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blog#4 मित्र 01/29/2024 (Mon) 05:50:17 Id: 240f87 No. 5352
no version of indiachan were enthusiastic about automotive. Whys that? because average anon is home dwelling autist? Anyway really feel sad about the situation of automotive in india. We have absolutely nothing. Sure we have few things like new scorpioN but its not m340i which by the way attracts 40+20% tax because boomer thinks protectionism is the way to grow home market. The 2w home market thrived despite having so tiny amount of protectionism. So, boomer retards should think about how less protectionism would effect the 4w market than just being NPCs. I just want to drive a miata man. Mahindra has an engine that feels alive and responsive. The 2.0L petrol mStallion. They just need to develop a chassis. Put some seats in it and sell it for <20 lkhs. Having driven the new scorpioN, i say mahindra is capable of developing good chassis. It would be indias first true enthusiast car Thank you for reading my blog. You patience was appreciated.
>>6256 That looks pretty sweet.
>>6256 Such a car would need proper staff to clean and maintain it. Chotu with his dirty cloth will destroy it. Not enough to have money to buy it. You need expensive upkeep too
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>>6319 Wow. This is really impressive and scary ! I will have the opportunity to drive a Mercedes soon on African roads. Don't know what to expect. Hopefully nothing like this.
>>6380 It's actually illegal to turn your lights off. It's a camera glitch. Remodeled after initial _d 'blind attack ' Why are going to afrika
>>6399 Bangalore North people used to do this. Turn off lights when police would come but keep driving. I've still not seen initial D Negotiating a contract for my employer. Germans are not popular at the moment in Africa. Added some personal days before and after
>>6401 Kek based It's been only used once in race around ww1 era. His teammate was cruising so the guy turn off his headlight so he doesn't see it coming. Then passed to win.
>>5352 Are electric scooters worth buying if budget is under 1 lakh ?
>>6414 It won't work now with street lights. But even smugglers do this when going via village or border routes along Rajasthan.
>>6416 yes if you want it just for city commute. 15 km cost ₹5 in electricity. Although, battery is expensive so when the time comes of changing it, you wont like it. And tho there isnt maintenance cost but the tyres will need replacement more often because torque
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Reckon the Ferrari still has the spirit. Though it was gone with twin turbo v6 296. Tho, still good car but certainly doesn't have charm of F355
I had planned to rent an audi and drive it around in South-Africa, that did not work out and in retrospect was wishful. Kidnappings and extortion of foreigners is way more common in SA than anyone expected. Instead, I ended up in Mauritius on company money, so rented an old Mercedes (sadly digital era, automatic not mannual). This was my first automatic car and it was fun. The car was smooth as butter, under 150 kmph, you don't feel the speed at all and if the car was maintained better, I wouldn't feel it above either. I just cruised on empty roads through fields without any music and got my head cleared. It has been years, since I have driven like that in flow state.I had missed this terribly. It was short but nice, given the country is small, I just did a few laps around the coastline roads and then stopped. Driving in Germany is too expensive and many times not fun due to hidden speed cams that fine you. Back in India, it is impossible to drive in flow state or high speeds, there are scamsters lying on the road everywhere, dying to get hit and extract money.
>>6636 You have some nerve going around touring in SA, I once saw a video where there came this Land Rover in what looked like a rich neighborhood, stopped for a few seconds, put it in reverse and absolutely floored it. Iirc some guys turned up on foot after that. It was unexplainable. Then I went into the comments and people said it was South Africa and the rule there is that if you find a stranger car parked in front of your house, there are robbers in there and you have to get out ASAP Then there was that video of a truck driver being shot at with automatic rifles and while he took evasive action he looked very calm, far from the first time that happened to him and it actually looked like he was expecting it. Driving feels like a chore these days, used to be i was eager to drive a car every opportunity I got. would go for long drives all the time. Highway driving is boring as shit so id go off onto the highway and then look for interesting, smaller roads to turn onto, rinse and repeat till I ended up in the middle of nowhere. Fun.
