regulation and corporate taxes are egregiously high. India's is 30% while the Asian average is just below 20%. This also doesn't include other tax burdens etc. India's more successful Asian competitors have far less regulation and corporate taxes that are half that of India. The government is really hamstringing job growth imo.
Food wise, what has changed for you guys from comfy times to now ? >>5080 Idea for a different thread. Though I think we talked about this. Currently only 6% pay tax's, that is why direct and indirect tax's are high. As more people enter the formal fold, the overall tax rates will fall. BJP has an internal target of 14%.
>>5093 >Food wise, what has changed for you guys from comfy times to now ? I became more aware so started avoiding streetslop more and fried food from outside unless it's in a good restaurant.
>>5093 >foodwise I used to consume less slop during my growing years from street side thelas and only used to visit shops because they were dirt cheap in the town I grew up but then I moved to the wrost place you can imagine i.e delhi the food prices are exburant here and only road side thelas seem affordable but I don't eat much frequently from them ,just 15-20 times in a year and avoid my cravings
There were a lot more regional and seasonal fruits, berries etc when I was younger. In bigger cities it is tough to find them now. Food has also become relatively uniform across regions. Most gravies now taste the same and so does the sambhar/dosa batter. Species of rice, bananas etc are missing. Basmati tastes very different now. >>5107 >>5101 Makes sense. Took me time to get over my addiction to slop. My work in India did not pay overtime, but did pay for food without questions asked. And I did overwork a lot. Picked up habit of eating late.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uWyPZnn5JX42cFJ70iyYIiYW1Qvec3gs From times when Rehman was not a total chuth. In quality that makes your cassettes shy.
>>5135 I can hear details I couldn't before. As much as I miss cassettes, they had fuck all quality.
the comfiest memory i have is from back when i was in 2nd standard. it was in the beginning of the summer vacation. my mom had put the mattres out in the sun resting on two opposite chairs so it made a parabola like shape in the middle. i ran from the door and jumped on to the mattress and it wrapped around me. it felt really nice and i fell asleep there. my mom then dragged me with the mattress under the badam tree near our home and i still rememeber the smell of that old mattress, the nice summer breeze, chidiya kaua noises and how cool the land was under the shade of that tree. i have never experiemced anything like that again. a few days ago i looked at my childhood home through street view and now theres a fucking massive concrete road going through the middle of the ground in front of my home. everyrhing has been paved with those ugly yellow red blocks and the badam tree had been cut to make space for car parking. it just doesnt feel same anymore. i cant recognize the places i habe spent my childhood at. from my hometown to my school to the roads. everrything is unfamiliar.
>>5192 I don't like the progress that we are embarking on. But our population needs homes, the concept of planning doesn't exist in India. We don't preserve our tree's and forests or our real heritage. > badam tree > sleeping under open skies Comfy as fuck. I miss being carefree.
>>4747 Somehow the quality of Indian sweets changed. Or I just lost a taste of sugar. The oil they use to make sweets now is disgusting, even makes dalda look good. Sweets were a rare treat when I was young, but each time I got some, it was amazing.
>>5297 I had the same exact reaction recently Roshgollas don't feel like roshgollas anymore, feels like i am chewing paper made out of rubber I thought it was only me
>>5299 Fuckkkkk. Haven't had good rasgulla's its been forever. There is a Bangaldeshi store , I will try there the canned ones. Don't know if they are any good. Last time I tried them, they were plasticy.
>>5305 >they were plasticy. same here they used to taste alright about 3-5 years ago
This a pencil in this bottle an envelope and A government office

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