>>6636 >Back in India, it is impossible to drive in flow state or high speeds I do 60-80 on highways, very comfy speed. From what I understand, flow state is driving subconsciously. Tbh I drive like that all the time. It's very comfortable and calm. I do rev matching and engine braking all the time. Sure I don't leave overtaking and lane changing decisions to the subconscious but it's easy enough
>>6641 Well, not my idea. My boss is desperate for a win. I went along just to see her fave and rub it in that I was right. But it was worst than expected. I suspect that we were followed right from the airport itself and the hotel we had booked was somehow involved. I had made some alternate arrangements, just in case and we ended up using that exactly. The country is not in a good place right now at all. > Highway driving is boring as shit so id go off onto the highway and then look for interesting, smaller roads to turn onto, rinse and repeat till I ended up in the middle of nowhere. Fun Yeah. It has to challenging enough to keep brain engaged at a base level. I used to do the same, but on a motorcycle it is more engaging. > Tbh I drive like that all the time Most of what I did was city driving, which means gear 1, brake, gear 2, back to gear 1 etc. Wait for mess of scooties to sort itself. Drive again etc. Brake hard to prevent aunty on scooter from dying, get abused from her etc. I know eventually you de sensitize from all this and just react, like an animal running in the jungle, but I am not desensitized right now. I feel it all.
>>6647 >city driving This just means driving from one speed breaker to the next one 100m away. i encounter like a dozen of them every day. They are not made because people overspeed, but to appease people coming from adjoining roads who do not have the common sense of stopping and looking before going joining the road. They would rather die than stop for one second. Don't mind their deaths, but problematically, when they do die they leave speed breakers in their wake and sometimes they die under your wheels which is not amusing.
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Haven't been here in a while. Might book m8 competition this year. It ticks all the boxes for me
>>6812 NICE. It is an impressive car. Also cool webm. Unfortunately and ironically, ownership cost in Germany is too high to own such cars. You have to get company insurance, which in itself costs as much as a new mid tier car.
>>6652 Yeah. For me its traffic lights. But its different from city to city, with same experience as the end result, i.e. to keep traffic predictable. It isn't even lack of speed. Dealing with the scooty aunties and underage kids, as well as raging drivers is tiring.
>>6831 Yeh state of insurance is dire out side but then again we pay 100% tax on car 1. Grunty engine 2. Good interior 3. A cruiser 4. Something that can still cut corners 5. Mass produced 6. Better fit and finish
>>6963 You also can only rely on official dealership for parts and maintainance. The issue isn't the cost as much as how it is artificially inflated. That said, if you can pay it, German cars are still the smoothest. Even if I think they won't do well on Indian roads.
>>5352 https://mhhauto.com/Thread-Free-online-resources?pid=2772860&mode=linear the best forum for anything mechanic/car related. hard to get an invite though
>>6974 I found this site a few years ago and was very interested, specifically in the dealer level diagnostic software and other kinds of software too. But then I found out it's basically useless without an invite Iirc I couldn't download anything without a membership
>>6974 Sent them an email. An invite is 30 USD.
>>6977 >>6987 >>6974 This is the old way of doing forums, it attracts only professionals. You can argue this is good or bad. But it does keep the discussion quality good. 30$ is not much for someone in US or a western country. Even then, not very relevant for Indians, the parts, the roads, the conditions are very different.
Have you fags seen new Bugatti Tourbillion. NA v16 Work of art I never had a dream car or holy grail until now. I have one now
>>7053 I have only seen a Veyron once. Its a monster car. Owning and driving it sounds like a real experience. Meanwhile, I was going to make a post about a Swift (gen 1), which I used to like driving a lot lol.
>>7053 https://mashable.com/article/bugatti-tourbillon-car For anyone who is too lazy to google. Very impressive design. Though I am not someone who likes public attention and this car will bring people like flies. To imagine this is a mid !
What is the apocalypse bike and car for India ? Tough, easy to repair, easy to find parts, easy to mod and use with variety of fuels For bikes, the old enfields work with diesel and even alcohol based fuels
>>7107 the Mahindra Thar comes to mind, it's very good on offroad terrain and can be modded easily
>>7107 unironically, picrel.
>>7108 Good suggestion, I have never driven one though. >>7114 In the past yes, now the tractors are as proprietary as newer cars, requiring specific parts and not cross compatible.
>>7056 Gen 1 was good drive. Gen 4 is good as well tho a bit underpowered. Reckon it would be a good toy if you strip out interior >>7060 For a thing like that a bit of inconvenience is worth it. Hell, I would even just park it in living room and drive no more than 1000 km per year. >>7107 For India it's prolly shitzukis Maybe reinforced Omni/eeco Could try mahindras as well
>>6812 Accidentally deleted my 4chin folder. It was 20gb. Webms/memes all gone. Still coping
>>7121 Use some undelete tool retard. Or maybe it's too late. But you might be able to recover some of it still.

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